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Hotels In Bangkok Refuse Blacks And Indians


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I fail to see how this is a problem.

Many bars do not let them in either, because we don't want to drink with them.

I said to a bargirl once, 'Why do you keep the blacks out?' and she said 'Because if Farang see African man, he not come in'.

I said 'Yep, you're right'.

All they do is try and sell me cocaine, and try to 'look after me' on Sukhumvit. It gets quite tiring.

Thanks for your post which reminds us that racism is as widespread amongst Westerners as it is amongst Thais.

One night for a laugh as I was walking around the Nana - Asok area, I decided to simply approach every black I saw and ask for cocaine or weed. Every single one was able to give me info, prices, tell me where to go.

The only reason Africans are there is to commit crime. I'm not speaking from prejudice, I am speaking from experience.

As for the Indians, they're just .. [ 2 words deleted ]

Prejudice...? You...? Who could suggest such a thing...?!

Thanks for your most informative posts. They don't tell us much about Africans or Indians, but they tell us a whole lot about you.

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Regardless of how many black guys on Sukhumvit sell drugs, or how many Israelis in Chiang Mai order a 10B plate of rice and put 20B of ketchup on it, or how many people from Isaan agree to sell their vote, or how many suicide bomb attacks in the world are caused by young muslims from the Arab world - racial profiling, or profiling in any other form, is fundamentally wrong.

I'm surprised that so much of the Thaivisa community, who all have the intelligence to turn on a computer, use the Internet and even type, do not recognise this.

Oh, and as a 32-year-old who has been permanently living here since 23 (and been in great shape the whole time), hayden5650 - you are nowhere near as attractive as you think you are. Thai women believe a husband/bf/whatever has more appeal if they can provide security and stability for them and their family. It took me a while to figure that one out.

"................... racial profiling, or profiling in any other form, is fundamentally wrong."

I can't agree with this statement. When 1 racial group is responsible for nearly every incident of aircraft bombing, and ticket prices and security are increased to overcome this threat, it is an absolute waste of time and security resources checking the wheelchair of an 80-year old Anglo-Saxon woman. Agreed, age and other factors can be just as important, but race should be an important part. If 90% of the threat is from 1 racial group, 90% of the checks should be done on that racial group. If they don't like it, let them sort out their brothers.

Problem is, your suggestion to racially profile is based upon erroneous information and is the underlying problem with all forms of profiling. See the Europol statistics, .6% of all terrorist acts in Europe are perpetrated by Islamist and 6% in the US. You have formed your opinions based upon mass hysteria perpetrated by the mainstream news media and governments who have an agenda supported by such hysteria.


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Disgusting foreigners taking jobs away from Thais ! ;)

How come in this job they don't need work permits, I thought every farang needed a work permit, even to dig weeds in their own garden? :lol:

I have always been curious about this as well. Does anyone know how these foreigners apparently have no trouble staying in Thailand, when it's a huge, sometimes expensive pain in the ass for European or American farangs to do the same? Are they just there illegally and don't care if they're deported? And why do they come in the first place... surely it's not cheap to get to Thailand from wherever they're from, they're obviously poor, and they *remain* poor in Thailand and have to put up with discrimination and so on. I guess it must be *really* bad wherever they're from.*

I'm just ignorant regarding this kind of thing, I guess - while in my mind I can come up with situations where it makes sense for these people to be in Thailand, I'm not sure what the reality is. I also don't quite understand e.g. all the foreign tailors - if the tailors were Thai the whole tailor shop scene would make perfect sense to me, but as it is they're mostly Indian and I don't really get it (didn't stop me from having a suit made, just curious why they bother to come to Thailand).

Of course, in Europe and the US we have the same thing going on, lots of poor people trying to immigrate. They usually are stuck with terrible jobs, or going into the same rackets they get into in Thailand. So it's not like I can't imagine at all why they do it. It still seems rather strange to me in Thailand's case, though, because there seems to be an endless supply of poor Thais who are doing all the low-paying jobs.

* As I typed that I realized the irony of me saying this - I'm currently trying to get a teaching job in Thailand, and while it's something I really want to do anyway, I'd be lying if I didn't admit that part of what motivates me to do it is that there aren't any jobs in the US for recent graduates. That's a little different than trying to go to Thailand so I can sell drugs or be a scam artist, of course.

If you are not actually a teacher, going to Thailand to teach could be considered a scam.

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<br />Who in the right mind would want to share a hotel with Africans?<br /><br />Now i make sure when i check in that no Africans are staying, if the hotel does have a African staying I will just WALK OUT, it's just not worth the HIV risk staying in the same hotel.<br /><br />Thank God the Thais can stand up to the savages.<br /><br />THAILAND DOES NOT WANT COCAINE DEALING SCAM AIDS RIDDEN SCUM LIVING HERE<br /><br />This is my personal choice and I know plenty of higher class farang such as myself who hold the same views.<br /><br />Although I  only stay in  5* hotels I might have to check this Nava hotel out.<br /><br />And I am suprised a African teacher is on this fred, can i ask do you have to take a AIDS test before you work with thai children?<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />One would like to think of the HIV risk<br />
<br /><br /><br />

You describe yourself as high class and you are, a high class bigot.

No, he's not high class, he's a prick. I hope contract something from some western high-class hooker.

Sorry admins, I will rarely stoop to this, but I feel someone should for the greater good.

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imho canadian blacks and east oakland blacks are not kindred spirits. oboma and canadians may be alike though.

Presumably you have met thousands and thousands of East Oakland blacks and thousands and thousands of Canadian blacks. Please post the results of your study showing both similarities and differences. Do not forget to include the breakdown by age group also. Cheers.


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I was refused entry to a hotel in China. They said that 'they don't cater for foreigners' I am white by the way. I felt really bad about this so I can understand Ribkat's feelings. Disgraceful!

Cheers, Rick

This had most likely nothing to do with discrimination, but the fact that they don't know how to cater for westerners and are afraid of loosing face since those places are generally below standard. The cheaper Hotels in China are simply not up to catering for westerners also because no one speaks any English and westerners in general don't speak any Chinese. If you'd approached them in a fluent Chinese dialect, they would have figured you know what you are in for and given you a room.

You wont have this problem at a Sheraton, Hilton ....

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<br />
<br />
<br />Who in the right mind would want to share a hotel with Africans?<br /><br />Now i make sure when i check in that no Africans are staying, if the hotel does have a African staying I will just WALK OUT, it's just not worth the HIV risk staying in the same hotel.<br /><br />Thank God the Thais can stand up to the savages.<br /><br />THAILAND DOES NOT WANT COCAINE DEALING SCAM AIDS RIDDEN SCUM LIVING HERE<br /><br />This is my personal choice and I know plenty of higher class farang such as myself who hold the same views.<br /><br />Although I  only stay in  5* hotels I might have to check this Nava hotel out.<br /><br />And I am suprised a African teacher is on this fred, can i ask do you have to take a AIDS test before you work with thai children?<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />One would like to think of the HIV risk<br />
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> You describe yourself as high class and you are, a high class bigot.<br />
<br /><br />No, he's not high class, he's a prick. I hope contract something from some western high-class hooker.<br />Sorry admins, I will rarely stoop to this, but I feel someone should for the greater good.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

No disagreement from me Pi Sek. ST's post is, I think, the most hate filled I've ever read on TV.

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I was refused entry to a hotel in China. They said that 'they don't cater for foreigners' I am white by the way. I felt really bad about this so I can understand Ribkat's feelings. Disgraceful!

Cheers, Rick

This had most likely nothing to do with discrimination, but the fact that they don't know how to cater for westerners and are afraid of loosing face since those places are generally below standard. The cheaper Hotels in China are simply not up to catering for westerners also because no one speaks any English and westerners in general don't speak any Chinese. If you'd approached them in a fluent Chinese dialect, they would have figured you know what you are in for and given you a room.

You wont have this problem at a Sheraton, Hilton ....

That's part of it, but many hotels are also unwilling to do the paperwork to report your location to the police or are actually under police orders not to admit foreigners. In the latter instance it can be because the police have a financial stake in competing hotels in the area or are trying to keep foreigners in a limited number of locations for sake of convenience if law enforcement activities should actually take precedence over profit-making.

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<br />Who in the right mind would want to share a hotel with Africans? Now i make sure when i check in that no Africans are staying, if the hotel does have a African staying I will just WALK OUT, it's just not worth the HIV risk staying in the same hotel. Thank God the Thais can stand up to the savages. THAILAND DOES NOT WANT COCAINE DEALING SCAM AIDS RIDDEN SCUM LIVING HERE N0! This is my personal choice and I know plenty of higher class farang such as myself who hold the same views.<br /><br />Although I only stay in 5* hotels I might have to check this Nava hotel out. And I am suprised a African teacher is on this fred, can i ask do you have to take a AIDS test before you work with thai children? One would like to think of the HIV risk

Is English your first language? :lol:

Edited by evanson
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I was refused entry to a hotel in China. They said that 'they don't cater for foreigners' I am white by the way. I felt really bad about this so I can understand Ribkat's feelings. Disgraceful!

Cheers, Rick

This had most likely nothing to do with discrimination, but the fact that they don't know how to cater for westerners and are afraid of loosing face since those places are generally below standard. The cheaper Hotels in China are simply not up to catering for westerners also because no one speaks any English and westerners in general don't speak any Chinese. If you'd approached them in a fluent Chinese dialect, they would have figured you know what you are in for and given you a room.

You wont have this problem at a Sheraton, Hilton ....

Although to a certain extent I understand where you are coming from with this post I can not agree entirely. I have been travelling around China for the past 12 years and I have stayed in many hotels in many cities, ranging from 1 to 5 star and have never been refused anything. I always travel with a translator, so the language was not an issue. It all seemed to be a bit strange at the time and even my translator was very surprised at their reaction.

Cheers, Rick

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I fail to see how this is a problem.

Many bars do not let them in either, because we don't want to drink with them.

I said to a bargirl once, 'Why do you keep the blacks out?' and she said 'Because if Farang see African man, he not come in'.

I said 'Yep, you're right'.

All they do is try and sell me cocaine, and try to 'look after me' on Sukhumvit. It gets quite tiring.

I ran out of reds today but will be back tomorrow to give you one.

I know plenty of those white folks who sell drugs also you bigot!

This is not racism. The Africans are there in Sukhumvit selling drugs and pimping their black girls. This is fact.

It is well known that the Africans are there for this reason and this reason alone.

There are no police so they are able to go about their business quite freely and openly.

If you want to jump on someones back make sure you know &lt;deleted&gt; you are talking about.

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I guess it depends on what one calls racism. Growing up in West London during the 70s, I had to deal with real racism that involved literally having to fight for your life with white youths on a regular basis.

Try being white walking through certain parts of London predominantly populated by people of Afro Caribbean/ Somalian/ Pakistani origin in 2010, now that is real racism.

:lol: Real Racism to be called white trash and have a few stones thrown at you? Mate I come from that part of London, not far from Southall. yeah your right there is racism there aimed at the whites but its far from real racism! :blink:

try picking cotton for years on end IF you survive and not get paid but get regular beatings for it. taken away from your homes to work as slaves, now thats real racism. did you ever study history? come forward a few years to London during the 60s and 70s, whats that they called paki bashing! I think whatever you have tried in London 2010 is a lot less than many blacks have gone through over the course of a few hundred years.

I am shocked at the amount of racists there are on this board and yet most of you are screwing Thai girls :blink: the mind boggles.

But ive already shown you to be a liar and fantasist on another thread, with your own quotes so lets take what you write with a pinch of salt.

Do these stats prove real racism for you? come on please answer this question.


And no im not here to screw Thai girls, im here to see and raise my child you ignorant bar crawling whoremonger.

oh would I like to meet you! you know nothing about me but you have already proved yourself to be a racist. and yet you have a child with a Thai. your a red neck as well and I pitty your child and wife.

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I fail to see how this is a problem.

Many bars do not let them in either, because we don't want to drink with them.

I said to a bargirl once, 'Why do you keep the blacks out?' and she said 'Because if Farang see African man, he not come in'.

I said 'Yep, you're right'.

All they do is try and sell me cocaine, and try to 'look after me' on Sukhumvit. It gets quite tiring.

I ran out of reds today but will be back tomorrow to give you one.

I know plenty of those white folks who sell drugs also you bigot!

This is not racism. The Africans are there in Sukhumvit selling drugs and pimping their black girls. This is fact.

It is well known that the Africans are there for this reason and this reason alone.

There are no police so they are able to go about their business quite freely and openly.

If you want to jump on someones back make sure you know &lt;deleted&gt; you are talking about.

It is racism when he will not sit in a bar next to a black guy because he assumes that he will be a drug dealer! &lt;deleted&gt; I am even more shocked at the amount of biggots on TV. filthy &lt;deleted&gt;.

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If one does a review of the postings in the past two years with re-guard to Issan you may not be to sup-prized at the support they give this Hotel and its policy. After all they would like to see additional IM points around Bangkok to keep most Thai's out as well. They are in fact equal opportunity bigots.

Let us review some of the comments:

All women from Issan are buffalo whores

Issan people don't work and want easy money

Issan people are all violent and cannot be trusted

Issan people don't belong down here anyway

Issan people are to stupid to vote

Issan people just want hand outs

On and On

Substitute Black for Issan and see if a search won't pull the same dam_n avatars.

As I have posted a few times in the past. TV sometimes = skinhead.com, but they are entitled to say what they want to say.

I am happily noting that many disagree with them. Progress?

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As for the Indians, they're just .. [ 2 words deleted ]

Agreed on that. :rolleyes:

Racism in general is wrong. But if certain ethnic groups by experience are majorly troublesome:

Certainly, a few pitbull terriers are not aggressive - but would YOU risk it?

On the other hand - observing guys from my own colour...The world could be nice actually. Only, there are all these homo sapiens!

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I reckon among our lovely expats, we get a higher than average (with home countries being the baseline) rate of all kinds of BIGOTS. I considered doing a poll to reflect the specific bigotry targets among our brethren, but even I know that one won't pass the mod smell test. I am sure it would have been a very hot topic, for 5 or 10 minutes anyway.

Oh well ...

Edited by Jingthing
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I am a newcomer to this forum, .....

I am an American, newly arrived in Bangkok. So I am not familiar with Thai law yet. I had assumed that the Thai constitution contained civil rights statutes like in the US where discrimination by reason of race, gender, religion, etc was unlawful. Am I mistaken?

Edited by Lite Beer
Reference to His Majesty the King Edited.
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This sort of comment is disgusting. I thought it was illegal to discriminate on anybody because of their race or religion. It is surely a worldwide human right.

Yes, you're correct, and it would be interesting to know what international agreements (e.g. via the U.N.) that Thailand has signed regarding international human rights.

It is not a human right to stay in any hotel you want...

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I am a newcomer to this forum, .....

I am an American, newly arrived in Bangkok. So I am not familiar with Thai law yet. I had assumed that the Thai constitution contained civil rights statutes like in the US where discrimination by reason of race, gender, religion, etc was unlawful. Am I mistaken? ...

Yes, I believe you are mistaken. You're not in KANSAS anymore, Dorothy.

post-37101-067902700 1286259182_thumb.jp

Next ...

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I am an American, newly arrived in Bangkok. So I am not familiar with Thai law yet. I had assumed that the Thai constitution contained civil rights statutes like in the US where discrimination by reason of race, gender, religion, etc was unlawful. Am I mistaken? ...

Yes, I believe you are mistaken. You're not in KANSAS anymore, Dorothy.

post-37101-067902700 1286259182_thumb.jp

Next ...

Is this place OZ or LOS or perhaps both :)

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What is "liberal" about equal rights?

Nothing. But that isn't what the cry was about, it was outbursts that 'racial profiling' automatically would be racist.

And that is nonsense.

And so we are clear, it is not race per se they judge a person on. It is just easier to point against instead of cultural background, presumed income etc etc.

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It's the same in Blighty, in the States, wherever . . . whites do the most kiddie fiddlin' . . . period.

Well in thailand it just happens to be thai(s), so you are indeed wrong.

Well I guess that being in the majority, that would more than likely be the case but the whites are over-represented when considering their number in this country. That says a lot. It's in their fuggin' DNA, man . . .

There you have it, folks. Racial profiling at its most positive. Rather unpleasant wouldn't you say?

Racial profiling based on actual experience is understandable as apart from racial profiling [or in your case, racism?] based on fairy tales.

Hotels are into making money.

Why would they reject customers that behave well, always pay their bills without a hassle and check out on time?

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I fail to see how this is a problem.

Many bars do not let them in either, because we don't want to drink with them.

I said to a bargirl once, 'Why do you keep the blacks out?' and she said 'Because if Farang see African man, he not come in'.

I said 'Yep, you're right'.

All they do is try and sell me cocaine, and try to 'look after me' on Sukhumvit. It gets quite tiring.

Thanks for your post which reminds us that racism is as widespread amongst Westerners as it is amongst Thais.

One night for a laugh as I was walking around the Nana - Asok area, I decided to simply approach every black I saw and ask for cocaine or weed. Every single one was able to give me info, prices, tell me where to go.

The only reason Africans are there is to commit crime. I'm not speaking from prejudice, I am speaking from experience.

As for the Indians, they're just .. [ 2 words deleted ]

seems like that's a dangerous pastime..... if ones not careful I think it could lead to a stay in the hoosegow.

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I personally, don't have any problem with racism... I don't see how society can expect to tell any free thinking person what they are allowed to think...

I have a bit of a problem with the racism directed by this hotel at an African American (as I believe it is correct to call them now) because, it is unlikely that he is likely to be part of the same group who ARE selling drugs, and scamming tourists on Lower Suk... It is unlikely the hotel has any experience with African Americans not paying the bill... It is unliklely the hotel has experience with African Americans using the hotel as a place to sell drugs or engage in organised crime... It is unlikely that the hotel has any experience of African Americans at all...

If the hotel has a legitimate reason to exclude African American's because in THEIR experience, they are trouble, then they should be allowed to think that and have a stated policy that is the case... people who don't want to patronise a hotel that excludes Africans and Indians should be allowed to make an informed decision...

Many Thai girls are racist to Indians... I took some Indian colleagues to Soi Cowboy, and the guys couldn't even get a girl to sit with them for a drink... is it racist, sure... do I expect that I should be allowed to force the girls, despite their experience that Indian guys smell bad and don't leave good tips, to still have to give them a chance to prove this again? no, the Indian guys need to know that this isn't the place for them, and go somewhere they are welcome, and leave the girls to 'service' customers their experience gives them more positive outcomes... Funnily enough, some girls, generally, just don't find African guys, or Indian guys, or White guys, or Thai guys attractive... for whatever reason... is that wrong???

Sure, most racism stems from being stupid or uneducated... took at the RIDICULOUS post about AIDS above... what a MORONIC thing to say!!!... but if you are educated, have experience of your own, and still decide you don't want to associate with a certain race, don't want to patronise a hotel where they stay, or don't want to run a hotel where they stay, you should be allowed to think and act like that without fear...

My best mate is a Muslim Paki, and my other best mate is an Aussie Aboriginal... funnily enough, they both share pretty much the same racist views as me... some races, or groups within races, produce an over representation of scum, and it is best to avoid them where you can... You can't outlaw free thinking... (unfortunately, you can't outlaw stupid either, don't stay in a hotel that allows black Americans because of AIDS, MORONic)...


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And you Yanks should get off your high horse. Weren't you the most recent owners of slaves in the western world?


A tad off topic, but, the Europeans have a far shorter history with slave trading than the African and Arab cultures, which both have a far longer history with the lucrative slave trade .

Even today in Africa, there are slave descendants who are still regarded as being in bondage, to their local chief/owner. So actually the US is not the most recent slave owners.

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There is a big difference between private feelings and behavior and PUBLIC policies. The question here is whether a building offering rooms for rent to the public should be acting on higher principles of fairness than mere individuals. In the west, we generally think they should.

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<br />Who in the right mind would want to share a hotel with Africans? Now i make sure when i check in that no Africans are staying, if the hotel does have a African staying I will just WALK OUT, it's just not worth the HIV risk staying in the same hotel. Thank God the Thais can stand up to the savages. THAILAND DOES NOT WANT COCAINE DEALING SCAM AIDS RIDDEN SCUM LIVING HERE N0! This is my personal choice and I know plenty of higher class farang such as myself who hold the same views.<br /><br />Although I only stay in 5* hotels I might have to check this Nava hotel out. And I am suprised a African teacher is on this fred, can i ask do you have to take a AIDS test before you work with thai children? One would like to think of the HIV risk

Is English your first language? :lol:

An African sounds better , whats your native language Sir ?

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