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Hotels In Bangkok Refuse Blacks And Indians


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Apology accepted.

Thank You :)

And hel_l no I'm not defending ANY Drug Pusher, African or otherwise. If I had it my way every country in the world would have Saudi Style justice on drugs.

Let the head of EVERY drug pusher roll, equally and without regard to the colour of his or her skin, passport, or what ever Gods they worship...let em pray too them on the way to the chopping block, I say.

But what I don't like is this racial profiling bullshit.

If I looked at every time I was called a nigger by some racist white, or every time my father was, or his father, or his father before him, by your standards I would have enough ammo to hate all white people forever and profile everyone of them as a bigot.

What a fool I would be, and how much would I have missed out on in life for being so narrow-minded.

Are their drug dealers selling drugs on Suk? Sure as hel_l. Are some of em Black? Definitely, Are some White? damm straight... are the most of them Thai? Ofcourse.

But whites love to profile us because we stick out down there, irregardless that we are a very small minority here.

They do pretty much stand out in Sukhumvit because of their style and attitudes. They dont really have style though, they wear casual street clothes, jeans trainers smart t-shirts baseball caps mostly. but their clothes look new lol. they look like they may have just done a runner from Robinsons changing rooms lol.

And thet have a "keen" and alert look about them, they'll look at you long to suss you, and theyre probably high too....

Man I dont profile anybody at all. There are good and bad folk in all nations and cultures and races etc. if you took a 1000 people from each culture of say whites, blacks, asian, arab etc you would have similar percentages of saints and sinners in each. A persons race doesn't make him a certain character, it's background and experiences that make a persons character.

Nigerians are getting a lot of very bad press these past years for all the international crimes they are committing e.g. internet fraud scams and kidnapping merchant shipping and piracy.

I don't know if the Sukhumvit African boys and girls are Nigerian but they are all over here from Africa doing their street business in Sukhumvit every night. Quite a lot now and they like to hang out in Soi 13, I used to enjoy watching them fight each other but I got bored now. I even spent the night with a lovely sexy African girl from Sukhumvit :whistling:;) She was HOT! :whistling: and very keen to please ;)

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I am amazed that anyone is amazed. This has been going on for years. Some places even have the gall to put up signs barring certain groups.

The GM of a 5 star international hotel in bkk told me that he has been trying to get his staff to treat blacks and Indians courteously without success. They, last year, had a 'secret guest' who evaluated the hotel. He was a handsome 30+ European who was treated very well and gave the place top rating. 6 months later they received a very damning evaluation. Seems they had had a 2nd secret vistor, a fat middle aged Indian woman, whom staff ignored, treated brusquely and stared at. This is a famous 5 star place, which I cannot mention for his sake!!

Anyway it gave him the excuse he needed to whip the staff into shape - hope it worked.

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Hello to all that is discussing this topic.I am a black man living in north thailand and yes,from time to time i have experienced some discrimination here.But,never in Bangkok.I don't go around or book hotel's in the shoddy areas and i don't sell or use drug's.Also,during one of my trip's to Bangkok,i too have been approached by the african scammers asking me to invest money for them.I guess they can tell i am a westerner so,when i just look at them and laugh they leave me alone.I don't go in bar's where i don't feel comfortable and welcome and,i have no problem's.On the other hand i can see that thailand is a very racist country.But,i contribute that to lack of education and the fact that the vast majority have never been outside the country.My,approach is to try and educate them whenever i can talk with one and explain about discrimination.A good thing to note,and that they also discriminate against their own country men if they have dark skin ! In closing i would like to say,that i have met some europeans over here that also discriminate,but,i have met many,many more who don't and are very,very nice people.Including the french.

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Ask most to conjure up an image of a paedophile in Thailand, they'd almost certainly describe one as an obese, sweaty, dribbling, furtive white man wearing sandals with socks.

Odd the image I conjure up as most people here in Thailand is a creepy thai lad normally fiddling with family members or other little ones. :whistling:

Oh really? That's about as believable as saying that I'd've conjured up an image of a little green Martian <_<

Not really hard to image, in our town the other day the police took away a monk for sexing a 12 year old girl, may have started when she was 11 - I guess you don't need to be Catholic for that ether. Then there was the one on I saw on TV they picked up for luring young girls to his room to strip for the cam. Well there you go two examples - I guess we know what a Thai pedo's look like now. I am not going to start assuming all Thai monks are pedo's because they wear robes and look alike. Beside white guys with white sport tube socks and sandals just means he is from the mid west.

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The Africans can be a pain in the arse, sure, but they wouldn't be on the streets selling drugs unless there was a demand for their wares. The majority of their customers are Thais followed closely by whites.

The African prostitutes are there because there is a demand for their wares - The majority of their customers are Arabs followed closely by whites.

The hotel incident is a non-event. When I first moved here, I called a place called the "House by the Pond" on Sukhumvit soi 22 as I was looking for an apartment for 6 months or so. I was told on the phone that they had a number of vacant apartments which I could view at my convenience. I turned up and the Thai receptionist nearly fell off her chair.

"No haf loom", she trilled.

"But I called in advance and was told there are rooms available for rent", I replied

I should mention that my skin tone back then was lighter than many Isaan natives as I'd only just arrived from London. It's since, thankfully, gotten darker but at the time, the receptionist was utterly baffled by my British passport. Blacks only come from Africa, you see :whistling: Anyway, the manager came out, apologised for the receptionist's ignorance and proceeded to show me around several apartments which, frankly, were hovels. I made my excuses, left and, for a while was a bit annoyed but, having been here a little longer, I think that any "racism" that foreigners experience here can be more readily attributed to differences in culture rather than colour.

Those in this thread who appear to condone racism against Blacks and Indians in this country would do well to remember that whites are only given a slightly easier time by the Thais on account of their propensity to behave like holiday millionaires. Any second-rate bar and, of course, the hoes therein will tolerate loutish, peasant-like attitudes of men who behave as if they'd never had pussy prior to landing at Suvarnaboom-boom. . . as long as it's accompanied by conspicuous largesse.

The Blacks and Indians DO have money for sure but they're not conspicuous spendthrifts that feel the need to impress fellow punters and the attendant in-house prostitutes with their determination to have a "better time" than everybody else. That's the main reason some Thai establishments refuse to accommodate them.

I've not met a Black or Indian guy destitute in Thailand but I've sure met a lot of whites in that situation. Any idiot can buy respect and tolerance in Thailand but some do seem to pay a higher price than others.

I have not met a black person destitute in Thailand neither.............. then again I have not seen too

many there...................... but go to Hackney, Tottenham, Peckham, New Cross and you will see many.

If you are at a loose end take a hike up to On Nut soi 17 yaek 16.

About 300 yards after entering the soi there are a bunch of condos on the right hand side opposite the 7-11, the name is Condo 77.

When you enter the complex have a look at the sign written in English in the last sorry shop on your left hand side.

After reading the sign have a sit down on the steps outside the enterance to the swimming pool and report back here and let us know what you saw.

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I dont think racism is illegal in Thailand. But this is NOT racism because the hotel has the right to protect their assets and reputation. My experience of blacks everywhere is they are generally violent and many are either selling drugs or using drugs and generally act in very ugly ways with in your face prostitution.

In fact London is a hel_l hole because of the blacks (at night time you will see them shooting up, fighting, openly having sex in allyways, fighting with weapons and being very noisy) and that is one reason why I am happy living in Thailand.

The authorities in the UK have almost no power to uphold the law because of over protective anti racism laws.

The Indians are always complaining and try to avoid paying the full bill when checking out. (Always)

I congratulate the hotel owners for upholding their rights to refuse entry to guests they feel are a liability.

Well done to this hotel. Anyone who thinks blanket anti racist laws protect people they are totally wrong, all it does is give bad people a license to be bad.:clap2:

Another Bigot!


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This whole topic is a little ironic considering the following from Thai government website:

On 21 June 2010, the Fourteenth Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) has elected Thailand, by acclamation, as the President of the Council. Accordingly, H.E. Mr. Sihasak Phuangketkeow, Thailand’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva will assume the Presidency of the HRC for the next twelve months.

Prior to this HRC presidential election, on 13 May 2010, Thailand was successfully elected to the HRC for the first time for the term 2010- 2013, with the second highest vote of support among all 14 candidate countries.

The fact that Thailand has been elected both as a member and President of the HRC clearly reflects the confidence that countries around the world has in Thailand and its human rights policies and standards as well as Thailand’s potential to promote constructive cooperation and dialogue on human rights in international arena. The popular approval for Thailand’s presidency also echoes the faith that states across the world have in Thailand’s leadership potential for the strengthening of the HRC especially at a time when the Council is approaching the review of its status, work and functioning 5 years after its establishment.

In its capacity as the HRC presidency, Thailand will do its utmost to make the HRC a credible and effective body that can make a real impact to human rights situations on the ground. Thailand will also be guided by the principle of reaching out, hearing out and respecting the views of all. This includes forging real partnerships between member states and observer states of the HRC, civil society and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). This will ensure the effective promotion of human rights and that all those in dire need of human rights protection around the world can better be protected by the Council.

The Human Rights Council was created in 2006 as the principal intergovernmental body for human rights within the United Nations system and currently serves as the world’s foremost human rights institution. The HRC has a total of 47 members from every region across the world. The HRC President is appointed on the basis of geographical rotation for a one year term with the current presidential term being the turn of the Asian Group.

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I dont think racism is illegal in Thailand. But this is NOT racism because the hotel has the right to protect their assets and reputation. My experience of blacks everywhere is they are generally violent and many are either selling drugs or using drugs and generally act in very ugly ways with in your face prostitution.

In fact London is a hel_l hole because of the blacks (at night time you will see them shooting up, fighting, openly having sex in allyways, fighting with weapons and being very noisy) and that is one reason why I am happy living in Thailand. The authorities in the UK have almost no power to uphold the law because of over protective anti racism laws.

The Indians are always complaining and try to avoid paying the full bill when checking out. (Always)

I congratulate the hotel owners for upholding their rights to refuse entry to guests they feel are a liability.

Well done to this hotel. Anyone who thinks blanket anti racist laws protect people they are totally wrong, all it does is give bad people a license to be bad.:clap2:

I guess, then, that all the feral white youths in areas like Plumstead, Woolwich, Leyton, Acton and dozens of other parts of London were all at home of evening doing their differential calculus homework rather than stealing cars, beating up their mothers and impregnating 13 year old white trash to get a council flat. Hmm . . . that must mean that the countless hard-working, responsible black folks, including myself, holding down well-paid jobs and living in my old neck-of-the-woods, Notting Hill (one of the most expensive parts of the entire country ), were just a figment of my imagination. <_<

With any good luck, perhaps you'll run into one of those white youths here - there are plenty around soi cowboy in football shirts - and they'll cut you another arsehol_e to shove your head into.

Edited by HardenedSoul
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So ifIf lord Buddha, or Jesus were alive today they'd be thrown out for being Indian and black. Ridiculous. However a hotel or person has a right to be fascist if they wan to be. If I had a hotel I wouldn't let in men who blowdry their hair or anyone over 100 kg unless they had a medical reason.

Edited by saraburioz
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Ok put it this way; If you asked most people to conjure up an image of a drug dealer in Thailand, they'd more than likely describe one as a shifty looking West African or Thai.

Ask most to conjure up an image of a paedophile in Thailand, they'd almost certainly describe one as an obese, sweaty, dribbling, furtive white man wearing sandals with socks.

Thailand does not tend to attract the best of the gene pool from other nations and that includes those from Africa, Europe and the US but of all the crimes and activities being committed/engaged in by those that do come here, paedophilia and the sexual exploitation of young girls in bars by white men who can't get attractive tail in their own countries has to sit at the top of the list of the most disgusting. :bah:

I wouldn't rent out a hotel room to an elderly white man wearing socks in his flip-flops, carrying a suitcase of toys - but having no children - and breathing heavily while licking a lollipop and looking at the kids playing outside. So your point being?

What do you mean, "your point being?" ??

Not that my post was related to the Nasa Vegas issue but if you need it applied to your statement, the hotel refused the rapper because he was black not because they suspected him of being a drug dealer.

As is their right, even if we dislike it.

If that is the case then print it on their web site so they can know in advance and not find themselves on the street. If its a right and good business practice why hide the information. They had a contract with money down and this means a change in condition without notice - it is a breech of contract and you don't have a right to do that - do you? not even in Thailand.

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If that is the case then print it on their web site so they can know in advance and not find themselves on the street. If its a right and good business practice why hide the information. They had a contract with money down and this means a change in condition without notice - it is a breech of contract and you don't have a right to do that - do you? not even in Thailand.

Absolutely. And the payment done in advance needs to be returned from the right source.

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If that is the case then print it on their web site so they can know in advance and not find themselves on the street. If its a right and good business practice why hide the information. They had a contract with money down and this means a change in condition without notice - it is a breech of contract and you don't have a right to do that - do you? not even in Thailand.

Absolutely. And the payment done in advance needs to be returned from the right source.

But if you put them out at the last minute at night without notice there are many other issues. Here's your money so sorry won't cut it, even tough they wouldn't even do that. Plus it turns out the staff didn't even follow the bad rules properly and could have found a way to let them have the room, but didn't follow procedure. It is really a condition that should result in some one being out of a job. If it happens to you someday maybe you will get your mind around the whole issue better. Your saying they had no rights other then their money back later, that is over the top defense of a BS business practice and a poor trained staff that didn't follow procedures and caused a major problems for the customer. Sorry unforgiven here.. If you want the right don't let the room in the first place without making sure the person is good nf for ya. if you make a mistake then don't put them on the street like a bag of trash. Man up.

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Because they just got off a flight 18 hours from the US?. It is not like they had a chance to know this would happen or even know were things are in Bangkok - they don't live in Bangkok. I think a US travel advisory should be issued to warn Black people to be careful when booking online to Thailand and make sure the Hotel will allow them - after all businesses in Bangkok have there rights and we don't want to upset them. In fact I am going to write to Mrs. Clinton tonight. We should do all we can to defend the poor hotel owners and there rights, and make sure no more of these people bother them again by showing up for a pre paid room.

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lol just last night I was chatting to one of my Thai friends, a 17 year old girl. I was telling her how I start playing cricket again in a couple of weeks, as it's spring here it New Zealand, with Summer starting in December.

Pretty much the first thing she said was.. oh wait I can copy n paste it..

"becarefull your skin will get black "


God I love Thailand!

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I dont think racism is illegal in Thailand. But this is NOT racism because the hotel has the right to protect their assets and reputation. My experience of blacks everywhere is they are generally violent and many are either selling drugs or using drugs and generally act in very ugly ways with in your face prostitution.

In fact London is a hel_l hole because of the blacks (at night time you will see them shooting up, fighting, openly having sex in allyways, fighting with weapons and being very noisy) and that is one reason why I am happy living in Thailand. The authorities in the UK have almost no power to uphold the law because of over protective anti racism laws.

The Indians are always complaining and try to avoid paying the full bill when checking out. (Always)

I congratulate the hotel owners for upholding their rights to refuse entry to guests they feel are a liability.

Well done to this hotel. Anyone who thinks blanket anti racist laws protect people they are totally wrong, all it does is give bad people a license to be bad.:clap2:

I guess, then, that all the feral white youths in areas like Plumstead, Woolwich, Leyton, Acton and dozens of other parts of London were all at home of evening doing their differential calculus homework rather than stealing cars, beating up their mothers and impregnating 13 year old white trash to get a council flat. Hmm . . . that must mean that the countless hard-working, responsible black folks, including myself, holding down well-paid jobs and living in my old neck-of-the-woods, Notting Hill (one of the most expensive parts of the entire country ), were just a figment of my imagination. <_<

With any good luck, perhaps you'll run into one of those white youths here - there are plenty around soi cowboy in football shirts - and they'll cut you another arsehol_e to shove your head into.

The feral youths of London, black and white are a product left wing liberal policies. The hard working taxpayer has had to fund feckless young trollops who choose to have babies that enable them to have a life of fecklesss ease on easy street. We've now had 4 generations of these parasites and it is time for compulsory sterilisation and adoption, a reintroduction of the workhouse, corporal punishment and hard labour for men who shirk their parental responsibilities and who take or sell any drugs including cannabis. Unless we bring back the rope for murderers life will become even cheaper than it already is.

No benefits should be available for those who have not paid into the system for at least 10 years. Child benefit should be stopped forthwith as it should not be the responsibility of the public purse to fund the upbringing of a person's offspring. No govt has the courage to adopt these strict measures so the UK will gradually descend deeper into the quagmire from which it will be unable to extricate itself. RIP Britain.

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No statement from the Hotel so this could be a load of baloney.

I have stayed there before and Africans were there when I stayed.

Actually I remember talking to a Liberian in the lift/elevator.

He was asking about what kind of business I was involved in and I said I am on holiday, not here to talk about business, so I immediately started talking about George Weah to move the conversation away from 'business'.

He still tried to get back to business, luckily my floor was awaiting me as the doors of the lift opened.

But I have definitely seen Africans hanging outside near the small water fountain things outside the main entrance.

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Well there you go.....

Checked out NASA website and usually if they ban a particular nationality they say so, nothing found.

Check out nasavega youtube video also posted in this tread way back - They admit everything and site it as Hotel policy i.e. "In the law book" but sure she means in the hotel rules. Video was made following morning when they went back to see the manager. The fact that they don't put information like this on the web site is a part of the whole problem. How from 15,000 miles away are you to know this would happen - its on tape clear as a bell. - end of story

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The feral youths of London, black and white are a product left wing liberal policies. The hard working taxpayer has had to fund feckless young trollops who choose to have babies that enable them to have a life of fecklesss ease on easy street. We've now had 4 generations of these parasites and it is time for compulsory sterilisation and adoption, a reintroduction of the workhouse, corporal punishment and hard labour for men who shirk their parental responsibilities and who take or sell any drugs including cannabis. Unless we bring back the rope for murderers life will become even cheaper than it already is.

No benefits should be available for those who have not paid into the system for at least 10 years. Child benefit should be stopped forthwith as it should not be the responsibility of the public purse to fund the upbringing of a person's offspring. No govt has the courage to adopt these strict measures so the UK will gradually descend deeper into the quagmire from which it will be unable to extricate itself. RIP Britain.

You sound like a bundle of joy!

Before you condemn the youths in London maybe you should look at the youths in Thailand where

murder and prostitution rates are much higher.

Edited by kevozman1
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lol just last night I was chatting to one of my Thai friends, a 17 year old girl. I was telling her how I start playing cricket again in a couple of weeks, as it's spring here it New Zealand, with Summer starting in December.

Pretty much the first thing she said was.. oh wait I can copy n paste it..

"becarefull your skin will get black "


God I love Thailand!

Hope she wasn't 13 when you started knockin' 'er off :lol:

Y'know, I reckon your bigitry stems from the fact that, at some point in the past, a black guy might have slipped your bird a portion and the humiliation you suffered when unable to touch the sides afterwards has left you somewhat bitter. Don't worry though; all you've got to do is emulate the majority of Caucasians and slap on a bit of sun tan lotion, roll around on the beach like a Porkinson banger (or should that be a chipolata) in a frying pan and you might be able to trick your way back into her bed.

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^Some body has a chip on their shoulder by the sounds of it.

If all black men are all such fantastic loving machines then why is it that I had lots

of black london girls chatting me up back in the day??? Irish charm maybe.

As Chris Rock has said in the past, "If you see an attractive black girl with a white guy, you know her credit's bad". Strange that this phenomenon can reproduce itself so accurately some 8500 miles away in South East Asia. :whistling:

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As Chris Rock has said in the past, "If you see an attractive black girl with a white guy, you know her credit's bad". Strange that this phenomenon can reproduce itself so accurately some 8500 miles away in South East Asia. :whistling:

Isn't that as much a generalisation as all black people in Thailand are junkie lords and pimps?

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As Chris Rock has said in the past, "If you see an attractive black girl with a white guy, you know her credit's bad". Strange that this phenomenon can reproduce itself so accurately some 8500 miles away in South East Asia. :whistling:

Isn't that as much a generalisation as all black people in Thailand are junkie lords and pimps?

Of course it is . . . but only because the kind of Thai girl that many white guys tend to hook up with can't usually get credit to begin with. :lol:

Hey, I'm just pissin' about because I'm waiting for a suitable entry point into a short position on the DJIA and it's particularly boring watching the screens today.

Hmm . . . perhaps I should send out some investment scam emails . . .

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As Chris Rock has said in the past, "If you see an attractive black girl with a white guy, you know her credit's bad". Strange that this phenomenon can reproduce itself so accurately some 8500 miles away in South East Asia. :whistling:

Isn't that as much a generalisation as all black people in Thailand are junkie lords and pimps?

Of course it is . . . but only because the kind of Thai girl that many white guys tend to hook up with can't usually get credit to begin with. :lol:

Hey, I'm just pissin' about because I'm waiting for a suitable entry point into a short position on the DJIA and it's particularly boring watching the screens today.

Hmm . . . perhaps I should send out some investment scam emails . . .

I got a few offers recently I could hardly refuse. Shall I pass them on ?

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^Some body has a chip on their shoulder by the sounds of it.

If all black men are all such fantastic loving machines then why is it that I had lots

of black london girls chatting me up back in the day??? Irish charm maybe.

As Chris Rock has said in the past, "If you see an attractive black girl with a white guy, you know her credit's bad". Strange that this phenomenon can reproduce itself so accurately some 8500 miles away in South East Asia. :whistling:

Funny I saw Naomi Cambell with a white dude, pretty sure she has not got bad credit.

Look mate I think we can all tell you have an agenda with white guys. You said you lived in Notting

Hill, probably one of the last places in London where white people are the majority.............. get back

to Brixton you slag................... just joking man.

Anyway I havenot got a problem with black dudes dating what race they want so why do you give

a shit if white guys date other races. So maybe its time to knock that chip off your shoulder or

look up the black panther forum.

By the way Chris Rock is about as funny as a kick in the nuts and definately not worth quoting.

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