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Shocking Levels Of Graft In Thailand


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Here is the sad truth.

All over the world it turns out the strongest advocates against corruption usually have skeletons and demons in their own closet.

Elliott Spitzer...Rudy Guilianni...had sex scandals!

Accidental green. I meant to give you red...what in heaven's name are you dribbling about? What does fighting corruption have to do someone's personal life?

Here is the sad truth.

All over the world it turns out the strongest advocates against corruption usually have skeletons and demons in their own closet.

Elliott Spitzer...Rudy Guilianni...had sex scandals!

Aren't they just the WORST? Fighting organised crime and corruption...whilst - gasp - sleeping with women.

The Spitzer to Giuliani comparison is inane. The only thing Spitzer is known for is creating Wall Street witch hunts, getting his jollies with 5-figure call girls, and resigning from the governor's office in shame and disgrace. Giuliani had an extra-marital affair, but he also put hundreds of wise guys and corrupt cops in prison, paved the way for the rebuilding of mid-town Manhattan, and led New Yorkers through the darkest days of the post-9/11 world. Scum and honor. Quite a difference.

At any rate, I do agree with another poster who suggests that an anti-corruption campaign has to start at the top, with sanction from the very top. Getting around business corruption could be very easy. Just start disqualifying businesses that offer bribes. Yeah, yeah, I know the chances of these things happening in my lifetime are slim, but here's to hoping there is progress sometime soon.

Edited by Spee
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Why so "shocked" and "astounded"? I think some westerners get a little too "precious" and "one eyed" when it comes to corruption.

I left the \UK in 1987 and I can recall that not too long before that there were reports of widespread corruption in the Police force and local government etc. Indeed did we not see a case recently, the ex-wife of the Duke of York receive a substantial sum in cash to "open a few doors".

Worst of all in 1987 I moved to Australia where the level of corruption and graft permeated all levels of government, police, business and judiciary. But eventually , it was exposed and those involved punished and vilified.

The main difference between the UK, Australia and Thailand is that generally corruption is no longer tolerated by the Brits and the Aussies whereas it is still intrinsically engrained into Thai society.

In the past 9 years I have seen all of the various governments announce "crackdowns" on corruption. This was and still remains blatant tokenism.

If there is one place that is a microcosm for all the ongoing ills of Thailand then I choose SuvarnabhumI airport. What goes on there never ceases to amaze me, moreover, the Thai authorities fail to appreciate the subsequent worldwide negative repercussions.

A recent incident begs comparison. If 100 armed men took over 2 car parks at Heathrow or Frankfurt then that would be dealt with as a major breach of security and a potential terrorist threat! Here it is reported as a "business dispute" buy an ever compliant press.

After this would not Al Qaeda regard SuvarnabhumI as a "soft" target where western tourists could be easily targeted?

I just cannot see how a inherently corrupt institution can legislate against itself.

In my instance, I refuse pay the bastards! I can only hope that others may follow my example.









I have to say that this post is a classic example of someone who has absolutely no idea of the extent of corruption in Thailand.

As stated elsewhere comparing country A with country B is a pointless exercise anyhow, but it shows by the comparisons that the poster really will be in for a shock when confronted with a real experience involving corruption in Thailand.

Edited by Deeral
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