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Are You Scared Of Thais ?


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Your sh!ttin me.

Aren't you a tough guy then.

What a nobbish thing to post.

PM me , I'll discus it with you in real life.


Most SMART PEOPLE usually avoid thai confrontation not because they are pussies as you say, but usually because it ends up with multiple thais joining in and beating the living shiite out of you.


Oh really, I was the only Farang in the Soi, and nothing happened to me. I confronted him and I never had a problem after that confrontation.

I was labelled as the crazy Farang, and everybody left me alone.

You need to ensure you have the following items and let your wife(if you have one or g/f) know where they are as she will need to access them soon.

1 Up to date will

2 Good life insurance policy to ensure your wife is well provided for.

3 A video camera so your wife can record what will happen to you soon and the knowledge to upload the video on Thai Visa so we can have a good laugh.

Good health to you sir in your remaining time.

This is assuming of course that this event really did happen and you are not a troll.

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I think after the hotel room thread we can all agree that black people are much more scary than any Thai (or even whitey).

Sillyman. I've seen you write some dam_n witty stuff so when you get like this, I am given to suspect you are in fact Bi-polar. Am I right? :huh:

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It's one thing to be scared, but quite another to show it. I have been in a few tight situations. I'm a skinny, harmless individual, but I never show fear. A few (drunken, I think) Thais have yelled some obscenities at me, and made some moves towards me, but I looked at them like they should think twice and laughed at them. I'm not a brave person, either, but I figure what's the worst that could happen. In a worst case situation, I go into my mentally challenged routine.

What's all the back and forth threats about?

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No need to be scared - physically most foreigners have the advantage, although Thais will probably take a "fight" way more seriously and therefore use anything and react quicker without taking a break to assess what's going on.

Westerners front up and badmouth first to build up anger, which may turns to shoves and then blows...and then they may well stop themselves or have it broken up (and know it). Fight in Asia and be ready for your opponent(s) omit the shouting and REALLY set out to want to hurt you even on the floor. If you're prepared for that then go ahead. Sometimes fights get broken up, sometimes they don't - I've seen half of each. Bystanders with any confidence will judge who the aggressor is or who is in the wrong, and then back up the victim...farang, thai or whoever. If they're uncertain they're likely to leave it alone for a while or split it up.

What many foreigners don't do is assess their surrounding before they say and act like they want to fight. The other chap may well have a fair few supporters watching, and see the farang loudmouth being the aggressor.

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The other chap may well have a fair few supporters watching, and see the farang loudmouth being the aggressor.

I wouldn't think there are too many Thais who would get in a ruck with a foreigner with knowing they've got a few supporters behind them.

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The other chap may well have a fair few supporters watching, and see the farang loudmouth being the aggressor.

I wouldn't think there are too many Thais who would get in a ruck with a foreigner with knowing they've got a few supporters behind them.

Without supporters I guess you mean?

I think your right there, most of them would rather just shut up and pretend nothing is happening. But if a foreigner was to have a go at the wrong one chances are the Thai would come back another time with back up, or at least a tool. So at the end of the day is it worth the risk? Probably not!

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