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Don'T Call Yourself Khun


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In 17 years I have never heard a Thai refer to themselves as Khun ****, It is a form of address made to a second party where the person is not familiar to the speaker. In cases where the second person is familiar such as a friend etc....the words for brother, sister, aunty or uncle are generally used.

So if by not using the term Khun when referring to ones self is bastardizing the Thai language, there must be a lot of Thai Bastards around.....mmmmmm not going any further with that one!! :blink:

I've just had a phone call from a Thai guy, he introduced himself as 'Khun ....... calling from ........'

17 years you say?!

Yes 17 years.....thats two lots of fingers and seven toes.... :rolleyes:

I can't remember hearing a Thai refer to themselves as "Khun" either (20 years). :unsure:

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So, I just got arrested for calling a policeman Mung Lieutenant..

I then met his Senior Officer who I referred to as Nong Colonel, that didn't go too well either.

The Junior recruit who I referred to a Phi Constable asked me my name and I replied Khun Jim (apparently wrong tone).

Apparently I was then just let off for being a complete dimwit... I'm going to have to Call Khun Bob for advise on this one.....

Very good. biggrin.gif

After getting his advise dont forget to thank him, I believe,

khop jai nong will be appropriate.

If you want to impress the nice lady at immigration you can also use this phrase, make sure she has stamped your extension before being dumb enough to actually use it.

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Know someone whose missus address him as Khun .... what a f'kin carry on. Those Thai lasses that refer to their man as honey/darling is also overly cringeworthy.

Now now, credit where credit is due.

These girls may be a lot smarter than most imagine, by refering to their latest tee rak as honey/darling they dont need to worry about be caught out (should that be with their pants down?) by using the wrong name from the string of studs in their stable.

Have a greenie, cringeworthy as you said.

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Know someone whose missus address him as Khun .... what a f'kin carry on. Those Thai lasses that refer to their man as honey/darling is also overly cringeworthy.

I dont know, Mrs Soutpeel has addressed me as Khun T on more than one occasion....

Any farang who refers to themselves as either "Khun" or Arjan should be deported for being mentally unstable or is it a case their self-esteem is that low ?

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The Japanese end their names with san, so what is wrong with Khun?

Japanese friends call me Lindsay san, Thais call me Khun Lindsay.

Takes a tosser to know a tosser.

Some people just don't want to try very hard to be polite.

so to be polite you use Nong ( for someone older then you ) or Pi ( for some younger then you ) ....

It is the other way round

I suspect Boater has been creating much laughter with Thais with his confusion. Or perhaps it is part of a politically based one man campaign attempting to undermine the dominant social paradigm?!? :whistling:

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The Japanese end their names with san, so what is wrong with Khun?

Japanese friends call me Lindsay san, Thais call me Khun Lindsay.

Takes a tosser to know a tosser.

Some people just don't want to try very hard to be polite.

It is fine if they call you Khun....the issue here is people calling themselves Khun.

Keep up please ;)

Sorry I don't see the difference. Yes I call myself Khun Lindsay if I am asked by a Thai, especially when it comes to business greetings.

Depends on years in Thailand etc. My boyfriend always asks me when he calls "who is speaking"? To which I will reply Khun narak poot kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa:)

There is an obvious difference - especially to Thais. They will consider you to be a dick-head.

They decide if you are "Khun" not you. That is what 'they' are saying not me. I just referred to myself as "Khun Cardholder" and they p!ssed themselves laughing.

They will consider you to be a dick-head? Boy your hanging out with the wrong Thais from Silom & Khaosan road.

I have never had any Thais tell me not to in fact they like it when I refer to myself as khun as to be more Thai than Farang. Which I am.

That's why they laugh with you not at you.

tasan's Blog

Edited by LindsayBKK
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Know someone whose missus address him as Khun .... what a f'kin carry on. Those Thai lasses that refer to their man as honey/darling is also overly cringeworthy.

Actually when I meet aquaintances and colleagues wives that don't refer to them as khun .... I think it very strange.

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They will consider you to be a dick-head? Boy your hanging out with the wrong Thais from Silom & Khaosan road.

I have never had any Thais tell me not to in fact they like it when I refer to myself as khun as to be more Thai than Farang. Which I am.

That's why they laugh with you not at you.

Despite a hundred posts telling you that you are wrong - you persist.

I think the OP's topic description sums you up perfectly.

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How can you possibly be more Thai than farang if you can't speak thai.?why not listen to us who have been here decades and speak Thai who tell you you are wrong- Thais DONT refer to themselves as khun.

What's wrong with Silom Road ?

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I have never heard anyone call me khun and i have never used this word before someones name . everyone here likes to call me pee leon . that sounded really funny to me for a while . or nong leon . depending on the persons age of course thats calling me . answering a phone with khun xxxx would be a bit silly alright .

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My GF calls me Khun Mark and I call her Khun Jim.

My girlfriend calls me a jerkoff and I call her a slut, but we love each other really.

So in your case, the truth doesn't hurt.

Fair play.

Because of the ever dwindling exchange rates, I can no longer afford the real thing, so I have named my right hand Elizabeth and we sleep together every night. Sad but true.

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My GF calls me Khun Mark and I call her Khun Jim.

My girlfriend calls me a jerkoff and I call her a slut, but we love each other really.

So in your case, the truth doesn't hurt.

Fair play.

sillyman....i conclude its impossible then for you to get hurt

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Yes these are the Born again Psuedo Thais,

you know,the ones that are always telling us to go home if they dont like the fact that we disagree with their new found Countries Policies ,on certain subjects.

Tragic people,first they disown their own Country (or maybe the reverse?),slag off their Homeland at every available opportunity,and then expect all and sundry to join them like demented Lemmings in their foolish quest to convert everyone else to Thaism.

Pathetic Countryless Tossers,springs to mind!

It's no problem being addresses as Khun by a indigenous Thai,but sounds utterly ridiculous coming from a Farang/Thai wannabe,who thinks he is one!

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What I really hate is when Thai people address me as lung, meaning Uncle, especially when it`s from one of the fairer sex, meaning she considers me well past my prime and I have no chance of scoring with that. It does bring me down to earth somewhat and I wonder whether or not to put on the slippers, buy an armchair and call it a day.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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In the work place it seems the norm for colleagues to refer to others in a professional manner and use 'Khun'...

Never would a Thai introduce themselves as 'Hi, I'm Khun Somchai', however when introduced to each other by another colleague it would seem normal out of professionalism and politeness to each be introduced to the other by a third party referring to them... i.e. This is Khun Somchai and this is Khun Bob.

In the work place Juniors may well use Pee for someone older and more senior they have worked with and become more familiar with. Nong is rarely used but when it is, its for someone younger and in a junior position. With familiarity of each other the use of Khun disappears unless a position of seniority exists in which case its used in a crowd.

The dynamic is also altered in a more Westernized working environment in Thailand where Thai's tend to maintain the Thai way of greeting and reference with each other but adopt the 'Mr' and some times 'Sir' when dealing with a Westerner

Socially I rarely hear Thai's refer to each other as Khun, but instead use Pee for someone older. Nong again is rarely used. With similar age groups they tend to use just the first name. It's been my experience that in social situations I'm referred to simply by name and a handful of Thai friends a year or two younger than me refer to me as Pee...

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Totally agree with Richard Smith. In a business context people will often refer to you as Khun, but no one, however senior, has ever introduced themselves as Khun XYZ.

It sounds especially ridiculous coming from a foreigner speaking English. "Hello I am Khun Matan krap, how are you krap?"

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