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Multipile Reentry,Will The Validation Of One Your,Stopped,When I Leave Thailand,And Stay In Other Country?

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today i got my multipile rentry visa for one year from the consolate!

now i want to ask,will the time stopped,within this one year,after i leave thailand or not?

for example,i stay in thailand for 3 monthe,then i would go to malaysia,in the example,for 5 month,did i have then when i come back,4 month left,and the time,of one year also "count"when i stay outside thailand,or will the time period stopped,at that day i go over the boarder to another country,like in the single multipile with reentry permit also happens?

thanks for information!

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OK, I'll move this to the Thai visas section.

But to answer what I think your question is.

The validity of your visa (1 year for a multi) starts on the day it is issued, it does not matter whether you are in Thailand or not the visa ceases to be valid on the 'must enter before' date.

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The validity is for 1 year, as stated from the date when it is granted till the expiry date stated on the visa. It is not a permission to stay for a maximum of 12 months. You can use it during the time the visa is valid and each time you enter Thailand during that year you are allowed to stay for a period of 90 days. So if you leave and re-enter Thailand just before the visa expires you can stay for another 90 days and can get almost 15 months out of the visa.

(I presume you have a multiple non-immigrant visa, if you would have a O-A visa the story would be slightly different.)

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Thai banks do not block access to funds when you use them for extension of stay - you can use at any time - but if you do not meet the immigration requirements for them being in bank two or three months the extension of stay would not be approved.

Re-entry permit has not been available for several years at the airport except for emergency reasons. And it must be obtained inside (after stamp in) Thailand and only keeps your current permitted to stay date alive. You would never want that on a multi entry visa.

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You would need to file a police report, obtain a replacement passport and then visit Immigration to obtain your current permitted to stay stamp/extension of stay. If you had a multi entry visa that would be history as Immigration can not enter that into a new passport.

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