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Phuket As Home Instead Of Chiang Mai


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I lived in north Phuket for about 4 years, and found it very relaxing and quiet.

But Phuket is rapidly moving in the wrong direction, (for me), and so I tend to spend my time whilst in Thailand in Ao Nang, which is still relatively unspoilt.

I get over to Phuket every few weeks, but I cannot imagine myself wanting to settle down there any more.


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chiang mai is significantly cheaper.. hands down

Well having spent 2 days with agents I can say with confidence that this applies to property.. And so much stuff that on multi rai plots etc.

The low end is comparable, maybe a touch cheaper or better furnished, but not so you would really notice.. But the upper end is crazy difference, homes that would be 80 100 even 120k a month for 40 or 50 asking. Agent seemed to indicate quite a few westerners leaving and owners of that standard of place keen to make a deal. The difference between 30 and 40 is just night and day, proper mansions in floraville and lanna tara.

I saw some two story detached houses for considerably less than 2 million baht in Chiang Mai, similar size house here in Phuket would be 3.5 minimum. Shophouses still available up there for 2.5 - 3 million whereas they seem to start in Phuket around 4.5 million nowadays.

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I saw some two story detached houses for considerably less than 2 million baht in Chiang Mai, similar size house here in Phuket would be 3.5 minimum. Shophouses still available up there for 2.5 - 3 million whereas they seem to start in Phuket around 4.5 million nowadays.

I would say theres a totally different style also.. Theres a fondness for moobaans some which are very high end, but even the posh ones remind me of stepford wives suburbia.. Theres far less 'single plot homes' of a good standard, they exist but are dwarfed by the amount of cookie cutter moobaan homes. On Phuket the influx of westerners who have self built makes for a different and a little more diverse inventory.

Also on phuket luxury almost always means a pool, here I am seeing mansions, those kind of ostentatious monster homes that rich Thais build (and my wife loves), yet pools are a rarity, the 2 I have seen with pools both being farang built and owned. Rich Thais must not see the value of pools like farangs do.

Another difference is the higher end homes, having exquisite internal finishing, stuff you dont see outside of the mega villa market on Phuket, yet having nearly no garden, and no hedges or privacy.. The garden is just the strip around the house, or a patch of grass to one side, with no where outside to sit, or garden to relax / play etc in. The focus is the house alone not the package of liveability, with the house being built to be seen.

Also my limited hunting so far also shows a market thats primarily either 2 - 5 mil homes and then a real gap in the 6 - 10 mil range, jumping straight up to hiso developments or farang built places further outside of the city on multi rai plots. Just how it strikes me so far.

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OK well for n00b impressions.. The nimanheamin area after dark.. Great friendly part of the city with a vibe totally its own. Like a more adult and less 'clubland' kind of RCA geared towards young professional Thais. A whole zone of connected backstreets, with hidden garden bars, boutiques and nightclubs ranging from live bands to dance / house sounds. Very funky little area and packed last night, seems a place for Thais to see and be seen.

Had been through the area in daytimes but figured we would check it out after dark and do a little bar hopping, so much classier than the farang bar side of town (Loy Kroh / eastern moat and Tapae gate) and need to dress up a bit more than average Phuket for a night out here. Looked like loads of spots to explore. Enjoyed a fairly early night there a lot, loads of potential, will be back to this.

Also, totally different, found they have a horse track but didnt have race times sorted, I enjoy a day at the races and always hit the track if in hong kong, suspect it wont be that level but will try to make it next week.

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OK well for n00b impressions.. The nimanheamin area after dark.. Great friendly part of the city with a vibe totally its own. Like a more adult and less 'clubland' kind of RCA geared towards young professional Thais. A whole zone of connected backstreets, with hidden garden bars, boutiques and nightclubs ranging from live bands to dance / house sounds. Very funky little area and packed last night, seems a place for Thais to see and be seen.

Had been through the area in daytimes but figured we would check it out after dark and do a little bar hopping, so much classier than the farang bar side of town (Loy Kroh / eastern moat and Tapae gate) and need to dress up a bit more than average Phuket for a night out here. Looked like loads of spots to explore. Enjoyed a fairly early night there a lot, loads of potential, will be back to this.

Also, totally different, found they have a horse track but didnt have race times sorted, I enjoy a day at the races and always hit the track if in hong kong, suspect it wont be that level but will try to make it next week.

LOS, I am glad to see you out and exploring CM and finding all the good parts of CM.

It really is a city you need to feel and experience rather than just looking at prices on the Internet and trying to compare.

Let me know when you on the loop.

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I have lived about 1km from the center of Patong for almost 2 years and I have to say it is fantastic.

The area in which I live is quiet and peaceful yet it is close to the centre of the town which is great for shopping. The entertainment zone with all its bars, restaurants and sleaze are there of course but like so many people who live here, if you dont want it - don't go there - simple really.

All that said, it does pay to shop around for somewhere good to live, there is a huge amount of development taking place some of which looks ''questionable'' in terms of build quality. Also beware of developers making seemingly attractive claims which sadly are not statements of reality.

Like anywhere that is a tourist area, Patong in particular and Phuket in general has good and bad points. Whatever your needs are however, you can be assured that you will be able to meet them here.

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Ive lived in both, currently in Cmai

So much better up here, the mian thing is the people, you dont feel your egtting conned everytime you do anything here, unlike Phuket which is just horrible for that.

Plus the beaches arent that great, some nice views and I prefer the food a little bit, but for me C.mai a million times better

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I have lived about 1km from the center of Patong for almost 2 years and I have to say it is fantastic.

The area in which I live is quiet and peaceful yet it is close to the centre of the town which is great for shopping. The entertainment zone with all its bars, restaurants and sleaze are there of course but like so many people who live here, if you dont want it - don't go there - simple really.

All that said, it does pay to shop around for somewhere good to live, there is a huge amount of development taking place some of which looks ''questionable'' in terms of build quality. Also beware of developers making seemingly attractive claims which sadly are not statements of reality.

Like anywhere that is a tourist area, Patong in particular and Phuket in general has good and bad points. Whatever your needs are however, you can be assured that you will be able to meet them here.

Very well said, there are good and bad things where ever you go

Some people think the glass is half full, some people think the glass is half empty

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