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Have I Just Been Scammed! Unseen Travel

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I have just booked a trip with Unseen Travel and paid 17 000 baht for 30days around thailand north, south and islands with all accomidation and travel. I have looked on google and noticed only bad comments and that it is a scam.

What is inclueded:

Night bus to phuket

5 nights at hotel there

Boat to Pipi islands

7 nights in bamboo mountain

boat/bus Pipi to samoi

9 nights calm beach hotel

Bus to bangkok

train to Shang mi

3 days trecking

bus back to Bangkok

We were also given times we will be picked up but we dont know if we can trust them becuase of the bad reviews!

What can I do???



Edited by jowniofownio212
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I donot know if it is a scam or not but please keep us informed. If it isnot a scam you got the deal of the year. I live in Thialand and would take them up on that deal too if it is for real. I couldnot do that for that price but if they can let the rest of us know please.

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Why didn't you google before payment rather than post??? That is the first lesson ....research, research, research before buying anything.

You don't state exactly why it is a scam so can you detail exactly what the scam aspect is from your googling?

Never done any tour packages in Thailand but obviously much will depend on the type of transport used and the quality of the accom.

I suspect you'll be put on those overnight backpacker buses which are a little cheaper than 1st class but not much better quality than 2nd class buses. Never taken one myself but they are basically private, older VIP buses. Did it state your class of travel for the train as 3rd class really sucks? Accom wise is where is could really get messy but you should be checking that out prior to going.

"What can I do?" How are we meant to know if you don't state the T&C of your booking? One thing though, Thailand is one of the easiest places in the world to travel without pre-booking anything especially for a long 4 wk tour. Next time, keep your options open.

Lessons learnt from getting burnt (but your not sure if your burnt yet so do update).

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The OP sounds a bit naive. He surely wasn't expecting to stay at all those different places in hotels over a periode of 30 days for that small sum of money was he?

If something looks too good to be true, it usually is.

Reminds me of my first trip to Phuket. Some cab driver came up to me and offered to take me on a grand tour of the whole island for 500 Baht. Yeah, right....

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You appear to have mixed up your companies. The outfit you appear to have booked with is called "Unseen Tours". Unseen travel on the other hand is merely a travel blog by the looks of it.

I can't find a site for "Unseen Tours" though and judging from the Bangkok Scams article, it looks like one of those dubious places tuk-tuk drivers tend to take you to.

The 9 nights at the Calm Beach Hotel mentioned in your itinerary will set you back 14,500 Baht. So not much left over for the rest of the trip.

How did you book the trip?

Edited by Xircal
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Hi everyone

We will not be taking up the travel deal they said they provide. There is too much risk i.e buses not turing up, delaying everything, not having paid full amount etc. We are now all in the process of cancelling the card transactions but are having trouble as used visa cards so card companies are doing a dispute. Main problem is prooving to the card company it is a scam and that we never went on the trip?

I know we sound stupid for paying that much and believeing everything said but its our 1sd day and 1st ever trip as 21 year olds. I never expected a decent looking tourist information shop could do that.



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WOW I read the comments on the "scams" site and wondered if I was living in the same country that they visited.

For sure....crazy. But there are many scams where there are many tourists with lots of money. Thailand is one of the safer places. Try some other countries. Like Egypt or Peru. During our recent trip to Paris, 3 scams were pointed out in our tour book. We personally saw all 3 in action.

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Hi everyone

We will not be taking up the travel deal they said they provide. There is too much risk i.e buses not turing up, delaying everything, not having paid full amount etc. We are now all in the process of cancelling the card transactions but are having trouble as used visa cards so card companies are doing a dispute. Main problem is prooving to the card company it is a scam and that we never went on the trip?

I know we sound stupid for paying that much and believeing everything said but its our 1sd day and 1st ever trip as 21 year olds. I never expected a decent looking tourist information shop could do that.



Not a problem. Just call the hotels and ask if they have the bookings in your name. If they haven't, then the service has not been provided. If the service has not been provided you have a strong case.

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I donot know if it is a scam or not but please keep us informed. If it isnot a scam you got the deal of the year. I live in Thialand and would take them up on that deal too if it is for real. I couldnot do that for that price but if they can let the rest of us know please.

One thing you should do is to call them and let them know you will post recommendation for or against them in the expat forms, so if they are scam, all farangs will know about them. This may deter them from scamming you (long shot but worse the try)

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Right, just phoned all the hotels (calm beach, bamboo mountain and sweet home Phuket) and we have all been booked in all paid for in full?? So acording to that, we have got all our accomidation paid for. Just wondering what to do now. Unseen travel have said we are getting picked up at 17:00 outside their office tomorrow. So we will have to go their and see.

And recommendations?


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i have traveled to all of those places with my own car . taking away the cost of gas for my car . it would still be much more than what you are paying . 17,000 or whatever for 30 days . say bye bye to your money . or say hello to some shitty minibuses and dirty hotel rooms . i would,nt book anything like that no way .

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Right, just phoned all the hotels (calm beach, bamboo mountain and sweet home Phuket) and we have all been booked in all paid for in full?? So acording to that, we have got all our accomidation paid for. Just wondering what to do now. Unseen travel have said we are getting picked up at 17:00 outside their office tomorrow. So we will have to go their and see.

And recommendations?


How did you find the tour agent to begin with? Were you taken there by a tuk-tuk?

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I've heard these deals before; people I meet who are on them basically say the accomadation in sum of the hotels was practicaly unstayable; ended up continueing trip but find own place to stay when standard too rough. If staying on the cheapest of cheap end 17k is not so cheap; could do by yourself for half that; this is where they make the money! Next time just research all the place to stay and chose what's acceptable to u peice an comfort wise; just book a couple days at a time so can change if u chose (no where normaly ever full) or just turn up at destination with a short list and check em all out before choosing.

Good luck

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go for it....you paid 17k, so try it out! you are young and able, so can tackle a few days of discomfort i imagine. first stop, phuket?.... if it doesn't look right, easy enough just to hop on the bus back to bangkok or do your own thing in phuket. at least you can tell for sure it is a scam or not..and complain to the credit card company if it was, better chance of getting a refund.

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go for it....you paid 17k, so try it out! you are young and able, so can tackle a few days of discomfort i imagine. first stop, phuket?.... if it doesn't look right, easy enough just to hop on the bus back to bangkok or do your own thing in phuket. at least you can tell for sure it is a scam or not..and complain to the credit card company if it was, better chance of getting a refund.

If it is a scam, it wouldn't have been a good idea to have paid with a credit card.

The OP should keep a wary eye on his credit card billings in order to determine whether or not the card is being misused.

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Right, just phoned all the hotels (calm beach, bamboo mountain and sweet home Phuket) and we have all been booked in all paid for in full?? So acording to that, we have got all our accomidation paid for. Just wondering what to do now. Unseen travel have said we are getting picked up at 17:00 outside their office tomorrow. So we will have to go their and see.

And recommendations?


Just go on the trip and learn from experience. Everything maybe okay but l doubt it. Several travel agents are being investigated in Chiang Mai for similar scams. Good luck and have a nice trip

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Right, just phoned all the hotels (calm beach, bamboo mountain and sweet home Phuket) and we have all been booked in all paid for in full?? So acording to that, we have got all our accomidation paid for. Just wondering what to do now. Unseen travel have said we are getting picked up at 17:00 outside their office tomorrow. So we will have to go their and see.

And recommendations?


Was it 17k each?

Keep us informed. It's low season, so perhaps they are getting good discounts.

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Not sure why some think this is very cheap or to good to be true ?

Lots of very nice Hotels for 400 baht per night, By the looks of it travel by bus/train is over night = less night accommodation.. Many clean place 150 - 300 baht fan room No breakfast, no hot water.

3rd class seat BKK - CM Fan is dirt cheap.. even a 2nd class seat or share sleeper..

Express Bus BKK - Phuket is 501 baht.. Sure if I was going there and by Bus I would book the 1st class 21 seater double deck bus, NOT a 50 seat Express Bus, then I am 60 the OP is a youngster so will be fine..

So to me it looks to be about the right price

Have fun enjoy yourself

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You appear to have mixed up your companies. The outfit you appear to have booked with is called "Unseen Tours". Unseen travel on the other hand is merely a travel blog by the looks of it.

I can't find a site for "Unseen Tours" though and judging from the Bangkok Scams article, it looks like one of those dubious places tuk-tuk drivers tend to take you to.

The 9 nights at the Calm Beach Hotel mentioned in your itinerary will set you back 14,500 Baht. So not much left over for the rest of the trip.

How did you book the trip?


If you look at there website... http://www.coconutcalmbeachsamui.com/rates.htm

Budget Cottage

350 per night min stay 3 nights WITH breakfast !!!! 9x 350 = 3,150 baht.... so you are well over 10,000 baht out.

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Forget what you read online, and go on the trip with an open mind. You've already paid the money. Now give it a go. It might not be luxury accommodation, but so what? We had a great 5-day tour of Taiwan by mini-bus. under the care of the casual staff of an amateur tour company. I would go on your Thailand trip right now if I could.

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It's not a scam; you'll just be staying in very budget place and transport; if u don't go you'll loose your money for sure, credit card company won't give it u back, you said yourself the bookings are made; what's the problem? U just shook because your first trip; nothing to loose by going, but u will loose for sure if u don't! Get a grip man

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I think I ran into the same people a few years ago on an early trip.. A tuk tuk driver took me to an office to book a return trip to Pattaya.. Paid 1100b for a minibus ride which included one of the funnier moments I ever had in Thailand (songkran related)..

Their receipt had a logo similar to the TAT unseen Thailand logo..

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