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The Have And Have Not'S


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If not Phuket where ?? Hawaii ?? Tahoe ?? N California coast ?? Oz Gold Coast ?? Less easy with a Thai wife tho who has more travel restrictions.

You have hit the nail on the head there LOS ... B)

Sorry I should have quoted this when I asked my question as two of you are saying the same thing, so I'll ask again.

Are there lots of people who are in long term marriages, whose wives have never lived in their partners country?? :o

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Are there lots of people who are in long term marriages, whose wives have never lived in their partners country?? :o

Thought this topic was about Have and Have Not's ....???

It is. Do your Thai wives have duel citizenship, or do they have not??;)

Mine does not, only because she does not want to live in Australia.

Her current multi entree visa runs out in November and we are returning for another holiday before then.

When we want to go again we will go to Bangkok do our shopping and get another 1 year multi entree visa

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How many millionares.. LOADS these days.. The Surin set, those villas are not for mere single millionares... A definite 'multi' needs to be put in front to be buying those.

Comes back to something I have said in other threads.. Phuket can be quite cheap, to live cheaply.. But it is IMO more expensive than the west, to live high end.. The cost savings in cheap fried rice, or a cheap live in maid vanish in the price of a new range rover. Luxury goods are much more expensive here than the west. So depending on your lifestyle and how much you consume them, the balance can shift.

If not Phuket where ?? Hawaii ?? Tahoe ?? N California coast ?? Oz Gold Coast ?? Less easy with a Thai wife tho who has more travel restrictions.

With that much money paying over the odds for things like that wouldn't be a problem. It's only when you live beyond your means, try to have those things when you can't really afford them then the difference in price becomes an issue. Your talking about an in between wealth, where you would be concerned by how expensive it was to live high end.

Well you said millionaires and the fact is a mil aint what it used to be !! A mil USD these days is sub 30 mil baht.. A rangey which would cost 2 mil baht back in the west is 8 plus here.. And someone with a 30 mil total pot wont be buying 8 mil cars, not if they have any sense anyway !!

But I get your point, if you mean people with 10 mil plus USD.. The kind of proper wealth.. I only know one guy here with that kind of uber cash..

My point was more about the really high net worth lifestyle, is more expensive to live here than it is in the west, not if its possible.

As for Thai wife being an issue. I've seen you use that a lot when asked why you don't move away. Why wouldn't she have a British passport as my wife does, and have the same travel ability as you??

No we have to go take up residency in the UK for a couple of years.. I often think about summering in the UK, wintering in the tropics and trying that process. I dont think theres a rule against it as long as you pay UK taxes and maintain it as your primary domicile.

I left the UK when I was a teenager.. Have only been back to see my mum since, last year was the first time in 8 years and second in almost as long before.

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I have less now than I had in Oz.

There I owned a 3 bedroom house, a nice 4wd, and all the furniture and toys I wanted. I had 4 tvs, for christ sakes, even though I lived alone. While not rich, I could occassionally spend $150 on a really good bottle of wine because I wanted to, and that amount wouldn't be missed. (What did hurt was that I would usually only get 1 glass from the bottle because the mates would suddenly be thirsty! :realangry: )

However, living alone, no matter how comfortable, wasn't how I planned to spend my last couple of decades on earth.

When on holiday in Phuket I had met a little Thai lady I could really get on with. She subsequently visited me a number of times over a few years, but she was never going to be happy living in Australia.

About four months ago I sold the house and car and gave away everything else. The mates ended up with furniture, hd tvs, paintings, PC, etc. The whitegoods went to a family who couldn't afford decent stuff, and I moved to Phuket.

My money is committed to a managed fund for a year or two (I got in right at the bottom of latest dip in the markets so hopefully all is up from there).

I now rent a house and car and own almost nothing. The furniture in the rented place, including the bed, are crap and uncomfortable.

The standard of tv here is deplorable despite the 80 channels on the cable system, and I can't buy decent wine or steak at any price.

However, I now have a great little person in my life who genuinely cares for, and helps this old crock with the difficult parts of living. Life here is fine and interesting. I have what I need most.

I will slowly regain the toys without shame.

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>>But I get your point, if you mean people with 10 mil plus USD.. The kind of proper wealth.. I only know one guy here with that kind of uber cash..

Really, is that uber cash for a total net worth? I always told family and friends that to retire properly and do whatever you want, 20 million USD was minimum. I now would think on the world stage with the USD as it as and the average interest rates paid by banks or "safe" investments, that this is not enough for a " what do I want to do" lifestyle.

Back to my yugo, but it's not a samlor!.

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10 mil plus.. I dont know his true wealth tho I assume by the 120 mil baht villa.. the million dollar boat (think it was 10k USD every time it launched) with a few full time staff for the boat alone.. Judging by a few of those kind of spends that he was well into the 10's of millions..

Me I drive a >10 year old car.. rented house.. Etc etc.. Long way from the big leagues !!

At a guess once you pass the 10 mil stage, your returns are gonna start to get harder to spend..

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I now rent a house and car and own almost nothing. The furniture in the rented place, including the bed, are crap and uncomfortable.

The standard of tv here is deplorable despite the 80 channels on the cable system, and I can't buy decent wine or steak at any price.

However, I now have a great little person in my life who genuinely cares for, and helps this old crock with the difficult parts of living. Life here is fine and interesting. I have what I need most.

As you correctly say the important things in life are not material.. Who wouldnt give every cent they have over a family members life / illness.

But then.. A little extra would sort the furniture out too..

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I have less now than I had in Oz.

There I owned a 3 bedroom house, a nice 4wd, and all the furniture and toys I wanted. I had 4 tvs, for christ sakes, even though I lived alone. While not rich, I could occassionally spend $150 on a really good bottle of wine because I wanted to, and that amount wouldn't be missed. (What did hurt was that I would usually only get 1 glass from the bottle because the mates would suddenly be thirsty! :realangry: )

However, living alone, no matter how comfortable, wasn't how I planned to spend my last couple of decades on earth.

When on holiday in Phuket I had met a little Thai lady I could really get on with. She subsequently visited me a number of times over a few years, but she was never going to be happy living in Australia.

About four months ago I sold the house and car and gave away everything else. The mates ended up with furniture, hd tvs, paintings, PC, etc. The whitegoods went to a family who couldn't afford decent stuff, and I moved to Phuket.

My money is committed to a managed fund for a year or two (I got in right at the bottom of latest dip in the markets so hopefully all is up from there).

I now rent a house and car and own almost nothing. The furniture in the rented place, including the bed, are crap and uncomfortable.

The standard of tv here is deplorable despite the 80 channels on the cable system, and I can't buy decent wine or steak at any price.

However, I now have a great little person in my life who genuinely cares for, and helps this old crock with the difficult parts of living. Life here is fine and interesting. I have what I need most.

I will slowly regain the toys without shame.

I definitely had a higher standard of living in the UK but made the choice to come to Thailand. I own a lot less than I used to and am not earning, plus I'm too young for my pension.

I suppose I'm neither a have or a have not, getting back to the original post, but I do aspire to at least the same standard of living (without the fine wines, good beer and UK entertainment) that I had before.

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Not sure I agree with the OP. The v wealthy I've met here are lovely people.

Meanwhile, I'm quite happy with what I have - apart from when I was in trouble financially and no longer felt secure.

Fortunately for me, my circumstances improved - so that I should be fine for a few more years. Meanwhile, I'm slowly learning to give up the luxuries I enjoyed before retiring here. I don't need them and enjoy the beauty and laid-back life of living here far more than the luxuries I enjoyed at home, which could only be achieved by being stressed all the time.

p.s. Mind you, I came here reasonably comfortable financially, only to find myself in a far worse situation within a year! I never thought that would happen.....:ermm:

Edited by F1fanatic
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How many millionares.. LOADS these days.. The Surin set, those villas are not for mere single millionares... A definite 'multi' needs to be put in front to be buying those.

Comes back to something I have said in other threads.. Phuket can be quite cheap, to live cheaply.. But it is IMO more expensive than the west, to live high end.. The cost savings in cheap fried rice, or a cheap live in maid vanish in the price of a new range rover. Luxury goods are much more expensive here than the west. So depending on your lifestyle and how much you consume them, the balance can shift.

If not Phuket where ?? Hawaii ?? Tahoe ?? N California coast ?? Oz Gold Coast ?? Less easy with a Thai wife tho who has more travel restrictions.

I like it here or I wouldn't be here. I have a house waiting for me to come and visit in Santa Cruz, California, the northwest side of the Monterey Bay. So, yes I would like my GF to be able to go with me. I had a season pass at Heavenly Valley Tahoe for years too. She would love to see the snow. I'm thinking about living there 6 months a year until she can get a residence or green card (3 years), so we can go back and forth together without any restraints in either direction. When I'm there I miss here, when I'm here I miss there, but a bit less! biggrin.gif

Edited by Jimi007
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I have been in Thailand for the best part of 23 years, the first 7 or 8 i spent most of my time in Phuket, [in those days it was great] but the point to my comment is you never tell anyone what you have or what your worth, and lets face it, who wants some fxck hanging around for free peanuts, nope anybody i meet, especially Thai is led to believe that i live month to month with just enough to live on,

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I have been in Thailand for the best part of 23 years, the first 7 or 8 i spent most of my time in Phuket, [in those days it was great] but the point to my comment is you never tell anyone what you have or what your worth, and lets face it, who wants some fxck hanging around for free peanuts, nope anybody i meet, especially Thai is led to believe that i live month to month with just enough to live on,

Good point! That's why I have a good old car, and old motorbikes. I don't need a target on my back in LOS!

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The more you have the more you want

and the wealthier you are the happier your offspring will probably be when you do eventually doo snuff it.

I think the man who is happy with what he has, as indeed achieved the equivalent of enlightenment on a human level and thus can really start to enjoy life..

In Thailand I find that there are a mixture of foreigners living here and for very different reasons. Which is probably the reason that sometimes TV members don't see eye to eye.

These include:

1. Retires who just want to spend their hard earned pension and enjoy the last years their life.

2. Those fleeing western capitalism and may be seeking some kind of enlightenment in Thailand.

3. Those fleeing western capitalism and found a new an even worse type of capitalism in Thailand.

4. Offshore Oil-rig workers

5. Those who just fell in love.

For me out of this little group Nr. 3 is the absolute absolute worst as they will do anything to protect their domain even more extreme than even Thais!!

Will probably end up here after 10 years in Thailand!!

My self.

Personally I came to Thailand not to get rich!!! shock horror!! lol

I was quite rich in the West (obviously not as rich as many TV members but doing OK) but I just got really bored of all the materialistic cr@p I was collecting

i.e. new car, new phone, new this, new that!! really Booooring!! no life just things. things things things. No meaning

I really love Thailand! but not everything! especially not the new materialistic culture found in places like Bangkok, Phuket and Ko Samui. the rest is great!!

Nr.1 The pensioners well who can blame em? at the end of the day they just want to live it up and can't stand anything getting in the way.

ah ah may be one day even I will be in the same boat?? I hope so anyways!

Nr.4 I was once offered a job on a rig but turned it down,

didn't want to waste half my life on a lump of metal in the North Sea so hey who can blame em if they want to splash out on some toys why not?

Nr. 5 are mostly confused and very vulnerable.

Sorry for going off topic a bit but I think the different categories listed give us a different categories of income and also even opinions.

My guess at the percentage are abouts:

Nr. 1.=70%

Nr2.= 5%

Nr3. =15%

Nr4. =4.8%


One category I did miss is the, I am so rich I don't care shyt about anything but myself lot but they probably spend half there time in Paris anyway and so don't count.


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I have been in Thailand for the best part of 23 years, the first 7 or 8 i spent most of my time in Phuket, [in those days it was great] but the point to my comment is you never tell anyone what you have or what your worth, and lets face it, who wants some fxck hanging around for free peanuts, nope anybody i meet, especially Thai is led to believe that i live month to month with just enough to live on,

Good point! That's why I have a good old car, and old motorbikes. I don't need a target on my back in LOS!


I have never had a problem with Thais about my cars or bikes, all say nice car, bike, the problem i have is with farangs, go figure :)

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I dont have to explain anything but i will try anyway.

I work offshore around 6-8 months a year, at least 12 hours every day and no weekends off, this goes on for between 4-8 weeks, sometimes more, you can't go anywhere, no pubs, no shopping no anything, i choose to work like that and yes it pay OK money. The equipment i work with cost a lot of money i really mean a lot, everything subsea cost, if something breaks down in let say 1500meter of water all hel_l break loose, some ships/platforms cost 100.000 US$ a day, client rep, company man will be all over you, ask M/S KB he know. So sometimes you get really stressed and work maybe 12-18 hours for days, but that's what they pay me to do,,,, so why should i not give myself some goodies when i am home, like a nice car or bike or both, i like driving like to go for days, up North or down South and i think that a car with a lot of power, and for safety 10 airbags make life sweet, i don't need to show off i know what i got and don't care about what other think, but please don't say that because people can afford to live the life they show off. My friend live in a 60Mill baht house but drive a small old car, he don't like driving, does he show off because he is loaded and live in a 60 mill house???

Sometimes i really don't get it when you guys say it's a show off to have a nice car or bike.

As for sarcasm it comes with a forum sometimes, you guys will do it as well and some have already done, don't be so innocent but go back and read all your own tread. That was it, have a great weekend in Phuket i am off for a drive in my nice car or should i take one of my nice bikes, forgot to ask if i also show off when i drive my Harley???

PS. when i leave this world i dont have pocket in my clothes, and i am sure i dont need to take any money with me. :)

The problem with owning a Harley is that lots of people will pre-judge you and assume you are a dick - although it is possible that you aren't...

The reasons people just assume you are a dick if you are riding a Harley are (IMHO):

1. LOTS of Harley riders ARE dicks (so, straightforward stereotyping). I love watching the retarded imbeciles who pull up outside a bar on their Harley and park it so close as to be almost in the bar - just in-case somebody didn't see that they are the dick on the Harley (they seem to be oblivious to the fact that everyone thinks they are an imbecile - by parking like that they have just made more people aware of exactly what they are...).

2. Some people who own Harleys seem to have scrimped on the cost of the silencer on their piece of American junk. I develop a great big grin when the riders who can't afford silencers have to give the throttle a couple of blibs before turning off the bike. What is that for? Does it clear the fuel from the carburettor? Or, is it an "I'm a dick indicator"?

3. Okay, enough ranting. But a major reason people assume (rightly or wrongly) that you are an imbecile is that Harley's are a piece of shit. Okay, I can understand why people are attracted to their style (I'm not, but I can understand that), but mechanically they are a joke. They don't go around corners at any proper pace, and they chug like a tractor... Sure, plenty of power - but so have tractors, and I don't want a tractor instead of my car. You look a dick for buying such a piece of shit when for the same money you could have bought a proper bike (Japanese or Italian)... Why didn't you?

Anyway, just letting you know what I, and pretty much all of my friends, think.

When you walk into the bar having just parked your Harley across the door, after a nice (nasty?) blip or two on the throttle and see all of the people smiling you need to know it's not because they love Harleys it's because they ARE LAUGHING AT YOU - YOU DICK...

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The problem with owning a Harley is that lots of people will pre-judge you and assume you are a dick - although it is possible that you aren't...

The reasons people just assume you are a dick if you are riding a Harley are (IMHO):

1. LOTS of Harley riders ARE dicks (so, straightforward stereotyping). I love watching the retarded imbeciles who pull up outside a bar on their Harley and park it so close as to be almost in the bar - just in-case somebody didn't see that they are the dick on the Harley (they seem to be oblivious to the fact that everyone thinks they are an imbecile - by parking like that they have just made more people aware of exactly what they are...).

2. Some people who own Harleys seem to have scrimped on the cost of the silencer on their piece of American junk. I develop a great big grin when the riders who can't afford silencers have to give the throttle a couple of blibs before turning off the bike. What is that for? Does it clear the fuel from the carburettor? Or, is it an "I'm a dick indicator"?

3. Okay, enough ranting. But a major reason people assume (rightly or wrongly) that you are an imbecile is that Harley's are a piece of shit. Okay, I can understand why people are attracted to their style (I'm not, but I can understand that), but mechanically they are a joke. They don't go around corners at any proper pace, and they chug like a tractor... Sure, plenty of power - but so have tractors, and I don't want a tractor instead of my car. You look a dick for buying such a piece of shit when for the same money you could have bought a proper bike (Japanese or Italian)... Why didn't you?

Anyway, just letting you know what I, and pretty much all of my friends, think.

When you walk into the bar having just parked your Harley across the door, after a nice (nasty?) blip or two on the throttle and see all of the people smiling you need to know it's not because they love Harleys it's because they ARE LAUGHING AT YOU - YOU DICK...

Great post I am still laughing, the one thing that allways makes me think what a dick is, a bike it does not matter what make but usually a Harley comes past and they have obviously taken the stock silencer off and just used a bit of pipe straight from the engine the noise is just not good, why would you do that? but each to there own!!!!

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I dont have to explain anything but i will try anyway.

I work offshore around 6-8 months a year, at least 12 hours every day and no weekends off, this goes on for between 4-8 weeks, sometimes more, you can't go anywhere, no pubs, no shopping no anything, i choose to work like that and yes it pay OK money. The equipment i work with cost a lot of money i really mean a lot, everything subsea cost, if something breaks down in let say 1500meter of water all hel_l break loose, some ships/platforms cost 100.000 US$ a day, client rep, company man will be all over you, ask M/S KB he know. So sometimes you get really stressed and work maybe 12-18 hours for days, but that's what they pay me to do,,,, so why should i not give myself some goodies when i am home, like a nice car or bike or both, i like driving like to go for days, up North or down South and i think that a car with a lot of power, and for safety 10 airbags make life sweet, i don't need to show off i know what i got and don't care about what other think, but please don't say that because people can afford to live the life they show off. My friend live in a 60Mill baht house but drive a small old car, he don't like driving, does he show off because he is loaded and live in a 60 mill house???

Sometimes i really don't get it when you guys say it's a show off to have a nice car or bike.

As for sarcasm it comes with a forum sometimes, you guys will do it as well and some have already done, don't be so innocent but go back and read all your own tread. That was it, have a great weekend in Phuket i am off for a drive in my nice car or should i take one of my nice bikes, forgot to ask if i also show off when i drive my Harley???

PS. when i leave this world i dont have pocket in my clothes, and i am sure i dont need to take any money with me. :)

The problem with owning a Harley is that lots of people will pre-judge you and assume you are a dick - although it is possible that you aren't...

The reasons people just assume you are a dick if you are riding a Harley are (IMHO):

1. LOTS of Harley riders ARE dicks (so, straightforward stereotyping). I love watching the retarded imbeciles who pull up outside a bar on their Harley and park it so close as to be almost in the bar - just in-case somebody didn't see that they are the dick on the Harley (they seem to be oblivious to the fact that everyone thinks they are an imbecile - by parking like that they have just made more people aware of exactly what they are...).

2. Some people who own Harleys seem to have scrimped on the cost of the silencer on their piece of American junk. I develop a great big grin when the riders who can't afford silencers have to give the throttle a couple of blibs before turning off the bike. What is that for? Does it clear the fuel from the carburettor? Or, is it an "I'm a dick indicator"?

3. Okay, enough ranting. But a major reason people assume (rightly or wrongly) that you are an imbecile is that Harley's are a piece of shit. Okay, I can understand why people are attracted to their style (I'm not, but I can understand that), but mechanically they are a joke. They don't go around corners at any proper pace, and they chug like a tractor... Sure, plenty of power - but so have tractors, and I don't want a tractor instead of my car. You look a dick for buying such a piece of shit when for the same money you could have bought a proper bike (Japanese or Italian)... Why didn't you?

Anyway, just letting you know what I, and pretty much all of my friends, think.

When you walk into the bar having just parked your Harley across the door, after a nice (nasty?) blip or two on the throttle and see all of the people smiling you need to know it's not because they love Harleys it's because they ARE LAUGHING AT YOU - YOU DICK...

He he it had to come, sound like you had a problem with Harley, again many of the people dont like them have never tried on and a lot just wish they had one, for me,,, i love my bike and have never had a problem with it

Oohh, i also have a what you call a proper bike, do you have a bike??? :)

Forgot: why dont you and your friends tell these guys what bad people they are, funny that nobody have ever walked up to me and told me my bike look like <deleted> or it make to much noise, but a lot have asked about the bike and told me it look great, maybe they dont mean what the say?? i dont really get it, maybe you can explain :)

Edited by HDRIDER
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>>But I get your point, if you mean people with 10 mil plus USD.. The kind of proper wealth.. I only know one guy here with that kind of uber cash..

Really, is that uber cash for a total net worth? I always told family and friends that to retire properly and do whatever you want, 20 million USD was minimum. I now would think on the world stage with the USD as it as and the average interest rates paid by banks or "safe" investments, that this is not enough for a " what do I want to do" lifestyle.

Back to my yugo, but it's not a samlor!.

Where do you come up with your figures from

EXAMPLE 7000000 AUD will give you a return invested safely in Australia with no risks of 400000 AUD annually.

Properly managed money makes money

I knew someone many years ago who won 3000000 AUD in Lotto, in those days a LOT of money

I just over three years it was all gone and they had to go back to work

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Great post I am still laughing, the one thing that allways makes me think what a dick is, a bike it does not matter what make but usually a Harley comes past and they have obviously taken the stock silencer off and just used a bit of pipe straight from the engine the noise is just not good, why would you do that? but each to there own!!!!

I am happy for you that you found something on me, just a shame that someone made it before you did :D BTW it must be close to 1 year since i parked my bike outside a bar, maybe its OK to park another bike outside a bar?? who knows :)

Forgot: what you talk about is called customize, you buy a very expensive bike, tear it apart and put a lot of expensive parts on it, dont make sense does it?? so now have a go on that. :)

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I am happy for you that you found something on me, just a shame that someone made it before you did :D BTW it must be close to 1 year since i parked my bike outside a bar, maybe its OK to park another bike outside a bar?? who knows :)

Forgot: what you talk about is called customize, you buy a very expensive bike, tear it apart and put a lot of expensive parts on it, dont make sense does it?? so now have a go on that. :)

As you are very clever and know what abreviations are do you know this one. DH lol

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I am happy for you that you found something on me, just a shame that someone made it before you did :D BTW it must be close to 1 year since i parked my bike outside a bar, maybe its OK to park another bike outside a bar?? who knows :)

Forgot: what you talk about is called customize, you buy a very expensive bike, tear it apart and put a lot of expensive parts on it, dont make sense does it?? so now have a go on that. :)

As you are very clever and know what abreviations are do you know this one. DH lol

Sure, dont you :)


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>>But I get your point, if you mean people with 10 mil plus USD.. The kind of proper wealth.. I only know one guy here with that kind of uber cash..

Really, is that uber cash for a total net worth? I always told family and friends that to retire properly and do whatever you want, 20 million USD was minimum. I now would think on the world stage with the USD as it as and the average interest rates paid by banks or "safe" investments, that this is not enough for a " what do I want to do" lifestyle.

Back to my yugo, but it's not a samlor!.

Where do you come up with your figures from

EXAMPLE 7000000 AUD will give you a return invested safely in Australia with no risks of 400000 AUD annually.

Properly managed money makes money

I knew someone many years ago who won 3000000 AUD in Lotto, in those days a LOT of money

I just over three years it was all gone and they had to go back to work

Obviously not in the outback of OZ.. 7 million gets a foreigner a safe return of 400K per year huh? I wonder why everyone around the world isn't lumping their cash into OZ banks if the returns after taxes are that good for foreigners. Please give us the banking details on where foreigners can open up an account and get this return on their investment post taxes.

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>>But I get your point, if you mean people with 10 mil plus USD.. The kind of proper wealth.. I only know one guy here with that kind of uber cash..

Really, is that uber cash for a total net worth? I always told family and friends that to retire properly and do whatever you want, 20 million USD was minimum. I now would think on the world stage with the USD as it as and the average interest rates paid by banks or "safe" investments, that this is not enough for a " what do I want to do" lifestyle.

Back to my yugo, but it's not a samlor!.

Where do you come up with your figures from

EXAMPLE 7000000 AUD will give you a return invested safely in Australia with no risks of 400000 AUD annually.

Properly managed money makes money

I knew someone many years ago who won 3000000 AUD in Lotto, in those days a LOT of money

I just over three years it was all gone and they had to go back to work

Obviously not in the outback of OZ.. 7 million gets a foreigner a safe return of 400K per year huh? I wonder why everyone around the world isn't lumping their cash into OZ banks if the returns after taxes are that good for foreigners. Please give us the banking details on where foreigners can open up an account and get this return on their investment post taxes.

It's not in Oz, but I have just got a 6% rate on AUD using Citibank IPB in Singapore. No other currency gets near that sort of rate, No wonder it's so strong at the moment.

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