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The Have And Have Not'S


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>>Being none Thai and being and highly educated in English will get you a job as a English teacher and you would only be able to afford a bowl of noodles

What does being none Thai mean? Why not address the issue of buying in your Thai wife/partner's name?

You're right, I'm a French citizen teaching English. That bowl of noodles sure tasted good though.

FYI, my electric bill is more than your rent, but I'm sure it's because all of the hongs next to me know I'm one of the "haves".

I'd love to debate with you pc, but the problem is you don't debate, only accuse and inflame, then deflect questions when you're wrong or don't have the answer. Nothing wrong with being an ex blue collar politician!

>>I ask the question again highly educated in what also employed in what

Are you kidding? I retired years ago in my 30's and now just teaching English and eating noodles, when I can afford them :).

I cannot be bothered with having a pissing match with


You have had the opportunity to meet me and and debate with me face to face

You chose not to.

I will ignore you in future, you are like a bad smell if i do this you will go away

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>>But I get your point, if you mean people with 10 mil plus USD.. The kind of proper wealth.. I only know one guy here with that kind of uber cash..

Really, is that uber cash for a total net worth? I always told family and friends that to retire properly and do whatever you want, 20 million USD was minimum. I now would think on the world stage with the USD as it as and the average interest rates paid by banks or "safe" investments, that this is not enough for a " what do I want to do" lifestyle.

Back to my yugo, but it's not a samlor!.

Give over mate. Saying 10 million USD is not super rich is nonsense. Yes, we all judge wealth based on what we have ourselves. The person born in to a family on the dole (welfare) will look at someone who earns 40k (GBP) and think that they are rich. The person who earns 40k will look at someone with 500k in the bank and think they are rich, they will look at someone who has 5 million and so on and so on. So I can only assume that if you think a person who has 6 million GBP is not super rich then you must have about that much yourself?

The truth of the matter is, less than 0.5% of the UK population have a million pounds in the bank, so if you have 6 you are probably in the top 0.3 or 0.4 % of the population when it comes to your wealth, so that makes you quite simply, absolutely f*ucking loaded.

You say you need 20 million USD to retire.:o I could semi-retire on 20 million baht!

If I had 500k (GBP) in the bank I would consider myself to be a wealthy man, (I think the average amount of savings people have in the UK is about 18k) The only way to judge wealth is relative to other people, which means as far as I'm concerned your figures are well out.

When you walk into the bar having just parked your Harley across the door, after a nice (nasty?) blip or two on the throttle and see all of the people smiling you need to know it's not because they love Harleys it's because they ARE LAUGHING AT YOU - YOU DICK...

So he's making a bit of a dick of himself, who gives a sh*t. If he's happy and not doing anyone else any harm then leave him be. I require people to be morally sound and decent. I refuse to tolerate low life. Assuming they are doing no harm, I can forgive people for being tw*ts quite easily. I bet a lot of the time when they are getting off their bike, they're not even aware of anybody in the bar, they probably couldn't give a stuff, don't even know you exist. Yet your conversation with your friend was so boring you stopped to talk about the bloke on his bike that doesn't even know you exist. Who does that make the dick??

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