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"High Profile" Members Who Disappear

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Sorry - I misunderstood your post from the top caption, and thought it was intended as a threat, to intimidate us in some way - by way of a warning, so to speak.

I'll try to remember to update my will to include an instruction to leave a note saying

"Streetcowboy has moved on" and, to close out some of the relevant threads, I'll ask that details be included of my last meal, place visited, when I last had plaice and my last beer.

In the meantime, who is to say who has stopped posting for good, other than the coroner?

Arnold Schwarzenegger is not the only one who'll be back...



Maybe they were kicked out rather than leaving voluntarily and therefore can no longer access their profiles.

If they were kicked out wouldn't their member status show as "banned"?


Maybe they were kicked out rather than leaving voluntarily and therefore can no longer access their profiles.

If they were kicked out wouldn't their member status show as "banned"?

Maybe they have just been given a long sabbatical by the mods.


Lots of people just move on. Move away from Thailand, lose interest in it, get a busier life. Lots of reasons for some high profile members to not be around. I stay in touch personally with a few and no, they aren't banned. Just busy.

but if I die, I will be sure to post it on Thaivisa with my last bit of strength. :D


I'll try to remember to update my will to include an instruction to leave a note saying

"Streetcowboy has moved on" and, to close out some of the relevant threads, I'll ask that details be included of my last meal, place visited, when I last had plaice and my last beer.

OK great. And if you want to leave details of where you have hidden your stash of porn that's cool too. laugh.gif


Maybe they were kicked out rather than leaving voluntarily and therefore can no longer access their profiles.

If they were kicked out wouldn't their member status show as "banned"?



Interesting isnt it. On the other hand of the scale there those that are forced to disappear that then resurface with another nic but the same old posting style & attitude :rolleyes: & then think nobody notices :rolleyes::lol: .


Maybe they were kicked out rather than leaving voluntarily and therefore can no longer access their profiles.

If they were kicked out wouldn't their member status show as "banned"?

Maybe they have just been given a long sabbatical by the mods.

Like 200 years.



I`m sure if they have personal friends etc they will inform them.....other than that, who cares, it`s their choice......must be more to the op`s` story??

I thought your post was quite funny, im not sure if thats how you intended it.

Did it take you long to come up with this theory? :ermm:

I'd say the second part of ur post is spot on, I think the OP is looking for someone.


As sbk astutely opined, I think it's more a case that those who chose to disappear simply get a busier life.

.... and some of us stay....


To be honest anyone who cries out they are leaving the forum is just attention seeking. So better to just disappear IMHO, don't need any announcement. Those who are important to the member will certainly know and stay in contact.


How does a poster know they are 'high profile' and are required to inform others of they departure, as to not upset forum population and create myths and rumours that become the forum lore?


This topic touches on the topic of self-ridicule and its relation to lack of argument and inability to admit being wrong, which is not seldom the reason people decide to leave.

One of the more pathetic examples of this is when members of internet forums write their sobbing goodbyes in a “thanks, I’m too smart for you and I’m moving on”-post in an attempt to avoid inevitable and unending public humiliation – especially when they lurk the forum for weeks afterwards to check if someone posts “oh, we miss him soooo much…I wish he could come back…!”

Personally, I feel like throwing up every time I read a post which announces the intention to “never post here again” after falling into disfavor with other members and moderators.


Interesting isnt it. On the other hand of the scale there those that are forced to disappear that then resurface with another nic but the same old posting style & attitude :rolleyes: & then think nobody notices :rolleyes::lol: .

I have absolutely no idea as to why you believe the members of this forum to be so astute :blink:


I guess if you're not around for a while the forum moves on and you are soon forgotten by most............

I nearly managed to forget about jing.........then he returned with about 200 posts in 3 days.........and it was like he'd never been away!.........:)


I`m sure if they have personal friends etc they will inform them.....other than that, who cares, it`s their choice......must be more to the op`s` story??

He's probably a debt collector for the loan sharks.



To be honest I amnot sure what would be considered high profile? I think if many members including myself stopped posting no one would notice. I do see some comradeship between some people but is that high profile or like minds. If 2 or 3 people communicate here does that make them high profile? Or highly oppionated? Or in the case of people who often do silly posts are they high profile or bothersome? I only read a few forums so maybe in specialised forums some could be high profile I quess if they lots of knowledge and share it. But I am always the cynic so maybe it should be obvious and i missed it some how.


How does a poster know they are 'high profile' and are required to inform others of they departure, as to not upset forum population and create myths and rumours that become the forum lore?

You are high profile. You have now been told. Does that help?


To be honest anyone who cries out they are leaving the forum is just attention seeking. So better to just disappear IMHO, don't need any announcement. Those who are important to the member will certainly know and stay in contact.

That just about sums it up perfectly.


Some of us don't disappear, we just take a break when the input becomes a little too pedestrian, like "breaking news" , drag and drop comments from other posters

and the old favourite " - "me TG has done me wrong".


How does a poster know they are 'high profile' and are required to inform others of they departure, as to not upset forum population and create myths and rumours that become the forum lore?

You are high profile. You have now been told. Does that help?

Ah, now I will make sure to not announce my departure.

I might however add my profile name in my 'last will and testament' so someone can be informed when I am killed die from too much snu-snu accidental viewing of Thai soap opera.


To be honest anyone who cries out they are leaving the forum is just attention seeking. So better to just disappear IMHO, don't need any announcement. Those who are important to the member will certainly know and stay in contact.

Totally agree that the business of starting a thread to say your goodbyes is all a little too self-absorbed.

All i was talking about was leaving a comment on your profile page. Some members spent hours and hours of their life posting some fairly inane stuff, but can't spare a few seconds to do that. Not that i'm suggesting they have any obligation to. Of course people who are important to them will know where they have gone. Just would be nice if they considered satisfying other people's curiosity.

What got me thinking about all this was member lazeeboy. When i started contributing to this forum he was fairly "high-profile" (for those unsure, my meaning by that term is simply that he posted quite a lot). He had a great avatar and also a pretty interesting life, and as such, i enjoyed reading his posts. At some point however, he stopped posting. I checked out his profile page and found nothing there and in fact even his content has disappeared. Why i'm not sure. Perhaps his posts got lost in the recent forum changes.

Anyway, like i say, he and others who go don't owe me or anyone else an explanation. I just hope all is well with him. That's all.

(other examples that spring to mind are maigo6 and taxexile - anyone know their fate?)


Some of us don't disappear, we just take a break when the input becomes a little too pedestrian, like "breaking news" , drag and drop comments from other posters

and the old favourite " - "me TG has done me wrong".

Welcome back qwertz! Seeing your name on this thread reminded me how much i enjoyed your posts too and how i completely neglected to notice you had stopped posting. Sorry about that. Glad to see you are still alive and kicking!

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