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Subliminal Messages Ch 3 News


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Watching the Ch 3 midday news at the office last week and I have noticed subliminal frames imposed between news articles at random intervals.

I only see the midday presentation, and I have not been able to view other time slots.

I noticed others also registered the image, although perhaps it had no context and therefore seemed irrelevant.

I noticed the images over a few days, and only on Friday was able to confirm that my overactive imagination was not over acting.

I have an idea what they depict.

But why?

I'm not going to mention what I believe the images are until I get some responses.

Get the smart arse comments out of the way first LOL, and lets see if we can get to the bottom of this.

It has been pointed out to me that they are not subliminal images as they do register with me, although I wonder if different people register frame rates differently?

This practice is outlawed in most western countries, evidently not in Thailand.

It is going to open a pretty wild discussion when it is discussed the significance of the images.

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If you Google Subliminal Advertising you will learn a lot about it.

Subliminal advertising on TV was banned years ago in USA and Canada. Not sure what the situation in Thailand is.

Excellet cartton , appropriate too LOL.

A few responses but it seems no one is biting.

It is not advertising, it is condtitioning the masses to an event that may occur in the near future.

This is why it is so weird. Because this event is controversial amongst the mainstream.

I am not goig to say what the image is they have flashed. Because if anyone elso on this forum notices it my opinion as to what it shows will effect what others say it is.

Please foward this to any friends in the network media who may be interested, especially people who read thai and can see if it is talked about on any thai blogs about the media.

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I am not goig to say what the image is they have flashed. Because if anyone elso on this forum notices it my opinion as to what it shows will effect what others say it is.

Go on spill the beans if not somebody interested enough is going to have to wait for a news bulletin and the thread may have died a death by then

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I think you're on to something there Serp.

Every time I watch the tele I have an irresistible urge to get up and grab a beer out of the fridge.

Not complaining mind. :whistling:

Dang, there was one on your post as well! This Leo sure tastes good....

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If you Google Subliminal Advertising you will learn a lot about it.

Subliminal advertising on TV was banned years ago in USA and Canada. Not sure what the situation in Thailand is.

Excellet cartton , appropriate too LOL.

A few responses but it seems no one is biting.

It is not advertising, it is condtitioning the masses to an event that may occur in the near future.

This is why it is so weird. Because this event is controversial amongst the mainstream.

I am not goig to say what the image is they have flashed. Because if anyone elso on this forum notices it my opinion as to what it shows will effect what others say it is.

Please foward this to any friends in the network media who may be interested, especially people who read thai and can see if it is talked about on any thai blogs about the media.

Thanks for not telling us this useless piece of information have you got any other useless pieces you cant tell us, Id love to not hear them?

Edited by travelmann
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I am not goig to say what the image is they have flashed. Because if anyone elso on this forum notices it my opinion as to what it shows will effect what others say it is.

Go on spill the beans if not somebody interested enough is going to have to wait for a news bulletin and the thread may have died a death by then

Yeh c'mon tell us, I can't get to the TV at lunchtime news...

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Something along the lines of


I reckon

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek "They live" aaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh http://www.impawards.../they_live.html

That was that one with " Rowdy" Roddy Piper wasn't it?

Yes applies very well to "Thailand":whistling:

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Something along the lines of


I reckon

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek "They live" aaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh http://www.impawards.com/1988/they_live.html

That was that one with " Rowdy" Roddy Piper wasn't it?

Great movie.....

post-15958-077781000 1286692207_thumb.jp

Contains the classic line "I came here to chew bubble gum and kick some ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum"

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Something along the lines of


I reckon

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek "They live" aaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh http://www.impawards.../they_live.html

That was that one with " Rowdy" Roddy Piper wasn't it?

Great movie.....

post-15958-077781000 1286692207_thumb.jp

Contains the classic line "I came here to chew bubble gum and kick some ass, and I'm all out of bubble gum"

Sadly underrated, i'm surprised they havent done a remake of it yet...

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The OP is talking BS. Why doesn't he just record the news and then pause it at the right moment to expose this dastardly act of mind control?

That is assuming he has something to record it with.

And to capture a millisecond, and to pause it on a millisecond you need some bloody good equipment and knowledge !

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The OP is talking BS. Why doesn't he just record the news and then pause it at the right moment to expose this dastardly act of mind control?

That is assuming he has something to record it with.

And to capture a millisecond, and to pause it on a millisecond you need some bloody good equipment and knowledge !

Well, yes and no, the home video system capable of delivering a thousand frames a second is still, let's say, in the planning stage.

Most deliver 24, 25 or 30 FPS (but 30 is usually on HDTV only, that lets Channel 3 out then)

The human eye brain combination is capable of registering an image that lasts for only one twenty fourth of a second, if it is ready for it and concentrating.... that's how subliminal messaging works, most of the time you aren't looking for it but it still registers, when you are looking for it, it can be seen but it is too fast to get the entire image in one go, but your brain remembers and adds as it goes along.

But, yes you are right, you need a device that is capable of frame by frame playback.... I had a Sony VCR ten years ago that could do that, settled some Sharon Stone arguments I can tell you.

But who records from TV these days?

//edit/added the word home.

Edited by Thaddeus
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dude I though I was going mad but Ive seen stuff like that too!!

A few months ago I was going to the cinema more than often and flashing up in a variety of different films was the number 32 I think. It was written in quite a scary font (kinda like scratched in)

It might have been another number but definately not more than two digits.

Anyone else see this...?

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A few months ago I was going to the cinema more than often and flashing up in a variety of different films was the number 32 I think. It was written in quite a scary font (kinda like scratched in)

I thought this was just a marking code so they can find which area it was pirated from, should someone be taping in the cinema. Usually I see "E 16" or similar...

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ohhh right ok you could be right but then again why would they show a pirated film in a cinema...?

E-16 does sound about right

Going back to the original post, Im not sure what you saw but if it was like a pyramid shape or arrow top then this could be part of this October 14th thing they got going on. Apparently UFO's are gonna show themselves to us on that day.

Same formation has been seen on Russian and I think Spanish tv.

I dont really know what to believe but check out to see what happens on the 14th, it might all be crap but maybe not hey...no doubt theyll be fascinated with Thailand and Soi cowboy

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I am not a number , i have a name,

Try videoing the program then freeze the program then you can read the message.:ph34r: PS i don't mean put the TV in the freezer::jap:

Errr.... see post above yours, or was mine a subliminal post.

Exactly . is repartition not a form of subliminal messaging, the same as artificial smell. like when you go to the shops and there are smells like fresh bread , i think Siops. are involved here

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Solved. Thanks James.

So there you go. It is an image of a formation of lights in the sky, or what would appear to be a a V ufo formation. So there is an agenda of some sort internationally to condition people to seeing images like this?

Well well.

So before yu all ridicule the post, watch the news and see the image. Then ask who and why?

Read up on Project Bluebook ans Von Braun the nazi rocket scienctist, as well as Parsons, the founder of JPL.

Then some of this crazy stuff might make sense.

I did warn you it was going to be an interesting topic..........

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