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Argentina calls on Britain to refrain from holding military exercises in the Falklands


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Argentina should stick to mismanaging its economy and corrupt practices.

Too bad the Baroness isn't healthy, otherwise she'd kick those rude snots in the balls again.

Well... kick them she might,if she was in good health,she was fond of that kind of Bully Boy /Dictatorial tactics,to her own people too.

And she should also take her share of the blame, for the cause of the Falklands War in the first place.Which is now subject to the present conflict.

But perhaps this thread is not the place to discuss the details.


Wiki also gives a long account of the Falklands Islands war.

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Actually I think its EXCELLENT that the BARONESS isnt well - I hope she dies a long slow agonising death in about 6 months just like British industry did under her "Government" - By the way Im a Falklands veteran!!

She has Altzeimers....... (Couldn't happen to a nicer person)

and sadly has no recollection of the atrocious damage she inflicted on the British People.

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It would seem pretty obvious on this Post that the Argentine claim to the Falklands has no foundation whatsoever,either Legally,Strategically,or Morally.

And no doubt if the Islanders had a Referendum on being British or Argentinian,then the vote would be near 100% in favour of remaining British.

An example of a few years ago was Spain,and their claim to Gibraltar,

The then British Foreign Secretary "Jack Straw "was in favour of giving "The Rock" back to Spain,and refused a vote to the British Islanders,

Not to be outdone,they organised their own Referendum,and the result was 99% in favour of remaining British.

Since then I have not heard anything further.

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Note to all.

This is a topic on the Falkland Islands, not Tony Blair or the Iraq and Afghan war. Please keep on topic.

Yeah, but YOU were the one who brought up Hitler on a Las Malvinas islands thread. Interesting choice.

BTW, congratulations! By making a Nazi/Hitler analogy in a topic that has NOTHING to do with that, you have officially lost this internet debate under the rules of Godwin's Law, and being a mod, we know about your utmost respect for rules --


You clearly know very little about Argentina. Anyone who spends any time there understands the passion felt by the Argie masses about their rightful ownership of Las Malvinas.

BTW, you make "Argentinian rule" sound like it's so bad. It's a modern civilized left leaning democracy. It's not bad and the islanders aren't any exactly aborogines there either. I am sure a civilized accommodation could EASILY be made for the islanders to legally keep their ties to Britain, gain new ties to Argentina (like dual citizenship), like I said before monetary compensation, and of course always the option to freely move if that was their choice. Argentina is not the evil empire, che.

Oh, I forget to mention. Free Spanish and tango lessons!!!

Your question has been answered now; if that doesn't satisfy you, you are asking too much.

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You really are amazing! I did not compare Argentina to Hitler, I merely used him as an example that being popular does not make one right (unless you are seriously suggesting that Hitler was right; surely not!)

You will not answer the question. Why do the rights of the islanders mean nothing to you?

It matters not how modern and enlightened the Argentinian government is. The islanders do not want to be governed by it; they want to be governed by the UK.

You want to deny them the right to choose. You say that the alleged "passion felt by the Argie masses about their rightful ownership of Las Malvinas" is more important than the rights of the people that live there (BTW, I wouldn't refer to them as 'Argies' in front of an Argentinian were I you; not if you want to keep your teeth!).

You will not (or more likely cannot) say why.

I put it to you one last time:

Why do you think that the Falkland Islanders should be forced to live under a foreign government against their wishes?

Straight question, straight answer please.

If you do not have an answer, admit it.

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Note to all.

This is a topic on the Falkland Islands, not Tony Blair or the Iraq and Afghan war. Please keep on topic.

Neither is it about Thatcher; except where relevant to the Falklands war and history of the islands.

Any more off topic posts will be deleted and the poster officially warned.

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You really are amazing! I did not compare Argentina to Hitler, I merely used him as an example that being popular does not make one right (unless you are seriously suggesting that Hitler was right; surely not!)

You will not answer the question. Why do the rights of the islanders mean nothing to you?

It matters not how modern and enlightened the Argentinian government is. The islanders do not want to be governed by it; they want to be governed by the UK.

You want to deny them the right to choose. You say that the alleged "passion felt by the Argie masses about their rightful ownership of Las Malvinas" is more important than the rights of the people that live there (BTW, I wouldn't refer to them as 'Argies' in front of an Argentinian were I you; not if you want to keep your teeth!).

You will not (or more likely cannot) say why.

I put it to you one last time:

Why do you think that the Falkland Islanders should be forced to live under a foreign government against their wishes?

Straight question, straight answer please.

If you do not have an answer, admit it.

I see you choose to ignore the validity of Godwin's Law which you did indeed violate, thus you already lost this argument. But I guess, you, being in a position of authority have that liberty.

BTW, I never said that you said Argentina was the same as Nazi Germany. I said you broke Godwin's Law, and lost, which you did. You are a very twisty, strident, argumentative poster, a bit surprising from a mod.

What I DID do was point out that you did indeed paint Argentinian governance as some kind of tragedy (please rack your brain and see that it is a SEPARATE thing from your Hitler analogy). If the islanders were treated badly, it would be, but you can't assume that would happen before it happens, now can you? I suggest it would be very foolish for the Argentinians to be mean to the islanders if nothing else from a strictly international public relations point of view.

Anyway, yes, I think I have made it perfectly clear, if the Argentinian ownership argument ultimately prevails as I predict that someday it will, yes the historic correction of this colonial British land grab is more important than the current islanders getting everything they want. However, as I have made it quite clear, I would certainly hope that their new government would grant them every possible right and compensation.

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Anyway, yes, I think I have made it perfectly clear, if the Argentinian ownership argument ultimately prevails as I predict that someday it will, yes the historic correction of this colonial British land grab is more important than the current islanders getting everything they want.

So, according to you the British settling on an uninhabited group of islands is a "colonial British land grab" yet an Argentinian takeover of an inhabited group of islands when said inhabitants do not want it is acceptable!

You really are amazing.

I have not painted the Argentine government in any way, good or bad. It matters not whether the Argentinian government treats the islanders well or not, offers them compensation or not; what matters is the right of the islanders to determine their own governance. You would deny them that right.

The only conclusion one can draw is that you care nothing for democracy.

I can see no point in continuing this debate; you have dug yourself into a hole and are now desperately trying to justify the unjustifiable. Were I you, I'd stop digging.

BTW, being a mod does not disqualify one from holding and expressing an opinion.

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Of course, it would be terribly wrong if the Argentinian-ized islanders were denied a vote in the Argentinian democracy. It is a shame about the islander's inconvenience, but if it is true that the islands really should be controlled by Argentina and their arguments prevail, that is the greater good in the fullness of history. Maybe this can be ruled on in the UN?

BTW, mod dude, I wasn't talking about having an opinion, I was talking about your extremely aggressive goading style. Doesn't seem appropriate from someone playing the role of objective judge, in my view.

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Of course, it would be terribly wrong if the Argentinian-ized islanders were denied a vote in the Argentinian democracy.

Deliberately or otherwise, you have completely and utterly missed the point.

I get the point. My response also was deliberate. My position is crystal clear. The trouble is you don't like it, that's all.

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Of course, it would be terribly wrong if the Argentinian-ized islanders were denied a vote in the Argentinian democracy.

Deliberately or otherwise, you have completely and utterly missed the point.

I get the point. My response also was deliberate. My position is crystal clear. The trouble is you don't like it, that's all.


And in the meantime, the Falkland Islands still remain under British control for now and the forseeable future. rolleyes.gif

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See, you can't even identify an Underdog correctly! From the first audition, Susan Boyle was odds on favourite to win.

I thought I answered it. Oh well ...

Not even remotely.

This has turned in to a hamster wheel.

Why is there no emoticon for banging your head against a brick wall?

Maybe this is the emoticon you need for a situation like this:


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Your only other argument is that the people of Argentina 'feel' that the islands are theirs. How many, I wonder? All? very unlikely. Most? I doubt it. A small but vocal minority is probably closer to reality. The people of the Falklands don't feel Argentinian, they feel British and want to remain that way.

Polling shows 84 percent mate.

Almost 84% of those surveyed said “the United Kingdom is violating Argentina’s sovereign right to the islands.”


With no mention of sample size in the article, no conclusions can be drawn from the data - there is just no clue to the significance of the findings.

I just did a poll and found that 100% of Thais love potatoes. :whistling:

Plus, there is no sign of the research on the website of the company who carried out the study: http://www.ibarometro.com.ar/ so the data can not be scrutinised.

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It's incredibly lame to suggest there is any possibility whatsoever that the vast majority of Argies do not feel Las Malvinas are theirs. They are taught this in school from an early age. You had better drop that aspect of your argument, it is totally ridiculous. Accept the truth about how the Argies FEEL at least, it is FACT.

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So is this your position then -- what Argies are taught and feel is trash propaganda but what Brits are taught and feel is the genuine objective truth. Fine. I don't accept that though. It is clear to me there is merit to both positions about Las Malvinas, and given the proximity of the islands to Argentina, and the passion of the Argentinian feeling on the matter (a constant thorn in the side of their national soul) I sincerely think this possible injustice needs to be addressed at the international level, hopefully without slaughter.

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It's incredibly lame to suggest there is any possibility whatsoever that the vast majority of Argies do not feel Las Malvinas are theirs. They are taught this in school from an early age. You had better drop that aspect of your argument, it is totally ridiculous. Accept the truth about how the Argies FEEL at least, it is FACT.

You claim the poll is representative of the entire population. I merely pointed out that this is incorrect, as the poll is meaningless without any hard data to back it up.

I find it quite funny that for a supposed sympathiser, you refer to the population as "Argies". How ironic.

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So is this your position then -- what Argies are taught and feel is trash propaganda but what Brits are taught and feel is the genuine objective truth. Fine. I don't accept that though. It is clear to me there is merit to both positions about Las Malvinas, and given the proximity of the islands to Argentina, and the passion of the Argentinian feeling on the matter (a constant thorn in the side of their national soul) I sincerely think this possible injustice needs to be addressed at the international level, hopefully without slaughter.

If they are being taught something that is contradictory to the law, then yes, that is just utter utter propaganda crap. What is taught in our schools is also quite irrelevant because thanks to the internet we now have the actual facts readily available to us.

Their passion has nothing to do with it. It doesn't matter how much you might want something, you are not permitted to take something that is not yours and you have no legal right to. End of.

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This is an Anglo board. I wouldn't say Argies to a Spanish speaking person.

Next ...

A two-faced racist, at least have consistency and the gumption to call a spade a spade.

Calling me names, calling me a racist, based on total BS, proves what exactly?

On second thought, it may be amusing to ask you to explain why saying Argies is racist. Argies are mostly white, so you are saying I am racist against white people now? Before it was implied I am racist against Indios, and then blacks. So which is it? I am racist against all races, is that it? Do you even KNOW yourself what you are saying?

BTW, Argie is not necessarily disrespectful. It depends on context and in the context I have been using it, in support of Argies, it is an affectionate familiarity. (Like farang, ha ha.) It is an English word, not a Spanish word, so you wouldn't use it in any way in a Spanish context.


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So is this your position then -- what Argies are taught and feel is trash propaganda but what Brits are taught and feel is the genuine objective truth. Fine. I don't accept that though. It is clear to me there is merit to both positions about Las Malvinas, and given the proximity of the islands to Argentina, and the passion of the Argentinian feeling on the matter (a constant thorn in the side of their national soul) I sincerely think this possible injustice needs to be addressed at the international level, hopefully without slaughter.

If they are being taught something that is contradictory to the law, then yes, that is just utter utter propaganda crap. What is taught in our schools is also quite irrelevant because thanks to the internet we now have the actual facts readily available to us.

Their passion has nothing to do with it. It doesn't matter how much you might want something, you are not permitted to take something that is not yours and you have no legal right to. End of.

The facts are on the internet! That's rich. You can make any argument you want from the internet. I contend again for these kinds of intense international land disputes, there is no objective truth.

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This is an Anglo board. I wouldn't say Argies to a Spanish speaking person.

Next ...

A two-faced racist, at least have consistency and the gumption to call a spade a spade.

I'll stick up for jingthing here the word Argies is most certainly not racist, an Argy wouldnt careless if you called him an Argy.

I found out the other year that calling Eskimos, Eskimos is now racist ... where is it ever going to end.

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This is an Anglo board. I wouldn't say Argies to a Spanish speaking person.

Next ...

A two-faced racist, at least have consistency and the gumption to call a spade a spade.

I'll stick up for jingthing here the word Argies is most certainly not racist, an Argy wouldnt careless if you called him an Argy.

I found out the other year that calling Eskimos, Eskimos is now racist ... where is it ever going to end.

It's listed as an ethnic slur.

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there is no objective truth.

Yes, the facts can be found on the internet, would it not be redundant otherwise? You've had the objective truth spelt out to you repeatedly but you choose to ignore it, either that or your are so blinkered that you can't see it.

Whatever you and x amount of other people think, the Falklands are British and are set to remain British. The French might have a say in the matter but until that happens, it's just the way it is. Had the Argentines inhabited and claimed the Falklands before anybody else then this discussion would be different. But they didn't, did they?

The Argentinians were too late to Baggsy the Islands and therefore, they missed out. It really is as simple as that.

Edited by Moonrakers
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This is an Anglo board. I wouldn't say Argies to a Spanish speaking person.

Next ...

A two-faced racist, at least have consistency and the gumption to call a spade a spade.

I'll stick up for jingthing here the word Argies is most certainly not racist, an Argy wouldnt careless if you called him an Argy.

I found out the other year that calling Eskimos, Eskimos is now racist ... where is it ever going to end.

It's listed as an ethnic slur.

Argies? They aren't even an ethnicity! That's very funny.

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If the situation were reversed and the Argentineans occupied the Channel Islands or Isles of Scilly for example, we as Brits would all be screaming blue murder.

Geographically I can't see how the British have any right to lay a claim to the Falkland Islands.

Geography has nothing to do with it.

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