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Argentina calls on Britain to refrain from holding military exercises in the Falklands


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Has you are taking a stance on being anti-British by including other events in our history then don't be surprised to get reprisals.Has has been stated on many occasions the Falklands have NEVER been part of

Argentina and it's inhabitants are solely British.You have yet to give a reasonable account of why they should become part of Argentina apart from the fact they are geologically closer.

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No no no no no no Y'all - this is not the time or the place or the forum to discuss American views - nor is it the place to talk about Iraq or Obama or 9/11 - seems now youre on the run you need to bring in new themes - a sign of massive cracks in your argument. As for Italians in Argentine - whats that got to do with anything?

Y'all are on the run bo!!- just like them rebs at gettysburg!! yeehaaa

I have not once, not ever, represented that all of my political views are representative of majority American views. So I don't even understand the nauseating mocking tone of that last post, it doesn't make any sense at all.

On some specific issues though, they do, as the majority of Americans have felt for years now that the Iraq war was a big mistake as of course I do as well. That's a big reason Obama was elected by a big margin.

Of course Americans are very grateful for the British support in the Iraq war, even for a mistake of a war. I am as well, I just wish they hadn't supported a mistake. Personally, I think the world would have been much better off without EITHER Bush OR Blair after 9/11.

Argentina has many immigrant groups of course, but you didn't mention a very major one -- ITALIANS.

Bloodlust, eh? Against people simply for favoring the Argentinians in their anti-colonial aspirations? That's disturbing.

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Alternatively you could just apologise for turning what was a good forum into a joke single handedly!! But I dont suppose that will happen!!

This thread has gone off the rails. Time to call the calvary.

Do you need instruction on how to put specific members that you don't appreciate on IGNORE? That might be your solution.

Here it is --

My Settings > Profile > Manage Ignored Users

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Alternatively you could just apologise for turning what was a good forum into a joke single handedly!! But I dont suppose that will happen!!

This thread has gone off the rails. Time to call the calvary.

Do you need instruction on how to put specific members that you don't appreciate on IGNORE? That might be your solution.

Here it is --

My Settings > Profile > Manage Ignored Users


That is not the point is it? If people present a differing side to an argument and provide a reason why they take that stance, there is no need for ignore buttons. When people throw in comments of varying quality and fail at any point to back them up with a logical rational argument then other readers will become rightfully upset with that person... in this case you! If you are a member of any forum and throw in comments designed to antagonise, and ,despite being given overwhelming evidence that your opinion must be wrong, due to fact, should you continue on your little game, you are nothing other than a Troll! Simple. On this thread you have adopted Troll status and it is not for the ignore button to sort out, and is too time consuming a job for the Mods. You have played your game, you have had your fun, now stop! Stop Trolling!

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This being an ANGLO board, I understood I was talking the position here of a very small minority of people.....

You are; not because many here are Brits but because a very large majority of people believe that a community should be able to determine it's own leadership; it's called democracy, aren't you Americans supposed to be big on that?

Every single person living on the islands has no desire to be ruled by Argentina, they all want to remain British. Yet you, Jingthing, blithely ignore this desire and insist that their wishes must be ignored and they all be forced to become Argentinian or leave their homes.

The only argument that you can present to support this anti democracy view is that the Falklands are closer to Argentina than they are to the UK.

Your argument that the islands once belonged to Argentina is not valid, as they belonged to Britain before Argentina made any claim to them. Indeed, if that argument holds any validity then Argentina should drop it's claim and insist that the islands be handed over to France as that nation was the first to claim the islands!

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I have made it clear all along I side with the Argies because I feel an affinity with them on this issue, and don't feel it towards the British side. I didn't pretend to be playing advocate in a legal case on the matter. That has been pushed, but you can't get blood out of a stone if the other side ain't playing. I don't think most Brits OR Argies could also make a compelling legal case, both sides populations simply FEEL those islands are THEIRS. That isn't going away, the Argies won't change feeling that.

Regarding the troll name calling, that is a call for the mods but of course I reject that. My affinity towards Argentina is real and sincere. If I didn't feel that and was posting about this simply to stir the pot, that would be trolling, but in this case, some of you are ganging up on me simply for being pro-Argentinian. That isn't fair to gang up on a minority, otherwise, why would anyone dare to express unpopular OPINIONS here?

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I have admitted I have not and did not intend to wage a compelling legalistic argument over which country deserves to have Las Malvinas. Because of this, and because of the lack of balance on this thread, I thought people with an interest in the topic might really appreciate the comments section from this link from Argentina, as there we can see a very balanced and lively back and forth, pro or con, on the issue. It is more balanced I would assume than a Spanish language site there would be, but that makes it more interesting.


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"After a series of naval battles, Argentina surrendered on June 14."

There was substantially more to the Falklands War than a series of naval battles. The fighting was intense and hand-to-hand in some cases. Let's not dishonour those who gave their lives during this conflict.

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Regarding the troll name calling, that is a call for the mods but of course I reject that. My affinity towards Argentina is real and sincere. If I didn't feel that and was posting about this simply to stir the pot, that would be trolling, but in this case, some of you are ganging up on me simply for being pro-Argentinian. That isn't fair to gang up on a minority, otherwise, why would anyone dare to express unpopular OPINIONS here?

You are missing the whole thing. I am certainly not upset with you for being Pro-Argentinian, and I am sure many other posters are the same. You feel you are being ganged up on because since your first comments on this subject you have failed at any time to give any reason for your subjective opinion. A reason for opinion is required for such contentious issues, can you understand that? You are allowed a different opinion that is your freedom, but amongst intelligent people you must be able to support that with rational argument, and at no time have you applied that.

If I were to make some off -the-cuff statement that I support all Mormons and that Gays should never be allowed to marry or indeed they should all be sent to hel_l, you would quite rightly be livid at such a comment and be demanding to know why I could come to such a conclusion. If I continually replied to you by saying "well I have never been a Mormon and know little about them, but Catholics think the same and so do some other Churches support it, so I am sympathetic towards them despite being non-religious , you would rightfully get mad. As it happens, I could never support the statement above with any form of rational argument, nor would I even wish to try, therefore I would never voice that opinion, nor condone it. You play a similar game with the Falklands issue. You know little or nothing about the history, you mistakenly believe that other South American countries support the move because of a loyalty to Argentina, therefore displaying little knowledge of the politics of that area, you appear to have little knowledge of the motivation of the Argentinian Government in this issue, and to top it off, when faced with all the Factual information to fill in all those gaps, you still choose to continue voicing an unsubstantiated, ill-informed opinion, that many people find very offensive. Furthermore, your last little gem about being a minority in this and 'why do people gang up on the minorities smacks of the same unnecessary cancer that plagues most minority groups. When they get tired or beat, they just play the victim.

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I disagree with you about South America totally. I believe they are now unified in support of Argentina on the Las Malvinas issue. I never said there weren't conflicts between South American countries, but they remain unified on issues of anti-colonialism, and in South America, that is how the issue is generally framed.

BTW, does a Manchester United supporter need to give a legal argument to you to justify his affinity towards that club?

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Give us some links then JT


OAS assembly gives full support to Argentina’s Malvinas claim

A declaration presented by Brazil was approved by acclamation in the fortieth OAS General Assembly, which ended Tuesday in Lima, Peru.

The representatives from Brazil, Guatemala, Mexico, Chile, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Paraguay, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Granada, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and Uruguay gave their word to make their support explicit.

The representatives from Brazil, Guatemala, Mexico, Chile, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Paraguay, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Granada, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and Uruguay gave their word to make their support explicit.

Now it seems Mexico from North America is on board as well.


The USA is now NEUTRAL --

However Washington did not adhere or vote the OAS resolution. Under Secretary of State for Hemispheric Affairs Arturo Valenzuela said that the US position on the issue is that it’s a bilateral issue between Argentina and Britain.

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I've read this thread all the way through JT and it appears your support for Argentina over this issue is based on emotion as opposed to any legal argument. Is that a fair summary of your position?

For a good part. I relate to Argentinians and their hurt pride about this and I totally DID NOT relate to the neo-fascism of Thatcher and Reagan and their hubris. I also relate to anti-colonialism in general. I will leave it to President Kirchner to explain her legal positions. Seems like she is persuading some very important people indeed. I also admire both the Kirchners.

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For what it's worth, I think that Britain should open talks.

Argentina: Give is the Falklands

Britain: NO

Argentina: Errrrrrr

Talks over.

Pretty much. I don't see how they can get them peacefully either, but at least they are making a show of trying.

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For what it's worth, I think that Britain should open talks.

Argentina: Give is the Falklands

Britain: NO

Argentina: Errrrrrr

Talks over.

Pretty much. I don't see how they can get them peacefully either, but at least they are making a show of trying.

It's all about making a show JT. I've read that the Argie president isn't doing too well in the polls and has failed to deliver on something like 94% of her pre-election promises. She's playing the good ole' nationalistic card for self serving purposes, not the first time it's happened.

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For what it's worth, I think that Britain should open talks.

Argentina: Give is the Falklands

Britain: NO

Argentina: Errrrrrr

Talks over.

Pretty much. I don't see how they can get them peacefully either, but at least they are making a show of trying.

It's all about making a show JT. I've read that the Argie president isn't doing too well in the polls and has failed to deliver on something like 94% of her pre-election promises. She's playing the good ole' nationalistic card for self serving purposes, not the first time it's happened.

It can be both actually. A political show AND that Argentinians really do think they are rightful owners of those islands. Which, of course, they do.

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Jingthing coughed up the following list; The representatives from Brazil, Guatemala, Mexico, Chile, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Paraguay, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Granada, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and Uruguay gave their word to make their support explicit.The representatives from Brazil, Guatemala, Mexico, Chile, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Paraguay, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Granada, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, and Uruguay gave their word to make their support explicit.

Now it seems Mexico from North America is on board as well.The USA is now NEUTRAL --

Countries absent from the list and from whom the UK will most likely receive moral support from are; Barbados, Antigua & Barbado, Belize, Canada, Dominica, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, Suriname, The Bahamas and Trinidad & Tobago. Honduras has followed the US position. Canada, can be expected to stick to principle and not be afraid of losing influence in Latin America.

Of those nations not falling into line behind the puffed up pompous popinjays of Argentina, I note that with the exception of Canada and Belize all have a majority population of people of colour.

Race based bigotry is alive and well in Latin America, a region where people of darker complexions are pushed to the bottom of the social heap. Considering that the Jingthing usually plays the race card. I am surprised this slipped by. Whatever prejudice may be present in the UK, at the end of the day, men and women of colour can obtain a fair shake. It can sometimes be difficult but the UK led the way when it came to treating people of colour equally. In Latin America being a negrito is a VIP pass to discrimination and suffering.

When I read a Jingthing post, I think of Mrs. Slocumbe. She was quite adamant even when wrong and was always saying, "On that I am unanimous".

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Highlighted are countries which are NOT SOUTH AMERICAN nations --

Countries absent from the list and from whom the UK will most likely receive moral support from are; Barbados, Antigua & Barbado, Belize, Canada, Dominica, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, Suriname, The Bahamas and Trinidad & Tobago. Honduras has followed the US position. Canada, can be expected to stick to principle and not be afraid of losing influence in Latin America.

Two which are in SOUTH AMERICA -- Suriname and Guyana, sorry those are not important countries.

So you thought you could fool us with that impressive list when the topic was SOUTH AMERICAN support for Argentina, which I have shown is overwhelming.

Regarding your racism accusations, you are way off base and you know it. I have written nothing about the racial issues in South America. You are correct Argentina is mostly a European descent country and there is racism there as there is everywhere including Britain and Thailand, my feeling about Las Malvinas has NOTHING to do with race, if it was mostly Indian PERU, I would feel exactly the same way.

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BTW, does a Manchester United supporter need to give a legal argument to you to justify his affinity towards that club?

Of course not; but being a Man U supporter does not effect the rights of others to support whomsoever they wish.

As said before, the overriding concern must be the wishes of the inhabitants of the islands.

They do not want to be Argentinian nor ruled from Buenos Aries.

Yet you would impose that upon them against their will.

That is closer to fascism than anything you could accuse Thatcher or Reagan of doing!

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BTW, does a Manchester United supporter need to give a legal argument to you to justify his affinity towards that club?

Of course not; but being a Man U supporter does not effect the rights of others to support whomsoever they wish.

As said before, the overriding concern must be the wishes of the inhabitants of the islands.

They do not want to be Argentinian nor ruled from Buenos Aries.

Yet you would impose that upon them against their will.

That is closer to fascism than anything you could accuse Thatcher or Reagan of doing!

What about the rights of the Argentinians who claim ownership? If their claims are valid, aren't they now being raped, having their oil money raped by British colonialists?

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BTW, does a Manchester United supporter need to give a legal argument to you to justify his affinity towards that club?

Of course not; but being a Man U supporter does not effect the rights of others to support whomsoever they wish.

As said before, the overriding concern must be the wishes of the inhabitants of the islands.

They do not want to be Argentinian nor ruled from Buenos Aries.

Yet you would impose that upon them against their will.

That is closer to fascism than anything you could accuse Thatcher or Reagan of doing!

What about the rights of the Argentinians who claim ownership? If their claims are valid, aren't they now being raped, having their oil money raped by British colonialists?

But they don't own it, do they? Not have they ever owned it!

What about my claims to ownership of your car (assuming you have one)?

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But they don't own it, do they? Not have they ever owned it!

What about my claims to ownership of your car (assuming you have one)?

They think they own it. All of South America thinks they own it. You don't really think you own my car so that's a bad example. So there is a REAL conflict whether you like it or not and it ain't going away.

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