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Israel offers to extend moratorium on settlements if Palestinians recognize it as Jewish state

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Of course it is forgotten how heroic the Stern Gang were and their actions against those that had fought a war for them.The holocaust happened, there is no disputing that fact.

However the milking of the holocaust that is still going on and the inclusion of all the victims deaths, i.e. Poles , Russians P.O.W. Gypsies, mentally and physically challenged people communist etc. is possibly the biggest con trick implemented on the world in the pursuit of sympathy and the justification of international terrorist act by Israel.

All backed by Israel's largest satellite state America.

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Heavily restricting goods flowing into the Gaza strip renders it pretty close to a death camp.

It might be a good idea to stop shooting missles into Israel, so they do not need to restrict goods. :whistling:

Because the actions of a minority should see the majority punished. Good logic.

Perhaps you'd also like to see all Muslims banned from flying.


This is a long piece but it certainly shows us what was really happening in the lead up to world war two.

HITLER: Forced into war against his wishes because "the German nation is a threat to us Jews"How World War II Came AboutKenneth McKilliam distils fact from fiction

THE POWERS that emerged victorious from World War I made a second war almost inevitable by the peace conditions they imposed upon Germany. That second war was later made certain, not by the intentions of Hitler but by the determination of his eternal enemies to destroy the new Germany that he had created.

By the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919 and the Treaty of St. Germain on 20 September of the same year, the German people were thoroughly humiliated. The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, wrote:

'The international bankers swept statesmen, politicians, journalists and jurists all to one side and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs.'

The old Austrian Empire was balkanised without respect to its various cultures and nationalities. East Prussia was separated from Germany by a large area ceded to Poland. The Sudeten Germans were placed under Czech control. The coal mining area of the Saar Valley was to be administered for fifteen years by the League of Nations and then a plebiscite held. The corrupt Weimar Republic was forced upon the German nation and the middle classes were robbed of their savings by corrupt finance. There were millions of unemployed and the Sparticist Jewish revolutionary leaders Karl Leibknecht and Rosa Luxembourg were stirring up red revolution.


The Daily Mail reported on 10 July 1933:

'The German nation, moreover, was rapidly falling under the control of its alien elements. In the last days of the pre-Hitler regime there were twenty times as many Jewish government officials in Germany as had existed before the war. Israelites of international attachments were insinuating themselves into key positions in the German administrative machine.'

Dr. Manfred Reifer, a well known leader of the Jews of Bukovina, wrote in the Jewish magazine Czernowitzer Allegemeine Zeitung (September 1933):

'Whilst large sections of the German nation were struggling for the preservation of their race, we Jews filled the streets of Germany with our vociferations. We supplied the press with articles on the subject of its Christmas and Easter and administered to its religious beliefs in the manner we considered suitable. We ridiculed the highest ideals of the German nation and profaned the matters which it holds sacred.'

Resentment and resistance began to build up against the alien horde and in the year before Adolf Hitler came to power Bernard Lecache, President of the World Jewish League, stated:

'Germany is our public enemy number one. It is our object to declare war without mercy against her.'

The National Socialist Party of Adolf Hitler gained 17,300,000 votes in the election and gained 288 seats in the Reichstag. On 30 January 1933 Hitler was legally appointed Chancellor of the German Reich by President Von Hindenberg. On 24 March 1933 the Reichstag elected by 441 votes to 94 to give full emergency powers to the new Reich Chancellor and the corrupt Weimar Republic ceased to exist.

On that same day, 24 March 1933, on the front page of the London Daily Express appeared the main headlines: "Judaea declares war on Germany: Jews of all the world unite", and followed with:

'The Israelite people of the entire world declare economic and financial war on Germany. The appearance of the Swastika as the symbol of the new Germany revives the old war symbol of the Jews. Fourteen million Jews stand as one body to declare war on Germany. The Jewish wholesale dealer leaves his business, the banker his bank, the shopkeeper his shop, the beggar his miserable hut in order to combine forces in the holy war against Hitler's people.'

The German government was removing Jews from influential positions and transferring power back to the German people. This declaration of war by the Jews on Germany was repeated throughout the world. The first boycott of Jewish business concerns came after this Jewish declaration of war in April 1933.


Vladimir Jabotinsky, founder of the Irgun Zvai Leumi terrorist organisation, wrote in the January 1934 issue of Mascha Rjetach:

'For months now the struggle against Germany is waged by each Jewish community at each conference in all our syndicates and by each Jew all over the world. There is reason to believe that our part in this struggle has general value. We will start a spiritual and material war of all the world against Germany's ambitions to become once again a great nation, to recover lost territories and colonies. But our Jewish interests demand Germany's total destruction, collectively and individually. The German nation is a threat to us Jews.'

Emil Ludwig Cohen wrote in his book The New Holy Alliance, Strasburg, 1938:

'Even if Hitler at the last moment would want to avoid war which would destroy him he will, in spite of his wishes, be compelled to wage war.'

Bernard Lechache wrote in The Right to Live (December 1938):

'It is our task to organise the moral and cultural blockade of Germany and disperse this nation. It is up to us to start a merciless war.'

The Jewish newspaper Central Blad Voor Israeliten in Nederlands printed on 13 September 1939:

'The millions of Jews living in America, England, France, North Africa and South, not forgetting Palestine, have decided to carry on the war in Germany to the very end. It is to be a war of extermination.'

The Toronto Star (26 February 1940) printed a declaration of a Rabbi Perlberg, Director of the British section of the Jewish World Congress:

'The Jewish World Congress is in a state of war with Germany for seven years.'

The Jewish magazine Sentinel of Chicago printed in its issue of 8 October 1940:

'When the National Socialists and their friends cry or whisper that this [the war] is brought about by Jews, they are perfectly right.'

Hitler now put into operation the plan of getting all German areas into one state and all Germans under one German Government. The Germans in the Rhineland, the Germans in Austria and the Sudeten Germans responded willingly. In January 1935 the Saar Valley voted to return to Germany with a 90 per-cent poll in favour. There were also Germans in East Prussia and in Danzig now divided by land ceded to Poland by the Treaty of Versailles. It is interesting to note that between 1933 and 1937 10,000 Jews migrated to Hitler's Germany, 97 of them from Palestine.


An agreement was signed between Germany (Hitler) and Great Britain (Neville Chamberlain) which suggested a peaceful revision of the wrongs committed by the Treaty of Versailles. A four-power conference was suggested which would preserve the peace. The four powers were Great Britain, Germany, France and Italy.

The paper Truth of 5 January 1952 stated that Mr. Oswald Pirow, South African Minister of Defence, was sent on a mission to Germany in 1938 by General Smuts to ease the tension on the Jewish issue. The British Prime Minister told Pirow that pressure of International Jewry was one of the principal obstacles to an Anglo-German accommodation and that it would greatly help him resist that pressure if Hitler could be induced to moderate his policy towards the German Jews. Pirow stated that Hitler viewed this idea with favour and an Anglo-German agreement was in sight; the effect would have been, in the event of war, to limit the conflict to Germany and Russia, with the other great powers intervening to enforce their own terms when the combatants were exhausted.

However, the Four Nations Pact was not to be. The Jews put an end to this, for on 7 November 1938, a few weeks after the Munich Agreement and shortly before the journey to Paris of the German Foreign Minister, Von Ribbentrop, the Polish Jew, Herschel Feibel Grynszpan murdered the German Third Secretary of State, Ernst von Rath, in the German Embassy in Paris. The five bullets fired were the logical result of the Jews' declaration of war on Germany of March 1933 and put an end to the effort being made to explain and extend the importance of the Munich Agreement and the revision of the Treaty of Versailles.

This assassination provoked anti-Jewish riots in Germany, with the burning of synagogues and the looting and burning of Jewish shops. The anti-Jewish riots inflamed public opinion in Great Britain and the USA against Chamberlain's efforts to relieve Anglo-German tension. In the United States Germans were assaulted and persecuted. The Jews began leaving Germany.

The Paris magazine L'Ami du Peuple wrote about them:

'These people fled from Germany because they attempted to set up a rule of fire and blood and to let loose the horrors of civil war and universal chaos.'

The American Secretary of State, James Forrestal, who later died in mysterious circumstances, wrote in his Forrestal Diaries(Cassel and Co., London 1952):

'Have played golf with Joe Kennedy [uS Ambassador in Britain, father of President John Kennedy]. According to him, Chamberlain declared that Zionism and world Jewry have obliged England to enter the war.'

The Jew, Schlomo Asch, in a pep talk to French troops in the line in Le Nouvelles Litteraires (10 February 1940) wrote:

This is our war and you are fighting it for us. Even if we Jews are not bodily in the trenches we are nevertheless morally with you.'

On 8 October 1942 Sentinel magazine stated unequivocally:

'The Second World War is being fought for the defence and fundamentals of Judaism.'


Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain had given an assurance that:

'The British Government would never resort to the deliberate attack on women and children and other civilians for the purpose of mere terrorism.'

However, his successor Winston Churchill appointed as his personal adviser the Jew Professor Lindemann. Lindemann, later Lord Cherwell, suggested the bombing of German cities and that working class areas were legitimate targets, and from then onwards the last vestiges of civilised decency in warfare were abandoned. These bombings began on 10 August 1940 with the bombing of the small open town of Freiburg on the Swiss frontier. Fifty-three civilians were killed, including twenty children playing in the park. It was reported by Mr. Taylor of the American Red Cross in the New York Times of 3 May 1940. This was before the Germans began bombing British cities. Mr. J. M. Speight, CBE, Principal Secretary to the Air Ministry, wrote in his book The Splendid Decision:

'Adolf Hitler only undertook the bombing of British civilian targets reluctantly after the RAF had commenced bombing German civilian targets... It gave Coventry, Birmingham, Sheffield and Southampton the right to look Kiev, Kharkov, Stalingrad and Sebastopol in the face. Our Soviet allies would have been less critical of our inactivity if they had understood what we had done... Hitler would have been willing at my time to stop the slaughter. Hitler was genuinely anxious to reach with Britain an agreement confining the action of aircraft to battle zones.'


In 1941, long before there was any assembling of Jews for the supposed extermination camps, a Jew, Theodor N. Kaufman, wroteGermany Must Perish. Kaufman set out a plan for the total destruction of the German population by a very simple method: the mass sterilisation of all German men and women between the age of puberty and sixty years. He described the construction of the organisation for doing this. This book was the basis of the Morgenthau Plan for the total destruction of German industry and the enslavement of the German race. Naturally these intentions of Germany's enemy got into the hands of the German propaganda minister Goebbels, and it stiffened the resistance of the German nation to avoid defeat. The Morgenthau Plan formed the basis of discussions between President Roosevelt and Soviet leader Stalin acting through his liaison officer, the Soviet Jew Zabrousky, and also formed the basis of the Yalta Agreement.


Jewish control over America means loyalty

To Israel

Under a 1975 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

The USA guaranteed all Israel's oil needs in the event of a crisis.

This Memorandum of Understanding is quietly renewed every five years. It commits U.S. taxpayers to maintain a strategic U.S. reserve for Israel, equivalent to $3 billion in 2002 dollars. Special legislation was enacted to exempt Israel from restrictions on oil exports from the USA. Moreover, the U.S. government agreed to divert oil from the USA, even if this causes domestic shortages. The U.S. government also guaranteed delivery of oil in U.S. tankers if commercial shippers become unable or unwilling to carry oil from the USA to Israel


If non-jews don't want to live in Israel they could always move. I am sure they will be accepted with open arm by their brothers in all 4 directions. :rolleyes:


Jewish control over America means loyalty

To Israel

Under a 1975 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

The USA guaranteed all Israel's oil needs in the event of a crisis.

This Memorandum of Understanding is quietly renewed every five years. It commits U.S. taxpayers to maintain a strategic U.S. reserve for Israel, equivalent to $3 billion in 2002 dollars. Special legislation was enacted to exempt Israel from restrictions on oil exports from the USA. Moreover, the U.S. government agreed to divert oil from the USA, even if this causes domestic shortages. The U.S. government also guaranteed delivery of oil in U.S. tankers if commercial shippers become unable or unwilling to carry oil from the USA to Israel

Samuel Untermyer declares War on Germany.


The power of ZIONISM!



Actually, there was never a Palestine .

When the next flight from planet Thargon leaves for Earth, jump on it and lets talk about the history of Palestine on Earth.

Palestine WAS a real country with REAL people. Prior to being Muslim, the Palastinians were Christian.

Sorry maybe I should have said there was never a Palestine other than the ancient Jewish state. Why don't you offer some proof of a Muslim country called Palestine from a credible source instead of just making up crazy bedtime stories? :lol:

The term "Palestine" is believed to be derived from the Philistines, an Aegean people who, in the 12th Century B.C.E., settled along the Mediterranean coastal plain of what are now Israel and the Gaza Strip. In the second century C.E., after crushing the last Jewish revolt, the Romans first applied the name Palaestina to Judea (the southern portion of what is now called the West Bank) in an attempt to minimize Jewish identification with the land of Israel. The Arabic word "Filastin" is derived from this Latin name.

The Hebrews entered the Land of Israel about 1300 B.C.E., living under a tribal confederation until being united under the first monarch, King Saul. The second king, David, established Jerusalem as the capital around 1000 B.C.E. David's son, Solomon built the Temple soon thereafter and consolidated the military, administrative and religious functions of the kingdom. The nation was divided under Solomon's son, with the northern kingdom (Israel) lasting until 722 B.C.E., when the Assyrians destroyed it, and the southern kingdom (Judah) surviving until the Babylonian conquest in 586 B.C.E. The Jewish people enjoyed brief periods of sovereignty afterward before most Jews were finally driven from their homeland in 135 C.E.

Jewish independence in the Land of Israel lasted for more than 400 years. This is much longer than Americans have enjoyed independence in what has become known as the United States. In fact, if not for foreign conquerors, Israel would be 3,000 years old today.

Palestine was never an exclusively Arab country, although Arabic gradually became the language of most the population after the Muslim invasions of the seventh century. No independent Arab or Palestinian state ever existed in Palestine. When the distinguished Arab-American historian, Princeton University Prof. Philip Hitti, testified against partition before the Anglo-American Committee in 1946, he said: "There is no such thing as 'Palestine' in history, absolutely not."

Prior to partition, Palestinian Arabs did not view themselves as having a separate identity. When the First Congress of Muslim-Christian Associations met in Jerusalem in February 1919 to choose Palestinian representatives for the Paris Peace Conference, the following resolution was adopted:

We consider Palestine as part of Arab Syria, as it has never been separated from it at any time. We are connected with it by national, religious, linguistic, natural, economic and geographical bonds.6

In 1937, a local Arab leader, Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, told the Peel Commission, which ultimately suggested the partition of Palestine: "There is no such country [as Palestine]! 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented! There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria."

The representative of the Arab Higher Committee to the United Nations submitted a statement to the General Assembly in May 1947 that said "Palestine was part of the Province of Syria" and that, "politically, the Arabs of Palestine were not independent in the sense of forming a separate political entity." A few years later, Ahmed Shuqeiri, later the chairman of the PLO, told the Security Council: "It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria."

Palestinian Arab nationalism is largely a post-World War I phenomenon that did not become a significant political movement until after the 1967 Six-Day War and Israel's capture of the West Bank.



'The German nation, moreover, was rapidly falling under the control of its alien elements. In the last days of the pre-Hitler regime there were twenty times as many Jewish government officials in Germany as had existed before the war. Israelites of international attachments were insinuating themselves into key positions in the German administrative machine.'

You post a long Nazi propaganda piece with no link - I would love to see where that hate filled diatribe comes from - and then claim that anti-Semitism against Israel is imaginary. Thanks for proving my point!



Being a Semite is not a Jewish monopoly. the hijacking of the expression Semite and its subsequent distortion of use by the Zionists yet again demonstrates the duplicity and deceit of the Zionists. the majority of Jews or Israelis are not Zionist,

Sadly though they the Jews or Israeli's are being betrayed and are being offered up on the high altar of sacrifice by a rabid xenophobic bunch of Zionist extremists.

Remember the Stern Gang and their murders and massacres of innocents, indeed a fine birthright for a so-called democratic peace loving state that was founded on violence by violent people. .


No I had not posted the contents of #71 before. However it is a historical fact.

Below a more recent piece dated March 10th of this year which again highlights the Zionist movement and its xenophobic aims.


Alan Sabrosky – Zionism Unmasked: The Dark Face Of Jewish Nationalism

by ALAN SABROSKY on MARCH 10, 2010

By Dr. Alan Sabrosky* | Sabbah Report | www.sabbah.bizDark-face-and-Jewsih-Nationalism.jpgIsraeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu once remarked to a Likud gathering that "Israel is not like other countries." Oddly enough for him, that time he was telling the truth, and nowhere is that more evident than with Jewish nationalism, whether or not one pins the "Zionist" label on it.

Nationalism in most countries and cultures can have both positive and negative aspects, unifying a people and sometimes leading them against their neighbors. Extremism can emerge, and often has, at least in part in almost every nationalist/independence movement I can recall (e.g., the French nationalist movement had The Terror, Kenya's had the Mau Mau, etc.).

But whereas extremism in other nationalist movements is an aberration, extremism in Jewish nationalism is the norm, pitting Zionist Jews (secular or observant) against the goyim (everyone else), who are either possible predator or certain prey, if not both sequentially. This does not mean that all Jews or all Israelis feel and act this way, by any means. But it does mean that Israel today is what it cannot avoid being, and what it would be under any electable government (a point I'll develop in another article).

The differences between Jewish nationalism (Zionism) and that of other countries and cultures here I think are fourfold:

1. Zionism is a real witches' brew of xenophobia, racism, ultra-nationalism, and militarism that places it way outside of a "mere" nationalist context — for example, when I was in Ireland (both parts) I saw no indication whatsoever that the PIRAs or anyone else pressing for a united Ireland had a shred of design on shoving Protestants into camps or out of the country, although there may well have been a handful who thought that way — and goes far beyond the misery for others professed by the Nazis;

2. Zionism undermines civic loyalty among its adherents in other countries in a way that other nationalist movements (and even ultra-nationalist movements like Nazism) did not — e.g., a large majority of American Jews, including those who are not openly dual citizens, espouse a form of political bigamy called "dual loyalty" (to Israel & the US) that is every bit as dishonest as marital bigamy, attempts to finesse the precedence they give to Israel over the US (lots of Rahm Emanuels out there who served in the IDF but NOT in the US armed forces), and has absolutely no parallel in the sense of national or cultural identity espoused by any other definable ethnic or racial group in America — even the Nazi Bund in the US disappeared once Germany and the US went to war, with almost all of its members volunteering for the US armed forces;

3. The "enemy" of normal nationalist movements is the occupying power and perhaps its allies, and once independence is achieved, normal relations with the occupying power are truly the norm, but for Zionism almost everyone out there is an actual or potential enemy, differing only in proximity and placement on its very long list of enemies (which is now America's target list); and

4. Almost all nationalist movements (including the irredentist and secessionist variants) intend to create an independent state from a population in place or to reunite a separated people (like the Sudeten Germans in the 1930s) — it is very rare for it to include the wholesale displacement of another indigenous population, which is far more common of successful colonialist movements as in the US — and perhaps a reason why most Americans wouldn't care too much about what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians even if they DID know about it, is because that is no different than what Europeans in North America did to the Indians/Native Americans here in a longer & more low-tech fashion.

The implications of this for Middle East peace prospects, and for other countries in thrall to their domestic Jewish lobbies or not, are chilling. The Book of Deuteronomy come to life in a state with a nuclear arsenal would be enough to give pause to anyone not bought or bribed into submission — which these days encompasses the US Government, given Israel's affinity for throwing crap into the face of the Obama administration and Obama's visible affinity for accepting it with a smile, Bibi Netanyahu's own "Uncle Tom" come to Washington.

The late General Moshe Dayan, who — Zionist or not — remains an honored part of my own Pantheon of military heroes, allegedly observed that Israel's security depended on its being viewed by others as a mad dog. He may have been correct. But he neglected to note that the preferred response of everyone else is to kill that mad dog before it can decide to go berserk and bite. It is an option worth considering.

*Alan Sabrosky (Ph.D, University of Michigan) is a ten-year US Marine Corps veteran and a graduate of the US Army War College. He can be contacted at [email protected]

Note that I am anti Zionist not anti Jewish. There is indeed a big difference between the two ideals.


My sources are as credible as yours Ulysses.

One question to you.

Are you a Zionist or not ?

As I said I am not anti Jewish but I detest the Zionist movement and their racist and religious bigotry.

We may even share common ground.shock1.gif


This is from a blog by a radical Palestinian activist that consists of almost nothing but attacks on Israel.


Do you have anything from any credible sources?

The source is irrelevant, its the content that matters.


My sources are as credible as yours Ulysses.

:lol: Quit pulling my leg. ;)

No, I am not a Zionist, but I think that Israel has the right to exist and have mostly done the best they can in a very bad situation.


This is from a blog by a radical Palestinian activist that consists of almost nothing but attacks on Israel.

Do you have anything from any credible sources?

The source is irrelevant, its the content that matters.

I examined your sources. Page after page of conspiracy theories, dishonesty and hatred.


This is from a blog by a radical Palestinian activist that consists of almost nothing but attacks on Israel.

Do you have anything from any credible sources?

The source is irrelevant, its the content that matters.

I examined your sources. Page after page of conspiracy theories, dishonesty and hatred.

Not my source, I havent yet read the pages you mention, but will do so with an open mind.


My sources are as credible as yours Ulysses.

That is joke if anything. Linking to pages with no credible source-notes is hardly a credible source, at all.


Linking to pages with no credible source-notes is hardly a credible source, at all.

That is correct and further such links will not be tolerated on the Forum.

Please take note.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit


As I said I am not anti Jewish but I detest the Zionist movement and their racist and religious bigotry.

Then why the long loony quote from a conspiracy website that tries to insinuate that the holocaust was justified because the Jews were - supposedly - undermining Germany. That is historically inaccurate and absurd and has almost nothing to do with Israel.

All the Israel-bashers say that they only hate Israel, but when one reads their posts, that dodge just does not compute. :bah:


Anything you disagree with Ulysses G is in your view a conspiracy or a crackpot theory, even when such arguments are backed by historical facts.

The urban legend that some mythical being called god promised a religious group that they were or are head of the human race as super beings is indeed a fine example of those ideals you propound.

The above is yet again a fine crackpot conspiracy theory which you deem as a right in your rhetoric albeit in an ambiguous manner

History records the facts and current public opinion is a valid indicator of what people are thinking.

Zionist Israel along with its satellite state America are certainly the biggest threat to our fragile world peace that we currently enjoy.

Indeed I was always taught that the best way to win an argument with a fool was to ignore them.

I am ignoring you from now on concerning this topic.


You have not been posting facts. You have been posting very questionable opinions from very questionable blogs and with no credible sources to back them up.

I, on the other hand, have posted numerous fact filled posts - with credible sources - that are easy to verify by looking at any mainstream history book and you have not been able to refute any of it.

You would very much like to ignore me, but it is not because I am a fool. :lol:



The urban legend that some mythical being called god promised a religious group that they were or are head of the human race as super beings is indeed a fine example of those ideals you propound.

You have a very strange interpretation of the bible, but it certainly seems like you have a thing for the JEWS as this distorted rant has little to do with the modern country of Israel. :whistling:

The urban legend that some mythical being called god promised a religious group that they were or are head of the human race as super beings is indeed a fine example of those ideals you propound.

It most likely is an urban myth. But looking at it objectively, the Jews can make the best argument that they are superior (I was raised Roman Catholic). Despite being a small minority and historically detested by their host nations, they are the world's doctors, scientists, lawyers (bad example), directors, writers, intellectuals, musicians, financiers, etc. The constantly oppressed Jews have clearly overcome the odds to be more successful and educated than any other religious group. Other religious groups who claim to be the "chosen people" or superior are mostly made up of uneducated morons following "leaders" who are manipulating them for personal gain and power. How many rabbis do you see on TV making million$ off gullible Jews? How many wacky rabbis do you hear about getting Jews around the world worked up over cartoons? Tiny Israel is even able to kick the crap out of several neighbors at once when faced with overwhelming numbers.


Zionist Israel along with its satellite state America are certainly the biggest threat to our fragile world peace that we currently enjoy.

I suppose it's just a coincidence that most of the people complaining about the USA are the Leftists who miss the USSR.

America is the main reason there is any world peace today. Without the US as a peace guarantor there is 99.999% chance that China would have invaded Taiwan, North Korea (with China's help) would have enslaved South Korea, Japan would have nuclear weapons for protection, Russia would have retaken the Baltics, Georgia and other neighbors. Israel would have experienced another holocaust with millions of Jews slaughtered - are just a small percentage of the shitstorm that would happen without the US and its military. In addition, the US maintains the security of the world's sea lanes. The piracy you see happening in the Gulf of Aden would be wide-spread around the world.

Part of me would like to see the USA retreat back into isolationism. Pull out of all treaties except with maybe 2-3 nations (Canada, UK, ?), pull our military out of ALL foreign countries and let the chips fall where they may. Attack us and get a full-force response, not the kinder, gentler half-way actions we've seen over the past 9 years.

The USA isn't perfect, and for each mistake we make there are dozens of good things done. Keep in mind that what some people in the world consider a mistake, other people in the world think is the right thing to do. It's just the Leftists yell the loudest.


You have not been posting facts. You have been posting very questionable opinions from very questionable blogs and with no credible sources to back them up.

I, on the other hand, have posted numerous fact filled posts - with credible sources - that are easy to verify by looking at any mainstream history book and you have not been able to refute any of it.

You would very much like to ignore me, but it is not because I am a fool. :lol:


history is written by the winners, not the looser!

Please google "A Jewish Defector Warns America:

Benjamin Freedman Speaks on Zionism"



All I found was a bunch of racist malarkey. Here is an example of what he had to say in a long, hateful tirade:

"Now, that ... naturally, the Germans said, "Why, who are these people to declare a boycott against us and throw all our people out of work, and our industries come to a standstill? Who are they to do that to us?" They naturally resented it. Certainly they painted swastikas on stores owned by Jews.

Why should a German go in and give their money to a storekeeper who was part of a boycott who was going to starve Germany into surrender into the Jews of the world, who were going to dictate who their premier or chancellor was to be? Well, it was ridiculous".

More excuses for the Holocaust. So much for the we don't hate Jews, only Zionists nonsense. Surprise, surprise, surprise. :whistling:


Need more land from occupied Palestin!

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has approved tenders for the construction of nearly 238 new housing units in areas of Jerusalem across the Green Line, Israeli media sources reported on Friday.

The Housing and Construction Ministry, along with the Israel Lands Administration, released its list of 3,500 newly approved tenders set for construction across the country.



The problem with sources is they are usually an interpretation of events that may or may not have taken place. History is in fact edited by the victors. Publishing houses control history along with other media sources.

I do hate long cut and paste articles which are one person's interpretation of events. To quote a person or source and lose sight of the fact that it is only an opinion gained from interpretation of what has been reported. Getting to the true source of the report is difficult. We must use our own judgment as to what happened and how it has been interpreted. Presenting logic as to why something happened and the logic as to why the event or events were interpreted in a particular way is certainly not science.

The Israelis do have a heavy hand in what is published. The Arabs on the other hand have no control over what is written and called history. It is the weight of the influence that matters a great deal to me as I know of no Arab controlled major news outlets nor are any of the major publishing houses Arab influenced in any way. When you read how it happened, you will seldom get the Arab version of events in any mainstream way.

I must add that the only two Palestinians I have ever known were to me, unbearable to be around but, I try not to judge all Palestinians by the actions and demeanor of those two individuals. I hope the rest of you are able to do the same.

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