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Why I Don'T Teach My Gf English


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Your post has helped me to decide whether or not to continue funding english lessons for my gf. I can't argue with your logic.

This post is an example of pure genius with a keyboard and I for one have really enjoyed this and others like it lately. There are some remarkable people on here and its all too easy to write this place off as bad joke but when you sift through the chaff, you find the bran.

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OP All I can say is that I hope I don't turn out like you someday. Maybe I'm young and ignorant but, surely if you love her you will want her to be the best she can, being afraid that she might find someone else is pathetic. On the other hand if you don't love her then why should you teach her? You must be very happily married. peh.

When I was a kid I thought I was in love. Then again later in life during my first mid life crisis. I bought a sports car and new ostrich skin cowboy boots.

Now I realize it was obsession, at first with loss of my childhood and the second with the loss of my youth.

I never married for love. The first time because I was going to war and I was afraid. The second because she was pregnant. And the third time was sex. She was a sex goddess. Never seen anything like it before or since.

She was my assistant manager at a hospital. She got angry with me and quit and got a job as a stripper. She had never been a stripper before. She was an administrative nurse for gosh sake.

I went to her strip club with a 1 ½ karat diamond in my pocket. I proposed to her on stage. I was going to save her from a life of sin. This was in Tampa FL not Bangkok.

The strippers were so cute us getting engaged and all, and they had really big American breasts. Everybody cried and I carried her off the stage and out to my car.

When we got a divorce I went back to the club and everyone remembered me.

I think a lot of guys come over here looking for love and god love em. Me, naw, I already got the tee shirt. Now I look to my feminine side for direction. My feminine side never thinks about love. It is pretty rational actually.

Maybe it is just me but I think gay guys are happier than hetro guys and that is because they trust their feminine side more.

I'm not saying that women don't love. They love, like, “I love that ring or I just love that house.”

Romantic love is more a masculine concept in my book. Seems like the biggest he men fall the hardest.

But I wouldn't take my word for it.

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When I say intelligent I mean 150 IQ or above with education to match.

Seeing as only 0.5% of people have an IQ above 140, above 150 is even fewer in number, you must get very lonely.

Not me. My IQ is considerably less than 150.

You betcha..... but I admire your determination.

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When I say intelligent I mean 150 IQ or above with education to match.

Seeing as only 0.5% of people have an IQ above 140, above 150 is even fewer in number, you must get very lonely.

Not me. My IQ is considerably less than 150.

You betcha..... but I admire your determination.

I must admit I was tempted to alter your quote to make you seem silly but I resisted. Still a gentleman after all these years. Guess that's why I sleep well at night. But Thad, isn't it against some kind of TV policy to alter quotes? Not that I would report it. I am not a snitch either. Night all.

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Don't know what you are referring to there Mark, I haven't seen any editing of quotes going on, apart from removing the parts that are not relevant to a reply, changing the content or context of what someone has typed is definitely against the rules, not sure if just snipping away the parts you are not commenting on is though.

And as most regular posters do that all the time, there are many people guilty of that.

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When I met my wife she already knew some English and had a steady job, I started her up in a small business turning over 50k a month profit, she took to it well and quit her job of about 11k a month, I helped her learn how to do the job and left her to it, she was then conatcted by other people wanting her services and now gets about 90k a month and has never looked back, she doesnt have much time for me now but we're still married and all is fine.

Her English is much better and she will hopefully have a good life, I dont want her relying on me in anyway for her future and she is toally independant but still she stays with me quite happily.

I think that is a great thing to do and I commend you.

I think it is something a person in love would do.

I don't believe in love nor ghosts.

I think love is a construct that explains things easier than the real reasons. Hence so many people use the word to describe actions that would otherwise be irrational.

If I was in love I would teach my GF English.

Mark, at a point when I was on the verge of losing all hope for mankind..... you tipped me over the edge.

I feel sad for you

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Mark45y, you said "There are not very many people around who are really bright. I can think of two who post on this forum."

I'd like to know who the other person is.

What is bright to you might not seem bright to me.

I think people who are logical are bright.

I think people who are knowledgeable about history are bright.

I think people who admit when they are wrong are bright.

I think people who use words that their audience understands are bright. For example using slang that only a select few will understand I think is stupid.

Education is nice but there have been uneducated philosophers who were brilliant.

I don't care much about spelling and grammar as long as I can understand the person.

I have great respect for people posting here with English as a second or third language.

I also like quirky people. That is not to say they are bright but I like them.

What do you think is bright? Not who but what makes a person a bright poster?

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When I met my wife she already knew some English and had a steady job, I started her up in a small business turning over 50k a month profit, she took to it well and quit her job of about 11k a month, I helped her learn how to do the job and left her to it, she was then conatcted by other people wanting her services and now gets about 90k a month and has never looked back, she doesnt have much time for me now but we're still married and all is fine.

Her English is much better and she will hopefully have a good life, I dont want her relying on me in anyway for her future and she is toally independant but still she stays with me quite happily.

I think that is a great thing to do and I commend you.

I think it is something a person in love would do.

I don't believe in love nor ghosts.

I think love is a construct that explains things easier than the real reasons. Hence so many people use the word to describe actions that would otherwise be irrational.

If I was in love I would teach my GF English.

Mark, at a point when I was on the verge of losing all hope for mankind..... you tipped me over the edge.

I feel sad for you

Too bad you are sad. It does not really upset me that you are sad. Remember to be happy you must be sad.

I had a person once tell me I had had a hard life. It never bothered me. As a young man I went to war because I was curious and all my heroes had gone to war (Hemingway, Popeye and Don Quixote). War was sad most of the time. But when it was over I was happy.

When I was sleeping with a very old woman last week - I was sad but it made me appreciate the young woman even more the next night.

I am not advocating hitting your hand with a hammer although it may seem like that.

I imagine you are sad because I don't believe in love.

Believe me I have tried. I also tried to believe in Santa Clause. But the facts are not there. I really used to love beer, especially Porter. There were times in my young life that Porter was all I thought about. I had Porter shipped to Vietnam during a major offensive with bombs and explosions to my right and left and in front of me and behind me I only had eyes for the mail clerk fearlessly dragging a wooden crate through the shot and shell to deliver my case of Dow Cream Porter. Gee he was upset when he found out it was beer. He had assumed it was some important military item necessary to our survival.

Not only do I not believe in love but I don't believe in god or ghosts either. Don't cry. I still hold on to a small suspicion of the existence of the Easter Bunny.

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The way in which you express yourself on the internet, makes me believe the only reason you don't teach your Thai GF English is the fact that you like the sound of your own voice too much.

I have never really noticed your posts before, however recently I seem to read a great deal of posts and topics. Is it because you and your missus don't communicate and like so many spend their life on Thai Visa?.

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The way in which you express yourself on the internet, makes me believe the only reason you don't teach your Thai GF English is the fact that you like the sound of your own voice too much.

I have never really noticed your posts before, however recently I seem to read a great deal of posts and topics. Is it because you and your missus don't communicate and like so many spend their life on Thai Visa?.

No, actually it is because I stopped working. I am taking a year or two off to write so I am on the computer daily writing and drawing. GF and I communicate fine. Actually she talks all the time. I am the quiet one. Today after her bike ride she combed her hair like a boy. I called up her mother and told her I had a problem, her daughter had turned into a "Tom." Boy was that funny. You should have heard her try and explain to her mother that she wasn't a lesbian. I almost wet myself laughing.

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[No, actually it is because I stopped working. I am taking a year or two off to write so I am on the computer daily writing and drawing. GF and I communicate fine. Actually she talks all the time. I am the quiet one. Today after her bike ride she combed her hair like a boy. I called up her mother and told her I had a problem, her daughter had turned into a "Tom." Boy was that funny. You should have heard her try and explain to her mother that she wasn't a lesbian. I almost wet myself laughing.

i get the feeling you are collecting information to write a book. About what? How should i now? Maybe is trolling on an very 'high' (i love to be high too) level. As more i read from you as more i am pleased. If i could i would give you a green one. Stay happy - na. :D

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That was a nice job of diverting my feeble attempt at humor. But you asked a reasonable question and I will try to give a reasonable answer. First, I would say that I agree with most of what you said.However, I would say that people who understand history are bright and I would add the same for those who understand people, science or mathematics.

On TV there seems to be two types of threads: one where a question is being asked or information is being offered, and the other is where an attempt to start a conversion is being made. A bright response to both is one that says well within the original intent of the OP and adds something positive to the conversation.

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[No, actually it is because I stopped working. I am taking a year or two off to write so I am on the computer daily writing and drawing. GF and I communicate fine. Actually she talks all the time. I am the quiet one. Today after her bike ride she combed her hair like a boy. I called up her mother and told her I had a problem, her daughter had turned into a "Tom." Boy was that funny. You should have heard her try and explain to her mother that she wasn't a lesbian. I almost wet myself laughing.

i get the feeling you are collecting information to write a book. About what? How should i now? Maybe is trolling on an very 'high' (i love to be high too) level. As more i read from you as more i am pleased. If i could i would give you a green one. Stay happy - na. :D

The book is about teaching. I have taught kindergarten through University over the past three years.

No Thai assistants. No air conditioning. No text books. No direction. 40 to 50 students per class.

I had to write everything myself and produce all of my teaching aids and print them myself.

They are scattered about on my three different computers. I am trying to get them all in one place and organize them into a logical order.

I taught on a college level in the US and at a High School for the blind. I also taught disadvantaged black women vocational skills. So teaching is not really a new experience for me.

I guess the only trolling I am doing is attitudes of teachers in Thailand. The teaching forum here is stiff as a ramrod so I don't go there much.

Thanks for asking.

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That was a nice job of diverting my feeble attempt at humor. But you asked a reasonable question and I will try to give a reasonable answer. First, I would say that I agree with most of what you said.However, I would say that people who understand history are bright and I would add the same for those who understand people, science or mathematics.

On TV there seems to be two types of threads: one where a question is being asked or information is being offered, and the other is where an attempt to start a conversion is being made. A bright response to both is one that says well within the original intent of the OP and adds something positive to the conversation.

I have to admit I have few math skills. I can navigate but that was out of necessity. My father was a well known engineer. His method of teaching me maths was off putting and I never developed a like for the subject.

I appreciate people that can explain something in terms I understand.

I read James Joyce. He doesn't strike me as complex or difficult. However I seem to be alone in that opinion. I have been reading Joyce since I was 16. I started reading Ulysses because I thought it was a porn novel. I was educated in Catholic schools and got a hold of the banned book list and read them all. I also read all the Henry Miller I could get my hands on, for the same reason. It was only years later in college that I learned they were famous authors. There were a number of banned books written in Latin, as I remember it and that was the only reason I took Latin for four years. Oh, that and the priests spoke Latin when they didn't want us to understand what they were saying.

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You are a breath of fresh air. I don't believe you and your posts for one second, but hel_l, I admire your front. Keep it up - both in your dreams and here. Top class entertainment - and I mean that with no malice. :D



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I think Marky , who appears quite bored, wants internet pen pals to banter with using TV as the media. His relentless random topic posts support the theory.....Carry on......laugh.gif

What can we expect tomorrow, I am going to sleep now....

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I am working on it. I keep getting sidetracked with an adventure novel about commies in Phetchabun. The Phetchabun story is a compelling one especially the micro climate areas. If they only had some decent restaurants and people who spoke English.

I'm in Petchabun at this very moment (visiting MIL), my CAT CDMA amazingly gives me full broadband even here.

I can speak English, so can my wife ......... I taught her ....... DOH!

National Parks ......... free entry ......... no tourists.

In the park yesterday (Than Thip waterfall), sat next to an English gentleman who lives by the park, his wife spoke English too.

Maybe you haven't been here recently.

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I too do not worry about teaching my partner English. I feel that we live in THailand and the language here is Thai. Our extended family all communicate well with us in Thai and treat us with the same respect as we give them.

I feel that learning english well here is not worth the effort however if we did go or were intending to go to Australia it would be different.

Most of our friends are Thai anyway.

Like many families she controls our money and does better than i can. Meeting her was the best thing that has happened to me and our relationship is a shared one benificial to both and does not need English to work though she is University educated. The only time better english skills may be of benifit to her is when she is helping our neices with their English homework.

Like the OP I was here during the 70s and saw the lumbering planes taking off from Utapho and the endless stream of ships unloading at Satahip to send rice to Cambodia to replace the rice that they couldn't grow because of agent orange and worse. I have rather different views on the benifit though I agree in part with his assessment of the reason for the thai acceptance of this.

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Looks like we are getting the op life story. :sleepy:

Right now I am a bit bored. I am searching three computers for data that I stored over the past 10 years.

When I came to Thailand I brought with me two hard drives and a motherboard rather than two computers and built a new one when I got here. So I have all my information from teaching in the States on computer number one. Then for one reason or another during the past three years I have purchased two more computers with different operating systems and put most of my Thai teaching information on those machines.

So I run back and forth between the three computers and try and organize data in some kind of sequential order so I can come up with a text to teach English in Asia.

I have read hundreds of text books and don't like any of them. My idea is simplistic. I give my book and media to an English speaker and they run with it. I have worked with Filipino and Africans and others whose English speaking abilities have been a bit challenged and my method takes that into consideration. A dress is not a frock and so on.

Also, the basic part of the text is designed to be used by adults as part of a industry specific program.

English for dentists and English for retail workers and English for hotel workers. I use the same basic English ideas and then add industry specific vocabulary.

To sum it up, the basic English is for students P-1 through M-3. The same program is cut to essentials for industry and used as an introduction to specific trades and/or professions.

At this stage I am simply assembling information that I have used over the past 10 years, so it is boring and I find myself playing on Thai Visa while I search.

I hope you don't mind my life story details. I came here six years ago alone, with not enough money and no Thai language ability. I've done pretty well for an old guy.

When I got here my future was up in the air. I could easily have joined the Pattaya flying club.

Now I have decent living quarters, good food and companionship. I have wondered if I should pen a how to book on retirement in Thailand.

I have watched hundreds of old men in Florida search for seashells and early bird dinners every day and that was the bulk of their retired lives. My life is quite a bit different. I cook exotic food, speak in a funny sounding language, have women of all ages in and out of my life.

About my only tie to the west is watching Dr. House on TV every Tuesday.

Forgive my occasional ramblings about my past life. I guess it is my mind questioning if my experiences are worth writing about and might help others find a more meaningful existence as they enter old age.

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I too do not worry about teaching my partner English. I feel that we live in THailand and the language here is Thai. Our extended family all communicate well with us in Thai and treat us with the same respect as we give them.

I feel that learning english well here is not worth the effort however if we did go or were intending to go to Australia it would be different.

Most of our friends are Thai anyway.

Like many families she controls our money and does better than i can. Meeting her was the best thing that has happened to me and our relationship is a shared one benificial to both and does not need English to work though she is University educated. The only time better english skills may be of benifit to her is when she is helping our neices with their English homework.

Like the OP I was here during the 70s and saw the lumbering planes taking off from Utapho and the endless stream of ships unloading at Satahip to send rice to Cambodia to replace the rice that they couldn't grow because of agent orange and worse. I have rather different views on the benifit though I agree in part with his assessment of the reason for the thai acceptance of this.

One hears a lot of bad stories and a lot of fictional stories about living in Thailand. It is nice to hear a good one.

I know one lady who I knew when I was here during the war.

Most of the time she is quiet about it because back then she was a working girl at New-land.

Last week I had the pleasure of her company in the morning with a couple of other Falangs who have been in Thailand 20+ years. I was drinking coffee, but one of the other men bought her a drink. She ordered whiskey straight and drank it down. So I bought her another and so did the third Falang.

Three double shots of whiskey at 10 AM must have kicked open a memory link in her brain. She hoisted up her skirt and put a leg up on her chair, looking like a Thai Marlene Dietrich and we got the play by play of her life in 1970. I don't know how old she is but she must be over 60. For an hour I was taken back to those days. Heady experience.

She spoke half English half Thai, rapid fire. All of us adjusted our language seamlessly to include English and Thai words, I think, unconsciously.

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[No, actually it is because I stopped working. I am taking a year or two off to write so I am on the computer daily writing and drawing. GF and I communicate fine. Actually she talks all the time. I am the quiet one. Today after her bike ride she combed her hair like a boy. I called up her mother and told her I had a problem, her daughter had turned into a "Tom." Boy was that funny. You should have heard her try and explain to her mother that she wasn't a lesbian. I almost wet myself laughing.

i get the feeling you are collecting information to write a book. About what? How should i now? Maybe is trolling on an very 'high' (i love to be high too) level. As more i read from you as more i am pleased. If i could i would give you a green one. Stay happy - na. :D

The book is about teaching. I have taught kindergarten through University over the past three years.

No Thai assistants. No air conditioning. No text books. No direction. 40 to 50 students per class.

I had to write everything myself and produce all of my teaching aids and print them myself.

They are scattered about on my three different computers. I am trying to get them all in one place and organize them into a logical order.

I taught on a college level in the US and at a High School for the blind. I also taught disadvantaged black women vocational skills. So teaching is not really a new experience for me.

I guess the only trolling I am doing is attitudes of teachers in Thailand. The teaching forum here is stiff as a ramrod so I don't go there much.

Thanks for asking.

I am a not a teacher. I may have assisted someone to learn once or twice though. I have noticed there is definietly 'attitude' amongst teachers here. Which ones were you referring to? The local or imported variety? I find them similar to vegetables. That is to say, sometimes the imported variety cost more and are of dubious quality.

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[No, actually it is because I stopped working. I am taking a year or two off to write so I am on the computer daily writing and drawing. GF and I communicate fine. Actually she talks all the time. I am the quiet one. Today after her bike ride she combed her hair like a boy. I called up her mother and told her I had a problem, her daughter had turned into a "Tom." Boy was that funny. You should have heard her try and explain to her mother that she wasn't a lesbian. I almost wet myself laughing.

i get the feeling you are collecting information to write a book. About what? How should i now? Maybe is trolling on an very 'high' (i love to be high too) level. As more i read from you as more i am pleased. If i could i would give you a green one. Stay happy - na. :D

The book is about teaching. I have taught kindergarten through University over the past three years.

No Thai assistants. No air conditioning. No text books. No direction. 40 to 50 students per class.

I had to write everything myself and produce all of my teaching aids and print them myself.

They are scattered about on my three different computers. I am trying to get them all in one place and organize them into a logical order.

I taught on a college level in the US and at a High School for the blind. I also taught disadvantaged black women vocational skills. So teaching is not really a new experience for me.

I guess the only trolling I am doing is attitudes of teachers in Thailand. The teaching forum here is stiff as a ramrod so I don't go there much.

Thanks for asking.

I am a not a teacher. I may have assisted someone to learn once or twice though. I have noticed there is definietly 'attitude' amongst teachers here. Which ones were you referring to? The local or imported variety? I find them similar to vegetables. That is to say, sometimes the imported variety cost more and are of dubious quality.

I can tell you about a few I know. There was a Swiss brother and sister who were far and away the best teachers of Thai students that I have ever met. The young woman also flounced her skirt at least twice a day so I could see the color of her panties.

I knew a couple of Africans from Ghana. One was a very motivated teacher. Degreed but not really skilled. A thoroughly nice guy who would do anything for me or the students. Put in a ton of extra time off the clock and learned Thai in only a year and he actually had a legal work permit.

A number of Filipino teachers all with degrees. The English at times hilarious. One of the ladies was a sex addict. For money or for free she was always up for a boom. She was dating an older guy who captained an oil tanker. She told me she loved, “old seaman.” She never understood why I completely lost it whenever she said that.

One older English guy who was a macho type, used to arm wrestle the high school boys. An Australian who was a good guy when sober. An American who would drank a bit too much at lunch time and in the afternoon handed out candy to the children to keep them quiet.

Two Irish women, young, big bosoms, attractive, degree and teaching certificates, taught in a hi so private school. They were the closest to vegetables. Every night around midnight passed out in or in front of a bar. Thai people normally picked them up and took them home. A wonder they didn't get killed. Lasted two terms and went back to a “civilized country.”

90% of the time I was the only foreigner in the school. The schools were normally over 1000 students.

If you take teaching in Thailand seriously it will drive you nuts. Better to relax, go with the flow, enjoy the kids and hope they learn a bit.


You want me to sing a song and dance! There are 1000 people out there watching me! I can't sing! I am supposed to be teaching P – 6 right now. OK, I know the mayor is there and this is important but I still can't sing.

Have you ever tried arguing with a Thai woman with sensible shoes? You know the kind. The kind that your grade school teacher wore 50 years ago. It is bad enough arguing with a Thai woman but a Thai woman with sensible shoes, is impossible.

5 minutes later.

Sa wat de cup. Sabai de my? “Old MacDonald had a farm, E I E I O”

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When I met my wife she already knew some English and had a steady job, I started her up in a small business turning over 50k a month profit, she took to it well and quit her job of about 11k a month, I helped her learn how to do the job and left her to it, she was then conatcted by other people wanting her services and now gets about 90k a month and has never looked back, she doesnt have much time for me now but we're still married and all is fine.

Her English is much better and she will hopefully have a good life, I dont want her relying on me in anyway for her future and she is toally independant but still she stays with me quite happily.

I think that is a great thing to do and I commend you.

I think it is something a person in love would do.

I don't believe in love nor ghosts.

I think love is a construct that explains things easier than the real reasons. Hence so many people use the word to describe actions that would otherwise be irrational.

If I was in love I would teach my GF English.

Mark, at a point when I was on the verge of losing all hope for mankind..... you tipped me over the edge.

I feel sad for you

Too bad you are sad. It does not really upset me that you are sad. Remember to be happy you must be sad.

I had a person once tell me I had had a hard life. It never bothered me. As a young man I went to war because I was curious and all my heroes had gone to war (Hemingway, Popeye and Don Quixote). War was sad most of the time. But when it was over I was happy.

When I was sleeping with a very old woman last week - I was sad but it made me appreciate the young woman even more the next night.

I am not advocating hitting your hand with a hammer although it may seem like that.

I imagine you are sad because I don't believe in love.

Believe me I have tried. I also tried to believe in Santa Clause. But the facts are not there. I really used to love beer, especially Porter. There were times in my young life that Porter was all I thought about. I had Porter shipped to Vietnam during a major offensive with bombs and explosions to my right and left and in front of me and behind me I only had eyes for the mail clerk fearlessly dragging a wooden crate through the shot and shell to deliver my case of Dow Cream Porter. Gee he was upset when he found out it was beer. He had assumed it was some important military item necessary to our survival.

Not only do I not believe in love but I don't believe in god or ghosts either. Don't cry. I still hold on to a small suspicion of the existence of the Easter Bunny.

Good post Mark maybe "trust" would be a better word than love?

How anyone can believe in a God with no evidence always shocks me, same with all the other unknown stuff, its almost like lets invent a bizzarre story and just believe it and then hack people to death who dont.

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It is a personal thing and I probably shouldn't even mention it but I have trust issues. I went to a shrink about it. The shrinks conclusion was, “Ya, I guess I would too.” It wasn't helpful.

I hate to keep bringing up Vietnam but so many things happened in a short period of time when I was there.

My father and maternal grandfather and I owned a large tract of land in the woods on one of the Great Lakes. For those who don't know the Great Lakes are much like oceans. 300 miles long and a couple of hundred miles across. I loved the place and together we had built the foundations of a cabin to be finished when I returned. I was going to live there and de stress from my war experiences.

While I was in SEA my dad and grandfather sold the land so they didn't have to pay taxes on it without telling me. They figured I was going to die. A month before I returned home my wife had an affair with one of her students and got pregnant and told me the child was mine. I thought it odd at the time she was only pregnant for 8 months. In the army on numerous occasions they (the US Army) tried to have me killed.

I never trusted anyone after Vietnam. I still don't. I don't have any other post traumatic stress syndromes only the trust issue.

If people don't screw me. I am happy. But I never expect it.

In case you amateur shrinks are recording this my mother did something too but I don't talk about it. You think dad and gramps and my wife were bad? Naw, mom really took the cake.

Maybe for other people trust would be a better word than love.

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I teach my wife English because i care for her and mainly she wants to learn , She could not speak a word of English before i meet her 4 years ago, i can speak a little bit of Thai.We are married now and live in England , she is on an ESOL second year course at the local college.What amazes me is her thirst for knowledge and how quick she can take in information,

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