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Why I Don'T Teach My Gf English


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whip·per·snap·per (noun) -- an unimportant but offensively presumptuous person, esp. a young one. (from Dictionary.com)

whoda thunk...

When Chuck Norris goes to bed at night he checks his closet to make sure I'm not there... So does Ted Turner.

Ted looks for Hanoi Jane.

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How many have you started in your illustrious career at Thai Visa? ThaiVisa does not provide statistics for Most Posts Started ... However, they do provide:

Kuhn 45 -- Most Active In: General topics (782 posts)

Kuhn J.-- Most Active In: Thai visas, residency and work permits (510 posts)

... go figure.

as per The New York Times, it involves my efforts with the United Nations and the UN and my efforts specifically have already been sufficiently ridiculed on ThaiVisa so for that reason I am not going to provide the link... as with all your posts, it will just have to remain un-corroborated and un-verified.

Edited by jazzbo
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How many have you started in your illustrious career at Thai Visa? ThaiVisa does not provide statistics for Most Posts Started ... However, they do provide:

Kuhn 45 -- Most Active In: General topics (782 posts)

Kuhn J.-- Most Active In: Thai visas, residency and work permits (510 posts)

... go figure.

as per The New York Times, it involves my efforts with the United Nations and the UN and my efforts specifically have already been sufficiently ridiculed on ThaiVisa so for that reason I am not going to provide the link... as with all your posts, it will just have to remain un-corroborated and un-verified.

I was wrong. When I click the topics started thing in your profile I get 4 topics. But if I go to the view content area and click topics started I get a bunch. Sorry, I stand corrected.

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How many have you started in your illustrious career at Thai Visa? ThaiVisa does not provide statistics for Most Posts Started ... However, they do provide:

Kuhn 45 -- Most Active In: General topics (782 posts)

Kuhn J.-- Most Active In: Thai visas, residency and work permits (510 posts)

... go figure.

as per The New York Times, it involves my efforts with the United Nations and the UN and my efforts specifically have already been sufficiently ridiculed on ThaiVisa so for that reason I am not going to provide the link... as with all your posts, it will just have to remain un-corroborated and un-verified.

I know how you feel. Some days I feel sufficiently ridiculed. Once, I even got accused of plagiarizing an article that I had written under my real name. I had copied it from a draft I wrote years ago. I had to take the flak of plagiarism or divulge my real name.

Sometimes I get tempted to post pictures of my GF. Ian does it all the time. But then I remember Eddie. Eddie was an acquaintance of mine who posted a couple of pictures of some absolutely beautiful Issan ladies. They were knockouts. They had everything even big natural you know whats. These louts with skinny white skinned Chinese chicks got all over him for having ugly women.

If I had wanted skinny women I'd be in Vietnam. Chinese women, I'd go to China. I like Thai women. I liked them the first time I saw them when I was 22 years old. So I don't post any pictures. Like you said, sometimes one gets tired of ridicule.

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O.K. Mark45y, last one, you pompous ass.

If the best you can do is complain about the colour I used, you are indeed a desperate man, and in dire need of new specs. Anyway, it's all rather irrelevant, isn't it.

The major problem I have with your posts (and it is clear that I am far from alone) is that you post some pretty outrageous remarks. Nothing unusual in that, you say, there is certainly no shortage of stupidity on TV, so what makes you different? You are different because you try to justify your posts and your position with outrageous claims of degrees, life experiences and knowledge, painting yourself as some sort of sage, peering down on the rest of us poor unfortunate unknowing, inexperienced plebs who you imagine, I'm sure, to be bowed at your feet, hanging on every wise word. We're not. At first, people like you can be funny, but in the end it becomes tiresome. A laugh at your next claim of an unlikely experience quickly deteriorates into a yawn. The British term for someone like you is "capper". It doesn't matter what somebody has done, you've done better. Cappers can be fun, because you can usually wind them up and extract the next outrageous claim from them to order; no need with you, just wait and out it spews.

Furthermore, you take a supercilious, condescending, patronizingly dismissive approach towards other posters who are just exercising their right to make a comment and express an opinion. You do this through your "I'm getting on in years, I have more degrees than a thermometer, I screwed Jackie Onassis in the strip club I was running while working under deep cover for mossad and James Bond was modeled on me" approach. It's tiresome dude, give it a rest. Only newbies or stupid people believe you anyway.

Finally let's clear up a few points, Mr. Know-it -all.

1. You're right. The link doesn't work. Not sure why, here it is again. www.country-data.com/cgi-bin/query/r-13790.html this one works. What I find amazing though is that you are so arrogant as to effectively deny your plagiarism using the excuse of the link not working. You know you nicked it, so the link is hardly relevant, now is it? It would have been honorable to hold up your hands and say "O.K. you tumbled me, fair cop" Oh no, not you. Honor? What's that? Prediction; you'll claim the link lifted it from you. Ha!

2. I lived until very recently in Thailand, for 6 years. Working, not pussy chasing. I own a property in Thailand. I'm in the US now and I (we, of course) may or may not move back. Probably not because the Thai schools have idiot teachers like you so the kids are better off in the US. No doubt you know that, I'm sure that between the CIA and FBI jobs you were a School Principal.

3. I don't give a sod about you trotting out and trying to impress us all with the Thai school grade system. We can all Google it, we don't need your help. I could just ask my Thai friends, which I did. They didn't start English until 8th grade and their teacher was worthless (probably you). So they left school with poor or non-existent English. Of course. They seem to have found it easier to learn though than your bird.

4. I have not led a boring life, far from it. I never said I did, but your arrogance is such that you see criticism as envy. Let's see, am I envious that I didn't knock someone up when I was 16. No, not at all. I am happy to comment on issues without trotting out my (real) life experiences to justify those views. You need to back up everything with your private little fantasies. You won't stop. It's who and what you are. I could write back to you on TV every day for the rest of my life but it would make no difference. You are, like the frog and scorpion fable, programmed to sting. You can't help it.

5. I am responding to wot you rote. I didn't pull it out of my a*se. It's there, in B&W. You wrote it, not me. The pink I used reflected your 20 years in Key West with the bum boys.

6. I don't know you. How on earth can I find you personally offensive? I find what you write to be offensive, I am insulted that you think that I and other TV members are so stupid as to believe your fantasies. I suspect that if I did know you I would find you offensive, but it would not be for long and I will never know you anyway, so who gives a toss?

Then you cap it all by reverting to type. Mr. Scorpion raises his sting and tells us all about the time he topped Ted Turner. You are such a bloody pillock it is barely believable. See my earlier comment about bait. None needed with you.

I won't dignify your last comments. Suffice to say I am more than happy with my situation, will sure as shit not be lured by such an amateur as you into revealing it. I find it incredibly sad if it is true. But, true to form I'm sure it's all boll*cks anyway. I think I can safely speak for the majority of TV members by saying that not one of them would exchange their situation for yours, pretend or real. You are a sad example of inhumanity.

The link works thanks. Off hand it is some historical data about Thailand. If I posted some historical information from it without listing the source sorry. This is Thai Visa and not a doctoral thesis. I really don't feel the necessity to document all of my source material. I figure you can Google if you want to.

Currently Thai school children take English lessons for 12 years. I'm right you are wrong. I know this because I have taught over 1000 Thai school children from kindergarten to high school. I didn't Google it.

I was never a school principal. The farthest I got was professor and department head of a college in the US.

You do make one interesting point, "You are different because you try to justify your posts and your position with outrageous claims of degrees, life experiences and knowledge. "

That is absolutely correct. I justify my ideas with my life experiences. I really tire of hearing peoples opinions without any life experiences to back them up. Not only is it phoney but it is boring. Let me give you an example. I was attending a course in college about the stock market. Each of the students had to do some paper trading for the length of the term based on the principles we learned in the class. Our grade was determined by the amount of money we made from our paper trades. It was a good course and the grading system made sense to me. However I had questions about the instructor. I asked him if he was so smart why was he teaching? Why wasn't he rich? Apparently it was not the first time he had heard the question. He put a slide in the projector that listed his brokerage trading account. Not only was he well off, he was quite rich. He owned a seat on the Chicago Board of Trade among other things.

I guess it left an impression on me. To this day I am impressed by people who not only have an opinion but also the life experiences to back up that opinion. If you don't have life experiences education is the next best thing. I know a lot about Australian aboriginal kin terms and Ethiopian land transfers not because I have ever lived with Australian aborigines or Ethiopians. I studied it in school. If I didn't mention that I had a degree in cultural anthropology you might think it odd that I knew anything about aboriginal kin terms or Ethiopian land transfers.

If you choose not to believe my life experiences that is of course up to you. Another poster mentioned that he was a fluent Thai speaker and also read and wrote Thai after only being in Thailand a year and having no formal training in the subject. I don't believe him. I studied in a Thai college and have lived in Thailand for a long time and I know how hard it is to read and write Thai and speak it fluently. I don't think a year without a formal intensive language course is enough to establish fluency. But I appreciate him throwing out his life experiences to back up his claim even if I don't believe it.

I think it showed courage on his part to try and back up his claims.

Thai women are beautiful. Thai women are fiery. Thai women have big feet. I am sure you have an opinion. But I submit that opinion is worthless unless you know a lot of Thai women. Or maybe you have a degree in Thai women.

You say you own a property in Thailand. By property I assume you mean land. I don't believe that. I would believe your wife owns a property in Thailand without some clarification from you. See what I mean? A lot of statements are worthless without some kind of life experience to back them up. I have heard that a Falang can inherit a small land holding or that an American can own 100% of a business in Thailand but without clarification I think you are lying about owning a property in Thailand. Of course you could own a condo, but I wouldn't know that unless you took a chance and mentioned a life experience or divulged some personal information.

The rest of your post is either a personal attack on me or a justification of your life.

I won't respond to it.

Actually my post was allegorical. The reasons I don't teach my girlfriend English are the same reasons the Thai powers that be don't want Thai students to learn English.

You're (or I guess, in your case, "your") funny. My sides are splitting. Now you're a college professor and department head. It never ends does it? Somebody commented that to fit in all the things you reckon you havr done you must be 150 years old. He's wrong. That's much too low. Now, quite why you need clarification on my property ownership is quite beyond me. I suppose I could scan the Land Dept. papers for you but it's hardly necessary nor is there any point. I own property. That's all you need to know. My wife also owns property, but not the same property as me? Happy? Oh, here's another tidbit. I do own land. Legally. Totally irrelevant but you're such a sad old bugger I thought I'd throw you a morsel. I am struggling to understand quite what life experience has to do with your outrageously stupid assumption that I don't own land only you know. There is no connection, of course.

You rely on bragging. Many, many contributors to this site have some wonderful experiences and achievements in their lives, I am certain, but I don't see them bragging about it or finding the need to use the euphemism of using those experiences to back up their position. You're a braggart and a fantasist. Let me throw you a bone. If half of what you claim is remotely true, you are indeed the most immodest clown I have ever run across, and I have met and known some prime examples. None could hold a candle to you.

Boy oh boy did you try to dodge the bullet on plagiarization (new word I just invented). You didn't use the information, you wholesale copied it. Some nice bobbing and weaving though. I also take note of the fact that you failed to acknowledge your brutal criticism of one poster's spelling while making multiple spelling and grammatical errors yourself. As I said, nice bobbing and weaving. Incidentally, I'll admit now to having fat fingers and making the odd mistake myself, not that it is particularly relevant, but I don't want you to duck and dive your complicity by pointing out my errors. I make 'em. There, I admit it.

But I have to say, you are utterly shameless and, dare I say (yes, of course I do) a bit thick. After being brutalized over your constant capping, you do it yet again in your reply. You are truly a scorpion. You just can't help it.

BTW, your "life experiences" might perhaps carry some weight were they believable; they're not. If I get a couple of hours one day it might be fun to go back over your posts and draw up, as far as is possible, a time line of your activities and achievements. That will be funny.

No, I don't have a degree in Thai women, but I'm certain you will, at some time (perhaps already, let me see "Thai Female Anthropology" perhaps. Mind you, these Thai women with big feet you know. Do they have big hands too? Oh dear, looks like you're heading towards another of those life experiences you're so fond of. Incidentally, I have never claimed any special expertise because I don't need to. If you read my posts carefully, I am making no claims myself; I'm questioning your claims. I don't need to have experiences to question yours. A cop does not need to have robbed a bank or murdered someone to catch a crook. Yes, I like that; I'm the Mark cop.

And on the subject of English in Thai schools, you might well be right about what happens today. But they're just kids, I was talking about grown ups. Let's get back to this subject in 12 years and see how it works out. If we're still alive.

Back to the real subject of this thread, which you started, I suspect in order to give you an excuse to delve even deeper into your imagined "life experiences". I don't give a toss whether you teach your GF English or not. Your choice. A wrong choice, I think, but that's just an opinion, for what that's worth. It seems to me that, generally, anything that's designed to keep someone in the dark is not to be applauded. Note I said generally. I think your situation falls into that "generally" category. Your motives in doing it are not to be applauded. They're all about control and you wanting to be "superior". No surprises there, then.

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O.K. Mark45y, last one, you pompous ass.

If the best you can do is complain about the colour I used, you are indeed a desperate man, and in dire need of new specs. Anyway, it's all rather irrelevant, isn't it.

The major problem I have with your posts (and it is clear that I am far from alone) is that you post some pretty outrageous remarks. Nothing unusual in that, you say, there is certainly no shortage of stupidity on TV, so what makes you different? You are different because you try to justify your posts and your position with outrageous claims of degrees, life experiences and knowledge, painting yourself as some sort of sage, peering down on the rest of us poor unfortunate unknowing, inexperienced plebs who you imagine, I'm sure, to be bowed at your feet, hanging on every wise word. We're not. At first, people like you can be funny, but in the end it becomes tiresome. A laugh at your next claim of an unlikely experience quickly deteriorates into a yawn. The British term for someone like you is "capper". It doesn't matter what somebody has done, you've done better. Cappers can be fun, because you can usually wind them up and extract the next outrageous claim from them to order; no need with you, just wait and out it spews.

Furthermore, you take a supercilious, condescending, patronizingly dismissive approach towards other posters who are just exercising their right to make a comment and express an opinion. You do this through your "I'm getting on in years, I have more degrees than a thermometer, I screwed Jackie Onassis in the strip club I was running while working under deep cover for mossad and James Bond was modeled on me" approach. It's tiresome dude, give it a rest. Only newbies or stupid people believe you anyway.

Finally let's clear up a few points, Mr. Know-it -all.

1. You're right. The link doesn't work. Not sure why, here it is again. www.country-data.com/cgi-bin/query/r-13790.html this one works. What I find amazing though is that you are so arrogant as to effectively deny your plagiarism using the excuse of the link not working. You know you nicked it, so the link is hardly relevant, now is it? It would have been honorable to hold up your hands and say "O.K. you tumbled me, fair cop" Oh no, not you. Honor? What's that? Prediction; you'll claim the link lifted it from you. Ha!

2. I lived until very recently in Thailand, for 6 years. Working, not pussy chasing. I own a property in Thailand. I'm in the US now and I (we, of course) may or may not move back. Probably not because the Thai schools have idiot teachers like you so the kids are better off in the US. No doubt you know that, I'm sure that between the CIA and FBI jobs you were a School Principal.

3. I don't give a sod about you trotting out and trying to impress us all with the Thai school grade system. We can all Google it, we don't need your help. I could just ask my Thai friends, which I did. They didn't start English until 8th grade and their teacher was worthless (probably you). So they left school with poor or non-existent English. Of course. They seem to have found it easier to learn though than your bird.

4. I have not led a boring life, far from it. I never said I did, but your arrogance is such that you see criticism as envy. Let's see, am I envious that I didn't knock someone up when I was 16. No, not at all. I am happy to comment on issues without trotting out my (real) life experiences to justify those views. You need to back up everything with your private little fantasies. You won't stop. It's who and what you are. I could write back to you on TV every day for the rest of my life but it would make no difference. You are, like the frog and scorpion fable, programmed to sting. You can't help it.

5. I am responding to wot you rote. I didn't pull it out of my a*se. It's there, in B&W. You wrote it, not me. The pink I used reflected your 20 years in Key West with the bum boys.

6. I don't know you. How on earth can I find you personally offensive? I find what you write to be offensive, I am insulted that you think that I and other TV members are so stupid as to believe your fantasies. I suspect that if I did know you I would find you offensive, but it would not be for long and I will never know you anyway, so who gives a toss?

Then you cap it all by reverting to type. Mr. Scorpion raises his sting and tells us all about the time he topped Ted Turner. You are such a bloody pillock it is barely believable. See my earlier comment about bait. None needed with you.

I won't dignify your last comments. Suffice to say I am more than happy with my situation, will sure as shit not be lured by such an amateur as you into revealing it. I find it incredibly sad if it is true. But, true to form I'm sure it's all boll*cks anyway. I think I can safely speak for the majority of TV members by saying that not one of them would exchange their situation for yours, pretend or real. You are a sad example of inhumanity.

The link works thanks. Off hand it is some historical data about Thailand. If I posted some historical information from it without listing the source sorry. This is Thai Visa and not a doctoral thesis. I really don't feel the necessity to document all of my source material. I figure you can Google if you want to.

Currently Thai school children take English lessons for 12 years. I'm right you are wrong. I know this because I have taught over 1000 Thai school children from kindergarten to high school. I didn't Google it.

I was never a school principal. The farthest I got was professor and department head of a college in the US.

You do make one interesting point, "You are different because you try to justify your posts and your position with outrageous claims of degrees, life experiences and knowledge. "

That is absolutely correct. I justify my ideas with my life experiences. I really tire of hearing peoples opinions without any life experiences to back them up. Not only is it phoney but it is boring. Let me give you an example. I was attending a course in college about the stock market. Each of the students had to do some paper trading for the length of the term based on the principles we learned in the class. Our grade was determined by the amount of money we made from our paper trades. It was a good course and the grading system made sense to me. However I had questions about the instructor. I asked him if he was so smart why was he teaching? Why wasn't he rich? Apparently it was not the first time he had heard the question. He put a slide in the projector that listed his brokerage trading account. Not only was he well off, he was quite rich. He owned a seat on the Chicago Board of Trade among other things.

I guess it left an impression on me. To this day I am impressed by people who not only have an opinion but also the life experiences to back up that opinion. If you don't have life experiences education is the next best thing. I know a lot about Australian aboriginal kin terms and Ethiopian land transfers not because I have ever lived with Australian aborigines or Ethiopians. I studied it in school. If I didn't mention that I had a degree in cultural anthropology you might think it odd that I knew anything about aboriginal kin terms or Ethiopian land transfers.

If you choose not to believe my life experiences that is of course up to you. Another poster mentioned that he was a fluent Thai speaker and also read and wrote Thai after only being in Thailand a year and having no formal training in the subject. I don't believe him. I studied in a Thai college and have lived in Thailand for a long time and I know how hard it is to read and write Thai and speak it fluently. I don't think a year without a formal intensive language course is enough to establish fluency. But I appreciate him throwing out his life experiences to back up his claim even if I don't believe it.

I think it showed courage on his part to try and back up his claims.

Thai women are beautiful. Thai women are fiery. Thai women have big feet. I am sure you have an opinion. But I submit that opinion is worthless unless you know a lot of Thai women. Or maybe you have a degree in Thai women.

You say you own a property in Thailand. By property I assume you mean land. I don't believe that. I would believe your wife owns a property in Thailand without some clarification from you. See what I mean? A lot of statements are worthless without some kind of life experience to back them up. I have heard that a Falang can inherit a small land holding or that an American can own 100% of a business in Thailand but without clarification I think you are lying about owning a property in Thailand. Of course you could own a condo, but I wouldn't know that unless you took a chance and mentioned a life experience or divulged some personal information.

The rest of your post is either a personal attack on me or a justification of your life.

I won't respond to it.

Actually my post was allegorical. The reasons I don't teach my girlfriend English are the same reasons the Thai powers that be don't want Thai students to learn English.

You're (or I guess, in your case, "your") funny. My sides are splitting. Now you're a college professor and department head. It never ends does it? Somebody commented that to fit in all the things you reckon you havr done you must be 150 years old. He's wrong. That's much too low. Now, quite why you need clarification on my property ownership is quite beyond me. I suppose I could scan the Land Dept. papers for you but it's hardly necessary nor is there any point. I own property. That's all you need to know. My wife also owns property, but not the same property as me? Happy? Oh, here's another tidbit. I do own land. Legally. Totally irrelevant but you're such a sad old bugger I thought I'd throw you a morsel. I am struggling to understand quite what life experience has to do with your outrageously stupid assumption that I don't own land only you know. There is no connection, of course.

You rely on bragging. Many, many contributors to this site have some wonderful experiences and achievements in their lives, I am certain, but I don't see them bragging about it or finding the need to use the euphemism of using those experiences to back up their position. You're a braggart and a fantasist. Let me throw you a bone. If half of what you claim is remotely true, you are indeed the most immodest clown I have ever run across, and I have met and known some prime examples. None could hold a candle to you.

Boy oh boy did you try to dodge the bullet on plagiarization (new word I just invented). You didn't use the information, you wholesale copied it. Some nice bobbing and weaving though. I also take note of the fact that you failed to acknowledge your brutal criticism of one poster's spelling while making multiple spelling and grammatical errors yourself. As I said, nice bobbing and weaving. Incidentally, I'll admit now to having fat fingers and making the odd mistake myself, not that it is particularly relevant, but I don't want you to duck and dive your complicity by pointing out my errors. I make 'em. There, I admit it.

But I have to say, you are utterly shameless and, dare I say (yes, of course I do) a bit thick. After being brutalized over your constant capping, you do it yet again in your reply. You are truly a scorpion. You just can't help it.

BTW, your "life experiences" might perhaps carry some weight were they believable; they're not. If I get a couple of hours one day it might be fun to go back over your posts and draw up, as far as is possible, a time line of your activities and achievements. That will be funny.

No, I don't have a degree in Thai women, but I'm certain you will, at some time (perhaps already, let me see "Thai Female Anthropology" perhaps. Mind you, these Thai women with big feet you know. Do they have big hands too? Oh dear, looks like you're heading towards another of those life experiences you're so fond of. Incidentally, I have never claimed any special expertise because I don't need to. If you read my posts carefully, I am making no claims myself; I'm questioning your claims. I don't need to have experiences to question yours. A cop does not need to have robbed a bank or murdered someone to catch a crook. Yes, I like that; I'm the Mark cop.

And on the subject of English in Thai schools, you might well be right about what happens today. But they're just kids, I was talking about grown ups. Let's get back to this subject in 12 years and see how it works out. If we're still alive.

Back to the real subject of this thread, which you started, I suspect in order to give you an excuse to delve even deeper into your imagined "life experiences". I don't give a toss whether you teach your GF English or not. Your choice. A wrong choice, I think, but that's just an opinion, for what that's worth. It seems to me that, generally, anything that's designed to keep someone in the dark is not to be applauded. Note I said generally. I think your situation falls into that "generally" category. Your motives in doing it are not to be applauded. They're all about control and you wanting to be "superior". No surprises there, then.

Conservatively speaking there are probably 10,000 posts in Thai Visa from Falang trying to find a way to own land legally in Thailand. I won't debate that with you. I only mentioned it because in the absence of proof I don't believe you own land in Thailand. But please don't give me an answer here. There is a forum devoted to that topic.

You don't think my life experiences are believable and I don't think you have any life experiences.

Living in Texas I don't think is a life experience. More like an after life experience. I used to live in Texas. People asked me where I was from. I told them, “Colorado, you know that place where good Texans go when they die.” (For native Texans, I'm just kidding. I really like San Antonio and Corpus)

It is obvious you don't have a degree in women.

It is also obvious you didn't read my posts if you think the reason I don't teach my GF English is to keep her in the dark. I don't teach her a lot of things I could teach her. I don't teach her about celestial mechanics. She has no motivation to learn and she could do little with the information if she did learn it.

I took Latin for four years when I was in prep school. Outside being able to identify other men who went to prep school it has done me little good. And I don't think worth the aggravation of learning it. To my GF, English is as important as Latin was to me.

Am I trying to control my GF and be superior to her? An interesting subject.

Why do men come to Thailand seeking women?

Japanese guys on vacation. Why do they come? They are not looking for life partners. Japanese don't marry Thai women and take them home?

Korean men, why do they come to Thailand to party? They don't marry Thai women and take them home.

I know a couple of exceptions but they are rare and certainly Korean and Japanese old men do not retire to Thailand in anywhere close to the same numbers as Falang.

Why would this be? Airfare is a lot less than England, America, Australia? Thai women are certainly a lot more fun than Korean or Japanese women.

The motivation of Korean and Japanese men have something to do with why I don't teach my GF to speak English.

I don't want to give you too much to digest at one time so I'll leave it there.

Perhaps it would assist everyone if we knew a little about your motivation. Did you teach your wife English? Or did she already speak English?

I would submit your thoughts on the subject currently are invalid to my argument because you live in the US and obviously English is necessary for a woman to speak in America. Different story altogether. And if you were planning on moving to the US when you met her it is obviously a different story. And if you had children it is obviously a different story. In those instances your life experiences have nothing to do with why I don't teach my GF to speak English. Because, if I was going to have children or move to a different country I would, of course teach my GF English.

But I am not married. I am never going to have another child. I am not going to leave Thailand.

As a matter of fact I see no reason why you are replying to this thread. Your life experiences and your lifestyle and life situation have nothing in common with mine. What could you possibly bring to the table in a discussion? I don't tell you how to be married to a Thai woman or have children with dual nationalities. I doubt your wife is a poor farmers daughter with an ex husband in the shadows. I doubt if you ever lived like a Thai in Thailand. You are from a different generation. Different goals and aspirations. I don't tell you how to raise kids or invest in land. I don't post in the computer forum or the investment's forum. Not my area of expertise. I lived in Texas so long ago you could tie your horse up the the ice house to get a beer. I wouldn't tell you where to find a house in Fort Worth today.

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......It is also obvious you didn't read my posts if you think the reason I don't teach my GF English is to keep her in the dark. I don't teach her a lot of things I could teach her. I don't teach her about celestial mechanics. She has no motivation to learn and she could do little with the information if she did learn it.

I took Latin for four years when I was in prep school. Outside being able to identify other men who went to prep school it has done me little good. And I don't think worth the aggravation of learning it. To my GF, English is as important as Latin was to me.

Am I trying to control my GF and be superior to her? An interesting subject.


By way of constructive steering to avoid misunderstanding -

Sorry, I thought that the purpose of the thread was as an allegory for the lack of adequate education in English and in ther subjects in Thailand, as a way of keeping the poor ignorant, and thus poor and cheap; a means of maintaining the current class divisions, disparity of wealth, prosperity of the prosperous through the availability of cheap labour that could not threaten the status quo.


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......It is also obvious you didn't read my posts if you think the reason I don't teach my GF English is to keep her in the dark. I don't teach her a lot of things I could teach her. I don't teach her about celestial mechanics. She has no motivation to learn and she could do little with the information if she did learn it.

I took Latin for four years when I was in prep school. Outside being able to identify other men who went to prep school it has done me little good. And I don't think worth the aggravation of learning it. To my GF, English is as important as Latin was to me.

Am I trying to control my GF and be superior to her? An interesting subject.


By way of constructive steering to avoid misunderstanding -

Sorry, I thought that the purpose of the thread was as an allegory for the lack of adequate education in English and in ther subjects in Thailand, as a way of keeping the poor ignorant, and thus poor and cheap; a means of maintaining the current class divisions, disparity of wealth, prosperity of the prosperous through the availability of cheap labour that could not threaten the status quo.


Funny, I thought that too, appears Mark has answered his own question.

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......It is also obvious you didn't read my posts if you think the reason I don't teach my GF English is to keep her in the dark. I don't teach her a lot of things I could teach her. I don't teach her about celestial mechanics. She has no motivation to learn and she could do little with the information if she did learn it.

I took Latin for four years when I was in prep school. Outside being able to identify other men who went to prep school it has done me little good. And I don't think worth the aggravation of learning it. To my GF, English is as important as Latin was to me.

Am I trying to control my GF and be superior to her? An interesting subject.


By way of constructive steering to avoid misunderstanding -

Sorry, I thought that the purpose of the thread was as an allegory for the lack of adequate education in English and in ther subjects in Thailand, as a way of keeping the poor ignorant, and thus poor and cheap; a means of maintaining the current class divisions, disparity of wealth, prosperity of the prosperous through the availability of cheap labour that could not threaten the status quo.


In a manner of speaking yes.

I am the status quo and I have everything I want and my GF does not speak English.

In fact I can only see negatives if she spoke English.

No one has pointed out to me a benefit to me if she speaks English.

I am not going to change an environment where I am happy. Why should I do something that will make me sad.

It is the same as the powers that control Thailand. No one has pointed out to them the benefit of the majority of the population speaking English.

Now I control what my GF knows. Thailand is wonderful and the US is terrible. She is the most beautiful women I have ever met. Falang women are all fat and smell bad. She is happy with this information.

So why should I expose her to the truth? What's in it for me.

It is interesting that this thread has produced no reasons for her to speak English that benefit me.

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Now I control what my GF knows ... I don't teach her about celestial mechanics... I don't teach her a lot of things I could teach her

There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to

adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it

louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will

tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the

vertical. We can roll the image; make it flutter. We can change the focus

to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity.

For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is

nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a

great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which

reaches from the inner mind to the outer limits.

(Intro to
The Outer Limits,

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Now I control what my GF knows ... I don't teach her about celestial mechanics... I don't teach her a lot of things I could teach her

There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to

adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it

louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will

tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the

vertical. We can roll the image; make it flutter. We can change the focus

to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity.

For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is

nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a

great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which

reaches from the inner mind to the outer limits.

(Intro to
The Outer Limits,

Yea, well I'm still upset the Brits left Nassau. Nassau was a great place. I had my first honeymoon in Nassau. My first stewardess. So many firsts. I made my first Hollywood movie in Nassau.

Colonialism was not that bad a deal.

Sure I may be a bit controlling, but last time I checked the man who pays the piper gets to pick the tune.

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OP was here as a soldier in the 60's and he is probably pushing into his 70's now, so the GF is not going to get much out of him. I imagine she is quite happy to string him along until he kicks the bucket.

Why are u a nasty guy,do u go to collegue or were u born nasty

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I know some young Thai girls as well who do not speak English -- but if they wanted to learn English and I refused to help them in any way, they would say F-ck You and be clever enough to go off to learn English just to spite me...

... and I've heard that 'Pay the Piper...' line before -- I guess it works for some but with other young women you will find (a la Tootsie) your balls kneed right through the roof of your mouth!

Edited by jazzbo
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Now I control what my GF knows ... I don't teach her about celestial mechanics... I don't teach her a lot of things I could teach her

There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to

adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it

louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will

tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the

vertical. We can roll the image; make it flutter. We can change the focus

to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity.

For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is

nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a

great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which

reaches from the inner mind to the outer limits.

(Intro to
The Outer Limits,

Yea, well I'm still upset the Brits left Nassau. Nassau was a great place. I had my first honeymoon in Nassau. My first stewardess. So many firsts. I made my first Hollywood movie in Nassau.

Colonialism was not that bad a deal.

Sure I may be a bit controlling, but last time I checked the man who pays the piper gets to pick the tune.

Hollywood movie...? care to enlightend us? B)

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OP was here as a soldier in the 60's and he is probably pushing into his 70's now, so the GF is not going to get much out of him. I imagine she is quite happy to string him along until he kicks the bucket.

Why are u a nasty guy,do u go to collegue or were u born nasty

I think it is in the Thai Visa rules that you are supposed to address the topic and not the poster even if said poster is a nasty person. I believe if you address the person only and not the topic they call it a troll post. However I don't have that much experience with that area and I could be wrong.

I have always thought if someone calls you a bumpkin you should be able to call him a bumpkin too.

I am a very flexible guy. If you will be a bit more specific about why you consider me a nasty fellow. I'll attempt to answer your question if I was born this way or acquired the trait while attending college.

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I know some young Thai girls as well who do not speak English -- but if they wanted to learn English and I refused to help them in any way, they would say F-ck You and be clever enough to go off to learn English just to spite me...

... and I've heard that 'Pay the Piper...' line before -- I guess it works for some but with other young women you will find (a la Tootsie) your balls kneed right through the roof of your mouth!

You speak the truth. If a Thai woman asks me to teach her English regardless of age I quote her my hourly rate and give her a business card. Then at least we have a basis for negotiation. BTW happens to me at least once a week.

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OP was here as a soldier in the 60's and he is probably pushing into his 70's now, so the GF is not going to get much out of him. I imagine she is quite happy to string him along until he kicks the bucket.

Why are u a nasty guy,do u go to collegue or were u born nasty

I think it is in the Thai Visa rules that you are supposed to address the topic and not the poster even if said poster is a nasty person. I believe if you address the person only and not the topic they call it a troll post. However I don't have that much experience with that area and I could be wrong.

I have always thought if someone calls you a bumpkin you should be able to call him a bumpkin too.

I am a very flexible guy. If you will be a bit more specific about why you consider me a nasty fellow. I'll attempt to answer your question if I was born this way or acquired the trait while attending college.

It was for Stander,he made a nsty post and i asked him why he is a nasty man

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Now I control what my GF knows ... I don't teach her about celestial mechanics... I don't teach her a lot of things I could teach her

There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to

adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it

louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will

tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the

vertical. We can roll the image; make it flutter. We can change the focus

to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity.

For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is

nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a

great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which

reaches from the inner mind to the outer limits.

(Intro to
The Outer Limits,

Yea, well I'm still upset the Brits left Nassau. Nassau was a great place. I had my first honeymoon in Nassau. My first stewardess. So many firsts. I made my first Hollywood movie in Nassau.

Colonialism was not that bad a deal.

Sure I may be a bit controlling, but last time I checked the man who pays the piper gets to pick the tune.

Hollywood movie...? care to enlightend us? B)

If we ever meet I'll tell you.

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OP was here as a soldier in the 60's and he is probably pushing into his 70's now, so the GF is not going to get much out of him. I imagine she is quite happy to string him along until he kicks the bucket.

Why are u a nasty guy,do u go to collegue or were u born nasty

I think it is in the Thai Visa rules that you are supposed to address the topic and not the poster even if said poster is a nasty person. I believe if you address the person only and not the topic they call it a troll post. However I don't have that much experience with that area and I could be wrong.

I have always thought if someone calls you a bumpkin you should be able to call him a bumpkin too.

I am a very flexible guy. If you will be a bit more specific about why you consider me a nasty fellow. I'll attempt to answer your question if I was born this way or acquired the trait while attending college.

It was for Stander,he made a nsty post and i asked him why he is a nasty man

Profound apology. Now it makes sense.

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What I guess we are seeing here is a dry run of a book of one's life experiences ... and it might very well be a good read. There is a problem: James Frey also wrote a book about himself titled A Million Little Pieces and it was plugged by Oprah Winfrey and sold a few million copies ... it's just that it turned out to be a total fraud ...

So now book editors are extremely reticent to publish a non-fiction self-narrative because -- even if true -- the amount of fact-checking and corroboration required make any such book from an unknown person non-viable ... better to resort to 'fact-based fiction' ... I'm sure Chuck and Ted won't mind.

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My guess on the movie title would be "A Bridge To Far"

Actually I think there is enough information in the thread to figure it out.

Carry On Up The Kwai?

The Non-Producers?

The man in the iron hut?

Merry Christmas Mr 45y?

Whose Thread is it anyway?

Dr No, possibly an HND?


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Sounds like you suffer from very low self-esteem if you won't teach your gf English, just so you can keep her dependent on you. Unbelievable!

Why is it unbelievable? The people entrusted with the welfare of all of Thailand won't teach their charges, the Thai people, English.

Do they all have low self esteem?

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