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Abduction Of My Daughter, By My Thai Wife


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Good luck tomorrow Paul.

Have had everything crossed for you and your daughter, for the last 3+ years.

Will you actually know the results of the decision tomorrow or will that be at a later date?

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Good luck tomorrow Paul.

Have had everything crossed for you and your daughter, for the last 3 + years.

Will you actually know the results of the decision tomorrow or will that be at a later date?

Hi Kevjohn thanks for thinking of me and my daughter. I do hope I will find out tomorrow. I find it hard to believe that the judge can do anything but give me the 100% custody.

As I have recently discovered where the mother is working in England and it is not good is all I can say at this moment. (oldest swinger in town) springs to mind with the (work) she is doing.

Plus I do think she will be a no show, But will have to wait and see. The court officers have said there has been no contact from the mother. But have to wait and see.

As for my feeling I am 50-50 on any help from the court tomorrow. I am just happy the day is here now. BIG THANK YOU to all the people that have followed this matter.

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Good luck tomorrow Paul.

Have had everything crossed for you and your daughter, for the last 3 + years.

Will you actually know the results of the decision tomorrow or will that be at a later date?

Hi Kevjohn thanks for thinking of me and my daughter. I do hope I will find out tomorrow. I find it hard to believe that the judge can do anything but give me the 100% custody.

As I have recently discovered where the mother is working in England and it is not good is all I can say at this moment. (oldest swinger in town) springs to mind with the (work) she is doing.

Plus I do think she will be a no show, But will have to wait and see. The court officers have said there has been no contact from the mother. But have to wait and see.

As for my feeling I am 50-50 on any help from the court tomorrow. I am just happy the day is here now. BIG THANK YOU to all the people that have followed this matter.

At last! Best wishes Scott!

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Thanks people. I am still in shock a bit. sorry I am not being very clear. But thought I would post the Time Line I gave to the court yesterday.

Time line of events

In December 2008 I separated from my wife, we had been living apart for some time. Phimpha was living in Thailand with my daughter Dnee, and I wanted to live near or with my daughter.

So I trained to be a teacher in February 09. Then in March my Daughter and I started at Somapa School. I took care of my daughter 90% of the time. As my wife would be out 7 days a week from 7am till 9 or 10 pm at night, saying she was working. Dnee would sleep two nights of the week with the mother, and rest with me in my condo.

On September the 3rd 2009 my wife went to live in England. She would ring Dnee once a week to check on her. I bought Dnee a phone so her mum could ring Dnee direct. The mother’s family I.E. Two half-sisters and the half-brother, Ann Mod and Pig would never come to see Dnee, only ring her.

Dnee's mother and I spoke on the phone about ( when she comes back to Thailand we need to divorce). When she did come back on the 27th of August 2010, she would not talk about divorce, and would fill Dnees head with ideas of Dnee living in England with her. I said “I would need to know where Dnee would live and how she could take care of Dnee”. As the mother was a night worker, before I would say if Dnee could go or not. Dnee was not sure either as she liked her life here in Thailand. Dnee liked her school and her friends. I gave Phimpha a letter asking for her details, of which I had none. She never filled it in.

Phimpha went back to England on the 1st of September2010. Dnee was sad but ok, the sisters started to ring more as I found out Mod was now not working, and on Sunday the 12th of September 2010. Mod came to the condo complex and asked Dnee to go and see her, I said “ok”. As I have never tried to stop Dnee seeing them. I went to work asking Dnee to come back at 7pm. At 8pm I went to look for her and found the condo locked up. I went to the police station to report Dnee was missing, and Mod and Dnees phones were turned off.

Mod was arrested for kidnapping 4th November 2010 released on 100,000 BT bail. Mod would not tell the police where my daughter was. I did not know where my Daughter was, if she was ok and who was taking care of her. As I knew the mother was out of the country.

The next thing that happened of importance was the mother coming back from England on the 28th February 2011 for the first of 7 court appearances the first was the 6th march 2011 Dnee came running into the court screaming that she is frightened of me, and that she wants to go and live in England with the mother. The judge asked Dnee “why are you so frightened of your father how many times has he hit you”? Dnee said "once." . I would endure many more court appearances where Dnee would throw here hands up in fear at the very sight of me. Then within 30 minutes or so, she would be a sleep in my arms. Very abnormal behavior for a child.

July 6th 2011 hearing at court.

At each and every court hearing the mother would agree with the court, that the mother and the father should be friends. Plus she would say she does not deny access to the father. But as always after each hearing I was denied access straight away, as I have always been denied.

Mother left for England 1st of August 2011, four days after the court hearing on the 6th I lost contact with Dnee.

Till I found Dnee's school in Rama 2. I would go to see her every Wednesday at lunch time the journey would take 4 hours, which I would see Dnee for 20 minutes. But it was well worth it. We would have fun and I have video of Dnee saying she wants to go on holiday with us. Plus wanted a party with all her old friends from Somapa School. Plus that she cannot be friends with me till after the 19th of October 2011 court hearing had past. Because that’s what the mother has told her to do.

On the 19th of October 2011, court hearing, the mother was a no show. The mother only arrived in Thailand on the 19th with her boyfriend. Mr. David Tighe. They stayed in Bangkok till the 4th November 2011 then went to Pattaya. Not sure if Dnee went or where Dnee was? I believe Dnee was up country with who I do not know.

From the 12th November 2011. I made contact with Dnee on face book. But after the boyfriend went back to England on 19th November 2011. Dnee was not been allowed to have any contact with me. Please see Dnees and my face book messages together. I have now found out that Dnees home address is the father of mod and pig. As stated by Dnees address from her school. It is of great concern that Dnee is living with this man. Plus even when the mother is in Thailand she is not taking care of Dnee.

After the Juvenile Court agreement dated 24th Jan 2012 I went with my lawyer to the land office at Lam Luk Ka on the 1st of February 2012. To transfer condo 88/117 to my daughter name. The mother said she would not come. Soon after the mother did not come to Dnee's new school, by appointment. In so doing breaking the court agreement, dated the 24th January 2012.

Around the same time, the 12th of February 2012 I had a phone call from Dnee , she was screaming at me, she said “mummy has to go back to England because mummy has to find the money to pay for my schooling”. I said, “I do not understand Dnee? As mummy can sell her condo now, so she can stay here in Thailand and take care of you”.

Soon after, I and my lawyer went to the land office and found out Phimpha had sold the condo 88/194 on the 10th of February 2012. I had also found out she was trying to sell Dnee's condo to the man she was renting it to, for 850,000 if he moved quickly.

I had a phone call on the 19th of Feb 2012, from the Phimpha she was very drunk and screaming at me and laughing at the same time. Saying she was off to England tomorrow and that she had won, she said” she only went to the court on the 24th so she could sell condo 88/194”. She said “all men are stupid” and that she had beat them all. She said “she will never let me be with Dnee again”. Then she put the phone down laughing.

The mother then went back to England on the 20th of February 2012 .

I went to see Dnee in March 2012, and she was happy and said she can go to England when she is 19, I said “yes”. We had a cuddle and I went back to work.

The next week I went to Dnee's school she was crying I said what's the matter; she said “mummy said I can go to England only if I do not speak to you”. Dnee also said “mummy said that I have to call papa father, from now on” that’s Mods father. I was shocked and worried for my daughter health as she was very much unset, so I left the school.

I went to Dnee School on the 10th of April 2012 in the school holidays for the sign out papers as promised to me by the principal. Only to find Mod was waiting we had a meeting with the principle and after Mod crying and shouting that Dnee is frightened of me. The principle refused to hand over the papers, so I left.

In May 2012 made missing persons report at Lam lu ka police station. Also the police wrote a letter to Ann to ask her to contact the police so she could tell us where my Daughter was. As of the date of this letter she has not contacted the police or me. Since the Kidnapping of my daughter 12th September 2010 Ann has not spoken to me once. Apart from telling the Judge on the 24th of Jan 2012, that if the mother was out of the country, then it was up to Dnee who she stayed with. The judge explained to her that, “no if the mother is out of the country then it's up to the father” Ann has disregarded that information, and still denying me access to my daughter.

Went to the Appeals Court on the 25th of July 2012 for the verdict of the mothers appeal. The mother did not come and was still in England. Ann did not come as summonsed and Dnee did not come as summonsed. The appeal was thrown out, the verdict also said they cannot appeal to the Supreme Court unless, please read the end of the Courts verdict. Mod and the mother’s lawyer were in court. The judge got very angry when she asked Mod and the lawyer where the mother and Ann were. They said they did not know. The judge told me not to wait any longer and use paragraph 61 of Thai law to get Dnee into her new boarding school. I said I will contact Dnee's principle at Rama 2 as she has promised Dnee can stay for only one more term at her school. When I went there on the 10th April 2012 for the sign out papers, as to help me with a smooth change of schools for Dnee.

On the 22nd of February 2013 I Paul Scott and Bebe my Girlfriend, went to see my Daughter Dnee Scott at her school. While talking with my Daughter Bebe and the Head Mistress. Dnee said she wanted to come with me and Bebe for the weekend, and not to tell Ann or Mod as they would stop her. Dnee said to us, “just come and take me, don’t tell Ann or Mod because they will be angry to me”. So we just left the school with Dnee. Mod and Ann went to the school, and somehow got the Head Mistress to ask us by phone to turn round and go back to the school so Mod could talk to Dnee. The Principal also asked me to speak to Mods mother so that the mother could try and calm Mod down as she said she did not want to fight with anyone. I said “I do not have the mother’s phone number in England”. But I said we were on the toll way now, and I was not turning round. Anyway Dnee had a great time in Pattaya, and told the Head Mistress when we got back to school on the Tuesday 26th February. That she wanted to go back to Pattaya in the school holidays, and in no way did she want to go to Sukhothai, the same place Dnee went last year when Mod and Ann were hiding Dnee from me. For which I have a police missing persons report that Ann never replied to. The Head Mistress recorded Dnee talking and so did I.

I could not speak to Dnee anymore till today the 6th March 2013 when I came to get Dnee to go on holiday. I found Mod and Ann at the school coaching Dnee to say she did not want to come with me. Because Dnee said to the Principal, that she wants to stay with the half-sisters as her mother is coming back to Thailand tomorrow the 7th of march 2013,( of course this was a lie,) and that Dnee wants to do some Thai dancing at the school tomorrow. For a show on Saturday. The Principal also said that in the talk she had with Dnee. That Dnee said the half-sisters had said that I Paul Scott had paid the Principal money to talk nice about me. (Of course this is a complete lie.)

To my shock and sadness while having the meeting about my Daughter, the Principal told me that Dnee was taken out of the school by the half-sisters. The principal said she will help me any way she can. So she said she would tell me anything about the school papers being asked for, in the near future. So if they try to move Dnee again to a different school the Principal will let me know straight away.

I did not know where my daughter was, nor could I contact her in the summer holidays. Dnee’s school opened on the 16th of May 2013 and I found out she was attending the new term.

Dnee school principal became less willing to help me in anyway and sent me Emails to me that stated that Dnee lives with her two half-sisters and that I can only come and visit here at her lunch time, for 15 minutes or so. She did tell me over the phone that she was frightened of the mother’s family and if I wanted. I should just come and take Dnee from her school, and not come back.

Around August I had word that the appeal from the mother to the Supreme Court of Thailand had finished. The reading of the verdict was on the 24th October 2013. The appeal was dismissed.

On 30th of October I went with my lawyer to see the principal of Dnee’s school and to the police in Rama 2. Both were unwilling to help, without further letters from the court.

In November: I spoke to my daughter for only 3 minutes on the phone, as the school would follow the mother’s wishes and do things to obstruct any contact with my daughter.

In December: No contact with my daughter. This is the third Christmas I have been denied any access to my daughter. I fear this will be the case from now on.

January: No contact.

February: No contact.


Mother has been in Thailand for only 10 months, since September 2009,

The mother’s family has broken the law every day since 12th September 2010.

My daughter has been abused and lied to, on a daily basis since the day of the kidnapping. But she still loves us; I think this fact is a modern day miracle.

Lies told to.

Lies told to Dnee

1 Mother needs to go to England to pay for Dnee’s schooling.

2 Telling Dnee she must show fear of her father that way Dnee can go to England with the mother.

3 Mother told Dnee that she went to court on the 19th October 2011.

4. That I paid money to the principal to talk nice about me.

Lies told to the court

1 Dnee is frightened of the father.

2 They do not deny access to the father.

Lies told to the police

Mod acted with no malice or gain when she kidnapped Dnee 12th September 2010

Malice still denying me access. Gain 1400,000 condo

Lies told to the principal

1 That they do not deny access to the father.

2 Father beat Dnee many times.

Lies told to my old principal Narisa Somapa

I beat my Daughter

I have been in prison in England for hurting my ex-wife.

Laws broken.

Ann has been told by a high court judge that if the mother is not in the country it is up to the father where Dnee lives and which school Dnee goes to, she has disregarded a high court judge,

Ann sold condo /88/190 which was a marriage asset without repaying money to me.


Kidnapping of Dnee,

1400,000 condo in her name

Child abuse

Benefits for each person

The mother revenge and condo 88/190 value 1400,000

Mod does not have to work for her money and benefited by having condo 88/117 put in her name, 1400,000 should be in Dnee name re agreement 24th Jan 2012

Ann benefits by living above her means, iPhones’ I pads sale of condo 88/184 value 1400,000

Dnee not as good an education as she could have. No mother, no father.


2 court orders

4 condo deed paper work

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a week has gone by now and we are all waiting for the anticipated reunion with your daughter.

I hope things are going well and you have not encountered another mountain to climb.

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If you have the power to take the child, i would just show up at the school with a police officer and take your daughter. I understood from earlier post you had a sympathatic officer, so he might help you go and get your daughter.

Transfer to another school can take place later.

Hi Mario

Thank you for recognizing the elephant in the room Mario. I am still torn as you can imagine about what to do. But I have rung the school today and the school is saying my daughter is not there today.

As for the police to help me. Not a chance will they help me, with out the court officer there to over see things. I do worry that I just do not have the knock out blow yet. In less then 2 weeks I hope I will be in that position.

It is gut wrenching for me. But I must stay focused on my daughter the one that has really suffered. She needs to know it is finished and not be involved in a tug of war.

Thanks Mario I understand we all have our views and good job for that!

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a week has gone by now and we are all waiting for the anticipated reunion with your daughter.

I hope things are going well and you have not encountered another mountain to climb.

Hi rhodie

Perfect timing in asking your question.

update: Hi

Today I went to the court to ask for directions on my daughter. I.E. Should I try and take my daughter on Wednesday 5th March as it is the last day of term, Because if I do not try,then of course my daughter will be taken up country as she is every year in the holiday period, always with out my permission.
The court told me today that they were just about to send a letter to the execution officer. So now I know the officer cannot help me on Wednesday. I will not try and take Dnee on the 5th. (For the best interest of the child.) As it will for sure end in a tug of war with Dnee in the middle. I have waited this long, a little more is not going to change much of this horrendous situation. I was informed by the office staff at court today that if the mother's side in anyway tries to hinder the officers duties, they will have huge problems.
If the mother's side thinks by taking my daughter up country it will help their cause, they are wrong. If the mother's side thinks by bringing the mother back from England it will help them, they are wrong. If the mother's side thinks by trying to get my daughter out of this country will help, they are wrong. If they think holding on to my daughter screaming and whaling that they love my daughter, they are wrong.The officer will just not stop till the compromise contract of the 24th Jan 2012 is enforced.
In short
1: My daughter in a school of my choice. (The officer will have the power to sign my daughter out of her old school.)
2: Condo put into my daughter's name. (The officer may or may not have the power to transfer the title deed, because now it is in a third parties name, which means a new court case. But we will see.)
3: Car put in my name so it can be sold. ( The office will have the power of attorney to do this.)
4: 100% physical custody to me. Which again today I was told I have already due to the letter from the judge to the execution officer saying the mother has not followed the compromise contract. So clause 3.2 of the contract is now applicable. Which gives me 100% physical custody.
I will now wait till next week and phone the execution officer for an appointment to see how he/she can make the mother's side follow the compromise contract.
I have followed many an alienation story and not until the alienating parent is about to suffer them selves will they stop their heinous actions. That time is very soon in coming.

The letter from the judge is very strong, about they must follow the compromise contract, my interpreter said.

Thanks again for your thoughts rhodie and everyone else. I am sure most of you will not understand why I do not just go to the school and try and take my daughter. But I chosen to wait for help from the execution officer so a few more weeks I will have to endure. So when it does happen, it will be final. (No tug of war)

I must add I do not really care if the mother's side sees this post as there is nothing they can do to stop the execution of the compromise contract.

Scott I have read all your posts in this thread, and I have to say you have some perseverance that I haven't seen in my life before.

However going from the facts how everything has turned out over the years, and without trying to sound negative or trying to discourage you in your fight, I have such a feeling that you will still be updating this thread in a year from now.

The mention in you post after this that your daughter was not at school today clearly indicates that they haven't given up the fight, and probably never will.

Good luck finding your daughter when she's taken upcountry or abroad. I'm sure you are aware that the court appointed officer will be as useful in locating her as the paper where the verdict is written on.

All the best, and I hope you will succeed, but I don't hold my breath.

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