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Why Do I Live In Thailand?


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I have spent much time to organize my reasons for making this huge move, after all I have much family back in the states most of all I regret not being part of my grand children’s life.

So what is it that takes me half way around the world to live out my life?

The number one reason for me is to have a chance at a married type of lifestyle with a person who will make me her number one priority as I will make her mine.

This is not an easy task to accomplish in the USA when you are a retired person. The main reason is younger women have no interest in older men and women approximately the same age as myself have many other priorities that are higher than their husband. Most of these women have parents, children, grand children and even pets all of which will come before their husband.

Many western women are overweight, independent and have a diminished sex drive so after 3 years of putting forth a concerted effort to find a mate in the USA I said the hel_l with it and within the first month found the most wonderful girl I could possibly imagine and have spent six wonderful years here in the Jungle!

Many Thai girls are not hung up on the age factor so as a result the retired farang has a great opportunity to find a young slim attractive lady to take care of them in their waning years! Now that being said, we as their husbands and mate, have a responsibility to take care of them and their family financially, this for me is a fair deal.

There are many other reasons why I am here in Thailand but this is by far number one at least for me!

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woohoo, another thread on the same subject again. Ok, I get it. I'm happy for you. Can I go back to wondering why the electricity bill I received this month is outta this world, especially since I wasn't in the apartment?

Sometimes my electricity bill is paid for by the Thai Government......AMAZING THAILAND!

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woohoo, another thread on the same subject again. Ok, I get it. I'm happy for you. Can I go back to wondering why the electricty bill I received this month is outta this world, especially since I wasn't in the apartment?

Yeah man, thats happened to me twice !!!!! and i've checked the meter, wonder if it's that second hand microwave i bought of that nice Iranian chap, doesn't know if its an oven or a fridge. but seriously, mine 4000 baht over, Oh yeah, happy for you Ol mate. I'm just happy i never got married and had kids, or bought a house, i've done this all my life, and i was called thick, haha.
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OP : This is not an easy task to accomplish in the USA >>>>>>. Most of these women have parents, children, grand children and even pets all of which will come before their husband.

Many western women are overweight, independent and have a diminished sex drive so after 3 years of putting forth a concerted effort to find a mate in the USA I said the hel_l with it and within the first month found the most wonderful girl I could possibly imagine and have spent six wonderful years here in the Jungle!

= Wind up !!

Edited by MSingh
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I could summarize for the OP -

I am here for sex with young woman.

Be a responsible human being and stop thinking about YOUR needsand fantasies.

Imagine yourr grandkids' embarrassment when they tell their friends that Granpa has gone to live with a Thai teenager.

Now that being said, we as their husbands and mate, have a responsibility to take care of them and their family financially, this for me is a fair deal.
This is just a nice way to say prostitution. Edited by saraburioz
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why not take ur younger thai wife back home. then you can still enjoy ur grand children?

it's strange to me how so many people get angry when guys like OP openly admit their intentions. oops i forgot, all of thai visa's 50 yo mid-life crisis'ers have no problem getting teenage girls back home :whistling: they probably see themselves in OP and don't like it.

Edited by Chunky1
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Good on ya mate. Enjoy your new life in LOS.

Don't worry be happy.

+1 ;)


Sometimes my electricity bill is paid for by the Thai Government......AMAZING THAILAND!

That always amazes me... I mean Thailand charges their citizens way less tax obviously. Yet Fuel costs about the same as in the US....But their electricity is much cheaper & the govt even pays their bill for them if they stay under a certain amount...right?

So whats the deal?

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Some 150 years ago, Louise Michel, a french anarchist woman, said: Prostitution is a bourgeois wedding of very short time, a bourgeois wedding is prostitution of very long time. Thailand and you are 150 years behind the real world... Get it ?????

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I have taken my girl back to the states several times,my family loves her especially my grand children but neither one of us could live there, as I said this was my first reason for being here there are many others.

I too am amazed at some of the readers who can only complain about their life and the happiness of others.

In the states when one's marriage ends believe me you will pay big bucks in every relationship there is a money factor sometimes it is paid upfront.. sometimes it is paid in the end.. and sometimes it is a "pay as you go" plan.....I like the later! :-)

I know that Thai;and is not an ideal paradise, but I have traveled around the world and I have not found that place! For me Thailand is as close as it comes!

why not take ur younger thai wife back home. then you can still enjoy ur grand children?

it's strange to me how so many people get angry when guys like OP openly admit their intentions. oops i forgot, all of thai visa's 50 yo mid-life crisis'ers have no problem getting teenage girls back home :whistling: they probably see themselves in OP and don't like it.

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A few of my other reasons................

Health Care and Health Insurance

America health care system is pretty good but the expense is ridiculous, not only for the health care itself but for the insurance. When I left the USA my premium for non first dollar coverage was over 300 USD a month. Now I pay about a 1000 USD a year for better coverage

Bangkok has one of the best hospitals in the world, not only is the care first class but the cost is far less than anything you will find in the states.

Medications for the most part can be bought over the counter and in many cases for a fraction of the cost in the USA.

When I turn 65 this advantage will virtually disappear as I will have Medicare, I think!

The biggest disadvantage here is there is no 911 service. I live in the mountains if I have a serious injury or health problem I will most likely die!

I know that and still live here which goes a long way to tell you how much I love everyday int his country.

I would rather live a shorter life here in Thailand than suffer a longer life everyday in the USA.

But the good thing is I take better care of myself I know I eat better foods and I get a complete physical every year.

Lack of Enforced Oppressive laws

There is a sense of freedom here. There is no a constant police presence and laws that cause you to restrict you daily behavior. When I visit the USA I get this feeling of constant pressure to make sure that I am following many of these ridiculous laws. Many of these laws exists in Thailand many do not but the difference is that if you happen to get caught for not following a law in Thailand you don’t have to take out a mortgage to pay the fine or spend time in jail. I am not saying you can never go to jail here but for the most part for minor offenses there will just be a small fine.

Don’t fell like cutting your grass you don’t have to worry about the home owners association knocking on your door. If you would like to have a garage door don’t worry about putting in the door retraction system. With some care here you can find recreational drugs here and not have to worry about prison, you may need to have some money to get you out of jail but the beauty of this society is 99 times out of a 100 a small amount of money will get you out of trouble and there will no permanent stigma attached to you.

Traffic Laws

I like to drive and I like to have an open road which means many times I am driving over the speed limit It’s not driving fast I like, it is just the fact I don’t like to be in traffic, I feel unsafe following cars. Of course this means many speeding tickets in the USA and much money and time going to driving class. I have been driving for over 35 years with no accidents I believe that I drive very safe, fast does not mean reckless.

In Thailand I get stopped many times, my girl will give the cop the equivalent of 3 USD and we are on our way. How nice is that?

During my most recent visit my girl and I got stopped by a real asshol_e cop and he gave me a ticket for not moving over a lane? What kind of bullshit is that 220 USD!? He also threw in a seat belt ticket for 116 USD. Seat belt laws how foolish to make people wear seat belts, I can drive my motorcycle without a helmet in Florida but if I am surrounded by 5000 lbs of metal I have to wear a seat belt.

How about all those kids riding school buses, where are those seat belts? It is just another way for communities to raise money it has nothing to do with anyone watching out for you. Watch out for yourself and your family. I don’t need the government interfering in my personal life and preferences!

It is more dangerous to drive in Thailand that is for sure, so it becomes important to take safety measures while on the road. The most important being whenever possible DO NOT DRIVE AT NIGHT Thai’s feel as though driving with lights on is optional!

Non-Litigious Society

I really do enjoy law and the history of how our laws have been developing for many centuries. I appreciate and respect laws that are born from common sense and safety for others. I am totally disgusted with what has happened in the USA. Law suits are common practice the lawyer commercials continue all day long as they look for new reasons to sue a doctor, a hospital, pharmaceutical company or anyone for that matter. Sometimes you need a lawyer here but for the most part you can live everyday without having to interact with an attorney.

Thai Food

Great spicy food which meets my taste perfectly, always have loved food with a kick here I can get it everywhere and cheap!

From my travels I think Thai food is growing in popularity all over the world!

Geographic Location

Thailand is closer to the equator which means about 12 hours of sunlight 12 hours of darkness all year long. Don’t have to deal with long nights or long days.

Also no daylight savings time so it’s dark when you go to sleep and light when you wake up. As I said I am a morning person so I love the fact that the sun comes up around 6am and I love to see it set about 18:00 especially during those hot months.

I never really understood daylight savings time and now USA has extended those hours to include additional weeks, during my last visit my grandkids bedtime was 8 PM sun still high in the sky, they would get up around 7 am and of course it was dark! Don’t understand it never will and I don’t like it!

This may seem like a minor point but this has much to do with your internal clock and your whole attitude during the day.


I don’t like cold weather or snow so I don’t care how hot it gets I can always find some shade and a cold drink to cool off.

Infra Structure

The infrastructure here is weak and that is a fact, but it is weak because there are no property taxes. Personally since I have no young children here I don’t care about the quality of schools, or the proliferation of parks, tennis courts, baseball fields etc.

By the way the USA has been throwing money at the school systems for decades and with each passing year the education system continues to decline.

So no property taxes suits me just fine I put up with a few inconveniences due to the weak infrastructure but considering the money I save each year by not paying high property taxes it is a small price to pay.

Location to Bangkok

I really enjoy living two hours away from one of the biggest cities in the world. There are many services available including an International airport. If I were to live two hours from NYC the price of housing would be sky high.

Thai Massage

This may seem like a minor thing but not for me I get a massage everyday and it has become part of my daily life. I play tennis almost every day and I am old! That massage feels so good.

If anyone would like to see some pictures and additional experiences I have had in Thailand please visit


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I have taken my girl back to the states several times,my family loves her especially my grand children but neither one of us could live there, as I said this was my first reason for being here there are many others.

I too am amazed at some of the readers who can only complain about their life and the happiness of others.

In the states when one's marriage ends believe me you will pay big bucks in every relationship there is a money factor sometimes it is paid upfront.. sometimes it is paid in the end.. and sometimes it is a "pay as you go" plan.....I like the later! :-)

I know that Thai;and is not an ideal paradise, but I have traveled around the world and I have not found that place! For me Thailand is as close as it comes!

why not take ur younger thai wife back home. then you can still enjoy ur grand children?

it's strange to me how so many people get angry when guys like OP openly admit their intentions. oops i forgot, all of thai visa's 50 yo mid-life crisis'ers have no problem getting teenage girls back home :whistling: they probably see themselves in OP and don't like it.

So you are saying that sex is cheaper in thailand than in the US?

I think you have a point.

Financially speaking, that is.

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Yes if you use a small amount of electricity the Government pays the bill....I think the magic number is 75!e

Good on ya mate. Enjoy your new life in LOS.

Don't worry be happy.

+1 ;)


Sometimes my electricity bill is paid for by the Thai Government......AMAZING THAILAND!

That always amazes me... I mean Thailand charges their citizens way less tax obviously. Yet Fuel costs about the same as in the US....But their electricity is much cheaper & the govt even pays their bill for them if they stay under a certain amount...right?

So whats the deal?

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LOU, you like sex with young girls, you like corrupt cops, you do not like daylight saving time.......

Let me guess...... you think Fox News is objective? you do not like NIG.....ER presidents? You want to nuke Muslims ? You own a confederate flag?

WOOOOOW you found your home here.

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When Charlie Sheen was being sentenced for using a prostitute, the judge asked him why a man like him would have to pay for sex. And Sheen

reportedly replied:

"I don't pay them for sex. I pay them to leave."


But now back to topic.

I do not like whoares.

I do not like men that use whoares. (loosers and pimps)

i do not like governments that pass legislation on whoaring.

I do not like the men and women that turned thailand into the whoaring capital of the world.

i do not like the people who smile when i say i live in thailand.

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The topic actually is Why Do I Live In Thailand?

Answer: Because here I am treated as a border-line Saint ... so now that we know what you do not like, what is it Khun K. that you do like?

First another "i do not like".....

I do not like kun and farang.

Now what i do like: people who treat each other as people, not as merchandise.

This tread started off with some amerikan buying a young thai wife.

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You say that you are planning on living in Thailand for - possibly - the rest of your life. Why would you live somewhere that you despise so many things about the place? :blink:

Easy answer: because my wife is thai and wants to live herei - and to avoid misunderstandings; she is 54, i am 59.

More complex answer: because every country, every culture has its good and bad - at the moment, for me, the good is stronger then the bad for living in thailand.

That could change.

Or not.

And again, this tread was started by some amerikan who bought a young thai wife __ i resent that.

I do not buy people, and i dislike people who do.

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Firstly, Good For you and enjoy your happiness.

Secondly, Sadly you have posted on a page where most of the posters are bitter and have little clue that each individuals happiness is there own. I recommend you steer clear of posting on TV to avoid opening yourself up to relentless badgering and criticizing.

Enjoy your life....Smile biggrin.gif

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I do not buy people, and i dislike people who do.

Why you assume that your wife is with you for your wit, wisdom and cheery personality, but the OPs wife is only with him for the cash?

OK _ you have a point.

I am not 100% sure of my wife.

But i did read what the OP wrote. I am 100% sure of what i said about him. And about other things.

By the way, where is he ? It is a little bit silly, you and me discussing about him, no?

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