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Why Do I Live In Thailand?


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1. i like to pay tax - because i live in europe and my government gives me lots in return.

2. i do not think it is right for old rich amerikans/ arabs//thai/ and other perverts to buy young thai women.

Do you live or exist in Europe?

6 months a year i live in europe and use healthcare, 6 months a year i eat in thailand and pray i do not need a doctor

silly question, silly answer

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Oh great - one of these threads. To summarise:

- couldn't get a root back home. Tried for three years

- might have something to do with many of the women back home being fat and ugly (not me of course - I have a fantastic personality)

- came to LOS, met my partner in the first month (GREAAAT). Did I tell you she is skinny and beautiful as well, and aw shucks, likes my old fashioned view of relationships

LOS is a great country also cause:

- I can skive of the government to pay my electricity bill

- I can speed - cause I'm a safe driver (well trained in the west you know)

- I can hand a couple of red ones to the copper if caught and he'll let me off - how great is that

- I can do drugs and not worry about getting caught

- I'll probably have to hand over a couple of grey notes for that

- I love the laws not being enforced

- If I screw up someones life, odds are they won't be rich enough to sue me

- Did I tell you my wife is skinny and beautiful, and I met her in my first month here. GREAT.

check out my website at:


Edited by samran
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Oh great - one of these threads. To summarise:

- couldn't get a root back home. Tried for three years

- might have something to do with many of the women back home being fat and ugly (not me of course - I have a fantastic personality)

- came to LOS, met my partner in the first month (GREAAAT). Did I tell you she is skinny and beautiful as well, and aw shucks, likes my old fashioned view of relationships

LOS is a great country also cause:

- I can skive of the government to pay my electricity bill

- I can speed - cause I'm a safe driver (well trained in the west you know)

- I can hand a couple of red ones to the copper if caught and he'll let me off - how great is that

- I can do drugs of I want

- I'll probably have to hand over a couple of grey notes for that

- I love the laws not being enforced

- If I screw up someones life, odds are they won't be rich enough to sue me

- Did I tell you my wife is skinny and beautiful, and I met her in my first month here. GREAT.

check out my website at:


:lol: you and Old Croc are the "real ajarns" here for sure!

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You say that you are planning on living in Thailand for - possibly - the rest of your life. Why would you live somewhere that you despise so many things about the place? :blink:

Easy answer: because my wife is thai and wants to live here - and to avoid misunderstandings; she is 54, i am 59.

More complex answer: because every country, every culture has its good and bad - at the moment, for me, the good is stronger then the bad for living in thailand.

That could change.

Or not.

And again, this tread was started by some amerikan who bought a young thai wife __ i resent that.

I do not buy people, and i dislike people who do.

From my many years of living in Thailand,I've observed as many farangs buying their wife/gf of similar age as i have seen older farangs with much younger wives/gf,and then again I've known some older men

who have met a much younger Thai girl and have not had to resort to paying for them. please Mr K do not generalise.

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Correction: ... and odds are before motorcycle guys like the OP have a chance to grow old he will get cut-off by some 15 year old kid going the wrong way on his Wave and wrap his bike around a utility pole.

Edited by jazzbo
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... and odds are before I have a chance to grow old I will get cut-off by some 15 year old kid going the wrong way on his Wave and wrap my bike around a utility pole.

yes, but that is more than outweighed by my 'freedom' to speed down the wrong side of the road and pay the copprer of for the pleasure of contuning to do so, wouldn't you agree.

Plus the fact that all the women here are young and nubile and dig old farts.

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You say that you are planning on living in Thailand for - possibly - the rest of your life. Why would you live somewhere that you despise so many things about the place? :blink:

Easy answer: because my wife is thai and wants to live here - and to avoid misunderstandings; she is 54, i am 59.

More complex answer: because every country, every culture has its good and bad - at the moment, for me, the good is stronger then the bad for living in thailand.

That could change.

Or not.

And again, this tread was started by some amerikan who bought a young thai wife __ i resent that.

I do not buy people, and i dislike people who do.

From my many years of living in Thailand,I've observed as many farangs buying their wife/gf of similar age as i have seen older farangs with much younger wives/gf,and then again I've known some older men

who have met a much younger Thai girl and have not had to resort to paying for them. please Mr K do not generalise.

From mister K to Doctor No

Sorry for generalising.

Sure it is not a 100% -0% story.

hehehe can we compromise on 90% - 10% ?

As an extra, i let you be in the 10% 555

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Easy answer: because my wife is thai and wants to live here - and to avoid misunderstandings; she is 54, i am 59.

More complex answer: because every country, every culture has its good and bad - at the moment, for me, the good is stronger then the bad for living in thailand.

That could change.

Or not.

And again, this tread was started by some amerikan who bought a young thai wife __ i resent that.

I do not buy people, and i dislike people who do.

From my many years of living in Thailand,I've observed as many farangs buying their wife/gf of similar age as i have seen older farangs with much younger wives/gf,and then again I've known some older men

who have met a much younger Thai girl and have not had to resort to paying for them. please Mr K do not generalise.

From mister K to Doctor No

Sorry for generalising.

Sure it is not a 100% -0% story.

hehehe can we compromise on 90% - 10% ?

As an extra, i let you be in the 10% 555

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You say that you are planning on living in Thailand for - possibly - the rest of your life. Why would you live somewhere that you despise so many things about the place? :blink:


I don't live in Thailand, but I spend 5 months a year there for many reasons.

1. Ideal weather when it's cold and wet in Canada at the same time

2. Lots of friendly young people

3. Inexpensive to live in comparison to western countries

4. great hiking and biking terrain

5. good beaches if I want them.

6. reasonable food that is both nourishing and inexpensive.

7. I can ride my motorcycle for at least 5 months with very little chance of rain

8. Good fishing if you know where to go

9. Did I mention the lovely, available women?

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You say that you are planning on living in Thailand for - possibly - the rest of your life. Why would you live somewhere that you despise so many things about the place? :blink:


I don't live in Thailand, but I spend 5 months a year there for many reasons.

1. Ideal weather when it's cold and wet in Canada at the same time

2. Lots of friendly young people

3. Inexpensive to live in comparison to western countries

4. great hiking and biking terrain

5. good beaches if I want them.

6. reasonable food that is both nourishing and inexpensive.

7. I can ride my motorcycle for at least 5 months with very little chance of rain

8. Good fishing if you know where to go

9. Did I mention the lovely, available women?

All this can be found in Central America, South America and Southern rural USA.

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If it takes you to travel around the world to find a poor young women to care for you and you are ok then thats sounds nice. Tes ofcourse in the USA women will lose interest in sex with an older guy cause they have choices and money. You could have gone to South America and found a poor woman but maybe ther religion might get in the way of trading money for pretend caring/sex. BR

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I am here for sex with young woman.

You are not alone. That is why 95% of the men who live here came in the first place and another 4% are gay. :D


speak for yourself old feller, your statistics are spurious at best, and an attempt to justify your own proclivities by attempting to align yourself with an imagined majority.

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Ok this is my last post here I would just like to mention one more thing about some of the farangs I have met here!

I have seen many guys at the later stage of their life come here and meet a young lady and make the decision to have a family a couple of these guys never had kids and now at 50 60 or even 70 have young children that they adore and they take care of and educate. I love to see them with their new family and how happy they are, many guys reading this have no idea what it is to commit your life to the happiness of others and in return the rewards can not be measured.

Thank you to all the readers who had positive things to say!

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All this can be found in Central America, South America and Southern rural USA.

Hmmm. Central and South America remind me of the Philippines... dangerous place in comparison to Thailand. But, not bad place if you are involved with the drug trade and have an army to protect you.

I've been all over rural southern USA. It has nothing that Thailand offers. And least of all, lovely, available women. Accommodation and food are expensive and there are worse racial problems than in Thailand.

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And to the OP I enjoyed your post ( and Riley blog) as well except for I like to drive and I like to have an open road which means many times I am driving over the speed limit... What do they call a motorcycle rider going fast without a helmet? Organ donor. Happy Trails.

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1. i like to pay tax - because i live in europe and my government gives me lots in return.

2. i do not think it is right for old rich amerikans/ arabs//thai/ and other perverts to buy young thai women.

Your governments in Europe are going broke from from the lots they are giving you in return for your taxes. You'll also find that the expat population is a majority European that do what you solely lay at the feet of others. Your superiority complex shows in your comments, yet you have no reason to feel superior to anyone, as you aren't.

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Boyfriend, He wouldn't come to Australia so I came to Thailand.

Quit my Job (1500/week), sold my house - car - Furniture etc..

My ex-BF got all the gold coins , stamps.

But it is/was only money :)

Love makes you blind so be careful cause it will haunt you the rest of your life.

Edited by LindsayBKK
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I have taken my girl back to the states several times,my family loves her especially my grand children but neither one of us could live there, as I said this was my first reason for being here there are many others.

I too am amazed at some of the readers who can only complain about their life and the happiness of others.

In the states when one's marriage ends believe me you will pay big bucks in every relationship there is a money factor sometimes it is paid upfront.. sometimes it is paid in the end.. and sometimes it is a "pay as you go" plan.....I like the later! :-)

I know that Thai;and is not an ideal paradise, but I have traveled around the world and I have not found that place! For me Thailand is as close as it comes!

why not take ur younger thai wife back home. then you can still enjoy ur grand children?

it's strange to me how so many people get angry when guys like OP openly admit their intentions. oops i forgot, all of thai visa's 50 yo mid-life crisis'ers have no problem getting teenage girls back home :whistling: they probably see themselves in OP and don't like it.

Well done Lou!

Enjoy yourself. live out your years the way YOU want to live and remember...

Young girls keep you young ;)

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All this can be found in Central America, South America and Southern rural USA.

Hmmm. Central and South America remind me of the Philippines... dangerous place in comparison to Thailand. But, not bad place if you are involved with the drug trade and have an army to protect you.

I've been all over rural southern USA. It has nothing that Thailand offers. And least of all, lovely, available women. Accommodation and food are expensive and there are worse racial problems than in Thailand.

Well if you only read the news then ofcourse you would believe that central or south america is a dangerous place. It really depends on the focus on the news. Theres more killing in the ghettos in USA than most places down south. I myself have lived in Central and South America and never had an issue nor a robbery. yes it depends on the income level you are in. I would say religion will be the difference growing up as a christian will prevent many woman to pretend to love for income. In thailand maybe their religion or lack of one can allow them to do favors to get a income. Violence? i have seen many of that going on In southern Asia. BR

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Some 150 years ago, Louise Michel, a french anarchist woman, said: Prostitution is a bourgeois wedding of very short time, a bourgeois wedding is prostitution of very long time. Thailand and you are 150 years behind the real world... Get it ?????

Great quote, harsh but has the ring of truth about it.

I also like the OPs optimism about being No.1.--in his girlfriend's life ---hmmmm?

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