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New Police Statues To Wave At Bangkok Motorists

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New police statues to wave at motorists in Nov

By Suparat Iamtan

The Nation

From early next month, Bangkok motorists will see new stationary policemen - resembling heartthrob Ken Theeradetch or Chakrit Yaemnam - waving at them from major intersections, a senior police officer said yesterday.

Pol Maj-General Panu Kerdlarppol, deputy city commissioner who is responsible for traffic, said the panel in charge of tackling traffic congestion agreed to get new statues made. It will take a week to design these new models and another 10 day to make them, he said, adding that the new stationary policemen will have expressive faces, be able to turn left or right as well as wave at passers-by.

The three new models would be named "Jah Yim", "Jah Ken" and "Jah Tik", to replace the current "Jah Cheuy" - or Police Sergeant Indifferent - as part of the campaign to get motorists to observe traffic law.

Panu also attended a press conference to launch the "No Traffic Tickets on October 13 - National Police Day" project yesterday morning. Under the campaign, traffic police warned petty traffic violators all of yesterday instead of issuing them with tickets, except for those who ran red lights.

In addition, people who decided to pay their overdue traffic tickets yesterday were allowed to pay the minimum rate.

Metropolitan Police also joined the "Khon Huang Hua" (People who Love the Head) Club, an anti-drink driving foundation, and Viriya Insurance, to give helmets to bikers caught for not wearing theirs.

In related news, an Abac poll about the "National Police Day" yesterday revealed that most people wanted the police to solve unrest and violence in society.

The poll, covering 1,174 families in 17 provinces from October 1-12, also found that 96.3 per cent of the people believed police were important to their daily lives.

Asked about the five positive things they feel when they see a policeman, 73 per cent said they felt no worries; 71.2 per cent felt secure; 69.2 per cent felt welcomed; 61.4 per cent believed police officers made a lot of sacrifices; and 49.3 per cent wanted to come closer. As for negative feelings, 41.5 per cent felt discriminated against; 35.5 per cent were interested in the action of the police officers, 18.7 per cent were afraid of extortion, 17.2 per cent felt afraid and 14.8 per cent felt threatened or harassed.


-- The Nation 2010-10-14

Related topic:

No Traffic Tickets Today, 13 Oct, In Bangkok


Here is a crazy idea.

Rather then wasting money on dolls, how about computerizing the lights rather then letting Somchai decide when to push the button and create traffic and problems


I thought policemen already wave at passers-by ? maybe it is a traffic signal there present wave ? anyway I am nice and always wave back..

Which November ?

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Here is a crazy idea.

Rather then wasting money on dolls, how about computerizing the lights rather then letting Somchai decide when to push the button and create traffic and problems

Good idea, but I was told that some 10 years ago or more, that Bangkok's system was computerized at least to some extent but the Police kept turning the over ride on so they can play. One can only suppose why! Raise revenue, the thought that Thai's no best, etc.



The relics of their last silly police statue buying spree can still be found near my sis-in-law's house in Northaburi. The sight of the idiotic looking things all standing together in the overgrown grass produces smirks by all.

They must view their purchase as a mistake given the way they've been abandoned, yet now they are contemplating buying more...!?!

It will take a week to design these new models and another 10 day to make them.

How many more days to siphon off the cash?


Human Police can't even teach traffic laws and they expect these dolls to make people observe traffic law?? :rolleyes:

The poll goes to show that people here does not understand what thai police does for living.

And why no tickets on police day? itis like that everyday.

Here's an idea, never stop when police haults at you, when he catches up to you just say you thought it was "Ja chuey" who are able to turn left or right as well as wave at passers-by. :lol:


Just a thought...why not replace ALL police with dolls.

Same results...human like...no brain...clueless...and you can give them sleek bodies in clean uniforms minus the whiskey breath and corruption.


Here is a crazy idea.

Rather then wasting money on dolls, how about computerizing the lights rather then letting Somchai decide when to push the button and create traffic and problems

I was led to believe that traffic lights had been synchronized, but were vandalized or made inoperable by BIB. As the "story" goes: The BIB felt their jobs would be in jeopardy if the lights were used. The story also says they are currently under contract for the use of these same lights and tax payers certainly pay for this.

Without evidence, I'm still inclined to believe this as true. Of course this is based on what I've view as the typical Thai police behavior/way.


"Khon Huang Hua" (People who Love the Head) Club

I am definitely a member of that club!!

Just a thought...why not replace ALL police with dolls.

Same results...human like...no brain...clueless...and you can give them sleek bodies in clean uniforms minus the whiskey breath and corruption.

And how surprised we all will be when productivity actually increases during this time!

14.8 per cent felt threatened or harassed

And 85.2 percent felt too intimidated to answer the question truthfully.

79% of statistics are just made up on the spot anyway.


The BIB just want to be loved. So, the next time you see one waving at you (like to pull over for a donation) just be sure to wave back at them as you keep on going. And how well you perform the wave will determine whether a BIB jumps on a motorcycle to come talk to you about the sincerity of your wave.


Will probably triple productivity to use police statues that can press those few buttons on the traffic light control panels, and force the real police to be onto the streets issuing tickets to traffic offenders.


Here is a crazy idea.

Rather then wasting money on dolls, how about computerizing the lights rather then letting Somchai decide when to push the button and create traffic and problems

I got caught in Hua Hin with buddy like that. My most memorable thought was 'anytime today moron, nothing coming..!!!'


Maybe they should employ a few of these police dolls in plain clothes at Swampy airport.....

They might not scare the drug mules away, but at least they will be able to wave bye byes to all the tourists leaving the country.

Errr, second thoughts, maybe we could have a few with signs like this: :welcomeani: waving all the aussie tourists back in

LOS will be soon be flooded with kangaroos with exchange rate approaching the 30's.

:partytime2::burp: :burp:




"No Traffic Tickets on October 13 - National Police Day" project????

What? No one told me! I wasted that 100 baht bribe Wednesday for nothing!


To which even a 7 year old doing a school project would have to ask


I think journalism 101 starts with the 5 W's

From my experience WHY? is not taught in Thailand.


How about concentrating on changing their uniform colors instead of these statues? A nice blue would serve better psychologically. Brown skinned cops in brown uniforms makes me think of just one other thing brown and smelly.

Branding change would be in order about now.


How about concentrating on changing their uniform colors instead of these statues? A nice blue would serve better psychologically. Brown skinned cops in brown uniforms makes me think of just one other thing brown and smelly.

Branding change would be in order about now.

How about putting fairy lights on them = waving and wishing everyone a Happy new Year

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