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Arthritis & Seafood


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Recently,over a few beers,a friend and I,both approaching our dotage, were discussing our particular health problems.

At one point I ventured that I had trouble with arthritis in my hands,specifically my thumb joints which quite often ache almost to the point of bringing me to tears.

My friend then asked if I ate seafood and when I replied a definite yes.......

he told me that his grandmother always said that her arthritis was caused by her fondness for seafood and especially shellfood. ie. mussels,pips,clams,oysters,kina ,abalone etc.

I scoffed at this and said I thought that he was talking out of his'other end' but he rushed to assure me that he was speaking what he thought was the truth.

So here I am wondering if any Forum members would like to comment.

Have any of you previously heard of this 'phenomenon ?

Does anyone know if there is any truth to my friend's claim ?

I await with bated breath and sore thumbs the considered opinion of Y'all.


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Shellfish is a no-no for gout, which is the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the lower extremities, notably big toes (I have it and it can be very bad). Hands and such would be different, and I understand that problems there are calcium deposits, thus different. Might check the Mayo Clinic website for good info.

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i have the same type of problems and the Doc's recommend stop eating any diary products and cut the high fat pork and other similar items from the diet. tuna and other deep sea fish products are good , but shellfish acts on many folks different and should be avoided.

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Fish oils (omega 3) is from the more olily fish, but still seafood, is promoted as a arthritis fighter.

An excellent one-a-day dietary supplement. I'm sure it helps with arthritis. Good deal at Boots, The Chemist , "Two for the price of one" ; COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES. Handy branch at Thappae Road ; opposite Art Cafe. I think it was 400 baht .That's 120 capsules at a discount from the usual Fish Oils on sale at Watsons and the like. Boots is an old established quality English chemist. Give it a try.

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I would suggest you stay aways from Meat , or reduce your meat intake , and then . choose your time to take a shower , change your bath time to Noon or late noon instead of night .

there is some herb i know that help a little . as well as oil lotion that you can apply. usually the herbal way of doing it .

do not sleep on the floor if possible wear a pair of leather glove to keep your hand warm .

hope this help you

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Fish oils (omega 3) is from the more olily fish, but still seafood, is promoted as a arthritis fighter.

An excellent one-a-day dietary supplement. I'm sure it helps with arthritis. Good deal at Boots, The Chemist , "Two for the price of one" ; COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES. Handy branch at Thappae Road ; opposite Art Cafe. I think it was 400 baht .That's 120 capsules at a discount from the usual Fish Oils on sale at Watsons and the like. Boots is an old established quality English chemist. Give it a try.

The offer is at all Boots and ends on October 31st - good time to stock up, but it's only on Boots own brand. smile.gif

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Hey guys, it could be as simple as GOUT.

Try Sodium Bicarbonate, ( Baking Soda ). In many many cases this will neutralize the acid crystals that are stuck in your joints.

It worked wonders for me.


I left a world of pain after reading about the Baking Soda, only 30 baht for about a years supply too.

It really does work, amazingly fast too.

Good luck.

Theres nothing quite like Gout pain !!

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I have the same problem at times, even enough to have a spur poke up.

1. i take glucosamine-chondroitin triple strength (contains shell fish). Sometimes i run out for 2-3 weeks and then the pain comes back and the spur. I have arthiritis in my knees too and they hurt until i start taking the pills again.

2. Gensing will help some people, works for me...i don't take it al the time though....it will take swelling down....

3. Capsika gel will take the pain away, but not swelling or spur

4. A real copper bracelet will help..it made my spur go away....i don't wear it unless the spur comes....

5. A hand velcro bandage, covers your thumb and palm helps it to recover sooner.

6. Sometimes a pain pill..naprosin...what ever works for you...

Years back my arthritis hurt so bad in morning i had to put my hands under ( as hot as i could stand) hot water for 10 minutes , just to get them to working again. Then a pain creme...

Try the Capsika and the hand bandage first and then the others...copper does work....

Good luck...chorizo

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I just started having finger pains recently and blamed it on the computer (still partly to blame I believe). I went to the doctor at Thapae Clinic who has been recommended on this forum (on Thapae Rd across from Kasikorn Bank, 5PM-7:30PM). He sent me to Ram for x-rays of both hands and had me bring the film back to his office. He gave me Glucosamine and a anti inflammatory drug.

My main point is; get checked out and be sure of your diagnosis. Ram x-rays = 300 baht. Doctor visit and meds about 1,200 baht. It's been less than a week so I can''t say if it is working or not, but at least I know what the problem is.

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I review medical research papers for a living.

For any interested parties, a recent study on Glucosaine Sulphate concluded that it had only placebo effects, since a comparison between large numbers of participants revealed no differences between those taking the drug and those taking what was essentially nothing but slightly salted water.

Gout is a form of arthritis and many sufferers find that it is strongly affected by shellfish, so anyone suffering from gout is strongly urged not to eat prawns, lobster, crabs, etc. It follows that since this has an effect on joints, it would be wise to give up seafood for a while to see if this had any effect on arthritis in the hands, etc.

I personally stopped taking Glucosaime Sulphate for a month and found that my various pains were increasing, so I have decided to go back on the daily treatment.

I have concluded that the recent study has only cast doubt on the efficacy of Glucosamine, but actually proven nothing.

For those who suffer nagging aches in thumb joints, etc., Naproxyn, or any other good 'non-steroidal anti-inflammatroy drug' (NSAIDs) will help.

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I personally stopped taking Glucosaime Sulphate for a month and found that my various pains were increasing, so I have decided to go back on the daily treatment.

I'm sure that you realize that a number of studies suggest that Glucoamine is helpful, but some people will not know this - Even the Quack Watch website admits it (the last time that I looked).

I take it too and it seems to help me. :thumbsup:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I like the glucosamine with chondroitin...some people can not do the sulfate part......My Va doctor in US suggested this, take for 3 months and then stop for two weeks, if pain comes back , you know it is working. It takes awhile to take affect, not like a pain pill. If i don't take them for a month or so, you can feel the "grit' in my knees when i bend them ..2-3 weeks later on pills, it goes away...

I still have problems at times so then i wear the copper bracelet, and do the pain creme (which i do very seldom)

Hope one of these work for you soon....

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I review medical research papers for a living.

For any interested parties, a recent study on Glucosaine Sulphate concluded that it had only placebo effects, since a comparison between large numbers of participants revealed no differences between those taking the drug and those taking what was essentially nothing but slightly salted water.

Gout is a form of arthritis and many sufferers find that it is strongly affected by shellfish, so anyone suffering from gout is strongly urged not to eat prawns, lobster, crabs, etc. It follows that since this has an effect on joints, it would be wise to give up seafood for a while to see if this had any effect on arthritis in the hands, etc.

I personally stopped taking Glucosaime Sulphate for a month and found that my various pains were increasing, so I have decided to go back on the daily treatment.

I have concluded that the recent study has only cast doubt on the efficacy of Glucosamine, but actually proven nothing.


For those who suffer nagging aches in thumb joints, etc., Naproxyn, or any other good 'non-steroidal anti-inflammatroy drug' (NSAIDs) will help.

his is simply not true . Glucosamine works wonders for 85% of those that take it. Perhaps you are in the 15% The British Medical Assocation did an extensive search on this matter.

I was diagnosed with Osteo arthritis years back as being uncurable and a leading Orthopaedic specialist advised me to try Gluosamine. However you must take it for 6 months 1500 mg a day. You will notice improvements after 3-4 weeks

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I review medical research papers for a living.

For any interested parties, a recent study on Glucosaine Sulphate concluded that it had only placebo effects, since a comparison between large numbers of participants revealed no differences between those taking the drug and those taking what was essentially nothing but slightly salted water.

Gout is a form of arthritis and many sufferers find that it is strongly affected by shellfish, so anyone suffering from gout is strongly urged not to eat prawns, lobster, crabs, etc. It follows that since this has an effect on joints, it would be wise to give up seafood for a while to see if this had any effect on arthritis in the hands, etc.

I personally stopped taking Glucosaime Sulphate for a month and found that my various pains were increasing, so I have decided to go back on the daily treatment.

I have concluded that the recent study has only cast doubt on the efficacy of Glucosamine, but actually proven nothing.


For those who suffer nagging aches in thumb joints, etc., Naproxyn, or any other good 'non-steroidal anti-inflammatroy drug' (NSAIDs) will help.

his is simply not true . Glucosamine works wonders for 85% of those that take it. Perhaps you are in the 15% The British Medical Assocation did an extensive search on this matter.

I was diagnosed with Osteo arthritis years back as being uncurable and a leading Orthopaedic specialist advised me to try Gluosamine. However you must take it for 6 months 1500 mg a day. You will notice improvements after 3-4 weeks

I heard about that study. It is however just one study. What do you want to believe there is a study out there to prove it.

Can you explain the bit about having to take it fr six months but getting results after three to four weeks. I myself have used it for extended periods of time but could not say in all honesty that it had any affect. Also took it with Chondrotin and MSM A combination that did help my brother.

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There are a lot of different types of Arthritis and so different pathways to dysfunction and relief.

A common and reversible cause of synovial joint pain is excess calcium buildup on the bone face which then intrudes into the soft synovial joint capsule which causes irritation.

Apple Cider Vinegar taken as a supplement has been know to dissolve these deposits.

If you have ever had a teapot with white mineral deposits then you know adding a little vinegar to water and boiling will dissolve it quickly.

Apple Cider Vinegar works well with Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) which is a descaling agent used in all sorts of domestic and industrial techniques for removing deposits.

Mixing the two with water cancel out the P.H. level of the solution for consumption.

A common recipe would be

large glass of water

2 tablespoons A.C.V

1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

The resulting solution should be 6. to 7 P.H. and according to taste preference. I prefer it slightly tangy in the low 6 range. Should be consumed on an empty stomach.

The reason the recipe cannot be exact is because water and A.C.V can vary in PH according to the source.

WIll not help all types of Arthritis but addresses a common cause.

Do not confuse Baking soda with Baking powder... Only use Baking Soda. NaHCO3

Both ingredients are cheap and easy to find... Not a lot of risk or expense to experiment with it.

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Little off topic...1cp ACV, 5 Cps Apple juice, 4cps Whte grape juice, mix, drink 6-8 oz per day will bring ur cholesteral down.......works...

A common and reversible cause of synovial joint pain is excess calcium buildup on the bone face which then intrudes into the soft synovial joint capsule which causes irritation.

Apple Cider Vinegar taken as a supplement has been know to dissolve these deposits.

If you have ever had a teapot with white mineral deposits then you know adding a little vinegar to water and boiling will dissolve it quickly.

Apple Cider Vinegar works well with Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) which is a descaling agent used in all sorts of domestic and industrial techniques for removing deposits.

Mixing the two with water cancel out the P.H. level of the solution for consumption.

A common recipe would be

large glass of water

2 tablespoons A.C.V

1/2 teaspoon of baking soda

The resulting solution should be 6. to 7 P.H. and according to taste preference. I prefer it slightly tangy in the low 6 range. Should be consumed on an empty stomach.

The reason the recipe cannot be exact is because water and A.C.V can vary in PH according to the source.

WIll not help all types of Arthritis but addresses a common cause.

Do not confuse Baking soda with Baking powder... Only use Baking Soda. NaHCO3

Both ingredients are cheap and easy to find... Not a lot of risk or expense to experiment with it.

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I had very serious arthritis 15 years ago (spinal spondylitis) & was told I'd be a cripple by about now.

I ignored the specialist, rejected the painkillers (pain was a useful incentive), & changed my diet & lifestyle.

Out: alcohol, ciggies, dope, acidic food, grains, dairy.

In: fresh fruit & veg, lean meat, fish, supplements such as fish oils, & lots of exercise.

The arthritis went in a few months. My ESR (blood inflammation level) went from 43 to 1 (the lowest possible reading), where it remains.

I have told this solution to many arthritis sufferers since: no-one has taken it up.

Most sick people do not want to get well. I think it's something to do with one's identity getting bound up in the illness..

Edited by Robroy
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The old guy who runs the local minimart in our village used to suffer from arthritis.

He started drinking tamarind juice on a daily basis and is convinced that it cured the condition.

I can find no evidence to support this on the Internet, although the health benefits of tamarind are otherwise well documented.

Still, it's probably worth adding to your diet. It's a very refreshing drink is unlikely to do you any harm.

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Granted the seafood family of crustaceans can be a problem. I sent my Dad the answers that I read. Today I was speaking with my him by phone to the US and he is game to try the large glass of water, 2 tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda.

It was said to ingest on an empty stomach, but this leaves 3-4 questions with him.

1. Take on an empty stomache then wait to eat, or can eat right away?

2. How often or many times in 1 day? 1,2,3,4???

3. When? morning, lunch, dinner?

4. Cold,room, or warm temperature for the water?

Cold slows down the stomaches digestive properties, but in this case maybe it is good so this is why I added cold water into my question.


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