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Crass Foreign Perceptions Of Thailand


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This topic got touched on in the thread about 'sex and thailand' but it seems to have gone off the point a bit!!

How about this thread dedicated to any tired misrepresentations of Thailand by foreign people or the media. This is my little rant.......

I live in England at the moment with my wife who is thai - I lived in thailand for about three years where I met her - she has a professional occupation and is 4 years younger than me (i'm 33). When it comes up in conversation with new aquaintences that my wife is Thai I often find myself quickly explaining that a) I lived in Thailand where i met her and :o she is educated with a professional job. The raised eyebrow and the beginnings of a smirk on the face of the person i am talking to makes me do this - although i regret it as its not there buisness and so if i had bought her off the internet so what!!

The reason that the perception of Thailand is like this is almost entirely the foreign medias fault. Prostitution, peadaphilia, internet brides, ladyboys, drugs and beaches is all anyone knows and this fuelled by crass films like Bridget Jones Diary 2 which included a jaunt to Thailand covering all the prementioned points as comedy devices (very lame and boring!!). I was watching a serious documentary on the BBC about a year ago on Jeffrey Archer (criminal politician) which advertised with the line - 'the trail of deceit goes all the way to seedy Bangkok' cue images of Patpong, girls in short skirts etc. Watching the documentary J Archer never even been to Thailand but his former business associate from England now lives somewhere in Thailand - and thats where they interviewed him - no other connection.

My wife finds it quite funny but also a bit sad the way her country is portrayed - a lot of people express surprise that the whole of thailand is not a beach!! and surely its time that 60+milion people were not stereotyped as the residents of Patpong!!

thats all (srry about the spellings but its late and im a bit drunk!)


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This topic got touched on in the thread about 'sex and thailand' but it seems to have gone off the point a bit!!

How about this thread dedicated to any tired misrepresentations of Thailand by foreign people or the media.  This is my little rant.......

I live in England at the moment with my wife who is thai - I lived in thailand for about three years where I met her - she has a professional occupation and is 4 years younger than me (i'm 33).  When it comes up in conversation with new aquaintences that my wife is Thai I often find myself quickly explaining that a) I lived in Thailand where i met her and :o she is educated with a professional job.  The raised eyebrow and the beginnings of a smirk on the face of the person i am talking to makes me do this - although i regret it as its not there buisness and so  if i had bought her off the internet so what!!

The reason that the perception of Thailand is like this is almost entirely the foreign medias fault.  Prostitution, peadaphilia, internet brides, ladyboys, drugs and beaches is all anyone knows and this fuelled by crass films like Bridget Jones Diary 2 which included a jaunt to Thailand covering all the prementioned points as comedy devices (very lame and boring!!).  I was watching a serious documentary on the BBC about a year ago on Jeffrey Archer (criminal politician) which advertised with the line -  'the trail of deceit goes all the way to seedy Bangkok' cue images of Patpong, girls in short skirts etc.  Watching the documentary J Archer never even been to Thailand but his former business associate from England now lives somewhere in Thailand - and thats where they interviewed him - no other connection.

My wife finds it quite funny but also a bit sad the way her country is portrayed - a lot of people express surprise that the whole of thailand is not a beach!! and surely its time that 60+milion people were not stereotyped as the residents of Patpong!!

thats all (srry about the spellings but its late and im a bit drunk!)


It is unfortunatley someyhing you are going to have to deal with for the length of your marriage (Till Death Do You Part) I hope.

IT makes no odds as to wheather your Wife was a Bar Girl, Beauty Consultant or a Universirty Lecturer. As soon as you spill the words "My Wife's from Thailand" you will 9 times out of ten get that little smirk, or if not thats what they are really thinking.

It is a tragic shame but I adopt a policy of not giving a flying fukc about what other peple think, I love my Wife very much she makes me happy, and that is the MOST IMPORTANT THING. YOUR HAPPINESS, but I'm afaraid that small-mindedness seems to rule. I really did not know much about Thailand when I first came 4 years ago to visit my Son, but I can understand why people think the way they do, I think you can say "It goes with the territory". I could accept it more from those that may have been gere for a holiday (young lads between 20-30 buy as far as anybody else goes, they have not been her so how can they judge you -which they have no right to do anyway.

Walk down the street with your heda held high,

and be proud to say "My Wife is Thai'



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Ain't there fault that they smirk, they can't help it.

When I meet a guy who tells me that he is married to a farang woman I can't help a smirk coming on my face, sometimes even a little snigger under my breath. :o

*edited due to language*

Edited by cdnvic
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I think you mean the WESTERN MEDIA's fault. The press in USA loves to paint unflatering pictures of numerous foreign countries and cultures, which are not akin to the "God, Mom and apple pie perceptions of the American past. It is a gernral problem of ignorance and lack of knowledge about countries and cultures far across the sea. The average American's view of these countries has been molded by the twisted reporting of the western press. Much of the mentality is based on perceptions which are long past, ie they are livning in the 1950's.

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foreign medias fault


The neon and the nightlife are here at the grace of Thailand itself. A country that chooses to do very little to manage its own public relations, let alone do anything about providing decent work for its women.

Yes, one does get that smirk, and you shouldn't have to just feel that people who can do it can be ignored. Its bad.

The foreign media is a convenient scapegoat, but they are not to blame for the original issue. Journalists write the stories they see. You don't get many pieces on girls in Singapore, Zurich or Venice working as hookers.

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Lets not forget about Amsterdam. Talk about sex for hire and on display and the legal prostitution in numerous other countries. So, who has a claim on the moral high ground? The sex for hire is not all in Thailand.

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IMHO the “western press” is not to blame for the seedy image many people have of Thailand. The fact that the sex industry is so blatantly and openly displayed here is the biggest problem. Look at Amsterdam, I think most people are aware that prostitution is legal in Amsterdam and they have a rather infamous red light district. But does Amsterdam have an internationally seedy image?

When anyone travels to Thailand it is almost impossible for a man to walk down the street by himself at night in Thailand without being proposition in some form or another (in the main tourist areas – not walking down a dirt road in Issan). Try going from any of the major hotels in Bangkok out to do some shopping, have some dinner, and back to the hotel (no stops anywhere for a drink – no bars of any kind). Chances are a man by himself attempting to make this trip will be propositioned by someone along the way to take part in the sex industry in Thailand. A Tuk-Tuk driver, the taxi driver, a tout on the street, someone will offer to show the man where he can go to be a part of the sex industry in Thailand. Now ponder why they might leave with a certain image of Thailand.

I also have a Thai wife. And I have seen the smirks. Not much one can do about them. I do not even comment on where or how I met my wife unless they ask. Let them think what they want. All the information I can give them will not change their perceptions of Thailand.

Their smirk has already told you what their impression is of Thailand. And let’s not kid ourselves there is a large and easily seen sex industry in Thailand. All the nice pictures and stories about culture, temples, and wonderful people are not going to change the impressions of those who smirk. Especially if they ever visit Thailand and are hit squarely in the face with images and propositions that only go to reinforce their smirk.

In the world we live in today the sex industry is a part of Thailand – there is no denying it. It is however, unfortunate that the industry predominates the image many people have of Thailand.

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It works both ways. A large, I'd guess majority, of Thais believe that all farangs spend every night down Patpong, Patong or Walking Street. Since most of us drink alcohol, we must all be alcoholics, and as everyone knows, a bar/nightclub is an establishment for watching dancing girls and having them sit on your knee. Since we publicly declare that it is okay for an unmarried couple to have sex, we all indulge in "free sex" (one-night stands) and polygamy and cannot form "normal" relationships.

And of course, the moral police, trying hard to stem the flow of immorality, keep raiding these establishments and, er, conducting drug tests. They wouldn't be doing all those drug tests if the farangs weren't responsible for the tide of yaba in Thai society...

I've heard these views from several English-speaking, university-educated young Bangkokians in daily contact with western companies.

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.... let alone do anything about providing decent work for its women.

Not sure that's correct. I can't give you the link but there was an article in the Post about two months ago that claimed that women's equality and participation in the workplace was highest in Thailand in comparison to other asian countries.

Ok I realise the Post writes rubbish sometimes but if you just walk around Bangkok I tend to agree cause it seems the women are in fact much more active than the men and there is plenty of jobs for women.

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As my wife has lived for some 22 years in the UK, only 11 months younger than me, you get used to the nudge nudge wink wink. Actually I don't think its as bad as it used to be, mainly due to the huge number of Thais now married and living in the UK. In 1984 I remember someone at the Embassy saying there were about 4,00 Thais in London, now its over 10 times that. The problem of Thailands image is well documented. I know alot of Thais blame farangs but the sex trade had existed long before cheap flights from Europe started. There are plenty of local establishments out in the sticks. Too much money and thus power are now involved, sad really.

One thing I would like the Thai Government do is to change the name of Bangkok to Krung Thep. Its a start even if it is only a very small step. Too many people like to emphasise the second syllable.

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I got more smirks and sneers 10 years ago (in Malaysia), when I was with my then Malaysian Chinese wife. The attitude was more anti-foreign and anti-western, as to how dare a proper Chinese girl lower herself and marry a "foreign devil". In USA they don't care if I am married to a gorilla. In fact now they would give me extra press if it were a gay match. I have traveled many time to Bangkok and rarely have been approached with "sexual offers" outside of areas designated for this purpose, ie soi cowboy, nana, etc. In most other areas of Bangkok, I see no evidance of this trade.

In my opinion most of the Thailand bashing has its origins in various judeo-Christian prejudice. As for tops in seedy, God forbid Bankok tries to raise itself to the higher level of Amsterdam by making various street drugs legal. One "pothead" mecca in the world is enough for my liking.

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I think you mean the WESTERN MEDIA's fault. The press in USA loves to paint unflatering pictures of numerous foreign countries and cultures, which are not akin to the "God, Mom and apple pie perceptions of the American past. It is a gernral problem of ignorance and lack of knowledge about countries and cultures far across the sea. The average American's view of these countries has been molded by the twisted reporting of the western press. Much of the mentality is based on perceptions which are long past, ie they are livning in the 1950's.

I don't think it's so much the media's fault. It's American money. It's way too easy to look down or look over someone when your as big as the U.S. Not that this is okay, it's not. Because of this the media tries to show an angle to the news that Jaded Americans might care about or, that can be understood. Or they use scare tactics, like look how much poorer these people are, look at the wars they are fighting, don't you have it good. Money clouds the mind.

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I got more smirks and sneers 10 years ago (in Malaysia), when I was with my then Malaysian Chinese wife. The attitude was more anti-foreign and anti-western, as to how dare a proper Chinese girl lower herself and marry a "foreign devil". In USA they don't care if I am married to a gorilla. In fact now they would give me extra press if it were a gay match. I have traveled many time to Bangkok and rarely have been approached with "sexual offers" outside of areas designated for this purpose, ie soi cowboy, nana, etc. In most other areas of Bangkok, I see no evidance of this trade.

In my opinion most of the Thailand bashing has its origins in various judeo-Christian prejudice. As for tops in seedy, God forbid Bankok tries to raise itself to the higher level of Amsterdam by making various street drugs legal. One "pothead" mecca in the world is enough for my liking.

i met my wife in the uk ,before i had ever been to Thailand , 10 years ago. she is from a very well to do family and is a qualified English teacher (god knows how!). Like most of the people who had never been to Thailand at the time I had preconceptions, however, most turned out to be false.

I now spend around 4 months a year in Thailand and can easily see where people get the idea of Thailand is nothing but a knocking shop. I have had seemingly respectable & well to do married women throwing themselves at me because they want to get out of Thailand. Part of this problem stems from girls falling in love with the first person who held their hand. This led to marriage and instant babies: 15 years down the line they are unhappy and stuck in the confines of a restrictive Thai family environment: the only escape is to leave Thailand!

At the other end of the scale are the country girls who either follow their friends to where ever, are dumped by Thai partners and get no finacial support and those who just like the idea of the supposed money available.

i have been to villages near khon kaen where every girl under 35 is married to a farang so you can see the attraction all have homes maintained by farang and all the girls are rich by Thai standards so the younger girls coming up want the same and view a life of working in the fields as too much like hard work!

other friends have been abused by thai husbands for producing the wrong sex baby severely beaten up and dumped. they go to pattaya or suchlike because they now hate men and want to milk a farang or six! Many of these find a man who treats them good and are hapilly married whereas others meet morons and are just abused even more!

money grabbers we all know about them!

the problem with foreign media is that whatever the problem they show footage of the bars. i even saw images of pat pong on tusami reports!

this is turning into a bit of a ramble thats really not going anywhere so ill stop :o

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I beg to differ,or as my old Dad would say "Its all in your Mind".

Thailands reputation is no better or worse than any other country including Western ones. The sex industry is alive and well in every country so do you really think that what you perceive to be a smirk or raised eyebrow would be different if you said your wife,g/f was from Phillipines,India ,China, Russia etc.

People will always be inquisitive regarding mixed race relationships,so just instead of being self-concious about those percieved 'SMIRKS" just regard them as looks of envy ,because I,ll bet pounds to peanuts what they are really thinking is "you lucky buggar".

And in any case I dont give a <deleted> what they think!!!

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This topic got touched on in the thread about 'sex and thailand' but it seems to have gone off the point a bit!!

How about this thread dedicated to any tired misrepresentations of Thailand by foreign people or the media.  This is my little rant.......

I live in England at the moment with my wife who is thai - I lived in thailand for about three years where I met her - she has a professional occupation and is 4 years younger than me (i'm 33).  When it comes up in conversation with new aquaintences that my wife is Thai I often find myself quickly explaining that a) I lived in Thailand where i met her and :D she is educated with a professional job.  The raised eyebrow and the beginnings of a smirk on the face of the person i am talking to makes me do this - although i regret it as its not there buisness and so  if i had bought her off the internet so what!!

The reason that the perception of Thailand is like this is almost entirely the foreign medias fault.  Prostitution, peadaphilia, internet brides, ladyboys, drugs and beaches is all anyone knows and this fuelled by crass films like Bridget Jones Diary 2 which included a jaunt to Thailand covering all the prementioned points as comedy devices (very lame and boring!!).  I was watching a serious documentary on the BBC about a year ago on Jeffrey Archer (criminal politician) which advertised with the line -  'the trail of deceit goes all the way to seedy Bangkok' cue images of Patpong, girls in short skirts etc.  Watching the documentary J Archer never even been to Thailand but his former business associate from England now lives somewhere in Thailand - and thats where they interviewed him - no other connection.

My wife finds it quite funny but also a bit sad the way her country is portrayed - a lot of people express surprise that the whole of thailand is not a beach!! and surely its time that 60+milion people were not stereotyped as the residents of Patpong!!

thats all (srry about the spellings but its late and im a bit drunk!)


Did you, Uncle Paul & thaibopeep come off the same assembly line?

Foreign Media's fault? :D

Thailand is what it is, a beautiful country with outstanding food, climate, scenery, beaches etc., but it is also the center or one of the premier centres of the Galactic Confederation for "######in" and all the other esoteric activities you've mentioned.

No sense in trying to deny that or cover it up!

The whole package -- its beautiful and that's that! :D

The next sneer you get, just take the fella aside and say to him, "if you ditch that cow you're with, yeah .... !" :o

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If I said my wife was Dutch, Taiwanese or Japanese the knowing smirk woudnt be there.

I also stongly dispute that the sex industry is inescapable in Thailand. Having lived there for three years - not in Bangkok - I never really came accross it. Sure it exists but the only place it is inyour face is the western tourist areas. Tokyo, Seoul, Taipai, have far bigger and bolder red light areas designed for the local populace -(as do Phnom phen and Ho Chi Minh). Thailand is a tourist destination and I suppose that is how the reputation spread.

Perhaps if i said my wife was Russian or Fillipino the potential for internet bride jokes would be as high. But it is a sad truth that the internet is full of sites with hundeds of Thai women willing to throw themselves into a blind and largely unequal relationship.

Maybe the issue of Ladyboys, or transexuals is again fair game! In the UK i have only ever noticed two, where in Thailand they are a fairly regular sight (again away from the seedy areas). Infact one of my wifes best friends at university was a lady boy - you dont here many british or american people saying that! The reason i think is that Buddhism doesnt moralise (or have anything written in scripture) about sexuality or gender. never seen any stats on it though - is it more prevelant in Thailand than elsewhere?

Having said all that I really do believe (as i said in my original post) its time the tired and boring way Thailnd is portrayed in the media (especially tv + films) moved on - it might be the Thailnd alot of expat and lazy sleazy journalists recognise but not the reality for the vast vast majority of the 60 million + population.

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we have experienced the misconception by mainly the 20 to30 year old lads with a childish attitude, however only once did i retaliate, and that was when a p++s+d up bloke in front of his mates asked me in front of my friend ; how much did you pay for her? so i answered him with a direct blow straight on the nose,

the problem with doing that was my wife said she could handle the situation and she was upset, anyway the next time any thing was said i left it to her and she made a few chaps look stupid just by talking to them.

conclusion; if people think they are above thais and have a preconception from the media or television you must try and think who are the one's with the narrow and childish mindset and the smirk becomes irrelevant

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This topic got touched on in the thread about 'sex and thailand' but it seems to have gone off the point a bit!!

How about this thread dedicated to any tired misrepresentations of Thailand by foreign people or the media.  This is my little rant.......

I live in England at the moment with my wife who is thai - I lived in thailand for about three years where I met her - she has a professional occupation and is 4 years younger than me (i'm 33).  When it comes up in conversation with new aquaintences that my wife is Thai I often find myself quickly explaining that a) I lived in Thailand where i met her and :D she is educated with a professional job.  The raised eyebrow and the beginnings of a smirk on the face of the person i am talking to makes me do this - although i regret it as its not there buisness and so  if i had bought her off the internet so what!!

The reason that the perception of Thailand is like this is almost entirely the foreign medias fault.  Prostitution, peadaphilia, internet brides, ladyboys, drugs and beaches is all anyone knows and this fuelled by crass films like Bridget Jones Diary 2 which included a jaunt to Thailand covering all the prementioned points as comedy devices (very lame and boring!!).  I was watching a serious documentary on the BBC about a year ago on Jeffrey Archer (criminal politician) which advertised with the line -  'the trail of deceit goes all the way to seedy Bangkok' cue images of Patpong, girls in short skirts etc.  Watching the documentary J Archer never even been to Thailand but his former business associate from England now lives somewhere in Thailand - and thats where they interviewed him - no other connection.

My wife finds it quite funny but also a bit sad the way her country is portrayed - a lot of people express surprise that the whole of thailand is not a beach!! and surely its time that 60+milion people were not stereotyped as the residents of Patpong!!

thats all (srry about the spellings but its late and im a bit drunk!)


Did you, Uncle Paul & thaibopeep come off the same assembly line?

Foreign Media's fault? :D

Thailand is what it is, a beautiful country with outstanding food, climate, scenery, beaches etc., but it is also the center or one of the premier centres of the Galactic Confederation for "######in" and all the other esoteric activities you've mentioned.

No sense in trying to deny that or cover it up!

The whole package -- its beautiful and that's that! :D

The next sneer you get, just take the fella aside and say to him, "if you ditch that cow you're with, yeah .... !" :o

Huh? :D <deleted> are you talking about Harmonica? I see you are trying to insult me, but what for I can't understand. I was defending Thailand. Which is what you seem to be doing.

So, why don't you clear things up a lit.

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I met my Thai partner in Europe 4 years ago.

We were both visiting a place in Spain at the same time.

Before that, I had no interest to visit Thailand because I had a very bad image of the country.

If I had not met my partner in Europe (and in the circumstances we met) I would still not be here.

After 4 years, the image I have of the country is... not better. In some case it is worse.

Don't tell me that "all thais are not the same"... I do know that!

I live (happy and with my partner) completely outside any "hot areas", and I, unfortunately, still have the feeling that prostitution, looking for a farang husband, and try to catch farang money, is widespread in the mentalities, and the goal of too many thais. Even hundreds of km from BKK or Pataya...

My opinion regarding the bad reputation of Thailand is that, as long as prostitution is so well accepted by everyone, it has no chances to change. Prostitution (occasional, or as a pro) is a "normality" in this country since ages.

Some of comments said that people smile when talking about a Thai partner.

With me, when I say we met in Europe, the people say: "Really ???, uh, I don't believe it".

Because, in the mind of the majority you are suposed to meet your Thai partner in a bar...

I lived in India before, where the girls are very beautifull, but the country does not have that reputation... like nearly all the rest of the countries on the planet.


I guess the answer is not on the side of the behavior of the foreigners, but on the side of the Thai behavior.

But personaly, if you ask me... I don't really care.

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I live in England at the moment with my wife who is thai - I lived in thailand for about three years where I met her - she has a professional occupation and is 4 years younger than me (i'm 33).  When it comes up in conversation with new aquaintences that my wife is Thai I often find myself quickly explaining that a) I lived in Thailand where i met her and :o she is educated with a professional job.  The raised eyebrow and the beginnings of a smirk on the face of the person i am talking to makes me do this - although i regret it as its not there buisness and so  if i had bought her off the internet so what!!


Had the same when I took my wife back to UK, some bloke I used to drink with asked if I had a catalogue, he's still prowling the underage pubs now at 38 YOA, sad b@astard.

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.... let alone do anything about providing decent work for its women.

Not sure that's correct. I can't give you the link but there was an article in the Post about two months ago that claimed that women's equality and participation in the workplace was highest in Thailand in comparison to other asian countries.

Ok I realise the Post writes rubbish sometimes but if you just walk around Bangkok I tend to agree cause it seems the women are in fact much more active than the men and there is plenty of jobs for women.

In Bangkok, maybe. But outside Bangkok, where 80% of Thais live, there is little opportunity for any work, so the men seize first place. Women, especially poorly educated Issaan girls (not poor intelligence - just poor education) have little opportunity for work other than sweat shops at 3,500 baht per month.

The whole of the economy needs to be overhauled and wealth distributed more evenly. But htis will not happen while the main motivation for everyone in LOS is greed.

With regard to equality of the sexes - go to Singapore and sit in on a few business meetings there. As many women as men in senior and junior management positions throughout the entire structure. And all are highly capable of running a business properly, with Western ethics, not in the corrupt way that most of SE Asia adopts. (I have worked in senior management positions in Hong Kong - similar to Singapore in ethics, but less women in positions of authority; Vietnam, where you need good relations with the army chiefs; Indonesia - used to be similar to Vietnam, but now it's a basket-case; Malaysia - where you do well to cultivate the Malay politicians as well as the Chinese business-men.) Singapore stands out as a beacon of progress in many ways, but there is a rule and a law for everything, with half a ton of paper to fill in every month.

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so whats new. remember the old song 1 night in bangkok ,thats old .

then theres the governments early closing campaign which has forced huge numbers of girls /prostiututes onto the streets ,wheras they used to be tucked away out of sight.

How can Bangkok ever lose its title of sleaze capital now ?

why the citizens of BKK even voted an ex pimp into a postion of power ?

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I think you mean the WESTERN MEDIA's fault. The press in USA loves to paint unflatering pictures of numerous foreign countries and cultures, which are not akin to the "God, Mom and apple pie perceptions of the American past. It is a gernral problem of ignorance and lack of knowledge about countries and cultures far across the sea. The average American's view of these countries has been molded by the twisted reporting of the western press. Much of the mentality is based on perceptions which are long past, ie they are livning in the 1950's.

what a load of crap! :o

Most of my family and friends think of Thailand as a tropical paradise. There are alot of people who think Thailand and Taiwan are the same country. Usually the older generation.

as for that smirk you see on peoples faces when they find out your wife is from Thailand. that's a sign of envy.


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I think you mean the WESTERN MEDIA's fault. The press in USA loves to paint unflatering pictures of numerous foreign countries and cultures, which are not akin to the "God, Mom and apple pie perceptions of the American past. It is a gernral problem of ignorance and lack of knowledge about countries and cultures far across the sea. The average American's view of these countries has been molded by the twisted reporting of the western press. Much of the mentality is based on perceptions which are long past, ie they are livning in the 1950's.

what a load of crap! :o

Most of my family and friends think of Thailand as a tropical paradise. There are alot of people who think Thailand and Taiwan are the same country. Usually the older generation.

as for that smirk you see on peoples faces when they find out your wife is from Thailand. that's a sign of envy.


:D Yes, I hear you. My wife works in a Thai restaurant and people are always asking for egg drop soup and fortune cookies when they leave. She keeps telling them that this is Thai food not Chinese. Most just look at her confused, :D , it's really sad.

One person didn't believe she was Thai and asked her to prove it by naming two cities in Thailand. She said fine and named Bangkok and Chiang Mai. The guy looked at her and said don't you mean Shanghi. :D She just walked away.

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Did you, Uncle Paul & thaibopeep come off the same assembly line?

Foreign Media's fault?  :D

Thailand is what it is, a beautiful country with outstanding food, climate, scenery, beaches etc., but it is also the center or one of the premier centres of the Galactic Confederation for "######in" and all the other esoteric activities  you've mentioned.

No sense in trying to deny that or cover it up!

The whole package -- its beautiful and that's that!  :D

The next sneer you get, just take the fella aside and say to him, "if you ditch that cow you're with, yeah .... !"    :o

You really must get with the times...

The preferred term is hub. HUB. Not center.


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It is not just the sex side!!

I also get annoyed about the image of Thailand after the Tsunami.

Whenever I meet people these days, they want to know what it was like.

Thye have the impression from the Media that the whole country was decimated!!

I have to point out that:

1. I live on the 1000km north of where the wave hit, and the other side of the land mass.

2. The wave affected 5 out of 90+ provinces.

3. Yes people died, but the number was fraction of that for Indonesia.

But the BBC is still going on about the affects in Thailand, just because it easy to get to.

4. Tourist deaths make better news than locals!! What a disgusting point of view!!

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Like I stated earlier, I'm 25 and my TGF is 31, a housekeeper who works 16 hours a day for just 100 baht.

We are in Thailand and we get annoyed by both Thai and farang. Even Thais have asked me, "what bar does she work at?" and "how much are you paying her?" Thais are asking my TGF, "does he have a big dick?" "do you like big dicks?" Yes, I am Black.

we all have to deal with this. To the original poster, us in Thailand with relationships are also dealing with annoyances from all angles. The Thais are also engaging in ignorance.

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