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How many of you drive cars in Bangkok and what sort of problems do you experience?

Of course Bangkok is a nightmare for driving in and all traffic rules (if there are any) are broken and we have to take extreme precaution when driving.

What in your opinion is the worst problem?

For me it's driving along a 2 lane road only to find that the outside line is taken up by on-coming motorcycles. These guys just drive forward at full speed and expect cars to stop or move out the way.

Another problem is coming out of a small soi indicating a right turn only to be overtaken on the outside by a motorcycle turning left.

So far I haven't hit any but have been very close a few times only to be met with a really hateful stare as if it's my fault for driving in the outside lane.

Anyone else have these problems?

I guess I'll get lot's of answers about motorcyles being the "Lords of the road" etc. but seriously isn't it about time something was done to stop their "king of the road" attitude?

I mean if the worst comes to the worst and I kill a motorcyclist because he drives on the wrong side of the road at full speed and hits me, I know I will get the blame. This just can't be right. Do you agree?


I drive in Bnagkok, no problems - and if i had one i would go back home - dont know why people keep complaining about other cultures and the way they carry out their lives.


I think that anyone who drives in BKK should have their head examined. It aint worth it man. You got all the cheap taxis and public transport you need. I'd much rather drive in NYC


I mean if the worst comes to the worst and I kill a motorcyclist because he drives on the wrong side of the road at full speed and hits me, I know I will get the blame. This just can't be right. Do you agree?

agree 100% and yes you are right


Is it really worth complaining about? if your not comfortable with it -

Option 1 - Stop driving

Option 2 - Go back to your own country

Lets remember we are guests and we are not going to change the culture...

The Thai Driving is just another daily frustration that comes with living in Bangkok


Is it really worth complaining about? if your not comfortable with it -

Option 1 - Stop driving

Option 2 - Go back to your own country

Lets remember we are guests and we are not going to change the culture...

The Thai Driving is just another daily frustration that comes with living in Bangkok

I agree we are guests but I live and work here and am generally happy but it is essential for me to be able to drive around Bangkok. All I am saying is that in any accident just because I am farang I will be given the blame. When will the Thai autorities (whever they may be in this case) wake up and stop things like driving on the wrong side of the road.

I don't wish to change the culture but eventually the government will do something about the lawlessness on the roads. We have seen this in other countries. I just hope they do something before it goes out of hand. Everyday I see more and more people drive on the wrong side of the road IN BANGKOK!

I do take care and drive carefully but so many of my Thai colleagues have had accidents due to people driving on the wrong side of the road but they get away with paying a small fee. I just know that if something happens to me I will be punished much more heavily.


What bugs me is that, every once in a while, when I do things I see Thais do all the time, I get lights flashed at me or horns honked.

The Dude has a point, public tranportation is cheaper than buying a car, and a whole lot less stressful.

My wife made me drive a car for a while, thinking it was safer than my motorbike. Now she uses it and I'm back on my bike. I never thought I'd say, but it's relatively less nerve-wracking.

Is it really worth complaining about? if your not comfortable with it -

Option 1 - Stop driving

Option 2 - Go back to your own country

Lets remember we are guests and we are not going to change the culture...

The Thai Driving is just another daily frustration that comes with living in Bangkok


Well I have plenty of Thai friends who complain about motorcycles. I suppose, according to you, their only course is Option 1.

Is it really worth complaining about? if your not comfortable with it -

Option 1 - Stop driving

Option 2 - Go back to your own country

Lets remember we are guests and we are not going to change the culture...

The Thai Driving is just another daily frustration that comes with living in Bangkok


Well I have plenty of Thai friends who complain about motorcycles. I suppose, according to you, their only course is Option 1.

Yeah according to me their option is number one. Your not going to fix the motorbike issue overnight!!


How many of you drive cars in Bangkok and what sort of problems do you experience?

What in your opinion is the worst problem?

The worst part for me is when my wife decides to use the English words "left" and "right", as she can never remember which is which, life is cerainly a lot easier when she gives directions in Thai!

Driving in rural England is not without it's own difficulties, particularly during harvest time, but don't forget the dreaded M25 and it's arteries, bad enough at any time, but what about Friday afternoons and evenings?

I think that anyone who drives in BKK should have their head examined. It aint worth it man. You got all the cheap taxis and public transport you need. I'd much rather drive in NYC

Can't agree with that, but then you "colonials" are meant to drive on the wrong side of the road, aren't you? :o:D:D

Seriously, in my experience, have found U.S. traffic cops far more intimidating and with much less of a sense of humour than Thai ones, who at least smile whilst pocketing their tea money! :D:D

I think that anyone who drives in BKK should have their head examined. It aint worth it man. You got all the cheap taxis and public transport you need. I'd much rather drive in NYC

Dude, I agree totally.

It is pointless driving in bangkok, unless you go away for breaks out of town, but even then you can hire a car which would probably work out cheaper.

If you a few kids, it might be worth it.

I even know a guy in bangkok who has a bloody pick-up truck to do his shopping he says, what a nob he is though.

I think that anyone who drives in BKK should have their head examined. It aint worth it man. You got all the cheap taxis and public transport you need. I'd much rather drive in NYC

Actually I would rather drive in Bangkok than upcountry. The traffic in Bangkok is usually slow so it's not too dangerous. I just hate the motobikes who drive at full speed on the wrong side of the road.

I have driven over most of Thailand and really hated driving through the mountains. I found that incredibly dangerous as most people drove at full speed, cutting corners on hairpin bends. I saw many serious accidents there.

Is it really worth complaining about? if your not comfortable with it -

Option 1 - Stop driving

Option 2 - Go back to your own country

Lets remember we are guests and we are not going to change the culture...

The Thai Driving is just another daily frustration that comes with living in Bangkok

I agree we are guests but I live and work here and am generally happy but it is essential for me to be able to drive around Bangkok. All I am saying is that in any accident just because I am farang I will be given the blame. When will the Thai autorities (whever they may be in this case) wake up and stop things like driving on the wrong side of the road.

I don't wish to change the culture but eventually the government will do something about the lawlessness on the roads. We have seen this in other countries. I just hope they do something before it goes out of hand. Everyday I see more and more people drive on the wrong side of the road IN BANGKOK!

I do take care and drive carefully but so many of my Thai colleagues have had accidents due to people driving on the wrong side of the road but they get away with paying a small fee. I just know that if something happens to me I will be punished much more heavily.

I bought a car a year ago, and have never regretted it. Many posters here mention taxis and public transport, but seem to forget that not all of us live along sky or subway lines or in areas where taxis can easily be hailed 24 hours a day. Try getting off the tourist/expat track and see how easy it is to get around. In addition, having a car is great when you go shopping, if you want to get away from town for a weekend, if you want to move stuff (large/heavy), etc.

I don't really think driving in Thailand is too bad, but perhaps that may say more about my own driving.... :o

What does surprise me here thought is how little regard many people seem to have for their own lives - I have lost count of how many times I have had to suddenly break for motorcycles who are clearly in the wrong, but just doesn't seem to care. If I had been a little slower reacting, they would have been toast (and I would have had a dented car), but do they care - no. Or pedestrians, running to cross the road 50 meters from a pedestrian bridge, only to slow down when they are halfway across, not even bothering to look at the oncoming traffic. Ok, so it is my fault if I hit a pedestrian crossing the road, but I'd rather be at fault than being dead. Sorry, buddy - your loss, not mine!

But, considering how there does not seem to be any enforcement of traffic rules here, apart from the occasional roadblocks, I am amazed that the large majority of drivers here drive as well as they do. I think that if our home countries gave us, say 20 years with traffic anarchy, thinks would probably be no better than in the LOS.

As with so many other problems Thailand has, it really boils down to the law itself, enforcement of the law, and not least equality in face of the law. Get traffic police out on the roads in unmarked vehicles with video cameras and let them enforce the traffic regulations that surely exists, but are so arely followed. The fines alone should make pay for the effort in no time. And the benefit to Thai society would be immense.

Don't worry about stupid motorcycle drivers. Natural selection will eliminate them from the gene pool.

Remember that nearly always the car driver will have to pay for the funeral and/or hospital bills.

<snip>I even know a guy in bangkok who has a bloody pick-up truck to do his shopping he says, what a nob he is though.

And whats wrong with that :o

. You cannot get a taxi when you want, to go where you want, particularly now its raining alot.

. I would never let my wife travel alone in a Taxi at night

. The taxi is the drivers little castle, they often have the aircon set wrong and have that Issan music going all the time.

. You have a good load of shopping some taxi's want extra.

. You are required to do too much planning for weekends etc if you don't have a private vehicle.

As an example last weekend, we needed to go and buy some stuff, we went up to Soi 113, pruchased all sorts of odd shaped stuff, it all went in the pick-up, put the cover over it and dove home.

<snip>I even know a guy in bangkok who has a bloody pick-up truck to do his shopping he says, what a nob he is though.

And whats wrong with that :o

. You cannot get a taxi when you want, to go where you want, particularly now its raining alot.

. I would never let my wife travel alone in a Taxi at night

. The taxi is the drivers little castle, they often have the aircon set wrong and have that Issan music going all the time.

. You have a good load of shopping some taxi's want extra.

. You are required to do too much planning for weekends etc if you don't have a private vehicle.

As an example last weekend, we needed to go and buy some stuff, we went up to Soi 113, pruchased all sorts of odd shaped stuff, it all went in the pick-up, put the cover over it and dove home.

So it was you that Neeranam was referring to! :D:D

Seriously, though - if you haven't got kids (or a fuzzy wife) a pick-up makes perfect sense.


I find driving in thailand ok - but you do need to understand the way the drivers drive and their reactions to certain obstacles ( u-turn areas , curves , (lane markings :o ) ) .

if I am familiar with the route I am travelling it is quite easy - but if I have to take directions from some one it can be a bit hairy - its nice to have advance warning when you are instructed to cross 3 lanes of traffic and get to an off ramp when you are doing 90-100kph .

one thing I find is prevalent here is the use of bluff - you can use it to your advantage - just make sure the other driver knows you are there ( use lights and horn if required ).

my main peeve here is on the highway when over taking behind another car - very rarely will they drop back to 4th ( or third) to get round the truck/bus quickly - and in this day and age of quick accelerating fuel injected vehicles it just prolongs the time spent in an unsafe position.

most taxi drivers here in bangkok I find to be very aware of what is going on around them and in my experience they beat their singapore counterparts hands down.

Seriously, though - if you haven't got kids (or a fuzzy wife) a pick-up makes perfect sense.

mmmm, this guy I know has a 4x4 too, with lights on it :o

What's a fuzzy wife? :D:D:D

Seriously, though - if you haven't got kids (or a fuzzy wife) a pick-up makes perfect sense.

mmmm, this guy I know has a 4x4 too, with lights on it :o

What's a fuzzy wife? :D:D:D

One that you don't need to shave every day? :D

Sorry, that should have been "fussy".

Anyway Neeranam, I didn;t expect to see you here anymore - though you had been kicked off TV for calling one of the moderators a nob. :D:D

Seriously, though - if you haven't got kids (or a fuzzy wife) a pick-up makes perfect sense.

What's a fuzzy wife? :o:D:D

My wife looks fuzzy after a few changs. :D

  • 2 weeks later...
Seriously, though - if you haven't got kids (or a fuzzy wife) a pick-up makes perfect sense.

What's a fuzzy wife? :o:D:D

My wife looks fuzzy after a few changs. :D

So does mine, she stays fuzzy until I get my contacts in, then she becomes cute :D

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

So does mine, she stays fuzzy until I get my contacts in, then she becomes cute  :D


When I drive in LOS, I like to put the headlights on always BUT in the daytime, a cop or various helpfull people use animated motions to make me aware of the fact- like I made a mistake by doing so... :o

On topic, In Phuket a while back, a car was adamantly trying to pass me on a very windy road and I finally found a shoulder with just enough room to let him by. Coming down the hill, I saw a bike turn directly into him and the bike driver airborne somersaulting.... luckily he was ok but the car wasn't and the bike was a writeoff. Could've been me hitting him if I didn't let the idiot pass tho :D Thanks guy! :D


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