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Health Insurance - Pre Existing Illness


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I am looking at the problems I might experience with getting accident and healthcare insurance when we move to Thailand, I have complicated illness calleed Neurofibromatosis, I fully understand that there is not chance getting the pre existing illness covered but what are the chances of this causing any other problems with obtaining cover, my main worry would be accident cover, any help / advice would be good, thank you

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If you receive treatment for the condition at any time during your two year waiting period until full waiver of pre-existing conditions, you are not going to get covered for such a pre-existing condition. You would be well advised to seek the help of a physician who could develop a list of collateral conditions that could reasonably be expected to occur as as your condition evolves. Armed with this list, you might be able to come to a written agreement with a liberal insurance company as to what is considered by them to be related to your underlying condition and what is not. You really don't have much recourse in Thailand if you get into a dispute with your insurance company as Thai laws are not what they are in the west regarding "bad faith" claims administration and the like.

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Regardless of whether you use a broker or apply directly with the insurer, you should marshal all your information and apply to all insurers simultaneously as they ALL will ask on the application whether you have ever previously been denied coverage; at the time of the application you will then be able to truthfully answer NO on all applications ... if you wait for one to deny your application then you will have to answer YES on any subsequent application...

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Health insurers will generally exclude any claim in any way pertaining to any pre-existing condition and many health insurers do try to adopt a pretty broad interpretation of the exclusion when they see a chance of avoiding a claim.

If accident is your main concern then you can buy pure accident coverage at a much cheaper price than full health cover. Pre-existing not real problem.

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