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If You Do Not Like Thailand, Why Do You Stay In Thailand?


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When posters discuss the pros and cons of thailand, we invariably end up with the question: if you don't like it, why do you not leave?

Never an answer.......

??? because there is no answer?

??? because the question is offensive?


What about posters who dislike thailand and yet they stay, explaining WHY they stay?

Lovers, please abstain 555.

And - if we are lucky - maybe posters that actually left, can tell us how they feel now ?

These are the rules .......

Do not tell us why you like or despise thailand.......

Lovers, please sit back and enjoy - but abstain from the discussion .........

Haters ,please tell us why you stay......

and again......NOT FOR TROLLS

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Difficult question hey - difficult to give an honnest answer hey?

OK - here is my answer.

1. i stay because my wife is thai and wants to live in Godzone.

2. in my own country, i am poor ------ here i am middle class.

........and i like lobsters.......AAAHHH CHANTHABURI.........

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Maybe for most « don’t like Thailand » individuals, but who are still remaining in the country, they like quite a bit of it but are dismayed by other aspects of the indigenous ways experienced here (corruption, dual pricing, land ownership, etc. versus weather, food, cost of living, smiles, etc.), a kind of love/hate relationship, not enough to trigger a departure, but sufficient to express openly their overall displeasure.

A little bit like Bangkok, Pattaya or Phuket, where most – not all – expats are concentrated, may not like these cities but are still selecting living in one for other aspects of urban life than the ones they despise. In my case, my wife was born a Bangkokian and has never accepted (during the 22 years we have been together) considering living “in country”, although I really dislike the traffic, the pollution, etc. So we live in the greater Bangkok area, but we escape to the beach or the mountain on a very regular basis, but I keep complaining, although now she does not even listen...

There could also be health issues, security issues, family constraints, financial situation or simply the fear of discovering that it is worse with the target alternative country (home or else).

Finally there may be more of a “complain first, act later” syndrome involved, because if one is really fed up with the Thai ways, one has also the opportunity to at least get back to his/her home country (unless a fugitive) and stop the complaints.

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Maybe for most « don't like Thailand » individuals, but who are still remaining in the country, they like quite a bit of it but are dismayed by other aspects of the indigenous ways experienced here (corruption, dual pricing, land ownership, etc. versus weather, food, cost of living, smiles, etc.), a kind of love/hate relationship, not enough to trigger a departure, but sufficient to express openly their overall displeasure.

A little bit like Bangkok, Pattaya or Phuket, where most – not all – expats are concentrated, may not like these cities but are still selecting living in one for other aspects of urban life than the ones they despise. In my case, my wife was born a Bangkokian and has never accepted (during the 22 years we have been together) considering living "in country", although I really dislike the traffic, the pollution, etc. So we live in the greater Bangkok area, but we escape to the beach or the mountain on a very regular basis, but I keep complaining, although now she does not even listen...

There could also be health issues, security issues, family constraints, financial situation or simply the fear of discovering that it is worse with the target alternative country (home or else).

Finally there may be more of a "complain first, act later" syndrome involved, because if one is really fed up with the Thai ways, one has also the opportunity to at least get back to his/her home country (unless a fugitive) and stop the complaints.

thank you.

one of the very few intelligent and honest posts about this subject on this forum

your post helps me to accept the problems i have living here

22 years together - wow - i am jealous

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'Not liking Thailand' does not have to mean one will leave, back home many are complaining too, but they have no plan to leave at all.

And not forget, for many complaining is nothing more then a bad habit and primitive call for attention. Complaining is addictive, it feeds our mind, if we have nothing to complain we will complain about that. :lol:

'Count your blessings' you can implement anywhere.

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I believe most people stay because of economics.Also some of the countries like the uk,and the us are just getting worse.

Ya heard the phrase love it or leave it,people are rolling out.

This is a very personal (individual) matter which, based on the simple adage "some like it hot, some like it cold" can not be generalised, therefore offensive comments as happens from time to time in some replies here are not appropriate.

Even if some chaps might want to leave the country it is not entirely a simple matter, there are many different reasons, based on family matters, finance, business, property, and the burned bridges in their home country.

Thus the often stated sentence in reply postings by forum members ... i.e. "if you don't like it here, go and leave the country " is a unsophisticated reply, after all, this is not like leaving a pub (bar) because the beer is not to one's likening.

Therefore, one should bear in mind that it is not a simple matter for everyone, except for a backpackers who can easily return to their bedsits in their home country.

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This is the sort of "done to death" topic that invites trolls.

If you had half a brain and gave more thought to your question you would understand the obvious, being that few people can just get up and go. Many have found themselves committed financially and in the current worldwide climate selling up and just leaving somewhere is far from easy. On top of that there are too many other reasons that i just can't be bothered to go into as its been dicussed so many times already.

This "why don't you just leave" line sounds more and more moronic the more i waste my time thinking about it.

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This is the sort of "done to death" topic that invites trolls.

If you had half a brain and gave more thought to your question you would understand the obvious, being that few people can just get up and go. Many have found themselves committed financially and in the current worldwide climate selling up and just leaving somewhere is far from easy. On top of that there are too many other reasons that i just can't be bothered to go into as its been dicussed so many times already.

This "why don't you just leave" line sounds more and more moronic the more i waste my time thinking about it.

If i had half a brain etc...... pffft ......people said that to me before.

Inviting trolls, .... moronic, ....... yep, just found one.

Apologist? ME ? Apologist? That is a new one. 555

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This is the sort of "done to death" topic that invites trolls.

If you had half a brain and gave more thought to your question you would understand the obvious, being that few people can just get up and go. Many have found themselves committed financially and in the current worldwide climate selling up and just leaving somewhere is far from easy. On top of that there are too many other reasons that i just can't be bothered to go into as its been dicussed so many times already.

This "why don't you just leave" line sounds more and more moronic the more i waste my time thinking about it.

WOW, mellow out man

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I'm here only until I can sell my house.

Yes, that problem applies to many, some fellows houses have been up for sale for years, with no results, they can of course not leave the country without their initial investment as this would have negative financial effects on their life elsewhere, thus not being able to leave is similar to being hi-jacked, and that must indeed be very frustrating,

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I'm here only until I can sell my house.

Yes, that problem applies to many, some fellows houses have been up for sale for years, with no results, they can of course not leave the country without their initial investment as this would have negative financial effects on their life elsewhere, thus not being able to leave is similar to being hi-jacked, and that must indeed be very frustrating,

It certainly is. Still, it was my decision made in haste. I'm working on the assumption that at the right price it has to sell, right. Sometimes I do wonder if it ever will though.

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Don't forget the famous 3 phases many expats go trough, first the phase of enjoyment, then the phase of annoyance, followed by the resignation...

It's good to relax and see what life brings, instead of hopping from country to country, and the way you feel is what you attract etc.

After a period of annoyance I felt much better after I decided not to follow local news and politics anymore and stop reading the Bangkok Post. I just don't wanna know and it's not what I originally came for !!!


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Don't forget the famous 3 phases many expats go trough, first the phase of enjoyment, then the phase of annoyance, followed by the resignation...

It's good to relax and see what life brings, instead of hopping from country to country, and the way you feel is what you attract etc.

After a period of annoyance I felt much better after I decided not to follow local news and politics anymore and stop reading the Bangkok Post. I just don't wanna know and it's not what I originally came for !!!


Thank you - and Scotty, do not beam me up yet.

But how do you do that? not getting annoyed by things happening around you? In thailand or in another country.

I wish i could let go ........ but i have not reached that stage yet......and time is running out......

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The question is a false construct. I reckon most everyone here likes some things about Thailand and dislikes some other things. If you don't, I assert you are mentally damaged in a very profound way. Exceptions may be tourists and people who haven't lived here long enough to face reality. I am certain that some simpleminded posters read negative posts of any kind about Thailand to mean OVERALL dislike of Thailand. But that is ridiculous. People who LIVE here have all kinds of experiences all the time, some positive, some negative, some indifferent, why shouldn't they comment on the negative ones, to promote some kind of fantasy rose colored glasses delusion/illusion? Thailand is a place on earth, like any other, that means there are plenty of very shitty things going on here. Any sane person who seriously hates Thailand to an extreme degree will be trying to get out of there, that is, if they can. Of course there are insane people here, and also those who feel they are stuck here to some degree. The latter would be a reason to stay and hate it if the the circumstances of being stuck here are significant.

Regarding whinging, it is clear to me there are cultural differences among our members about the appropriateness of whinging. Some cultures here seem to have a low tolerance for expressing it or hearing it, while others think its cool and even fun/informative to let it ALL fly. Of course, I am in the latter. Relating to this topic, again, it is clear to me that many who are intolerant of whinging, may often incorrectly interpret any whinges as being a sign of hating Thailand. In a word -- NOPE.

Edited by Jingthing
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Maybe for most « don't like Thailand » individuals, but who are still remaining in the country, they like quite a bit of it but are dismayed by other aspects of the indigenous ways experienced here (corruption, dual pricing, land ownership, etc. versus weather, food, cost of living, smiles, etc.), a kind of love/hate relationship, not enough to trigger a departure, but sufficient to express openly their overall displeasure.

A little bit like Bangkok, Pattaya or Phuket, where most – not all – expats are concentrated, may not like these cities but are still selecting living in one for other aspects of urban life than the ones they despise. In my case, my wife was born a Bangkokian and has never accepted (during the 22 years we have been together) considering living "in country", although I really dislike the traffic, the pollution, etc. So we live in the greater Bangkok area, but we escape to the beach or the mountain on a very regular basis, but I keep complaining, although now she does not even listen...

There could also be health issues, security issues, family constraints, financial situation or simply the fear of discovering that it is worse with the target alternative country (home or else).

Finally there may be more of a "complain first, act later" syndrome involved, because if one is really fed up with the Thai ways, one has also the opportunity to at least get back to his/her home country (unless a fugitive) and stop the complaints.

Please read the other replies on the subjects postings, and you will come to the conclusion that it is not entirely an easy matter to leave this country, no matter how much they dislikes it.

Unless of course, we are talking about a single bloke, who lives in modest (rented) accommodation, walking around with his rucksack, has no assets, etc, etc, of course not a desirable situation, nevertheless, he has a great advantage in comparison to others ...that is to say he is free, and he can leave the country at any time.

But this is not applicable to many others who wish to leave, because they are not as "free" as the chap outlined above, and that is very unfortunate indeed since, they have to "stay-on and on" and the resulting frustration is reflected in some of their postings, and this should be understood by other forum members since asking them (via reply) to leave the country

is inappropriate and does not make much sense, since this is already their profound desire.

thank you.

one of the very few intelligent and honest posts about this subject on this forum

your post helps me to accept the problems i have living here

22 years together - wow - i am jealous

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I'm happy here. I don't dislike my home country, or any country I've visited/lived in - all part of life's experience.

I subscribe/contribute to a forum for expats in NZ and Australia, and see the same complaint -attitudes on there as I will often read here . . . maybe some people just like to vent/moan.

People complain about parts of Oz (too hot) parts of NZ (too cold), unfriendly people everywhere . . . don't like the people, the houses, the cars, the driving, the costs . . . .

"Why can't it just be like 'home'? "

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I've stayed off this topic because the OP basically asked people like me not to respond. However, I do think Jingthing and MichelBangkok pretty much sumarized how I feel. If I had to live full time in Thailand then I would complain more. But, because I have the option of spending as long or as little time as I want in Thailand it tends to give me rose coloured glasses. I don't really have to deal with all of Thailand's problems on a continual basis. I just ignore the bad and concentrate on what I enjoy. And, having spent time in many different places on this globe I can see what is good and bad in each country. Everyone has different interests, wants and outlook on life... and a lot depends on a person's age, family commitments and personal finances.

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Maybe some people are here because of their work, or their families; not all of us are tourists or tie-less pensioners who can choose their abode based on their preference of countries. Maybe some people stay because they don't want the disruption of moving, and have established a tolerable lifestyle despite their misgivings on the environment that they find themselves in.

THere are very many reasons for living somewhere that you don't particularly like. Personally, rather than choosing my abode based on my favourite country, I have just found it easier to like wherever I've lived.

I was eating lunch with some fellow countrymen, and explaining my plans to move overseas.

"Oh, I'm not sure I'd choose to live in XX"

"If I was going to choose my job based on where I wanted to live, there's no way I'd be working here!" - but actually I did enjoy the place, once I had settled in, and fourteen years later I still follow their rugby team.

I suppose for some people, whinging is cathartic and makes them feel better about things; but in my experience, unless you look for and find the funny side, and have a good laugh about it, whinging just makes things seem worse.


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[............. not getting annoyed by things happening around you? In thailand or in another country.

I wish i could let go ........ but i have not reached that stage yet......and time is running out......

best answer to that comes from Paul McCartney: Let it be

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I dislike some things about Thailand, but my wife is Thai, and my children are dual nationals.

For the time being, my dislike of UK taxes and the outright cost of living in the UK is overriding my dislike of dual-pricing, the technological backwardness of Thailand (analogue TV, 3G, slow internet), and the corrupt traffic cops. (Which from my own personal experience, seem to be restricted to central Bangkok - but then I'm not riding a motorbike without a helmet, don't drink and drive, or do any of the other things likely to get me pulled over).

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I think most of the posts I come across where people say they hate Thailand are from very negative people.Many of them probably complain about everything in life. They are just negative people and nothing will ever make them happy. And it's always someone else's fault and not their own. They break the law, the get fined, but it's the police's fault for fining them.A gf rips them off, but it's nt their fault that they have a prostitute as a gf. Etc, etc. They make their own misery but blame it on others. They find the bad in everything and never the good.

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