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Philip 'Pip' 'P1P' Harris Has Passed Away

The Snark

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The accident.

Phil was riding a motorcycle south of C.M. around 8:00 PM. Another motorcycle was coming the other way driving excessively fast and crossed the center line. Apparently it was a head on collision. One of the two riders on the other motorcycle died at the scene.


Phil was taken to Suan Dok hospital and placed in ICU in severe condition. Initially he was placed on a respirator but was taken off it after 10 hours or so. His blood pressure had been steadily climbing and had crossed into the danger zone. I informed the doctor present that he had hypertension and a history of high blood pressure and I was duly concerned about the trend. The next day Phil was off the respirator and the drugs had worn off to the degree that he was conscious, alert and oriented. I told him I was handling the public relations via thaivisa and related the well wishes that had been sent. We spoke of shoes and ships and sealing wax for about a half hour. I then reiterated to the doctor that Phil's high blood pressure should receive more attention.

Phil was moved to Ram hospital later that day. His vitals began to drop and around midnight the ICU staff started preliminary CPR life support. His vitals continued down and full CPR was performed for about a half hour before death was pronounced around 02:05.


His wife called us within a few minutes of his death and we met her at the hospital around 03:00. My wife and I reassurred her as best we could. Her father and a close friend were with her. A very difficult time. We went to their house around 08:00 and have spent the entire day with his wife and kids. Suffice, many tears have been shed. His wife is keeping busy and has constant support. Her and the kids are coping well when we left this evening.


Phil was a Buddhist. A traditional cremation is planned towards the end of next week. I will post/make available the time and place when the information becomes available.

My own rememberence. Phil's two older kids were visiting. For maybe the fifth or sixth time during that day his older teenage son went up to him and gave him a hug then his older daughter joined in. Unabashed, unhesistant, his teenage kids had such love and respect for their father, and were so willing to show it. I thought to myself, and later expressed to Phil, that he was truly a remarkable man. The most loving, devoted, kind, and courteous man, husband and father I have ever had the honor of knowing,

Our heartfelt thanks to thaivisa for assisting us in coping with this very difficult time.

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Very sad news. Phillip was a fantastic community helper, & there's no doubt he will be missed by many. My sincere condolences to his wife & family.

An exceptional man, indeed.

A qualified expert on food (the last of the family line of the famous Harris Meat & Pie Company of London), Phillip went through the highs and lows of catering through most of his career.

Known as the doyen of one of London's first successful Thai restaurants, he later came here with his Thai wife and opened Easy Diner at the Thapae Gate end of Rachadamnoen Rd. This was a success, but his later move to the Mango Tree Cafe in Loi Kroh, sadly, was not.

Always the imaginative food entrepreneur, Phillip launched a range of "cook-in" sauces, and then moved to creating the (in my view) very successful range of Jabberwocky Sausages.

A man of wide ranging interests, he did indeed help promote the local Air Museum at Wing 41 (as another poster has related) and the early days of the expats' classic car enthusiasm in Chiang Mai.

A soft-spoken, highly intelligent and sensitive, sympathetic man. I am so sorry he has left us so soon.

Do post specific details of the funeral here please. I know that very many will wish to pay their respects.

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Funeral info. This will be Thai traditional. Dark clothing is expected but not absolutely mandatory.

Wat Tha Waratom. Take the Hang Dong highway to the third super highway (goes to Samoeng). Take the third super highway east, towards the Lamphun road from the intersection. The Wat, Temple, is on the right, south side of the road, about 200 meters from the Hang Dong highway.

There will be three days of well wishing and remembrance, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Guests may come at any time during the day with dinner served in the evenings. This is a casual time where people can come and go as they please, and socialize.

On Thursday, lunch will be served and the cremation ceremony will start around 1:00 in the afternoon.

Donations, family assistance, are welcomed. Just place in an envelope and give it to his wife.

His wife needs to know how many people are planning on coming on which day(s) so she can order the food. Please feel free to PM me or contact her directly.

Edited by The Snark
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I knew Philip for more than 10 years, and our friendship ended a year ago, but I was shocked to hear of his death, especially for the difficulties that will be faced by his wonderful wife and kids....

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We will be moving Phillip down to the Wat tomorrow morning. (Monday)

The temple can be a little hard to locate. There are no signs in English and it isn't visible from the super highway. I will place a clearly visible black and white sign, HARRIS, at the intersection of the street and the super highway.

The Google Map coordinates are 18.719258,98.954493

Please be assured, I have been promptly relating well wishes to the family as they come in.

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Anyone who wishes to make a donation to the Harris family but is unable to make it to the funeral to hand it over in person, feel free to PM me for bank account details. Also, if you plan to attend the cremation on Thursday or any of the preceding days, please PM the Snark as soon as you can, since they need to plan how much food and drink to get for each day.

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I just heard this morning and am absolutley devestated. I taught Phil's boys for two years and conversed with him every day. A true gentleman and a true friend. My heart goes out to his children who loved him so much. I feel honored to have him call me a friend.

Rest in Peace Phil I will miss you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone who wishes to make a donation to the Harris family but is unable to make it to the funeral to hand it over in person, feel free to PM me for bank account details. Also, if you plan to attend the cremation on Thursday or any of the preceding days, please PM the Snark as soon as you can, since they need to plan how much food and drink to get for each day.

As a Moderator, may I ask you why the many compliments for this popular and well known CM expat have not found their way into the Obituary section yet?

If it simply needs someone to write it, I am willing to do so.

I do hope it has nothing to do with the fact that this former Moderator (ie PH himself) had a dispute with fellow Mods which was why he left tv. This aspect of my remarks must be against your rules, of course. I only mention it because much time has now gone by since his sad demise, and still no Obit.

He did tell me about the dispute himself, by the way, and I have never discussed it here, or elsewhere, since.

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The only reason it has not happened is because nobody has thought to put them there yet. Speaking for myself, I rarely participate here these days, and I was not even aware that there is an obituary section.   What you are saying about the old schism is true, but there is no conspiracy or bad blood as a result.   I'll take a look and see what format to use, etc.

You could have just asked, you know?

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No, nothing like that at all, flatout.

I also knew Philip, he was a loving father, great chef and someone who had a long history in Chiang Mai.

Thai Visa does not writ obits in our Page of Remembrance pinned topic at the top of this forum.

We leave that to members, who were closely related to the deceased.

Why don't you write a few words? I'm sure there will be others who will be glad to add comments about this sad loss.

Just so you know, there was an extensive thread about this on the mods only forum, where many who were acquainted with Philip paid their respects.

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Pip's wife extends her heartfelt gratitude for the remembrances and donations received. Her and the kids are bearing up as best they can. He had so many interests, so much energy, and put effort into so many things, the scope of the loss is still sinking in.

As for an obit page here, in my humble opinion, what more can be said, be truer to and from the heart, than the reactions to this tragedy already posted?

PS. Went and retrieved the motorcycle yesterday. We had a monk do a spiritual cleansing before delivering it to a mechanic. I left a shoe on top of it.

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  • 1 year later...

Thai Pauly told me about p1ps passing a little while ago. I have just managed now to work out what "validation" means on the forum.wacko.png

I'm bloody hopeless at keeping in touch with people and obviously kick myself now!!

There were many occasions where I would arrange to meet Philip for a quiet coffee and order some of his beautiful tomato sauce.I have been a guest in his home and have sampled some of his fantastic cooking.

Better late than never I suppose. RIP mate.wai.gif

Edited by chuchok
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  • 2 months later...

Yes he must have been a great guy .

I was searching for the treatment of a stomach infection and then his post came up from 2003 with some very helpul tips.

Also I found his picture gallery and he had such a lovely family . He must have enjoyed every minute of his life in Chiang Mai.


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Yes he must have been a great guy .

I was searching for the treatment of a stomach infection and then his post came up from 2003 with some very helpul tips.

Also I found his picture gallery and he had such a lovely family . He must have enjoyed every minute of his life in Chiang Mai.


He looked quite young, that`s very sad although he died a couple of years ago.

What was the cause of death for someone so young?

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