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Countries Where You Can Live On Less Than $ 500 Per Month


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Countries where you can live on less than $ 500 per month

via Google translate

If you're tired of exhausting work, the bustling city where you live, the bank credits that you want to lose, you've got a solution. You can get your head and leave the world in an exotic place where live a carefree life and minimum cost.

Life is short and if you want to experience something else besides going to the office every day and sit in front of a computer between the time you became, willy-nilly, best friend, think you could live on the sunny beaches all year and that more than $ 500 a month.

Of course, for this you need a steady monthly income of about $ 500 you can get either the house or letting you find a job that can be done on the Internet from anywhere in the world.

The great advantage of the cheapest places in the world is that they are the most beautiful and exotic. So if you want to get rid of the crisis, at least for a while, you can make your bag and leave to live in one of the destinations below.

Information was gathered from websites and travel blogs of people who left their countries of origin and live in these paradises.


Thailand rental prices vary depending on location everywhere. But there are many offers in other areas of interest, where an apartment can pay 100-150 dollars a month depending on how you want to stay near the coast.

In Thailand the food is very cheap. A fast-food lunch at a traditional cost you about $ 1. Basically, besides the rent, food also costs you another 100 dollars per month. So you are left for 200-300 dollars and shopping trips, parties, etc..


Another exotic destination is the Philippines. Not necessarily have to go in Manila, where costs are somewhat higher, but in Cebu province, find sunny beaches, sports grounds and shopping centers, and the rent for an apartment is within $ 150 per month. Food is also very cheap. $ 150 per month and get your food and alcohol, even cigarettes (if applicable).

Costa Rica

And here a few hundred dollars you can lead a relaxed life. In San Jose and surrounding areas are offers for apartments or homes under $ 200 a month. In the restaurant prices for lunch or dinner are under $ 5.


One of the most beautiful places in Central America, Belize has everything you could want in an exotic place. Beaches, subtropical climate, and the official language is English.

The place is also a paradise for diving. The rent for a house they share with other Europeans or Americans is about $ 300 per month.

Local foods are very cheap which is why, just as other destinations $ 100 per month you can provide food.

Not to mention the benefits of living in a completely different place where you lived before. New friends, new experiences, places to visit are just a few reasons to help in decision making.

Source: http://www.incont.ro/utilitare/tari-unde-poti-trai-cu-mai-putin-de-500-de-dolari-pe-luna.html via Google translate

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If you're tired of exhausting work, the bustling city where you live, the bank credits that you want to lose, you've got a solution. You can get your head and leave the world in an exotic place where live a carefree life and minimum cost.

Life is short and if you want to experience something else besides going to the office every day and sit in front of a computer between the time you became, willy-nilly, best friend, think you could live on the sunny beaches all year and that more than $ 500 a month.

This is the same line of thought that brought thousands of expats to Thailand when the Bht was at a historically low level (and in the lea of a financial crash that anyone with two brain cells could figure out would pass leaving the way for the Bht to return to a realistic level.

$500 a month this month, maybe this year....... but the clock ticks and inflation climbs.

But as you say, life is short and its a miscalculation that lead many a man to shorten if further.

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What confuses me is the fact that this article is written today. I guess they just looked up several blogs on the internet which are probally several years old.

15.000 baht / month for a foreigner ? Hmm...I guess you could live in the sticks, but big cities or near-sea locations and its hard to imagine you could do anything with that kind of money other then sit at home, work on internet and take an occasional walk or two. Is that living or surviving?

Am I wrong?

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There is a difference between living and existing, surely no one can live happily here on $500.

It's all relative. Throw in a partner with 500/month and together you can probably manage on a 1000/month.

Still not a lot though.

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Its all relative... we've had these chats before. A man on 50k will be laughed at for "living" by the guy on 500k. I wouldn't like to try 15k myself but for some it might be better here on that than at home under a barage of debt and stress.

you could live in England on 500 bucks a month I guess but it wouldn't be quite the party one might have in an isaan village.

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Thailand rental prices vary depending on location everywhere. But there are many offers in other areas of interest, where an apartment can pay 100-150 dollars a month depending on how you want to stay near the coast.

In Thailand the food is very cheap. A fast-food lunch at a traditional cost you about $ 1. Basically, besides the rent, food also costs you another 100 dollars per month. So you are left for 200-300 dollars and shopping trips, parties, etc..



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There is a difference between living and existing, surely no one can live happily here on $500.

It can be done, somewhere in the boonies in Thailand. A lot of Thai-Folks are living on a lot less.

- As an experiment, I did just that a couple of yaers ago (rural aerea, outside of Phisanoluk). I lived on $ 500/month for the duration of 2 months. I completely had to adopt a Thai-Lifestyle. No "luxury" at all, no "distractions" (not even regular gatherings with other Farangs and have a few beers at a bar = too expensive!)

And then is always the urge to go after a decent steak, pizza and other things that appeal to farangs. A Thai with no money can curl up in a corner of the house and sleep the time away "until something comes up" that will enable him/her to generate some income. This is something we farangs can not do. Therefore, I was not unhappy when I decided to end the "experiment"

My view: In order to have something like a minimum of "quality of life", a farang (even in the boonies) will need to have a monthly income of at least $ 750. $ 1000 would be better. Cheers.

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There is a difference between living and existing, surely no one can live happily here on $500.



I could and do live in Bangkok, not on $500 a month, but on $1000 with no problem. But the difference is this: I DON"T NEED TO PAY RENT NOW since my family owns the house (I support 4 adults and one child there plus myself on about $1500 a month total The adults do work, so they pay part of their own expenses) and the family owns the house...so no rent.

I'm not a drinker,don't do the bar thing, but I will take an ocassional beer with friends. I have cable television, air conditioning upstairs,fans downstairs, and internet access in the house...and I'm happy with my life. What else is there?

As the Thai bargirls say, "Up to you".



Edited by IMA_FARANG
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I can't do it in Pattaya and I don't live very large, plus I don't pay rent or use air conditioning or run any vehicle, so I think that article is BS and bad advice especially considering the exchange rates.

Edited by Jingthing
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Can't believe Cambodia didn't make the list......it makes Bangkok look like a gleaming metropolis. The crucial omission from the list was how lots of things are more expensive in Thailand and US consumers have more purchasing power because the US is a larger economy. Anything imported, any car, any electronic item, Thais (and expats) get right royally screwed.

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What confuses me is the fact that this article is written today. I guess they just looked up several blogs on the internet which are probally several years old.

Yeah this is really old, and the first time I read it was on this forum.

Without including rent $500 is really easy, 500 baht per day, very easy I rarely spend more than that. If you have to pay rent and use air con it's not quite enough, if you don't have to it's a piece of cake.

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bad advice especially considering the exchange rates.

Yeah, I think this was written back when it was 40 baht to the dollar, so you'd have at least an extra 5000 baht per month which would make a big difference

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I can't do it in Pattaya and I don't live very large, plus I don't pay rent or use air conditioning or run any vehicle, so I think that article is BS and bad advice especially considering the exchange rates.

:lol:.there are some moments I'm agreeing with you :lol:


Edited by LaoPo
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Well , I live very comfortably ., on B20,000 a month. That includes my beer (3-4 bottles a night) and my cigarettes,as well as putting 2 children through school. I rent a house, a 3 bedroom house for B2,500 a month + water + gas+ electricity.I go to our local, 3 -4 nights a week.Eat both Thai and farang, every 3 months I go to Makro, and stock up ,yes .I do have a freezer,as well as a a fridge.So, B 20 000 a month can be a very acceptable amount to live very comfotably

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Well , I live very comfortably ., on B20,000 a month. That includes my beer (3-4 bottles a night) and my cigarettes,as well as putting 2 children through school. I rent a house, a 3 bedroom house for B2,500 a month + water + gas+ electricity.I go to our local, 3 -4 nights a week.Eat both Thai and farang, every 3 months I go to Makro, and stock up ,yes .I do have a freezer,as well as a a fridge.So, B 20 000 a month can be a very acceptable amount to live very comfotably

That's US $ 668/month or 33.6% more than $500.........:rolleyes:

Is the 3 month/stock up in MAKRO included in the Baht 20/K per month...:unsure:??


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The unemployed in the Uk get about 270 GBP a month which is about $400 add a $100 for rent (outside BK it's doable) and surely you have a lifestyle in Bk at $500 that is better than the 2.7 million Brits who now suffer that fate in the UK.

If every farang in Thailand suddenly found themselves on $500 a month some would be able to adapt and be happy and some wouldn't. Even at $500 a month it is more about the person than it is about the money.

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The only one from the list i have tried is Costa Rica and I don't know if it was so cheap because I was actually in a hurry to leave.

When at 6 Pm armed guards are stationed outside any Mc donalds or the hotel owner tells you that after 10 Pm he will not open the gate anymore under any circumstance then they can give my part to the dogs.

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The only one from the list i have tried is Costa Rica and I don't know if it was so cheap because I was actually in a hurry to leave.

When at 6 Pm armed guards are stationed outside any Mc donalds or the hotel owner tells you that after 10 Pm he will not open the gate anymore under any circumstance then they can give my part to the dogs.

Oh by the way what I remember is that a bottled beer in a bar was something like 5 US$ and that was more then 10 years ago.

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I live on an Australian $ old age pension.And can actually save money. If I lived in Oz, I would be homeless. Rents are astronomical.Here, I have a most enjoyable and comfortable life.

That is all very true. And I applaud those with the vision and gumption to do it.

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