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Putting Someone On A Blacklist From Coming To Los

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Although not enforced is it forbidden for someone with a felony to come here?

Is it possible to notify immigration and the consul in their area that they may try to come yet have a criminal record.

Yes sounds extreme but I would like to know if I can add someone to a black list in the best interest of my own safety.

Perhaps far fetched but worth a try... :whistling:

We are talking about a crazy ex-girlfriend who already has a charge against her for assault on another woman in the states. She is a regular visitor here normally for periods over a month so would apply for a visa more then likely..


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Many people that come to Thailand have criminal records, Thailand does not prevent them from entering, although the U.S. does a criminal record check in many cases. ie, travelling overland from Canada to the U.S. if they check and find that you have a record, you are persona non grata. I doubt a foreign embassy or the Thai Immigration would take note.

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If you are serious, have the proper documents and information, and are willing to endure the hassle financial and otherwise, you could hire an attorney to petition an administrative court to issue a restraining order in the interest of your own personal safety...

Edited by jazzbo
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Many people that come to Thailand have criminal records, Thailand does not prevent them from entering, although the U.S. does a criminal record check in many cases. ie, travelling overland from Canada to the U.S. if they check and find that you have a record, you are persona non grata. I doubt a foreign embassy or the Thai Immigration would take note.

why do you just make things up?

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Thai immigrations will only blacklist people deported from Thailand.

To prohibit others from entry they must be wanted by Interpol.

there is always the reverse method: prevention of exit from resident country based on criminal procedings/debts/patrimony/alimony issues/.. in other words, someone in the country of residence of the person u dont want to meet up with, gets a type of order issued that prevents the person from leaving the country of residence,or if the person is a minor, prevents that person occompaning someone out of country. israel does that for people that have to do to court/or have various court orders placed on them/types of debts that are invoolved in legal proceedings, etc... not sure about other countries, and anyhow, not every place actually catches the person at immigration as he/she leaves his/her country until after the person has already left the country.

other types of prevenattive methods are of course more criminally oriented: wanted as a terroroist, etc... thats interpol stuff...

lawyers and time and money are probably needed.



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A good reminder to the anti Thai brigade that it is not only Thai women who can be vengeful when the relationship goes tits up. Give me a Thai ex any day in preference to a highly charged resourceful falang lady

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A good reminder to the anti Thai brigade that it is not only Thai women who can be vengeful when the relationship goes tits up. Give me a Thai ex any day in preference to a highly charged resourceful falang lady

I realise this is a little :offtopic2: but in passing, the quote "hel_l has no fury like a woman scorned" comes to mind.

To be precise, it comes from William Congreve's "The Mourning Bride" and is:

"Heav'n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn'd,

Nor hel_l a Fury, like a Woman scorn'd."

That's my contribution to the TV culture for the forseeable future! :rolleyes:

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A good reminder to the anti Thai brigade that it is not only Thai women who can be vengeful when the relationship goes tits up. Give me a Thai ex any day in preference to a highly charged resourceful falang lady

This issue is not about Thai vs Western. It is about visa laws. As I did read that even though it is not enforced that it is illegal to allow people with a criminal record. Think i read it on AD blog about a paedo that they used that law to arrest him or something like that.

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If you are willing to pay this is done easy.

With a bit of tea money to the right person you can cause a lot of problem to your enemies in Thailand.ph34r.gif

If you know the right people it only costs a phone call ;)

Here we have another lovely bar inspired Thai myth!

Getting someone black listed is not that easy as people make it out to be!  

I have seen fairly senior police officers complaining about them wanting to black list certain undesirable farang known criminals and the rigorous requirements to get it done.

Making problems for people is also difficult unless there is a real reason behind it.    I have had several people come to me absolutely certain they were about to get either shot, kidnapped, black listed and deported or some other shocking thing.   

If you approach the problem straight on and resolve it with the parties involved you can get on with your life!

Several Thai Visa users have asked me to help them solve difficult things under Thai law I have been able advise them and assist them to do that.  They are alive and well and in Thailand living freely, happily and safely!


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