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Rimping Rant


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For a 'hi so' supermarket with super high prices you would think that the toilets would be a bit cleaner and better maintained............but not!! Yesterday I had a terrible experience in the Ruam Chok Rimping toilet that is of the same quality as a remote Gas station toilet in Bangaledesh. The toilets in that complex have always been disgusting......always wet dirty floors, plumbing broken and worst of all........only dirty squat toilets when my old falang ass needs to sit on a clean surface. Shame on Rimping!!!!

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Sadly; this is often the case in a lot of Thai establishments. Go into many Tambon or Amphur blocks and you will find the same situation. Even the staff complain about the toilet facilities but nothing is done. The bosses get new 'company cars' every year to keep up their 'face' but the rest of them and the public don't matter. The toilets at Rimping complex are probably not their responsibility so they will cry 'not our fault' if you bother to complain.

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With most of their patrons being falangs and hi-so Thais, you would think they would insist on falang sit down toilets.....and only two small toilets for that big and growing complex.

I know a lot of people like Rimping but I prefer Tesco. Most things are there and they will be 15-20% cheaper. I hear all the cry's of Rimping having more Farang food choice's but if you use your eyes you will find about 90% of it in Tesco. Also; Tesco have some of the best Toilet facilities in Chiang Mai and the food court upstairs is cheap and offers a wide choice. Why slum it at Rimping?

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It's one of those Thai peculiarities. I've been to Thai homes which have been renovated by the owners to luxury standards in the main house,

then walked into the toilet and it's like a truck-stop bathroom. Upon questioning (politely) the owner says ... ' its not important, its just a toilet'.

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Hopefully with the new facilities being built at Rimping the bathrooms will improve. I heard there is supppose to be a McDonald's and a MK restuarant. If you walk on the opposite end of the Rimping building, you smell nothing but sewage. The Rimping at the airport and riverside have very good bathrooms. Why this one is neglected is beyond me.

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Rimping is responsible for the entire plaza, lock, stock, and toilets; owns or controls every inch. Agree that corporation functionaries will lay off responsibility. Squat toilets and institutional laying-off of responsibility are just part of the territory. Still, Rimping tends to be responsive. A petition drive might succeed in a more modern facility, maintained by a pay-as-you-go scheme.

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It's one of those Thai peculiarities. I've been to Thai homes which have been renovated by the owners to luxury standards in the main house,

then walked into the toilet and it's like a truck-stop bathroom. Upon questioning (politely) the owner says ... ' its not important, its just a toilet'.


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For the pass year I try not to use Rimping at MeeChok Plaza if I need to go to Rimping I'll Shop at the Rimping by the river. Even before construction MeeChok location has been congested because of the outside market, no parking leading to outside businesses closing on those days. The Rimping staff was unhelpful and not attentive. The store is antiquated dirty and not well ran. As for a McDonald's I was told a Burger King.

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I've got a goodie for you - slightly related at least on the hygeine side of things:

The other day whilst shopping at Carrefour I noticed something scurry aisle 5. Thought it was a cat at first and then remembered rats are as big as, or bigger than cats here.

So what's a rat doing in the middle of the shopping floor at Carrefour? I suggest nothing new. This one was just a bit braver than most.

Funniest thing was, the rat went straight past one of several staff in the area. He never flinched.

Check the food packaging carefully before opening...

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Altho I feel it is the responsibility of the landlord/owner of an establishment, I will gladly pay a few thb for clean toilets.

The ruam chok rimping has been a health hazard from day 1........they had to re-install a septic tank a month after it was open.

If I was at a downtown noodle shop, I would expect a dirty toilet, but hi-so Rimping I don't expect it.

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I've got a goodie for you - slightly related at least on the hygeine side of things:

The other day whilst shopping at Carrefour I noticed something scurry aisle 5. Thought it was a cat at first and then remembered rats are as big as, or bigger than cats here.

So what's a rat doing in the middle of the shopping floor at Carrefour? I suggest nothing new. This one was just a bit braver than most.

Funniest thing was, the rat went straight past one of several staff in the area. He never flinched.

Check the food packaging carefully before opening...

ATTENTION SHOPERS! Special on RAT isle 4. 39 baht a kilo.:lol:

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With most of their patrons being falangs and hi-so Thais, you would think they would insist on falang sit down toilets.....and only two small toilets for that big and growing complex.

Learn to squat then.

What exactly have you done about your complaint apart from bringing us this joke thread? Have you complained to the managers at the shop?

It's no wonder so many thais are left shaking their heads at farang.

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The ruam chok rimping has been a health hazard from day 1........they had to re-install a septic tank a month after it was open.

The strange thing of course is that someone would willingly continue to go shopping at a health hazard with dirty toilets.

But it should also be corrected, this untruth of yours that the rimping there is a health hazard. It is not, unless you're buying all those unhealthy foods of course.

Chiang mai farangs are very lucky to get supermarkets of such fantastic choice and A1 service that the rimping group offer. These rimpings put every single supermarket in britain to shame. And here you are wittering on about dirty toilets. Why do you keep going to dirty toilets and health hazards when buying your groceries?

Oh, and why don't you write your complaint down at the place where the stores encourage customer feedback? Why are you doing your best to unfairly tarnish reputations?

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With most of their patrons being falangs and hi-so Thais, you would think they would insist on falang sit down toilets.....and only two small toilets for that big and growing complex.

Learn to squat then.

What exactly have you done about your complaint apart from bringing us this joke thread? Have you complained to the managers at the shop?

It's no wonder so many thais are left shaking their heads at farang.

Sadly; I often find myself shaking my head at Thai people !

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With most of their patrons being falangs and hi-so Thais, you would think they would insist on falang sit down toilets.....and only two small toilets for that big and growing complex.

Learn to squat then.

What exactly have you done about your complaint apart from bringing us this joke thread? Have you complained to the managers at the shop?

It's no wonder so many thais are left shaking their heads at farang.

Sorry, but the older I get the harder it is to squat. When I was 30 yrs old, I could and did it. I think that squating muscles develope at childhood and it is a healthy way to do it......but I think if a survey was taken of Rimping patrons.......95% have falang toilets at home and judging from the superstores that offer the option of a squat toilet and falang toilet........it's the falang toilets that are used most often.

Agree that Rimping is a great [but getting way overpriced] store and when the $ was decent, I patronised them 90% of the time, but now only for the impossible to get items.

And I should have made it clear in the beginning that it was the Ruam Chok branch that I was complaining about. the other rimping stores around town seem to have much cleaner and better maintained toilets.

and.....'it's mostly the squeaky wheel that gets the grease' is why I started this rant. I will contact the management myself and urge others that agree to do the same and maybe this wheel will get some grease.

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The ruam chok rimping has been a health hazard from day 1........they had to re-install a septic tank a month after it was open.

The strange thing of course is that someone would willingly continue to go shopping at a health hazard with dirty toilets.

But it should also be corrected, this untruth of yours that the rimping there is a health hazard. It is not, unless you're buying all those unhealthy foods of course.

Chiang mai farangs are very lucky to get supermarkets of such fantastic choice and A1 service that the rimping group offer. These rimpings put every single supermarket in britain to shame. And here you are wittering on about dirty toilets. Why do you keep going to dirty toilets and health hazards when buying your groceries?

Oh, and why don't you write your complaint down at the place where the stores encourage customer feedback? Why are you doing your best to unfairly tarnish reputations?

I will jump in on this. I know quite a few farangs that have given up on the Meechok Rimping location because of the condition of the store its infrastructure and service. They still shop Rimping but not at MeeChok. The owner ship have been notified. "Unfairly Tarnish Reputation" NOT!!!

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For the pass year I try not to use Rimping at MeeChok Plaza if I need to go to Rimping I'll Shop at the Rimping by the river. Even before construction MeeChok location has been congested because of the outside market, no parking leading to outside businesses closing on those days. The Rimping staff was unhelpful and not attentive. The store is antiquated dirty and not well ran. As for a McDonald's I was told a Burger King.


I find it hard to believe they can be so dense. The whole area is aimed at the people with money class. Notice the lack of tuk tuk's or song tells. Its assumed every one has a there own transportation. We waited 45 minutes to get a tuk tuk. The clientele in the area is not the one you would find looking for a squat toilet.

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I find it hard to believe they can be so dense. The whole area is aimed at the people with money class. Notice the lack of tuk tuk's or song tells. Its assumed every one has a there own transportation. We waited 45 minutes to get a tuk tuk. The clientele in the area is not the one you would find looking for a squat toilet

Or a Mikes Hamburger.:lol:

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I've got a goodie for you - slightly related at least on the hygeine side of things:

The other day whilst shopping at Carrefour I noticed something scurry aisle 5. Thought it was a cat at first and then remembered rats are as big as, or bigger than cats here.

So what's a rat doing in the middle of the shopping floor at Carrefour? I suggest nothing new. This one was just a bit braver than most.

Funniest thing was, the rat went straight past one of several staff in the area. He never flinched.

Check the food packaging carefully before opening...

The problem is not so much the rat but the rat poop. Rats poop as they run along and the poop dries up and blows in the air. A lot of disease organism are in the dried poop.

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Rimping is responsible for the entire plaza, lock, stock, and toilets; owns or controls every inch. Agree that corporation functionaries will lay off responsibility. Squat toilets and institutional laying-off of responsibility are just part of the territory. Still, Rimping tends to be responsive. A petition drive might succeed in a more modern facility, maintained by a pay-as-you-go scheme.


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Rimping rents the Mee Chok store and the Nim City store. You will note that the entrance to the toilets is NOT in Rimping. They are the toilets for the entire plaza and there is no reason Rimping should be held responsible for the condition. And why is there a Carrfour rant attached to a misplaced Rimping rant. The next thing you know the story will change and the rat will be at Rimping. And as for the outdoor market...Rimping hates it more than anybody and has been unable to convince THE OWNER OF MEE CHOK PLAZA to stop it.

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Rimping rents the Mee Chok store and the Nim City store. You will note that the entrance to the toilets is NOT in Rimping. They are the toilets for the entire plaza and there is no reason Rimping should be held responsible for the condition. And why is there a Carrfour rant attached to a misplaced Rimping rant. The next thing you know the story will change and the rat will be at Rimping. And as for the outdoor market...Rimping hates it more than anybody and has been unable to convince THE OWNER OF MEE CHOK PLAZA to stop it.

Correct :thumbsup:

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Rimping rents the Mee Chok store and the Nim City store. You will note that the entrance to the toilets is NOT in Rimping. They are the toilets for the entire plaza and there is no reason Rimping should be held responsible for the condition. And why is there a Carrfour rant attached to a misplaced Rimping rant. The next thing you know the story will change and the rat will be at Rimping. And as for the outdoor market...Rimping hates it more than anybody and has been unable to convince THE OWNER OF MEE CHOK PLAZA to stop it.

I have heard the same thing about the owner of the Mee Chok 'complex' renting to Rimping but all are obviously making tons of baht catering to [mostly] falangs.....yet they can't make the most basic of needs or coutasies available to the suckers they are fleecing.

Is it too much to ask for a clean and comfortable place to releive one's self while paying their inflated prices??

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You need to stop slandering one store and list every store in Mee Chok in your rant. Or is Rimping supposed to take it on because they're bigger. They may not be making the tons of money you think they are. Have you seen their books? I am certain they are making nothing compared to Carrefour, Tesco and Big C. You choose to slander them for something that is NOT their responsibility but we would be far worse off if they weren't here.

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Rimping is responsible for the entire plaza, lock, stock, and toilets; owns or controls every inch. Agree that corporation functionaries will lay off responsibility. Squat toilets and institutional laying-off of responsibility are just part of the territory. Still, Rimping tends to be responsive. A petition drive might succeed in a more modern facility, maintained by a pay-as-you-go scheme.

You are clueless!

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