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Iranian Man Suspected Of Killing His Thai Girlfriend In Pattaya

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First of all may the victim RIP -

What I can't fathom is that people, specially in a place like Pattaya, still get tricked into believing that the "one" is the ONE!

And fall for it all the way and forget that the real "McCoy" was never meant to be delivered and was never part of the package! :rolleyes:

And then having a fall out like this... unbe.....lieveable, how can someone take them for real, those three four magic word combinations are uttered daily, if needed by the minute, to anyone who is willing to pay for the service.

has this guy never walked down the road, who could take any one of them for real?

It's like those fortune teller machines.... "today is your lucky day!" and this has just cost you 1$ .... sometimes I wonder about the sanity of certain characters in this game.


My guess, and it might be very wrong and is pure speculation, is that he fell in-love with a lady of the evening/night during his vacation and didn't really realize that she wasn't going to be 'his own' when he left just because he said he loved here. She still needs to eat.

Coming back he might have been clued into that he wasn't the only one in her life. And we see the result.

I have a friend that fell in-love with a middle eastern young man studying in the UK. He always told her in no uncertain terms what she needed to change as soon as he would be done with his studies and was going to 'pick her up' for marriage etc. She wasn't really used to the middle eastern culture (and he studied in the UK so she thought he was going to be more...British) and the in-the-face words and rules he pulled out for her was quite a chock.


That's what they were alluding to in Thairath as well - that it was some kind of crime of passion.

Apparently he'd known her for 3 days after meeting her on the beach at Pattaya but became suspicious she was seeing someone else.

Before she died she was on the phone to another man and was talking to him about the situation at the hotel. It's thought that this may have prompted the attack.

The article finished off with the hotel staff speculating that it was the spirit of the girl coming back to haunt the murderer that forced him to return to the hotel and be arrested by the police.



My guess, and it might be very wrong and is pure speculation, is that he fell in-love with a lady of the evening/night during his vacation and didn't really realize that she wasn't going to be 'his own' when he left just because he said he loved here. She still needs to eat.

Coming back he might have been clued into that he wasn't the only one in her life. And we see the result.

I have a friend that fell in-love with a middle eastern young man studying in the UK. He always told her in no uncertain terms what she needed to change as soon as he would be done with his studies and was going to 'pick her up' for marriage etc. She wasn't really used to the middle eastern culture (and he studied in the UK so she thought he was going to be more...British) and the in-the-face words and rules he pulled out for her was quite a chock.

I have to agree there is a huge difference b/w western farang and middle eastern farang. Thai women generally grow up as practising budhists and hold thier faith very high. When they form a relationship with a middle eastern farang they are normally expected to abandon thier culture and way of life and adopt Islam and sharia law (not All) Western farang on the other hand will allow a thai woman to maintain her culture and religion (most)


Is it my imagination, or does 80 % every crime story out of Pattaya have the words Iranian, ladyboy, or both ?? My condolences to the girl who was just trying to earn a living. I suspect in the future that her fellow workers will be reluctant to go with Iranian men.........

It's your imagination.

Next ...

yes he missed out the words 'gay', 'underage', 'shooting'. 'drugs' etc etc etc.

Not many good reports come from pattaya, the boil on the boil on the arse of humanity


The Iranians have a wonderful life example to follow in the top leadership of their homeland. I suspect if many of us had MoMoNejad as their leader, we might be driven to similar behavior. No excuse for it though.

Comments like these really do not do justice to similar behavior by foreigners from just about any other country, who visit Thailand. Not many of us know much about Iran, or Iranians, other than the types we read about here in the scat media. Most of us do not interact with those tourists from Iran who are fairly decent people, and live their lives the way they do, out of our sensory range. The leadership may or may not have anything to do with the individual behavior, but using a broad brush to take a jab at one country's leader does not make much sense when considering what other countries have to offer.

When their identities and nationality are removed from the equation, I see nothing here that is newsworthy, in comparison to other behavior among the individuals who frequent the venues and watering holes in and around Pattaya.

A more objective journalist would have entitled the story "Foreigner Suspected of Murdering his Thai Girlfriend". There seems to be a big push, by the international media, to demonize Iran; its people, its leadership, its religion, and its culture. This is no surprise considering the source.

Naaaaa - bomb iran i say!! Any freak who says the holocaust didnt happen and stones their own people deserve a ll they get. How do you know theyre "fairly decent people" when you say "dont interact with them" thats a direct contradiction. As for the media demonizing Iran - they do a good enough job on their own - stop bieng a loony leftie do gooder!!

So, you are willing to give your blessing towards the deaths of millions of people because your beliefs are being infringed upon? If that doesn't scare anyone else besides me, then something is dreadfully wrong with the state of human affairs in the world today.

I do happen to interact with people from Iraq, Iran, and other countries that are now the target of Empire. I assure you that they are decent people; even if no more than to not want to bomb you and your loved ones because you wish them dead. This unravels your accusation of a contradiction, yes? Years ago, no one gave a hoot about Iranians on an international level. Why now? Answer: Energy resources, and the fact that some people in that country (not all, mind you), but some people disagree with a belief that is the chief cause of people being jailed, beaten, ostracized, murdered, and worse. The irony of committing the same crimes ("bomb iran i say!!") in order to protect the beliefs that you value, and are willing to commit heinous acts in order to protect, is stupendous, and borders on lunacy.

I am convinced that without nationalities being referenced, that this is simply another crime that is newsworthy only to those who are interested in the darker part of human nature. Digging up scat like this, and printing it, does not necessarily qualify a legitimate news agency. It could, however, be a resourceful means to keep the pot stirred and cloud common sense and human decency towards all.

ianbaggie, do you believe in freedom of speech, even if it means someone will disagree with you? If not, then I am not sure I am willing to idly sit by, while people like you reach for the button and send incendiary hel_l my way! Ironic, isn't it?

  • 1 month later...

??? We all know that SOME holidayers in Pattaya seem to go overboard in "Sin City"; however, I wonder what the percentage of Iranian vacationers get into trouble here? -- An Iranian couple a few months ago was caught shop lifting; many Iranians getting robbed by Ladyboys along Beach Rd...; bringing drugs into the country... the list goes on.

The percentage is probably higher than for people from other countries because of the nature of the law of the land in Iran. Tends to be sexually very strict both straight and gay. Tends to be very strict about drinking and other types of "partying". Now, when somebody that has little to no experience with this sort of things gets to Pattaya, they go overboard. They don't know how to handle the options and freedoms they can now experience. The proverbial "kid in the candy store". Eats too much and gets sick. And, if their finances or travel opportunities are limited, they really over indulge and try to do everything at once or in the one week or to some other extreme. All the right ingredients for a disaster recipe.


Odd behaviour - seems bit off if you committed a murder than needed assistance back to the crime scene? :blink:

yes in the state he was in i doubt he could strangle a cat!


There are those on here who criticise others for speculating and then do so them selves. There are claims to know of her and then speculating wildly proclaiming the man to have murdered her.

Much of what is posted here is poor stuff.

The facts are not known. Therefore there is no crime scene. But there is an unexplained death.

Until there is an autopsy there is no cause of death. Without a cause of death the police can only investigate, take statements, gather the facts.

That's it. End of story so far.

But there is a murder charge. It's incredible. No weapon. No witnesses. No cause of death. And also we can accurately assume she wasn't shot or stabbed. So you have a body with no obvious cause of death. There's no confession.

They have one suspect. So automatically he becomes the prime suspect. That's without an investigation. It is simply he was there so he did it. There is no establishing what happened. Yet a man is arrested.

If ever you felt frightened being here in Thailand you should now. Any death, any natural cause of death, any die in sleep death, any waking up with a corpse, any being in a room with a dead body can land you with being charged with murder.

And that's before any death verdict.

Now you can specualte on that one. The more vivid your imagination the more you'll run with it. But a strong case of supposition can be made both for and against the involvement of the man whose room she was found in.

Based on this total lack of evidence and establishing of any cause of death consider this. A girl is found dead on the beach. You were last known to have seen her. Ergo, you did it.

That's what the Police have here.

But, it is wrong and it is unwise to go down any road until the cause of death has been established.

However, the Police and their investigative methods are little better than 7 year olds or some of you on here who jump to conclusions. Key Board fantasists do no harm. But what happens when the Police act in such a manner? That seems to be the case here. For example, he is immediately detained; no bail; no holding of passport; no charge; simply locked up indefinately. If that is the law then it's pretty sobering. Again it's frightening as it can happen to you.

People under stress will act in odd ways. But to go out drinking when you've flown here on holiday smacks of 100% normal behaviour. It is odd to request a 'police' escort home. But is that the behaviour of a man who has earlier that evening witnessed or caused the death of a girl in his room? Being so intoxicated as to collapse and yet not have a loosened tongue. No mention made of what has occured.

I doubt he's had access to a solicitor. I also doubt that the scene has been preserved. As usual I expect the Press and TV have marched right through it, no one gowned or gloved up; everything handled; no speicalist team to record the scene [other then a news channel] no thorough search done by experts; no pathologist to examine the body before it is removed; no Police photographer; no nothing.

That's the way it goes here. All forensics lost. No containment before it is released to the Press. Just a milling horde trampling through and posing for a few pictures.

It is absolutely hopeless.

He's covered in scratches. Which proves what? Well if he went scuba diving and brushed up against the coral he will be covered in scratches. or if he simply went swimming and struggled up on the rocks he'd be covered in cuts very similar to being scartched by a woman's nails. Or if he has a medical condition to explain them or if he has a predilection for SM sex. Where's the proof? And proof of what? What would discount a fight with her? But any forensics are lost because they don't have a forensics Officer.

May be they had a row; didn't have a row; he went out she stayed in and wiated for him; there's an intruder, knock at the door, or old boyfriend calls; row, fight, death.

He returnsaccompanied and she's then found dead. Any time of death will be pinned down to a time shortly after, at or around that when he left. Furthermore, a watching ex-boyfriend waited for him to leave an immediately called. No forced entry as she opened the door to him. An argument follows culminating in her death. Even then all you've got is manslaughter.

Whatever happened this isn't murder.

And that process applies to all incidents. God help you if you are ever caught up in one, as this is what you'll face.

In the event of innocent people having this kind of nightmare drop on them the only brake to be applied is a financial one. You can buy justice and pay your way out. Or you immediately walk into the Police Station with a friend and make a statement and look to mitigate what took place.

But how many of you would run? Then again - who'd be off out for a pint before facing it? Take a Policeman back with you as that deals with who found the body. At least you can blame that on some one else.

That's an advantage of dealing with a corrupt Police force and an ignorant one. Equally it means the guilty go free and no justice is ever delivered.

Now hopefully, that should make you think.

...The facts are not known...But there is a murder charge. It's incredible. No weapon. No witnesses. No cause of death. And also we can accurately assume she wasn't shot or stabbed. So you have a body with no obvious cause of death...Yet a man is arrested...

I guess you didn't read the news articles linked in the thread.

The press report that prior to the murder the staff at the hotel heard a fierce argument going on in his room between the two before it suddenly went silent. This was followed by Mr Dehghan making a rapid exit from the room. Fearing something untoward had happened, the staff knocked on the door but no one answered. On opening the door with the spare key they found the girl dead in the room with signs of a struggle having taken place. Police were called and an initial examination found bruises and marks on the girl's neck consistent with strangulation.

You can hardly blame the police for arresting him at that stage.

...The facts are not known...But there is a murder charge. It's incredible. No weapon. No witnesses. No cause of death. And also we can accurately assume she wasn't shot or stabbed. So you have a body with no obvious cause of death...Yet a man is arrested...

I guess you didn't read the news articles linked in the thread.

The press report that prior to the murder the staff at the hotel heard a fierce argument going on in his room between the two before it suddenly went silent. This was followed by Mr Dehghan making a rapid exit from the room. Fearing something untoward had happened, the staff knocked on the door but no one answered. On opening the door with the spare key they found the girl dead in the room with signs of a struggle having taken place. Police were called and an initial examination found bruises and marks on the girl's neck consistent with strangulation.

You can hardly blame the police for arresting him at that stage.

You're correct. I didn't read further but I have read what you say. Without taking apart what you say, consider the following. No staff listening to the reported row intervened. Whay was that? It implies it was a loud row and nothing more. Surely violence, screams for help, cries of an attacked and dying woman, etc would have brought assistance. Yet it didn't. Why was that? because it was nothing out of the ordinary or are the satff hard hearted sadists bent on some perverse thrill? And yet we are led to believe it was the silence and not the noise that took them to open the door. Silence. That's hardly credible.

Also the crime scene has now been breached. Was it left secured when those staff phoned the Police or did they stay in the room contaminating evidence? Also, how did the door lock? As you are suggesting it was the exiting man who had the calm repose to lock the door and yet at the same time make a rapid exit. The two I'd suggest don't go together. Unless it was a self locking door the exiting man must have had the presence of mind to act calmly and close it; not the actions of a murderer fleeing the scene.

Or the woman wasn't dead as she got up and locked the door from the inside. If that is shown to be the case then she subsequently sucumbed to her injuries, or her death was purely conincidental and unrelated. Either way, it is not murder.

Death by strangulation does indeed leave clearly recogniseable marks. It is an indication at an early stage of a suspicious death. It is an unexplained death that until a pathologist makes the examination can not be called strangulation. Even then I refer you to the need for an autopsy and a cause of death. The hotel staff may have missed something as they are not anything other than hotel staff. For example, what iof there was a ligitature around the dead woman's neck that they missed? Suicide then.

Due to the circumstances of the man's presence and co-operation I accept his being arrested but not the charge. They had every right to detain for drunkenness. They could have waited over night for him to be sober and then interviewed him, established the facts and by that time received a cause of death. Then they would be able to proceed with a charge which under British Law may stick. Stick because there was a body of evidence and not hearsay [ for that is all the staff could provide.]

A consideration under British law whether to bring a murder charge is the chance of it sticking. As those who are wrongly linked with murder have to live with that stigma.

However, we still have a knee jerk reaction and I believe as you can see if I got hold of it as part of any defence team, I'd be driving a coach and horses right through it. And it will end up in court where he will have his day. It would be one case where justice may not be served other than by a verdict being reached. Not necessarily the right one.

The fact remains that should the Thai Police continue to operate in this shoddy manner then it is they who abuse the legal system. It needs to be water tight. The Police need to apply consistent methodologies and not be allowed to force entry, swan around, pose for the TV then fly off into the night taking one holiday maker with them. Because of their ineptitude the guilty may go free and the innocent be imprisoned.


The BIB are and have been verbally condemned by the general population up to some fairly high standing government officials for their investigative methods among many other perceived faults. It would almost be comical to watch and read about if it wasn't for the adverse effect their bumbling has on other people.Its probably best to just ensure that we never have to cross paths with them other than non moving vehicle violations.

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