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Former Alaska governor Palin says she will run for president in 2012 "if there is nobody else to do it"


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The supporters are cherry picking...

You mean like cherry picking remarks out of context, exaggerating piddling issues and suggesting that Conservatives are "right wing extremist groups" to demonize them? :D

No. Also, tell me one time where I said all conservatives are members of right wing extremist groups? If for some strange reason you think I believe that, let me correct that completely false impression. The tea party on the other hand most certainly IS a right wing extremist group.

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I just do not see the Tea Party as anything close to a "right wing extremist group". :blink:

We'll see if they actually come out with an official position document and/or by the actions of the officials they have elected. They are certainly to the right of standard republicans and to the left of Nazis, but their association with Glenn Beck (and others) and his John Birch society origin rhetoric are problematic. Surely you aren't saying that the John Birch society isn't right wing extremist? If you are, nothing left to discuss, that would be off the wall. Well, the Tea Party and the John Birch society are saying many of the same things!


In any case, whether you call them right wing extremist or not, they are without a doubt a far right wing movement, more right wing than Bush or even Reagan (in actual practice of what he actually did, as opposed to his pandering the far right wing rhetoric). If people want to support far right wing groups, fine, but don't be surprised if there is massive resistance from the left and majority center.

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If you want to nitpick, both the liberals and the Conservatives say many of the same things that the Nazi party did. Hate groups try to deceive the public by including good policies along with the bad.

However, trying to equate the Tea Party with the John Birch Society because a conspiracy theorist like Glen Beck interviewed one of them once upon a time is more than absurd. :blink:

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If you want to nitpick, both the liberals and the Conservatives say many of the same things that the Nazi party did. Hate groups try to deceive the public by including good policies along with the bad.

However, trying to equate the Tea Party with the John Birch Society because a conspiracy theorist like Glen Beck interviewed one of them once upon a time is more than absurd. :blink:

You just make stuff up, don't you? I never said that was the only reason I linked Beck and the tea party to the Birchers. It is much deeper. Read the New Yorker article and the Bircher link, and get back to me, or much better, DON'T.

Frankly, what is the point of us debating anymore? Yesterday we went back and forth many times with you absurdly debating that Palin wouldn't if president appoint anti-abortion rights, anti-gay, anti separation of church and state judges, and when I soundly proved that was a ridiculous, incorrect assertion, then you claimed you never said what you had repeatedly argued was your original position! Really, I would prefer for you not to respond to my political posts anymore if you are going to play those kinds of games. Its a waste of time for both of us and readers here.

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I am not playing games. If you post such unsubstantiated propaganda, you better expect to be challenged and, if you haven't noticed, other posters are saying exactly the same thing.

By the way, sending me hateful PMs and then putting me on ignore so I can't answer your silly accusations is less than intellectually honest. Even Glen Beck would not sink to that. :blink:

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I am not playing games. If you post such unsubstantiated propaganda, you better expect to be challenged.

By the way, sending me hateful PMs and then putting me on ignore so I can't answer your silly accusations is less than intellectually honest. Even Glen Beck would not sink to that. :blink:

I don't agree with your characterization of the one PM I sent you (that's singular PM, not plural PMs), but if what you did yesterday over the Palin judges wasn't a game, Monopoly isn't a game. It called for an apology and instead you just claimed innocence. So really I think we should ignore each other for the sake of our posting rights, if nothing else.

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I'm not sure I agree that the tea party is a threat. Sure they got some of their candidates in office (but many didn't make it either) but they aren't the majority of the party and never will be. In many ways I see the party as a reflection of the problems the US are having. If unemployment was 5 percent now and the US didn't look like it was drowning then these people wouldn't have shown up. In many ways I think this is probably a good thing in a way as personally I think having a party control both the Presidency and Congress is ultimately a bad idea. In many ways I feel conflicted about the situation in the US right now as I favor certain left leaning ideals. But we'll see what happens in two years.

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The most scary might be that some people actually believe the above and aren't just using it as propaganda in the same vein as Beck vs Obama and his socialist.

So I guess we are scared of each other then, eh? Yes, the tea party is a scary movement. Just look at history, what happens when right wing extremist groups rise in times of economic crisis.

You cannot point to one thing in the main movement nor their agenda that supports your accusation of them being right wing extremist. This is starting to get silly.

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I'm not sure I agree that the tea party is a threat. Sure they got some of their candidates in office (but many didn't make it either) but they aren't the majority of the party and never will be. In many ways I see the party as a reflection of the problems the US are having. If unemployment was 5 percent now and the US didn't look like it was drowning then these people wouldn't have shown up. In many ways I think this is probably a good thing in a way as personally I think having a party control both the Presidency and Congress is ultimately a bad idea. In many ways I feel conflicted about the situation in the US right now as I favor certain left leaning ideals. But we'll see what happens in two years.

You might want to read this link.


I agree with Pearlstein that right now in the economic mess the US is in, a gridlocked government that just bickers and gets nothing done (except start the 2012 really early) is a HORRIBLE situation right now, and will mean the US will fall even deeper into decline. I know you stated the conventional wisdom, but it is doubtful that applies to these especially dangerous times.

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The most scary might be that some people actually believe the above and aren't just using it as propaganda in the same vein as Beck vs Obama and his socialist.

So I guess we are scared of each other then, eh? Yes, the tea party is a scary movement. Just look at history, what happens when right wing extremist groups rise in times of economic crisis.

You cannot point to one thing in the main movement nor their agenda that supports your accusation of them being right wing extremist. This is starting to get silly.

Show a link please with their official agenda. It doesn't exist, does it? Without that, we have the views of Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, their most popular leaders.

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The most scary might be that some people actually believe the above and aren't just using it as propaganda in the same vein as Beck vs Obama and his socialist.

So I guess we are scared of each other then, eh? Yes, the tea party is a scary movement. Just look at history, what happens when right wing extremist groups rise in times of economic crisis.

You cannot point to one thing in the main movement nor their agenda that supports your accusation of them being right wing extremist. This is starting to get silly.

Show a link please with their official agenda. It doesn't exist, does it? Without that, we have the views of Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin, their most popular leaders.

I already posted it in the thread. Perhaps you should try to read before you attack. Or do basic research before you label.

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I already posted it in the thread. Perhaps you should try to read before you attack. Or do basic research before you label.

Post it again please, and can the lectures, this isn't grade school or a pissing contest. I remain skeptical there is such a thing still as they represent themselves as some kind of messy people's revolt. Prove me wrong.
Sarah Palin To Bill O’Reilly: Political Candidates Can Never Be Too Far Right


I have been following the views of Palin and Beck and to me they clearly represent a far right wing political movement. I am hardly alone on that assessment. You can try, but you cannot credibly deny that Palin and Beck are very major tea party leaders. I acknowledge the label of extremist is debatable. Lets see what they actually do now that they have POWER, then the story will be told.

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Good gravy. Sarah Palin is a flash in the pan. Let the subject drop. As for Beck, I'm sorry, but that guy is too flakey and weird for as many Republicans as Democrats and Independents. This reminds me of the hype that surrounded the Rush Limbaugh. He was supposed to be the next "Voice" of the right. However, as his stint as a pill popping druggie was exposed, his star fade. Once the hype machine gets going, folks are famous. And then it stops. Something cooler and newer comes along. I'm sure if some woman with big boobs and a nice smile pops up, Palin will get dropped like a farang drops a bar girl.

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Good gravy. Sarah Palin is a flash in the pan. Let the subject drop. As for Beck, I'm sorry, but that guy is too flakey and weird for as many Republicans as Democrats and Independents. This reminds me of the hype that surrounded the Rush Limbaugh. He was supposed to be the next "Voice" of the right. However, as his stint as a pill popping druggie was exposed, his star fade. Once the hype machine gets going, folks are famous. And then it stops. Something cooler and newer comes along. I'm sure if some woman with big boobs and a nice smile pops up, Palin will get dropped like a farang drops a bar girl.

Limbaugh hasn't faded. You are misinformed. He has the highest rated radio talk show in the US. Now. Beck is Fox's (the top cable "news" network by far) third highest rated show now and Palin is flashing big time right now, but nobody can predict her future. Her recent results in the elections were mixed, but hardly a failure, she definitely isn't over.

BTW, Fox's number one (O'reilly) and number two (Hannity) also feature very open tea party enthusiasts.

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Given that from an external perspective, right and left are defined by a centre which is well to the right, by comparison to, say some 'core' European countries, it is interesting to look at Newsweek's Power 50 [November 1 2010]

The top 10 [with earnings estimates] are 1.Rush Limbaugh [58.7m] 2.Glenn Beck [33m] 3.Sean Hannity [22m] 4.Bill O’Reilly [20m], with Jon Stewart at 5 [15m]. Sarah Palin is in at 6 [14m], 7.Don Imus [11m] 8.Bill Clinton [7.7m], 9.Keith Olbermann [7.5m] and 10.Rudy Giuliani [7m].


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