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Here is the legal status for our family: We are leaving for Thailand in the next couple of weeks.

Me: US citizen, 50yrs, with non-immigration visa (single entry, I think it is "O")

Wife: Thai and US passports

Daughter: US passport and Thai passport (expired a few months ago)

Daughter: US passport and Thai birth certificate but no passport

Son: US passport

We purchased 1 way tickets on an American carrier from a Thai agency and they said we may need a round trip ticket. Please note the Thai government states that US Citizens (as well as a dozen or so other countries) may or may not need to show a return ticket out of Thailand. If we encounter problem at airport then I will purchase refundable return ticket.

My wife and daughter with expired Thai passport (Thailand allows children to enter on expired Thai passports) would like to travel to Thailand on their Thai passports. I checked with the US Customs and Immigration and they stated they don't care which passport what you leave on. The immigration official stated that the US does not recognize dual passports for their citizens so US citizens must enter the country on US passports. It didn't matter what age, etc.

My other daughter, son, and I will travel on US Passports. We will get Thai passports in Bangkok and change their status. I will change my status to "married to Thai" visa.

My questions are these......

1. Will there be any issues with my wife and daughter leaving Thailand on a Thai passport? Can she buy airline tickets to Europe or US with an American passport but leave on Thai passport? What is the best procedure?

2. Are there going to be issues with my other 2 children getting Thai passports? I don't think so, but I wanted to ask anyway so I can read about the procedures. Any complications arising from changing US passport to legal status in Thailand on Thai passport? (I am thinking of no entry permit on Thai passport).

3. Lastly, me. What documentation do I need to provide to immigration to get immigration status to stay in Thailand for 1-2 years? I seem to remember that I needed to provide financial documents. Does anyone know the amounts? Would bank balances retirement income, etc. suffice? I have done this all before but it was 8 years ago and I imagine rules and regulations have changed over time.

Thank you.


1. Not a problem but US Passport will have to be shown to check-in desk. The US requires all US Citizens to enter using US passport but that is not a dual nationality issue as such. The US has no problem with those having more than one passport as there are no laws one way or another.

2. There will be issues. Your children should have valid Thai passport issued in country of birth and enter using them. It will be very difficult, if not impossible, to obtain inside Thailand. The problem is for issue here they must be on a home register here and to do that will likely be a problem as they were not born here it seems. Make very sure you have the Thai Embassy issues report of birth for everyone born in the US as that is also a vital piece of document. Believe you should delay your departure to allow obtaining Thai passports for everyone eligible for them. Even if you only get Thai temporary travel permits from the Embassy it will be much better than entry on US passport and likely will allow home register entry. They need to enter as Thai.

3. You already have the visa for those married (non immigrant O) and to extend your stay for one year periods will have to show monthly income of 40k (embassy letter if from outside Thailand) or 400k in Thai bank account for a 2 month period in your name only.


As Lopburi has pointed out - but is often missed by people in your situation:

- it is impossible to 'change status' when in Thailand.

- A Thai citizen entering on a foreign passport (in this case a US passport) will be subject to Thai immigration rules governing length of stay and over stay fines.

- A Thai citizen born outside of Thailand (in the case the US) can only be issued a Thai birth certificate by the Thai embassy in the US. It is IMPOSSIBLE to have one issued by the Authorities in Thailand.

- Similarly with a the first passport. If the Thai citizen is born outside of Thailand, they can only get their first passport from the Thai embassy in the country where they were born (ie in Washington DC).

It IS NOT possible to get their first passport in Thailand. Why? Because in Thailand, to have a Thai passport issued you must have

1) a Thai ID number; and

2) be on the house registration.

For a foreign born Thai citizen, they can not get these two things without first entering Thailand on a Thai passport and presenting their Thai passport (with entry stamp) and embassy issued birth certificate.

This will allow them to be entered on teh house registry, and be issued with an ID number in thailand. After which point -

any subsequent Thai passports applications can be done in Thailand

As Lopburi said - delay your trip and sort out your remaining childrens Thai paperwork in the US (via the embassy).

If not, you are only looking at a trip back to the states in future (in person and with the parents) to process it.

See this thread for some similar experiences

  • 2 months later...

Thank you very much for your thoughtful and insightful replies. I believe we may be alright, I hope.

This is what happened on our arrival. One daughter with expired Thai passport was eventually allowed in after a few minutes chat with higher ups. They told us to renew her passport.

My other daughter is alright with dual passports, being on house registration, and so on. She entered on a Thai passport.

My son, thank god we did this before leaving the US, had his birth recorded at Thai Consulate in Los Angeles. The consulate said we could apply for his passport once here. I hope this wasn't mis-information.

I will need to check but I believe everyone is on the house registration book except my son. I have one of those yellow books (forgot the name).

I am hoping that my son can get a Thai passport with the foreign birth abroad paperwork. I suppose he will need to be put on house registration first? Is this what is required prior from receiving Thai passport? He is 2 years old by the way, which I do not think will make any difference.

In the past, I showed immigration my US bank balances, stock portfolio, US rental income statements, and retirement statement from my former employer. I hope that I don't have to get all this approved or signed off by the US Embassy? It worked 4 years ago but I am sure things change.

After I get the 1 year visa (we are planning on staying for two) do I need to report to immigration every month like before? Has this been discontinued? Also, can I make short trips to Laos without any troubles?

Thank you kindly.

As Lopburi has pointed out - but is often missed by people in your situation:

- it is impossible to 'change status' when in Thailand.

- A Thai citizen entering on a foreign passport (in this case a US passport) will be subject to Thai immigration rules governing length of stay and over stay fines.

- A Thai citizen born outside of Thailand (in the case the US) can only be issued a Thai birth certificate by the Thai embassy in the US. It is IMPOSSIBLE to have one issued by the Authorities in Thailand.

- Similarly with a the first passport. If the Thai citizen is born outside of Thailand, they can only get their first passport from the Thai embassy in the country where they were born (ie in Washington DC).

It IS NOT possible to get their first passport in Thailand. Why? Because in Thailand, to have a Thai passport issued you must have

1) a Thai ID number; and

2) be on the house registration.

For a foreign born Thai citizen, they can not get these two things without first entering Thailand on a Thai passport and presenting their Thai passport (with entry stamp) and embassy issued birth certificate.

This will allow them to be entered on teh house registry, and be issued with an ID number in thailand. After which point -

any subsequent Thai passports applications can be done in Thailand

As Lopburi said - delay your trip and sort out your remaining childrens Thai paperwork in the US (via the embassy).

If not, you are only looking at a trip back to the states in future (in person and with the parents) to process it.

See this thread for some similar experiences



1. I expect your son will have to overstay and not be able to obtain a passport as said before. But perhaps you will have a helpful district office to get him on home register. As you now seem to be saying that will only stay here several years it should not be a serious issue.

2. You obtain one year extensions of stay inside Thailand. This must be 400k in Thai bank account 2 months in your name or 40k per month income as written on letter from your Embassy. You will have to visit Embassy and swear your monthly income on a document there with signature notarized and present that to Immigration. You will also have to have full family paperwork/copies and them with you when you apply.

3. Once extension of stay is applied for you must make address reports to immigration every 90 days. There has never been a requirement to report monthly so not sure what you were doing previously. Any exit of Thailand will require you purchase a re-entry permit for 1k or 3.8k (multi) before travel and use that number as your visa number on return.


Thank you very much Lopburi for responding. I appreciate it very much.

I will ask my wife to see if she can get him on house registration book immediately. I hope we get a sympathetic officer. I get the feeling that Thais are very sympathetic to children but we will see. I am glad we got the registered birth abroad taken care of though.

I must be mistaken about the monthly reporting. It was so long ago. Do people have to do this in person? Can I call or send a messenger?

I was curious about the 1 year visa for me. Am I allowed to leave the country for visits and return to Thailand and keep the remaining 1 year visa? Do I have to pay for a special 1 year visa that allows for multiple re-entries?

Again, thanks for your responses.


You do not get a one year visa. You apply for a 12 month extension of stay. 1,900 Baht fee.

If you wish to travel you need a Re Entry Permit. 3,800 Baht for a multi and 1,000 for a single.

(6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady, the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than 400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.


Yes, it is all slowly coming back to me. Great news about the reporting. My wife is going to the station to do the house registration now. She doesn't think it will be a problem. Then, it's on to immigration.

I am really hoping that I can just print out my financial stuff to submit and I can avoid the US Embassy for certification.

Thanks again LiteBeer and Lopburi.


sound like a pretty good start. So I take it both your daughters have entered on their Thai passports, with only your son on the US passport?

OK...a couple of possible routes

- try and get him on the tabieen baan. You never know, you might be lucky.

- if not, you might be able to get him a years extension of stay. This is generally available to former Thai citizens or those who are in Thailand on their non-Thai passports.

- the final is to do nothing. He is only 2 and there is no overstay fine for those under two. Sort his Thai passport papers out when he is back in the states in future.

Whatever you do with your son however, is if he leaves Thailand, this should be on the US passport (as he entered Thailand on it). He can then re-enter Thailand on the Thai passport at some stage in the future (presuming he has one).

Good luck with your new life/adventure in Thailand. I hope you enjoy it, as I am sure you will!


Thanks everyone for your helpful advice.

They (Thai authorities) were very easy and told my wife to take a picture of my son and come back with it and they will enter it in the house registration book of her family. One problem solved. We will get him a Thai passport with the foreign birth certificate at Thai consulate in the US and the house registration documentation.

Now, the problem is me. My wife thought she would run down to immigration on Sathorn and get all the information. Yeah, I know......they moved!

I think I will start another thread for me.

Again, thanks.


Thanks everyone for your helpful advice.

They (Thai authorities) were very easy and told my wife to take a picture of my son and come back with it and they will enter it in the house registration book of her family. One problem solved. We will get him a Thai passport with the foreign birth certificate at Thai consulate in the US and the house registration documentation.

Now, the problem is me. My wife thought she would run down to immigration on Sathorn and get all the information. Yeah, I know......they moved!

I think I will start another thread for me.

Again, thanks.

To be honest, if you can get your son on the Tabieen Baan, then you can get his passport done in Thailand. Good luck and please report back if it is possible.

If he gets his passport done in Thailand, then at some point in future he should leave Thailand (fly) on his US passport and re-enter on his new thai passport so that he has no immigration restrictions on his stay.

  • 5 weeks later...

Thanks Samran. You made some very good points about the exit and re-entry.

We have the house registration now but have not done anything with the passport yet. I will report back when we complete this task.


Thanks everyone for your helpful advice.

They (Thai authorities) were very easy and told my wife to take a picture of my son and come back with it and they will enter it in the house registration book of her family. One problem solved. We will get him a Thai passport with the foreign birth certificate at Thai consulate in the US and the house registration documentation.

Now, the problem is me. My wife thought she would run down to immigration on Sathorn and get all the information. Yeah, I know......they moved!

I think I will start another thread for me.

Again, thanks.

To be honest, if you can get your son on the Tabieen Baan, then you can get his passport done in Thailand. Good luck and please report back if it is possible.

If he gets his passport done in Thailand, then at some point in future he should leave Thailand (fly) on his US passport and re-enter on his new thai passport so that he has no immigration restrictions on his stay.

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