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Russian Caught In Pattaya Under-Age Sex Trap


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I'm not sure why some posters are calling him an alleged pedophile. She's not prepubescent.

Because no matter how many times people post the actual meaning of pedophilia, most people just can't seem to learn it.

As you well know, there are a bunch of brilliant people that post on TV!

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I fear this girl is nothing more than a tool of the male natives, and females accessories here. This would include her father (if she has contact with him), her male peers, who pimp her out, or "love" her and ask her to get them money; and even the police, who do not seem that interested in her personal safety up to the point of being violated sexually. Yes; she is simply a tool; and I submit that she is a willing tool. That incriminates her, as well as the male natives who use her. She performs for the native males, and gets something in return; something that she is willing to barter for that brings some sort of comfort or balance into her chaotic life. She may not be at the age of consent for the foreigners, but she certainly has consented to numerous encounters and abuses with her male counterparts. Otherwise, where are the rap sheets of all the native males who have raped her? And why is it that this particular girl always seems to find herself on her backside with a male on top of her? What part of "STAY HOME" does she not get?

She is 15, and probably fits somewhere into that percentile of teenagers who become impregnated by the native males while they are 13 years of age or so. She is 15 and clearly sexually active. One would be a damned fool to assume that she limits her sexual activity exclusively towards foreigners. I could just as easily say that she limits the major portion of her sexual activities towards the Thai males, which subsequently is a no-profit game for her, and only reaches out to the foreigners when cash is needed. Again, she is a tool of the native males.

As far as the emotional damage, I suspect there is not much remaining in her head or body to damage (according to Western standards) at this point of her life, and subsequently would be of little or no value or worth to the NGO's and Do-gooders. This, simply due to the fact that were they to rescue this poor innocent girl, then these groups would be responsible for ensuring (at taxpayer's expense) that she behave like a good little girl, and not take advantage of the new established environment, as well as slip back into her old behavior on the side.

As it is quite evident to me that these cast-off females in Thai society (made that way by their own masters) are of no interest to the Thai people themselves, then it is possible that these cast-off girls become the human resources for adult Thai males (and accessory females) to perform any act towards them as a means to an end; personal sexual gratification, or a method of increasing their income, and quite possibly as a means to create the illusion that the system "works" because these animals are in control. "Let's put her in harms way, and then rescue her, so we can mug for the cameras! Brilliant! And also, let's ignore how she got that way! Absolutely!"

Any police officer could swing a dead cat and hit a Thai breaking the written law. That is a certainty. From driving under age / without helmets / licenses, illegal squatting, drunkenness, prostitution, domestic violence, and on and on. It almost seems that there is no interest in enforcing the law against a people who do not respect their own laws, and do not have the finances to support the ones who are supposed to enforce these laws. Enter the foreigner and their bank cards. Use the natives to entrap the foreigner and generate the income to exist. This girl is a tool. Beyond that she is useless and a cast off. No money to be gained off her, but only through her, until she is no longer a shiny ornament to attract the moths.

Now, beyond that opinion of mine, this story is useless towards bringing about a stoppage of foreign predators. Since it is my belief that the laws are more or less enforced towards foreigners, and ignored towards the natives who do not respect them and can not produce any funds to defend themselves, it is my belief that crimes like these will never reveal the true source of the problem, simply because it is not a problem in the minds of these people. It is simply a means that gives Thais the right to set out bait to get foreigners to pay their way out of a situation that is ignored towards those who have no money, and who simply do not care.

Thai people are fond of defending themselves against foreigners by saying, "This is our country, if you were not here, this would not have happened." Perhaps what they are really saying, is, "As long as you are here, we will use little girls and boys (underage human bait) from the stables of what we like to do anyway (have sex with underage girls and boys) to do everything possible to tempt and lure you, the foreigner, into a pay or suffer situation." I see no other consideration towards the good will of any humans in this matter beyond the pocket books of the accusers and the offended.


CoC is 100% correct. It is well documented that 99% of the rapes are committed by Thais, not farangs, yet where are their pictures in the newspapers? You would think that only farangs were committing these crimes. These police tactics have been going on for a while, but have increased since the financial collapse in 2008. In Koh Samui I have been approached by several girls from 12-14 who were soliciting their services. In each case they told me they were underage so I assumed it was a trap. Several of my friends have taken bar girls home only to find out the next morning that they were only 14 -- hard to blame them since they assumed all bar girls had to be 18. All farangs be very careful out there as this is becoming a major cash cow for the police.

Lucky really that they wernt wearing daipers, hard to tell also if they are underage, depending on the size of the daiper I suppose . Grrrrrrr

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I fear this girl is nothing more than a tool of the male natives, and females accessories here. This would include her father (if she has contact with him), her male peers, who pimp her out, or "love" her and ask her to get them money; and even the police, who do not seem that interested in her personal safety up to the point of being violated sexually. Yes; she is simply a tool; and I submit that she is a willing tool. That incriminates her, as well as the male natives who use her. She performs for the native males, and gets something in return; something that she is willing to barter for that brings some sort of comfort or balance into her chaotic life. She may not be at the age of consent for the foreigners, but she certainly has consented to numerous encounters and abuses with her male counterparts. Otherwise, where are the rap sheets of all the native males who have raped her? And why is it that this particular girl always seems to find herself on her backside with a male on top of her? What part of "STAY HOME" does she not get?

She is 15, and probably fits somewhere into that percentile of teenagers who become impregnated by the native males while they are 13 years of age or so. She is 15 and clearly sexually active. One would be a damned fool to assume that she limits her sexual activity exclusively towards foreigners. I could just as easily say that she limits the major portion of her sexual activities towards the Thai males, which subsequently is a no-profit game for her, and only reaches out to the foreigners when cash is needed. Again, she is a tool of the native males.

As far as the emotional damage, I suspect there is not much remaining in her head or body to damage (according to Western standards) at this point of her life, and subsequently would be of little or no value or worth to the NGO's and Do-gooders. This, simply due to the fact that were they to rescue this poor innocent girl, then these groups would be responsible for ensuring (at taxpayer's expense) that she behave like a good little girl, and not take advantage of the new established environment, as well as slip back into her old behavior on the side.

As it is quite evident to me that these cast-off females in Thai society (made that way by their own masters) are of no interest to the Thai people themselves, then it is possible that these cast-off girls become the human resources for adult Thai males (and accessory females) to perform any act towards them as a means to an end; personal sexual gratification, or a method of increasing their income, and quite possibly as a means to create the illusion that the system "works" because these animals are in control. "Let's put her in harms way, and then rescue her, so we can mug for the cameras! Brilliant! And also, let's ignore how she got that way! Absolutely!"

Any police officer could swing a dead cat and hit a Thai breaking the written law. That is a certainty. From driving under age / without helmets / licenses, illegal squatting, drunkenness, prostitution, domestic violence, and on and on. It almost seems that there is no interest in enforcing the law against a people who do not respect their own laws, and do not have the finances to support the ones who are supposed to enforce these laws. Enter the foreigner and their bank cards. Use the natives to entrap the foreigner and generate the income to exist. This girl is a tool. Beyond that she is useless and a cast off. No money to be gained off her, but only through her, until she is no longer a shiny ornament to attract the moths.

Now, beyond that opinion of mine, this story is useless towards bringing about a stoppage of foreign predators. Since it is my belief that the laws are more or less enforced towards foreigners, and ignored towards the natives who do not respect them and can not produce any funds to defend themselves, it is my belief that crimes like these will never reveal the true source of the problem, simply because it is not a problem in the minds of these people. It is simply a means that gives Thais the right to set out bait to get foreigners to pay their way out of a situation that is ignored towards those who have no money, and who simply do not care.

Thai people are fond of defending themselves against foreigners by saying, "This is our country, if you were not here, this would not have happened." Perhaps what they are really saying, is, "As long as you are here, we will use little girls and boys (underage human bait) from the stables of what we like to do anyway (have sex with underage girls and boys) to do everything possible to tempt and lure you, the foreigner, into a pay or suffer situation." I see no other consideration towards the good will of any humans in this matter beyond the pocket books of the accusers and the offended.


CoC is 100% correct. It is well documented that 99% of the rapes are committed by Thais, not farangs, yet where are their pictures in the newspapers? You would think that only farangs were committing these crimes. These police tactics have been going on for a while, but have increased since the financial collapse in 2008. In Koh Samui I have been approached by several girls from 12-14 who were soliciting their services. In each case they told me they were underage so I assumed it was a trap. Several of my friends have taken bar girls home only to find out the next morning that they were only 14 -- hard to blame them since they assumed all bar girls had to be 18. All farangs be very careful out there as this is becoming a major cash cow for the police.

Lucky really that they wernt wearing daipers, hard to tell also if they are underage, depending on the size of the daiper I suppose . Grrrrrrr

How long have you lived here? I can guess the age of most Thai women within two years of their actual age. I always guess up in age by a year or two and then they want to correct me as they never want to be "old." But I do ask them in Thai... Doesn't you spell check work? Or is that how one spells in Australian? biggrin.gif

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All farangs be very careful out there as this is becoming a major cash cow for the police.

This is probably the most important point made on this thread so far. If you're a foreigner, be careful. This is all just a scam to con farangs out of cash. So many thai adult males are having sex with underage girls in Thailand and nobody seems to care. It's part of the culture. Travel outside of the big cities and you'll see this in brothels and such. Nobody give a f***! The only people who care are the police who can extort cash and the holier than thou westerners who like to label anything that looks young(even if it's 18+)as underage and then ostracizing an older man for liking a perfectly legal(18+) girl.

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All farangs be very careful out there as this is becoming a major cash cow for the police.

This is probably the most important point made on this thread so far. If you're a foreigner, be careful. This is all just a scam to con farangs out of cash. So many thai adult males are having sex with underage girls in Thailand and nobody seems to care. It's part of the culture. Travel outside of the big cities and you'll see this in brothels and such. Nobody give a f***! The only people who care are the police who can extort cash and the holier than thou westerners who like to label anything that looks young(even if it's 18+)as underage and then ostracizing an older man for liking a perfectly legal(18+) girl.


Exactly! I am constantly amazed at all the westerners who claim to be lilywhite in of all places, Thailand. Some have even said to me that a man should be arrested for even looking at any girl under 18 -- I have met 14-yr-olds that would give a playboy foldout a run for her money! Basically, we are all animals with instincts and it is sometimes difficult for the moral conscience to fight pure animal lust. I live in a guarded farang development and have given the guards specific instructions not to let any Thai girl under 18 into the area w/o a parent; otherwise, we would be swamped with them. You guys living in a community of young Thai girls, I wish you the best of luck. They are relentless to land a farang, and now with the parents and police delivering them to you like a pizza, you have to be much stronger than the average man that I know. Just always bear in mind that the police are watching and hoping that you will take the bait -- children are expendable in Thai society, but money isn't.

Edited by parallaxtech
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If this was a police setup and the prostituting minor looked as if she MAY have been of legal age, a good defense case could be made in many countries that the perp was unfairly entrapped. I don't know what the minor looked like, but this is Thailand, and aspects of "fairness" are not the same here.

Are you saying that entrapment no matter how much good results from it should not be allowed.

I say kudos to the police for doing it. Many so called progresive countries wwould rather stand by and watch.

In my opinion the girl in question was a willing participant and I have no idea of her circumstances for all I know she is the sole support of a large extended family. So I make no judgment on her. The point is they have a person in custody who is a predator and in all likely hood guilty of many other abuses. JMO

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If this was a police setup and the prostituting minor looked as if she MAY have been of legal age, a good defense case could be made in many countries that the perp was unfairly entrapped. I don't know what the minor looked like, but this is Thailand, and aspects of "fairness" are not the same here.

Are you saying that entrapment no matter how much good results from it should not be allowed.

I say kudos to the police for doing it. Many so called progresive countries wwould rather stand by and watch.

In my opinion the girl in question was a willing participant and I have no idea of her circumstances for all I know she is the sole support of a large extended family. So I make no judgment on her. The point is they have a person in custody who is a predator and in all likely hood guilty of many other abuses. JMO

I don't agree. If she looked of legal age, and was soliciting for sex, then the perpetrator is not knowingly engaging in under age sex.

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All farangs be very careful out there as this is becoming a major cash cow for the police.

This is probably the most important point made on this thread so far. If you're a foreigner, be careful. This is all just a scam to con farangs out of cash. So many thai adult males are having sex with underage girls in Thailand and nobody seems to care. It's part of the culture. Travel outside of the big cities and you'll see this in brothels and such. Nobody give a f***! The only people who care are the police who can extort cash and the holier than thou westerners who like to label anything that looks young(even if it's 18+)as underage and then ostracizing an older man for liking a perfectly legal(18+) girl.

Yourself and most of the other posters have obviously not read the article. You use it as a base to promote your anti Thai sentiments. The article talks about arresting a man. It says nothing about The police did not arrest a man because he gave them money.

You and your kind insinuate that there is not one honest cop in Thailand. You insist on promoting your low opinion of a country you concisely make a choice to live in. What does that say about you.

Please read the article and give opinion on it. A moron can tell what you think of Thai's please report it on a thread about not liking Thai's.

It is a rare thread where you people don't turn it into Thai bashing.

Edited by jayjay0
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If this was a police setup and the prostituting minor looked as if she MAY have been of legal age, a good defense case could be made in many countries that the perp was unfairly entrapped. I don't know what the minor looked like, but this is Thailand, and aspects of "fairness" are not the same here.

Are you saying that entrapment no matter how much good results from it should not be allowed.

I say kudos to the police for doing it. Many so called progresive countries wwould rather stand by and watch.

In my opinion the girl in question was a willing participant and I have no idea of her circumstances for all I know she is the sole support of a large extended family. So I make no judgment on her. The point is they have a person in custody who is a predator and in all likely hood guilty of many other abuses. JMO

I don't agree. If she looked of legal age, and was soliciting for sex, then the perpetrator is not knowingly engaging in under age sex.

Well you might be rite but if he had alredy been with her six times I suspect he knew.

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Caught in the Act after the police investigating him allowed him to take the 15 year old to his condo . Wait a bit , then raid the place , allowing him AGAIN to perform a lurid act so to trap him. If the girl was having intercourse when they raided then the police are just as guilty for letting him have the time to do her again.

As for the pedophile , give him the sentence he deserves .

As for the girl she is a minor , regardless of consent or not. Children need protecting .

Fake Thai identity cards abound. The girl you rent from a bar as a 19 year old could be 15. Children need to be protected from both sides of the law!

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in Pattaya, policeknow all the underage girls... When they work in bars, they ask 1000 by girls to shut their eyes... All this is hypocrisie and money, nothing else !

Some bars in Pattaya have ladies of 14, 15, 16, 17... They look like 2à and if you ask their age they lies to you ! More ; police accpet to change the year of birth on ID cards for 1500 baths... So who to belaive ?

WITHOUT PROSTITUTION THAILAND whould do what today ? Do you think many tourists come here to visits omd temples or fuc_k young girls ? OPEN your eyes... Everyday more girls come to Pattaya ! For what ? To work in 7/11 ?...

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children are expendable in Thai society, but money isn't.

true and sad

EDIT just wish comments like those against Thai drivers in a traffic accident Thread could be same same against child molestors, here

Edited by yellow1red1
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If this was a police setup and the prostituting minor looked as if she MAY have been of legal age, a good defense case could be made in many countries that the perp was unfairly entrapped. I don't know what the minor looked like, but this is Thailand, and aspects of "fairness" are not the same here.

She was 14 and could have passed for a 12 year old. It was splashed all over the local news here. She wore a ballcap that did a poor job of covering up her features.

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If this was a police setup and the prostituting minor looked as if she MAY have been of legal age, a good defense case could be made in many countries that the perp was unfairly entrapped. I don't know what the minor looked like, but this is Thailand, and aspects of "fairness" are not the same here.

She was 14 and could have passed for a 12 year old. It was splashed all over the local news here. She wore a ballcap that did a poor job of covering up her features.

I didn't see that detail. If that it is so, it may have still technically been entrapment but of a different kind.

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If this was a police setup and the prostituting minor looked as if she MAY have been of legal age, a good defense case could be made in many countries that the perp was unfairly entrapped. I don't know what the minor looked like, but this is Thailand, and aspects of "fairness" are not the same here.

She was 14 and could have passed for a 12 year old. It was splashed all over the local news here. She wore a ballcap that did a poor job of covering up her features.

I didn't see that detail. If that it is so, it may have still technically been entrapment but of a different kind.

Entrapment or not, if he broke the law, he must be punished, regardless.

Else Thai judges can just claim entrapment too, even though there are video recording that caught them red handed.

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I don't agree. I do know that in Australia, if the guy had a genuine belief a girl was of age then the law allows for a defence of genuine belief and the jury is directed to give a not guilty verdict.

Of course you just can't say that you thought she was of age, you would need other indications to substantiate your belief (such as false ID etc).

Most laws in the civilised world regarding underage sex allow for such things as a defence because of young girls setting up, or being forced to set up, unsuspecting men.

Why do you think that when police conduct a sting on a 'predator' on the internet they actually make it clear the the 'girl' is underage.

To simply say that he broke the law and deserves to be punished is simplisitc in the extreme. There are many examples of breaking the law being acceptable.

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I don't agree. I do know that in Australia, if the guy had a genuine belief a girl was of age then the law allows for a defence of genuine belief and the jury is directed to give a not guilty verdict.

Of course you just can't say that you thought she was of age, you would need other indications to substantiate your belief (such as false ID etc).

Most laws in the civilised world regarding underage sex allow for such things as a defence because of young girls setting up, or being forced to set up, unsuspecting men.

Why do you think that when police conduct a sting on a 'predator' on the internet they actually make it clear the the 'girl' is underage.

To simply say that he broke the law and deserves to be punished is simplisitc in the extreme. There are many examples of breaking the law being acceptable.

Like killing of 91. Thank you for supporting me.

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All farangs be very careful out there as this is becoming a major cash cow for the police.

This is probably the most important point made on this thread so far. If you're a foreigner, be careful. This is all just a scam to con farangs out of cash. So many thai adult males are having sex with underage girls in Thailand and nobody seems to care. It's part of the culture. Travel outside of the big cities and you'll see this in brothels and such. Nobody give a f***! The only people who care are the police who can extort cash and the holier than thou westerners who like to label anything that looks young(even if it's 18+)as underage and then ostracizing an older man for liking a perfectly legal(18+) girl.

Yourself and most of the other posters have obviously not read the article. You use it as a base to promote your anti Thai sentiments. The article talks about arresting a man. It says nothing about The police did not arrest a man because he gave them money.

You and your kind insinuate that there is not one honest cop in Thailand. You insist on promoting your low opinion of a country you concisely make a choice to live in. What does that say about you.

Please read the article and give opinion on it. A moron can tell what you think of Thai's please report it on a thread about not liking Thai's.

It is a rare thread where you people don't turn it into Thai bashing.

I understood what the poster typed as an opinion. Where does it say that we have to type that our post is an opinion? I believe the substance of the post is correct towards the majority of the Thai behavior and mentality. To use the label "bashing" is a cowardly way of avoiding, and rather censuring open discussion about things that do indeed exist.

Whether there is one honest cop or not, in Thailand, is not relevant to the norm. The opinion that I got from this post is that he is describing the norm from his opinion and view, in a way that he has been subjected to by the natives here. I do not agree with your choice of the word "promoting"; rather I see his post as expressing, or describing.

I think it is only fair to ask why you are seemingly so gullible towards anything Thai, and dead-set against anyone who is not as gullible as you seem to be, and also has an opinion that is not altruistic towards anything Thai?

Are you a foreigner, and are you careful (in all aspects when dealing with Thais who solicit you)? If you are both, then it seems the reasons rather support the need to be careful, and substantiate the post you decry, yes?

If, however, you are not a foreigner, nor careful, then I would be very careful, myself, of one such as you, because you are suggesting that one blindly trust a people who have a track record of having no conscientiousness, but rather bestial behavior, towards their own kind and others. So, you are either Thai, or extremely ignorant to suggest such.

This is simply my opinion.

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If this was a police setup and the prostituting minor looked as if she MAY have been of legal age, a good defense case could be made in many countries that the perp was unfairly entrapped. I don't know what the minor looked like, but this is Thailand, and aspects of "fairness" are not the same here.

Are you saying that entrapment no matter how much good results from it should not be allowed.

I say kudos to the police for doing it. Many so called progresive countries wwould rather stand by and watch.

In my opinion the girl in question was a willing participant and I have no idea of her circumstances for all I know she is the sole support of a large extended family. So I make no judgment on her. The point is they have a person in custody who is a predator and in all likely hood guilty of many other abuses. JMO

jayjayO, I respectfully disagree with this viewpoint, because it does nothing to stem the flow of the contributing factors of human trafficking and sex slavery. It merely uses the people who are caught up in this racket, as a resource, to generate income to perpetuate an agency such as, say, law enforcement.

Using a child to do a man's work! How sick and degraded is that?

I am certain that it would not be a difficult task, with very little effort, to reveal the facts that:

A child is being solicited by the police:

-To be placed in harms way of physical and mental damage

-Without parental consent

-Without the benefit of a full medical examination and vaccines against STD and HIV

-Without mental and psychological counseling from professional therapists

-Without any financial compensation from the cowards who send her to the front lines to do their work

-To conduct an activity that creates an illegal and dangerous environment to the child

-To behave in a manner that creates an illegal and dangerous environment to the child

-To have to behave and speak in a manner that is lewd, sordid, sick, and degrading for ANY child to have to behave, in order to get the customer "hot", as the police look on "objectively" (yeah, right)

-To ignore a more healthy and edifying lifestyle for a child her age, in lieu of this illegal behavior and activity

-Because the police might possibly get some sort of sick satisfaction out of listening to and watching the child tease the "john", and time it just right so they get an "eyefull" when they bust the door down

This almost reeks of the actual traffickers themselves, except that the police interrupt the process in the middle of the sex act. The only difference with the traffickers is that they let the "john" finish with the girl and leave. That is a pretty slim line and the girl loses either way.

Rather than having the child take the police by the hand, and escort them to the beasts that got her into this trade in the first place, the police ignore this galactic problem, and perpetuate the girl's misery by using her to "flush out" customers who more than likely are not pedophiles, but rather drunken, first timers who are idiots.

Simply looking at these clear violations of this child's human rights, as forced upon her by the police, one might possibly wonder if the police are not a direct link in this crime. No one seems to see this angle. No one seems to have figured out that this child should in no way be involved as a tool to lure and have to perform for the police like a degraded circus animal; all the while ignoring the animals that made her this way, or removing her from this scenario altogether.

I love my son, and I will certainly not lure him and bait him to commit acts I would be against, simply to prove my point; especially were that, in effect, to place him in danger or harm's way.

It is rather sick, that the ones who are sworn to protect this girl are the ones using her to do their job, at her risk and effort. This proves that the police can not do their job, or simply do not want to target the ones who groom these children. Perhaps because an officer would lose face were he to go and visit his relative at the local prison.

There is a lot of sick, twisted, and questionable behavior going on by the police long before the trap is sprung, and before they get their pay-off by the unlikely accused. Why is that not the issue, rather than the very few who stumble into the trap?

Were this girl not on the street, this man would not have been arrested, and hence there would not be a story.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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