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Claiming Benefits Whilst In Thailand


Living off the Social in Thailand  

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Something wrong with this poll.

How can you vote "no" without voting on the second part?

Oh... now you all know my vote. I wouldn't report it to anyone. As it is I don't know anyone claiming illegal benefits at the moment and no, I wouldn't "bubble" on anyone. (Sorry I've never heard that expression before.)

I do, however, think it's wrong of people to claim various benefits from their home country whilst living here.

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Of course i would turn them in they are stealing. Other people have to pay extra tax because they claim something they are not entitled too. It all sounds so nice stealing from the government but in fact your stealing from tax payers.

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Start cleaning your home country from the parasites to begin with :whistling:

As the poll is about bubbling parasites living abroad and claiming benefits they aren't entitled to in their home country it seems the cleansing has been done.

I didn't vote purely because there's no "Not Applicable" option in part 2. Benefits fraud is a major problem in countries with a welfare system but tax fraud makes it pale into insignificance. I'm not talking about tax avoidance, that is entirely legal, I am talking tax fraud that equally is stealing from honest taxpayers.

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I ' m with " petedk " on this l voted " No " , although l do not condone this type of behaviour it is still up to the authorities to do there job instead of waiting for someone to grass someone up.

So you would rather that the government hired extra staff to chase down these people? Do you understand what that means? More money diverted away from those that need the benefits to pay for more civil servants to deal with an issue that should be self policed. I do not consider it "snitching" to provide honest information to the government agency. The government is supposed to represent/serve/protect the public. It would be a lot more effective and cost efficient if everyone did his/her part. One of the reasons that requirements to satisfy receiving aid are so onerous is because some greedy selfish prick is going to try and take advantage of the system and they have to erect barriers. The thing is that those barriers often block people that are not sophisticated or that are shy. Sorry, but that's my government, yes, that's right, my government since I'm a voter and those civil servants work for me and they can't do their jobs unless, I as a stake holder help them. Benefits could be increased for those most in need if we got rid of the fraud. Is it so wrong to try and make sure that those in need have an easier time of getting assistance and in quantums that are better than they are now? Well, that can't be done until we all take a bite of fraud.

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I know a guy living here doing pretty much the same thing though it involves him renting out his council flat in the UK. Whilst I dislike what he's doing I would not inform the authorities as it would lead to him being separated from his Thai wife and child.

This individual has no means or even ability to support his family here legally. He's an idiot for getting into this position but no, I couldn't inform.

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So you would rather that the government hired extra staff to chase down these people? Do you understand what that means? More money diverted away from those that need the benefits to pay for more civil servants to deal with an issue that should be self policed. I do not consider it "snitching" to provide honest information to the government agency. The government is supposed to represent/serve/protect the public. It would be a lot more effective and cost efficient if everyone did his/her part. One of the reasons that requirements to satisfy receiving aid are so onerous is because some greedy selfish prick is going to try and take advantage of the system and they have to erect barriers. The thing is that those barriers often block people that are not sophisticated or that are shy. Sorry, but that's my government, yes, that's right, my government since I'm a voter and those civil servants work for me and they can't do their jobs unless, I as a stake holder help them. Benefits could be increased for those most in need if we got rid of the fraud. Is it so wrong to try and make sure that those in need have an easier time of getting assistance and in quantums that are better than they are now? Well, that can't be done until we all take a bite of fraud.

No !!! they shouldn't have to take on extra staff if, as l said, just do there job no extra money.

If someone wants to grass someone up go ahead, l would not do it myself but if someone told me they were making a fraud claim, l would tell them they are wrong in what they are doing and would not wish to associate with them.

If everybody did start grassing they certainly would need extra staff, and extra police and make more room in prisons.

The barriers will be there in any case because they are needed to make sure the proper people get what they are entitled to.

l agree with your latter part but do you really think people would end up with more, l would like to believe it but wouldn't, govenments would look at it as a cut.

I'm not that patriotic and l stopped voting years ago, there all the same you know, l would prefer to be a Dictator, maybe that's another topic. Regards.


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There was a Brit a while back caught claiming benefits, I think his brother used to do the necessary signing on in the UK for him, but was living in Thailand. Now he wasn't just unemployed but was deemed medically ufit to work. This was a scam by the last government to get unemployement down by having all sorts of schemes that avoided using the term "unemployed".

Now in his case the powers that be have, for their own purposes, declared him unfit to work (afaik he was actually incapacitated not just swinging the lead but I may be wrong). So surely he is entitled to spend his money where he likes, after all he's only going to be slouching on a sofa watching day time TV in the UK (this would be deemed torture by the ECHR). Some might argue that if in the UK his money gets plowed back into the economy but it's peanuts looked at within the big picture.

In his case I would turn a blind eye but things might change for some of the low life spongers and that's where a system of informants falls down. Personal opinion leads to all manner of abuse and even blackmail.

A system of informants also leads us down dark corridors trodden by many a regime in the world.

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I know a guy living here doing pretty much the same thing though it involves him renting out his council flat in the UK. Whilst I dislike what he's doing I would not inform the authorities as it would lead to him being separated from his Thai wife and child.

This individual has no means or even ability to support his family here legally. He's an idiot for getting into this position but no, I couldn't inform.

I know a bloke who got away with this for 10 years before he was caught. Hard to feel sympathy overall for someone who chooses to live this way.

Although on a personal level yeah I felt sorry for him going back to the UK with nowhere to live job etc....its for this reason I reckon I wouldn't snitch.

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I know a guy living here doing pretty much the same thing though it involves him renting out his council flat in the UK. Whilst I dislike what he's doing I would not inform the authorities as it would lead to him being separated from his Thai wife and child.

This individual has no means or even ability to support his family here legally. He's an idiot for getting into this position but no, I couldn't inform.

I know a bloke who got away with this for 10 years before he was caught. Hard to feel sympathy overall for someone who chooses to live this way.

Although on a personal level yeah I felt sorry for him going back to the UK with nowhere to live job etc....its for this reason I reckon I wouldn't snitch.

Last time I was home I bumped into a woman I grew up with, haven't seen for over twenty years. Chatting about life I asked her where she was working, she replied in a local factory and that she'd been working their since leaving school.

When asked if she likes working there she replied - No I hate it, but I've got kids to feed.

She's not unusual, she's like millions of others who get off their <deleted> and work for a living, she and all those like her are deserving of absolute respect.

Scum scrounging off the system, buying life styles they don't want to work for with other people's money - If they get married and start a family, let them do what the rest of the world does - Get off their <deleted> and work.

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Turn the tables. So you guys that voted yes would then also grass up to a guy that his lady you KNEW, who had hooked a farang purely to get into the UK for it's benefits, including a UK passport and the rewards that might bring with no underlying thought for her husband. ?

Don't think so. :rolleyes:

I know two ' ladies ', right at this time who are working on it.

I had a good friend once who was getting married to a prostitute from a Pattaya bar, two weeks before the wedding she went missing (The US Fleet were in) - He came around our house in a right state, pulling his hair out with worry over his missing bride to be.

The following weekend my wife and I went over to Samet for a weekend break - who do we bump into at the same guesthouse as we are staying by my friend's fiancee, enjoying a break of her own with a member of the US Navy. Despite knowing my wife and I were good friends with the guy she was marrying she seemed totally un-phased by being caught out on the island.

Yes I did tell him.

His response was that my wife and I must have been mistaken, he married her anyway and within months was robbed of the house he bought her and every penny he had in the bank.

Over the years I've met dozens of blokes who've made almost identical mistakes - They've all been telling themselves lies.

Telling them the truth does not help, it's not what they want to hear.

The DWP on the other hand are delighted to receive reports - would that they'd offer rewards!

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I ' m with " petedk " on this l voted " No " , although l do not condone this type of behaviour it is still up to the authorities to do there job instead of waiting for someone to grass someone up.

So you would rather that the government hired extra staff to chase down these people? Do you understand what that means? More money diverted away from those that need the benefits to pay for more civil servants to deal with an issue that should be self policed. I do not consider it "snitching" to provide honest information to the government agency. The government is supposed to represent/serve/protect the public. It would be a lot more effective and cost efficient if everyone did his/her part. One of the reasons that requirements to satisfy receiving aid are so onerous is because some greedy selfish prick is going to try and take advantage of the system and they have to erect barriers. The thing is that those barriers often block people that are not sophisticated or that are shy. Sorry, but that's my government, yes, that's right, my government since I'm a voter and those civil servants work for me and they can't do their jobs unless, I as a stake holder help them. Benefits could be increased for those most in need if we got rid of the fraud. Is it so wrong to try and make sure that those in need have an easier time of getting assistance and in quantums that are better than they are now? Well, that can't be done until we all take a bite of fraud.

Lots of good points in this post, seems to me therer's another one, very severe punishment for those who do get caught.

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Why stress about the small potatoes crooks when the big time crooks are left alone?

A crime which undermines a welfare system on which very many people genuinely rely for help, without which they would not be able to survive.

If the welfare system falls apart how are those very many deserving cases going to get by in life?

Arguably one of the most civilised thing a nation can do is look after those who cannot look after themselves - And scum abuse it.

And you say that is 'a small crime'.

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Why stress about the small potatoes crooks when the big time crooks are left alone?

Would you change your tune Jing if you got mugged and knocked unconscious in Pattaya and the cops said " Sorry mate bit busy at the moment. There's a raid on a local millionaire meth dealers house at 10pm" ?

Edited by mca
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Why stress about the small potatoes crooks when the big time crooks are left alone?

Would you change your tune Jing if you got mugged and knocked unconscious in Pattaya and the cops said " Sorry mate bit busy at the moment. There's a raid on a local millionaire meth dealers house at 10pm" ?

Your question doesn't compute. I am sure if I cared enough to pay the police I could get service like anyone else ... who paid.

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If anyone knows of benefit cheats that are living in Thailand or in fact knows of any benefit cheats please report them ASAP. As stated it costs us tax payers millions to support these idiots and why should we? If more people reported them then money would be saved.

If I know anyone claiming while in the UK or in Thai I would replrt them to HMRC or SOCA for them to forward to the necessary department in UK.

Lets all make a stand together.

get reporting.

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Why stress about the small potatoes crooks when the big time crooks are left alone?

Would you change your tune Jing if you got mugged and knocked unconscious in Pattaya and the cops said " Sorry mate bit busy at the moment. There's a raid on a local millionaire meth dealers house at 10pm" ?

Your question doesn't compute. I am sure if I cared enough to pay the police I could get service like anyone else ... who paid.

Alright. Let's move it from Pattaya to London or somewhere similar.

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A system of informants also leads us down dark corridors trodden by many a regime in the world.

But people taking part in governance...... ?

No, those people are way too clever to leave their signature on the dam_ning documents that's why Saloth Sar could get away with it until he realised that he was doomed by his proteges. Who were then at the top table, and still are.

I also abhor those who manipulate a system to the detriment of those truly deserving but, to twist an historic quote, is it not better that one undeserving case makes off with the spoils than on who deserves dies?

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Of course i would turn them in they are stealing. Other people have to pay extra tax because they claim something they are not entitled too. It all sounds so nice stealing from the government but in fact your stealing from tax payers.

Well mate the only thing I can say is that you should open your eyes.99 % of the tax money you pay is stolen by the government itself.

So leave the other 1 % for your fellow citizen.At least it doesn't go in the pockets of the big thieves like the other part.

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A system of informants also leads us down dark corridors trodden by many a regime in the world.

But people taking part in governance...... ?

No, those people are way too clever to leave their signature on the dam_ning documents that's why Saloth Sar could get away with it until he realised that he was doomed by his proteges. Who were then at the top table, and still are.

I also abhor those who manipulate a system to the detriment of those truly deserving but, to twist an historic quote, is it not better that one undeserving case makes off with the spoils than on who deserves dies?

While saving taxpayer's money is of course the motivation for reducing benefit fraud, I don't believe that the money saved would be given to the deserving - nor do I expect that to happen.

Rather as I point out above, the real risk of this crime is that it undermines public support for welfare - and when that happens there is a very real risk that welfare would be withdrawn, the people who suffer then are those who genuinely cannot help themselves.

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Of course i would turn them in they are stealing. Other people have to pay extra tax because they claim something they are not entitled too. It all sounds so nice stealing from the government but in fact your stealing from tax payers.

Well mate the only thing I can say is that you should open your eyes.99 % of the tax money you pay is stolen by the government itself.

So leave the other 1 % for your fellow citizen.At least it doesn't go in the pockets of the big thieves like the other part.

So if 99% of the money is stolen, who pays for schools, health care, welfare, pensions, defence, social services, roads, libraries, museums......?

And how much of that money comes from your contribution?

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