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Maid Keeps Asking For Advances...

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We love our maid...cooks great, works hard, very nice, excellent English, kids love her, etc, etc...

We've had her for about 6 months. The last 4 months she has asked for a whole months payment in advanced instead of the contract agreement of paid for 2 weeks after working those 2 weeks. Her reasons are various family problems...she's always worked it off - but now she wants 2 months up front.

Someone else told me that women in this line of work simply don't/can't save money, but at 12,000B per month, her extended family sees her as a bread winner. I'm tempted to say no more advances, but just curious what other people's experiences are and how/if this is a cultural thing.

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Pretty good salary at THB 12k.

We've had our maid for several years and we pay her THB 7k for 6 days a week (7:30am to 5:00pm). This includes washing and ironing, taking care of six dogs, keeping on top of what bills have to be paid and general house keeping duties.

Advances are a no-no, we pay her monthly.


My staff can advance only the money they have already earned on the salary. There is anyway some elasticity for special reasons or special people.


Sometimes you have to be flexible with a hardworking and honest maid as they can be hard to find. I have employed domestic staff (maids and drivers) for over 10 years and have on occasion made salary advances and outright loans to long-serving and valuable employees. In general, an advance of up to half a months pay can be justified and a loan of up to a months salary I have done in the past. The loans were non-interest and I would auto-deduct re-payments from their salary over the succeeding 6-12 months.

Again, this would be for hardworking and trusted employees of at least 6 months standing. These are very generous policies and no Thai employer would be as understanding. Also, you don't want your staff to get mixed-up with the local loan sharks. It comes down to a judgment call on how valuable the employee is to you.


I'd be worried if a maid I was paying 12k baht a month two needed several months advance payment. Surely as the pressure on her mounts and mounts the possibility that the temptation to star stealing may arise.


My friends get their maids from Burma ... 1,500bht a month, food and a place to sleep.

I second the previous poster, 2 months up front and she will have another job the next day.


My friends get their maids from Burma ... 1,500bht a month, food and a place to sleep.

I second the previous poster, 2 months up front and she will have another job the next day.

"Your friend" , paying that salary, is a sad labor exploiter.

For example, I regularly (ID and permits) employ 6 Myanmar staff in my restaurant, with the same salary of the Thais (7000 Baht/month, plus 1200 food contribution and 2 people shared room with toilet). 4 free days a month and 12 days holiday after the first year.


My friends get their maids from Burma ... 1,500bht a month, food and a place to sleep.

I second the previous poster, 2 months up front and she will have another job the next day.

"Your friend" , paying that salary, is a sad labor exploiter.

For example, I regularly (ID and permits) employ 6 Myanmar staff in my restaurant, with the same salary of the Thais (7000 Baht/month, plus 1200 food contribution and 2 people shared room with toilet). 4 free days a month and 12 days holiday after the first year.

8,200 baht a month + accomodation + tips(?) plus you pay extra for their ID/Permits etc... Sounds like you are overpaying them to me.


My friends get their maids from Burma ... 1,500bht a month, food and a place to sleep.

Disgusting.. I wouldn't be so quick to call them friends who treat people so appallingly.

OP, 12K is well above average wage for a maid and I think it would be naive to keep giving advances with the expectation that she will keep coming back with that much cash in her pocket. The original contract sounds like a fair deal - it sounds like she is taking advantage of you.


Not for Koh Phangan, that is a fair wage.

1500 baht a month is exploitation and not only illegal but unethical and immoral.

As for the maid, sounds like she's got a gambler in her family. I wouldn't give her the money but I would also check to make sure nothing goes missing.


My friends get their maids from Burma ... 1,500bht a month, food and a place to sleep.

I second the previous poster, 2 months up front and she will have another job the next day.

"Your friend" , paying that salary, is a sad labor exploiter.

For example, I regularly (ID and permits) employ 6 Myanmar staff in my restaurant, with the same salary of the Thais (7000 Baht/month, plus 1200 food contribution and 2 people shared room with toilet). 4 free days a month and 12 days holiday after the first year.

8,200 baht a month + accomodation + tips(?) plus you pay extra for their ID/Permits etc... Sounds like you are overpaying them to me.

Correct, but we only lend the money for their ID/permits and we take back monthly. :)

We give also a special tip (50 Baht each staff) every 10.000 baht daily income (24.000 Baht = 120 Baht each). But working time become elastic if restaurants busy, Full Moon days extra working time, etc etc, 10 hours a day 6 days a week...

I like to be ethical with my staff, but not farang tingtong overpaying. :D


Hmmm .... people with university degrees work for 7-10,000 baht a month outside of bkk. Your salary is a little over the top but of course totally up to you.:whistling:

If she is supporting a family then I would wonder .... if you give her 2 months up front then she does not get her next pay until the beginning of 3 months hence. If she cannot manage her money now i.e. bi-weekly how will she survive for 2 months with no cash flow. So ... NO advance. I like the OP's suggestion of only advancing what has been earned.

Of course exceptions need to be made from time to time ... but this has now become a regular habit and so has become the rule and not the exception. I agree if you give her the 2 months then there is a good chance she is gone or the next request is for 3 months. I think a line has been drawn in the sand but a wave has washed it away. Hihihihi



My friends get their maids from Burma ... 1,500bht a month, food and a place to sleep.

I second the previous poster, 2 months up front and she will have another job the next day.

Your friends are useless and you pick the wrong friends


Every time I paid a maid/nanny in advance, they left owing me money. That is why I never do it. Much the same with employees. We now pay advances mid month and maximum half month's pay, that must be re-paid at end of month, so very little risk.


My friends get their maids from Burma ... 1,500bht a month, food and a place to sleep.

I second the previous poster, 2 months up front and she will have another job the next day.

Thats just shameful.

My friend has a cambodian maid. She has her own private house on property and belive me this house would make most farangs green with envy. Air con in every room, cable with cambodian TV channels of course all electricity is paid. She eats with the family at their dinner table. Only cooks one meal a day, washes and irons clothes for a family of 4, cleans house. She goes to work at 8am, when the house is cleaned and laundry washed and ironed, she is free until 5:30 then she helps the lady of the house cook the evening meal. She has a plug in electric mower to mow a small front yard, less than 10ft X 20ft. Has sunday to herself and once a month is taken to the border so she can go home for 3 days. All this and 5000 baht a month. Your friends need to do some soul searching. They are definately exploiting people.


Little too much and little too soon if you ask me. I have had a maid for 7.5 years and she asked me for advance only once and that was after 6 years. She asked to be paid 1 week earlier then her payday.

Everyone has family problems etc etc etc,i do not think you should try to justify it, but simply deny it.

Even if its a genuine need, next month she will ask for 3 months advance and it is never going to stop.

Put a stop to it now and make sure she understands and appreciates that what she has is a great salary and not too many maids get even close to that.


Be carefull 2 months up front then never seen again. :ph34r:

I wholly agree. DO NOT ADVANCE TWO MONTH SALARY. If you do not see that freight train coming at you now, you never will. You will be sorry. Regardless of how good she is, that maid probably shares the Thai idea that Farangs are a bottomless mine of money. Therefore, it is OK to ask for advances and then disappear. There are no Buddhist ethics in that regard.

I have seen that happen to two families in Bang L mung. I warned them but the sob stories of the maids were so moving they opted to give one 2 months and 3 months advances respectively. One of the maids even took with her a Fino scooter that has never been found and so did they. Furthermore, the police was apathetic in taking the normal steps to report and/or locate the perpetrators. If they cannot manage their money properly, that should be a warning sign. If you should deny the 2 month advance, take your precautions because stealing is next in the agenda. I have my cameras and notebooks under key and lock, my money in a safe that will require heavy equipment to remove or crack and never, never leave wallets on shelves or counters. It is not paranoia. I have seen it with many other Farang families and I learn from their experiences. By the way, my girlfriend is Thai and she was the one who devised my security set up in the house. Of course, I am the only one who knows the combination and have the keys to every lock.


8,200 baht a month + accomodation + tips(?) plus you pay extra for their ID/Permits etc... Sounds like you are overpaying them to me.

I hope you are joking. You do realise you are talking about human beings that may have families. For here that is just about an ok salary, but to say they are getting too much? Seriously, where do you come from?

Pretty sure you must have been joking....


Try not to do it, once they start borrowing they'll never stop, 12,000 is LOADS enough for her to save.... don't let her take the piss out of you.


Many people are exploited all over the world.

Some would claim we are exploiting our 'much younger' Thai wives and girlfriends.

Wow, I cringe at your assumptions. Who said we all have younger Thai wives or girlfriends? Who said we exploit them if we do? Who said exploiting people, or doing any wrong doing, is ok because someone else is doing it?


My friends get their maids from Burma ... 1,500bht a month, food and a place to sleep.

I second the previous poster, 2 months up front and she will have another job the next day.

Well your friend what sort of person is he, not so nice that he keeps slaves


My friends get their maids from Burma ... 1,500bht a month, food and a place to sleep.

I second the previous poster, 2 months up front and she will have another job the next day.

"Your friend" , paying that salary, is a sad labor exploiter.

Thousands and thousands of Thais then.


My friends get their maids from Burma ... 1,500bht a month, food and a place to sleep.

I second the previous poster, 2 months up front and she will have another job the next day.

"Your friend" , paying that salary, is a sad labor exploiter.

Thousands and thousands of Thais then.



If you value your maid and she is having money problems perhaps you could help her by trying to give her some lessons in Money management and budgeting. My experience with a lot of Thais is money is spent as soon as it is received and often not on what is important for survival. I understand that it is her money after she has earned it but if she can budget then if "family" are draining her , then she will be in a better position to manage what she earns. Just a suggestion.

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