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Karon Roadblock Today

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>>So you were doing something wrong in order to think you were going to get fined??

If they really want to they can find something wrong whether it's mechanical, or your polo ball or registration is not where it should be or out of date etc. They usually just go for the obvious, but once in a while they can be sticklers if they are determined to get some baht from you.

Rubbish if you are a decent nice person who does what they are supposed to do there will never be a problem!!!


Rubbish if you are a decent nice person who does what they are supposed to do there will never be a problem!!!

Yes, giving them money is what you're suppose to do, especially if you are decent and nice.


I was in a car with my seatbelt on, carrying a genuine IDL and a copy of my PP. I was not breaking any road rules, unless it was excessive use of a blinker to indicate my left turn onto the circle.

The cop initially started to wave me through, then looked me in the face, saw I was farang and decided to wave me over.

I assumed, from reading so many threads on the subject here, that the purpose of the roadblock was to extract "tea money". I didn't have any small notes with me to pay said "fine", was in a hurry as I was moving house at the time and others were expecting me, so when I saw the oportunity I kept going.

It was wrong, I wouldn't do the same thing in my own country, but I wouldn't expect to be pulled over there purely to help pay the coppers wages.

You wont pay any ones wages if you are law abiding!!!!


Yes I carry my passport with me at all times, I feel it is safer with me than leaving it at home.

Never had a problem with carrying my passport, I am very carefull where I am and who is around me, my passport is in a bag with my wallet which is attached to me,

What happens when, for example, you go for a swim? Where do you leave your passport then? Bury it in an inconspicuous hole in the sand? Or ask a highly reputable and dependable beach boy to mind it for you?

I dont swim in the sea!! if I did swim in the sea do you think I would be stupid enough to leave it unattended!!!! this post makes me think you are stupid!!!

if you get fined here you deserve it well done the police, stop moaning and obay the law!!!!


"You wont pay any ones wages if you are law abiding!!!! "

So why do you suppose there is a dramatic increase in roadblocks during the high season? Is there a shortage of traffic during the low season? Tourists aren't law abiding?

Its because they know tourists are easy marks, likely to queue to be parted with their money and dumb enough to believe the story you are required to carry your passport.


"You wont pay any ones wages if you are law abiding!!!! "

So why do you suppose there is a dramatic increase in roadblocks during the high season? Is there a shortage of traffic during the low season? Tourists aren't law abiding?

Its because they know tourists are easy marks, likely to queue to be parted with their money and dumb enough to believe the story you are required to carry your passport.

Oh grow up you are required to carry a passport, you are required to wear a crash hemet you are required to carry a valid driving licence, a dramatic increase in road blocks you say during the high season why do you think this is? maybe its because they know westerners are thick or think they can get away with anything well I have news for you we cant and they will continue to create road blocks to extract money and why because we are breaking the law. simple!!!!


I was in a car with my seatbelt on, carrying a genuine IDL and a copy of my PP. I was not breaking any road rules, unless it was excessive use of a blinker to indicate my left turn onto the circle.

The cop initially started to wave me through, then looked me in the face, saw I was farang and decided to wave me over.

I assumed, from reading so many threads on the subject here, that the purpose of the roadblock was to extract "tea money". I didn't have any small notes with me to pay said "fine", was in a hurry as I was moving house at the time and others were expecting me, so when I saw the oportunity I kept going.

It was wrong, I wouldn't do the same thing in my own country, but I wouldn't expect to be pulled over there purely to help pay the coppers wages.

You wont pay any ones wages if you are law abiding!!!!

It's not necessary to use that many exclamation marks at the end of all your sentences Kenny.

As I've recently discovered, what you have to say really isn't that important.


I was in a car with my seatbelt on, carrying a genuine IDL and a copy of my PP. I was not breaking any road rules, unless it was excessive use of a blinker to indicate my left turn onto the circle.

The cop initially started to wave me through, then looked me in the face, saw I was farang and decided to wave me over.

I assumed, from reading so many threads on the subject here, that the purpose of the roadblock was to extract "tea money". I didn't have any small notes with me to pay said "fine", was in a hurry as I was moving house at the time and others were expecting me, so when I saw the oportunity I kept going.

It was wrong, I wouldn't do the same thing in my own country, but I wouldn't expect to be pulled over there purely to help pay the coppers wages.

You wont pay any ones wages if you are law abiding!!!!

It's not necessary to use that many exclamation marks at the end of all your sentences Kenny.

As I've recently discovered, what you have to say really isn't that important.

Well not really sure how to respond to that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what I have to say is important actually because I obay the law do you? by what you have just said obviously not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and as for carrying your passport yes you are required to carry it maybe it is not enforced but you are required!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

As for exclamation marks I think it looks good dont you!!!!!!!!!!


I would like to see every little dip shit, wobbling all over the place, on a scooter, with no lid, no t-shirt, no shoes, and not a clue how to ride a bike, stopped at every road block imaginable and fleeced of every penny they have.

Sorry the 'Things that annoy you thread' got closed down before I got that one in, so I thought I'd slip it in here.


I would like to see every little dip shit, wobbling all over the place, on a scooter, with no lid, no t-shirt, no shoes, and not a clue how to ride a bike, stopped at every road block imaginable and fleeced of every penny they have.

Sorry the 'Things that annoy you thread' got closed down before I got that one in, so I thought I'd slip it in here.

Clap Clap agree lock them up, confiscate there bike and hit them where it hurts in there pockets,

Now who will come back with well I can afford it...


I would like to see every little dip shit, wobbling all over the place, on a scooter, with no lid, no t-shirt, no shoes, and not a clue how to ride a bike, stopped at every road block imaginable and fleeced of every penny they have.

Sorry the 'Things that annoy you thread' got closed down before I got that one in, so I thought I'd slip it in here.

I have not problem with that idea, HOWEVER, if I was pulled over for, say, "not wear helmet" (I always wear my full face helmet) and at the time of being pulled over a 14 year old Thai boy, who is riding an unregistered bike with a chopped off muffler to make it loud to show off to his mates, not wearing a helmet and does not have a licence, is allowed to "cruise" past because there is no point pulling him over because he has no money, well then, I lose repect for the Thai police, and, yes, I had lost that repect a long time ago. They only pull over people who have the ability to pay. Selective enforcement is still corruption.

The problem esculates for farang when that same 14 year old Thai kid, on the same defective bike, crashes into you and because, "if farang not in Thailand accident not happen" you have to pay - that really pisses me off.


I would like to see every little dip shit, wobbling all over the place, on a scooter, with no lid, no t-shirt, no shoes, and not a clue how to ride a bike, stopped at every road block imaginable and fleeced of every penny they have.

Sorry the 'Things that annoy you thread' got closed down before I got that one in, so I thought I'd slip it in here.

I have not problem with that idea, HOWEVER, if I was pulled over for, say, "not wear helmet" (I always wear my full face helmet) and at the time of being pulled over a 14 year old Thai boy, who is riding an unregistered bike with a chopped off muffler to make it loud to show off to his mates, not wearing a helmet and does not have a licence, is allowed to "cruise" past because there is no point pulling him over because he has no money, well then, I lose repect for the Thai police, and, yes, I had lost that repect a long time ago. They only pull over people who have the ability to pay. Selective enforcement is still corruption.

The problem esculates for farang when that same 14 year old Thai kid, on the same defective bike, crashes into you and because, "if farang not in Thailand accident not happen" you have to pay - that really pisses me off.

Agree but we just have to do what is right for us personally.

Also my one experience with my one accident here in Thailand was excellent, the police were great, bent over backwards to help me.


I have not problem with that idea, HOWEVER, if I was pulled over for, say, "not wear helmet" (I always wear my full face helmet) and at the time of being pulled over a 14 year old Thai boy, who is riding an unregistered bike with a chopped off muffler to make it loud to show off to his mates, not wearing a helmet and does not have a licence, is allowed to "cruise" past because there is no point pulling him over because he has no money, well then, I lose repect for the Thai police, and, yes, I had lost that repect a long time ago. They only pull over people who have the ability to pay. Selective enforcement is still corruption.

The problem esculates for farang when that same 14 year old Thai kid, on the same defective bike, crashes into you and because, "if farang not in Thailand accident not happen" you have to pay - that really pisses me off.

I understand the point you're making. I guess it's just another thing to add to the list, of things that bother lots of people, but don't bother me, along with the tuk tuks, the duel pricing, the tailor touts, etc etc.

Some body earlier in this thread (I payed such little attention to them, I can't remember who it was) said he had a problem with me because I 'think Thailand is perfect'. What people like that are too stupid to realise, is that there is a huge difference between thinking Thailand is perfect and simply being happy with it the way it is. I'm happy the way Phuket is. I have no desire to change one single thing about it.

I honestly don't care if, in the example you gave, the 14 year old boy gets let past, while I'm getting a ticket. AS LONG as I did something wrong that deserved the ticket in the first place. Every man and his Rottwieller could come past without a lid on, and it would be none of my business.


I understand the point you're making. I guess it's just another thing to add to the list, of things that bother lots of people, but don't bother me, along with the tuk tuks, the duel pricing, the tailor touts, etc etc.

Some body earlier in this thread (I payed such little attention to them, I can't remember who it was) said he had a problem with me because I 'think Thailand is perfect'. What people like that are too stupid to realise, is that there is a huge difference between thinking Thailand is perfect and simply being happy with it the way it is. I'm happy the way Phuket is. I have no desire to change one single thing about it.

I honestly don't care if, in the example you gave, the 14 year old boy gets let past, while I'm getting a ticket. AS LONG as I did something wrong that deserved the ticket in the first place. Every man and his Rottwieller could come past without a lid on, and it would be none of my business.

Again agree 100% I doubt anyone with any morel sense can reply.. here is to all the law abiding ex pats in Phuket.


The problem esculates for farang when that same 14 year old Thai kid, on the same defective bike, crashes into you and because, "if farang not in Thailand accident not happen" you have to pay - that really pisses me off.

Incidently, has that actually happened to you personally? To me that is one of those classic quotes, about something that has probably happened to 3 people in the last 3 years, yet it just rolls of everybodies tongue, like they were talking about a daily occurance.

Did you not read the thread recently, with story after story of police men doing their job and making sure the blame fell on the guilty party, and not on the Farang?


I dont swim in the sea!! if I did swim in the sea do you think I would be stupid enough to leave it unattended!!!! this post makes me think you are stupid!!!

You might not have noticed, but many (the majority) of people who come to Phuket for holidays DO swim in the sea, it being one of the major attractions of coming here. Having to carry your passport around while engaging in such activities is extremely inconvenient (and I would say ridiculously stupid, but that is just my opinion). You say you "never have a problem with carrying your passport" -- well for the majority of holiday makers in Phuket it is/would be a significant problem.

if you get fined here you deserve it well done the police, stop moaning and obay the law!!!!

And just what is the law? I checked the Tourism of Authority of Thailand website, read it in detail for 30 minutes and could find no mention of the need to carry one's passport in Thailand. The travel websites of both the Australian and US governments claim that it is NOT compulsory to carry one's passport in Thailand - only 'identification'.

I'm all for obeying sensible laws that actually exist, are written down, and are publicised. Not so keen on 'laws' made up by coppers merely to supplement their income.


The problem esculates for farang when that same 14 year old Thai kid, on the same defective bike, crashes into you and because, "if farang not in Thailand accident not happen" you have to pay - that really pisses me off.

Incidently, has that actually happened to you personally? To me that is one of those classic quotes, about something that has probably happened to 3 people in the last 3 years, yet it just rolls of everybodies tongue, like they were talking about a daily occurance.

Did you not read the thread recently, with story after story of police men doing their job and making sure the blame fell on the guilty party, and not on the Farang?

But did this (police, god forbid, doing their job) happen to you personally?

If not, it doesn't count, right?


So can anybody confirm first hand they were asking for passports?

I was waiting for this one! There's always a doubter. I remember posting a story earlier in the year that no one believed until it made the Phuket Gazette a few days later.

It was not first hand - for a start I don't ride a bike - but for three people to tell me the same story within 15 minutes, two together and one completely independently, I think it's pretty reliable.

Mitch, I understand your frustration. Perhaps you should have gone up to the roadblock, and asked the police what they were doing. If they asked for your passport and then fined you 500B (because, like any sensible person, you don't carry it with you 24/7), think of it as a small inconvenience to assuage the doubting thomases around here!


The problem esculates for farang when that same 14 year old Thai kid, on the same defective bike, crashes into you and because, "if farang not in Thailand accident not happen" you have to pay - that really pisses me off.

Incidently, has that actually happened to you personally? To me that is one of those classic quotes, about something that has probably happened to 3 people in the last 3 years, yet it just rolls of everybodies tongue, like they were talking about a daily occurance.

Did you not read the thread recently, with story after story of police men doing their job and making sure the blame fell on the guilty party, and not on the Farang?

I have been pulled over in the past and asked for my licence. After producing my licence, I was allowed to leave without a fine. I try to abide by the law here, but, as mentioned in previous posts, if they really need the money, they will come up with something.

I was watching a roadblock one day that was set up outside of a bar. (I was sitting in the bar) I saw a Thai girl I know get pulled over (she wasn't wearing her helmet and she's not a bar girl) Later that afternoon I asked her, "What happen with police today?" She basically said, "I tell them, no have money." She was allowed to leave without being fined. I did notice all the farang being made to pay with very few receiving "a ticket." Once again, selective enforcement based on the ability to pay.

Interestingly, if you do not wear a helmet and get pulled over, you pay the police and are then allowed to ride off without your helmet. I also noticed this at the same roadblock I was observing. I did not see one bike get chained up. How does this stop the offence

re-occuring???? Now, for example, the rider was drunk. That's a nice little earner but he goes down the road and crashes into someone and injures them. I accept Thailand is an extremely corrupt country and I also chose to stay here, but, the corruption can have serious consquences.

I have been pulled over in the past and asked for my licence. After producing my licence, I was allowed to leave without a fine. I try to abide by the law here, but, as mentioned in previous posts, if they really need the money, they will come up with something.
So your own experience is: I abide by the law, so I don't get fined. But you read: if they really need the money they will find something. Why do you believe what you read over your own experience? I just don't get this moaning about the BIB, especially not when own experiences are positive.

I own some classic Honda 70s & 90s.

All of them are completely legal with green books and tax disks. All except one.

There are quite a few of these bikes on the island and I would say 95% of them are owned by Thais and 90% of those have no book and no tax.

I chat a lot with these Thai owners and always ask if they have problems with the BiB when stopped.

Every one of them said that because they are old and not having a book, thus no tax disk, the BiB understand and let them pass at the road-blocks as long as the rider has a license and is wearing a helmet.

Foolishly, I thought the same would apply to me.

I was riding the Honda 70 that had no book and was stopped by the BiB at Chalong circle.

This cop pointed out that I had no tax and that I would have to take the bike to the police station and it would stay there until I produced the green book.

I explained to him that I didn't have a green book, but, I had tried to get one, but, it was impossible.

He told me that my bike would sit and rot in the police compound unless I paid him 1500 Bt on the spot.

Yes, I was breaking the law (yet, Thais seem to get away with it), but, so was he by taking a bribe.

Now I can't ride that bike anymore and am slowly having to cannabalize it for parts, which is a real shame.

From me, the BiB get the respect they deserve.


The problem esculates for farang when that same 14 year old Thai kid, on the same defective bike, crashes into you and because, "if farang not in Thailand accident not happen" you have to pay - that really pisses me off.

Incidently, has that actually happened to you personally? To me that is one of those classic quotes, about something that has probably happened to 3 people in the last 3 years, yet it just rolls of everybodies tongue, like they were talking about a daily occurance.

Did you not read the thread recently, with story after story of police men doing their job and making sure the blame fell on the guilty party, and not on the Farang?

But did this (police, god forbid, doing their job) happen to you personally?

If not, it doesn't count, right?

I have never been involved in an incident where I've needed the police, so no, those incidents haven't happened to me personally. But neither has anything bad. I've done a huge amount of driving on this island over the last decade, and have only had one single interaction with the police, which as I mentioned before was a parking ticket, that I deserved 100%.

So why are my experiences so different from everyone elses? I'll tell you why, because mine are based on the truth. Hard facts as to what's happened (or what hasn't happened) while living here on a day to day basis. If you want me to come on here and post about every eventless day I have on the island, I'm happy to, but you'll get pretty bored, because it'll be the same old story every day.

The difference is, people who come on here and post about all the bad aspects of living in Phuket, are NOT basing tmost of those stories on their actual, personal experiences, they're posting about rumours, stereo types, and exagerated missconceptions, that have been snow balling for several years. People are happy for facts to roll off their tongue, without ever having actually experienced them themselves.

So YES, my experiences of the police are my own. I bet you anything you like 80% of the posters in this thread who have talked of extortion, have never been given a ticket that they didn't deserve.

I have been pulled over in the past and asked for my licence. After producing my licence, I was allowed to leave without a fine. I try to abide by the law here, but, as mentioned in previous posts, if they really need the money, they will come up with something.
So your own experience is: I abide by the law, so I don't get fined. But you read: if they really need the money they will find something. Why do you believe what you read over your own experience? I just don't get this moaning about the BIB, especially not when own experiences are positive.

Why were the farang being booked while the Thai girl, due to her inability to pay, was allowed "a free pass????????"

If you fine one, you have to fine all - not just the ones that you think can pay the fine.

Yes, I saw this with my own eyes and later on made enquires with the Thai girl, out of curiosity.


I own some classic Honda 70s & 90s.

All of them are completely legal with green books and tax disks. All except one.

There are quite a few of these bikes on the island and I would say 95% of them are owned by Thais and 90% of those have no book and no tax.

I chat a lot with these Thai owners and always ask if they have problems with the BiB when stopped.

Every one of them said that because they are old and not having a book, thus no tax disk, the BiB understand and let them pass at the road-blocks as long as the rider has a license and is wearing a helmet.

Foolishly, I thought the same would apply to me.

I was riding the Honda 70 that had no book and was stopped by the BiB at Chalong circle.

This cop pointed out that I had no tax and that I would have to take the bike to the police station and it would stay there until I produced the green book.

I explained to him that I didn't have a green book, but, I had tried to get one, but, it was impossible.

He told me that my bike would sit and rot in the police compound unless I paid him 1500 Bt on the spot.

Yes, I was breaking the law (yet, Thais seem to get away with it), but, so was he by taking a bribe.

Now I can't ride that bike anymore and am slowly having to cannabalize it for parts, which is a real shame.

From me, the BiB get the respect they deserve.

So, you paid the 1500 baht and rode the bike home? Any ticket involved? Receipt for payment? If you were rich, effectively, you could keep riding your bike and keep paying the bribe/fine. This does nothing to stop the offence continually being committed.

Now, look at all the Thai's, breaking the same law, but due to their inability to pay the bribe/fine they are never bought to justice and keep committing the offence. Traffic enforcement here is very selective.


I have never been involved in an incident where I've needed the police, so no, those incidents haven't happened to me personally. But neither has anything bad. I've done a huge amount of driving on this island over the last decade, and have only had one single interaction with the police, which as I mentioned before was a parking ticket, that I deserved 100%.

So why are my experiences so different from everyone elses? I'll tell you why, because mine are based on the truth. Hard facts as to what's happened (or what hasn't happened) while living here on a day to day basis. If you want me to come on here and post about every eventless day I have on the island, I'm happy to, but you'll get pretty bored, because it'll be the same old story every day.

The difference is, people who come on here and post about all the bad aspects of living in Phuket, are NOT basing tmost of those stories on their actual, personal experiences, they're posting about rumours, stereo types, and exagerated missconceptions, that have been snow balling for several years. People are happy for facts to roll off their tongue, without ever having actually experienced them themselves.

So YES, my experiences of the police are my own. I bet you anything you like 80% of the posters in this thread who have talked of extortion, have never been given a ticket that they didn't deserve.

But were Thai's give the same ticket, for the same offence, at the same roadblock, at the same time. I have posted an example where I definately know one Thai girl was not fined after she simply told the police she had no money.


I have never been involved in an incident where I've needed the police, so no, those incidents haven't happened to me personally. But neither has anything bad. I've done a huge amount of driving on this island over the last decade, and have only had one single interaction with the police, which as I mentioned before was a parking ticket, that I deserved 100%.

Really? One 'interaction' with police in a decade of driving.

During my last visit to Phuket, I was stopped by police almost every single day while riding from Karon to Patong on a motorbike.

You see: straight away our perceptions are different. Does that make me wrong? I don't think so. So please don't make a giant leap (like you do below) and assume that only your opinions are 'based on truth'.

So why are my experiences so different from everyone elses? I'll tell you why, because mine are based on the truth.

So everyone's wrong except you, is that it? It's lucky Thailand doesn't have a law against making arrogant statements, or you'd be fined into bankruptcy!

Hard facts as to what's happened (or what hasn't happened) while living here on a day to day basis. If you want me to come on here and post about every eventless day I have on the island, I'm happy to, but you'll get pretty bored, because it'll be the same old story every day.

The difference is, people who come on here and post about all the bad aspects of living in Phuket, are NOT basing tmost of those stories on their actual, personal experiences, they're posting about rumours, stereo types, and exagerated missconceptions, that have been snow balling for several years. People are happy for facts to roll off their tongue, without ever having actually experienced them themselves.

But how do you know all this? From where do you get your extra-sensory perception that enables you to know what has happened to other people, and allows you to so readily dismiss their stories?

Until you show me this source of superior knowledge and intellect, I'm inclined to believe the weight of evidence which is decidedly not in your favour.


I own some classic Honda 70s & 90s.

All of them are completely legal with green books and tax disks. All except one.

There are quite a few of these bikes on the island and I would say 95% of them are owned by Thais and 90% of those have no book and no tax.

I chat a lot with these Thai owners and always ask if they have problems with the BiB when stopped.

Every one of them said that because they are old and not having a book, thus no tax disk, the BiB understand and let them pass at the road-blocks as long as the rider has a license and is wearing a helmet.

Foolishly, I thought the same would apply to me.

I was riding the Honda 70 that had no book and was stopped by the BiB at Chalong circle.

This cop pointed out that I had no tax and that I would have to take the bike to the police station and it would stay there until I produced the green book.

I explained to him that I didn't have a green book, but, I had tried to get one, but, it was impossible.

He told me that my bike would sit and rot in the police compound unless I paid him 1500 Bt on the spot.

Yes, I was breaking the law (yet, Thais seem to get away with it), but, so was he by taking a bribe.

Now I can't ride that bike anymore and am slowly having to cannabalize it for parts, which is a real shame.

From me, the BiB get the respect they deserve.

Now that is to me valuable first hand information, and to me the first account of BIB bribery on Phuket.

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