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Thais Should Think Before Choosing Trendy Junk Food


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According to International Diabetes Federation, in 2010 Thailand has estimated rates of diabetes mellitus at 7.7% of population, which is upper-half of S.E.Asian nations but in the bottom half of global league tables. The US by comparison has estimated rates of diabetes mellitus at 12.3% of population. Thai rates are lower than most European countries, too

The American Diabetes Association says the US rate is 7.8%, and the Thai Ministry of Public Health says their rate is 10% vs the US rate of 8%.

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The Thai lifestyle is being trendy. I have never seen any nationality more than Thai to follow the trend. Commercial works here

I wonder how many nationalities you've observed from living in their country?

Commercial works big time in the mother country of marketing and advertising, the US. Otherwise how can anyone explain the appalling obesity and health problems facing so many american citizens? Why are they eating food so dreadful for their health? The wealthiest people in the world somehow choosing to eat such a dreadful diet that is so poisonous to their health, how can this be if not for the power of advertising?

The trouble for thailand and just about all developing nations is that once the american corporate interests have ruined the health of their own citizens, they set about exporting all their poisonous 'food' to the rest of the world. Natty advertising will do the trick all over again. All so they can satiate their monstrous greed for money.

Then enter the pill industry to conveniently help 'cure' the citizens of all their ailments.

What on earth went wrong? I just hope the likes of thailand see through all this rubbish that is promoted as 'food' before they too have all the same health problems as americans, but without the money to pay for their treatment.

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A few posters have naively blamed thais' obesity increase on thai food.

20 years ago i'd see a fat person maybe once or twice a month, now they're all over the place, albeit at still significantly lower levels than the likes of US, european countries, and australia. So what's changed? Well, the thai food is pretty much the same as it's always been.

No, the cause is directly to be blamed on the western food and style that goes with it being pushed into this country in the same manner as gigantic heroin pushers. Macdonalds and all those other purveyors of fast 'foods', not to mention all those 7/11s which are stocked full of processed foods including the omnipresent frito lay chips and american soft drinks, are the root cause of all this increase in weight for many thai citizens.

A problem unlikely to have been faced before by a people anywhere is probably very close to us: it has been observed that diseases and illnesses can pretty much be classified as ones of wealth or poverty. Developing nations like thailand may soon be faced by both kinds.

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It's interesting to me that The Nation wrote that entire long editorial and next once mentioned the name that clearly was on their mind.... "Krispy Kreme."

They didn't even mention that the franchisee here in Thailand is the daughter of one of Wacky's old compatriots....

I was passing thru Siam Paragon today, and while waiting in line, spotted a young, short Thai woman in front of me holding a large plastic bag with two dozen-count boxes of KK dognuts inside... That's a lot of dognuts for one shopping trip... And that wasn't the first time I've spotted the same thing (two dozen in a bag) in and around Paragon lately....

Earlier in the day, I had stopped at a Blue Planet coffee shop wanting to have a simple glass of iced coffee, with NO sugar and just a bit of milk added. Had to practically stand over them to keep them from dousing the coffee with sugar. But they got their revenge in the end. I was hoping they'd use regular dairy milk in my coffee, but instead, they used sweetened condensed milk... I gave up on them at that point... :huh:

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I think this article is full of...well...crapola...for wont of a better word.

While it talks about the "risks associated" with American-style fast food...and there are...I don't see them mentioning the risks associated with cooking with palm oil, one of the most dangerous of the fatty oils, and the one most commonly used in Thailand (even though there are alternatives). I don't see them mentioning the cleanliness aspect of food in Thailand, a country where they dispense lomotil and Imodium OTC (not to mention antibiotics such as Cipro, norfloxacin, and azithromycin) almost like candy. Nor do they mention the high sodium content of Thai food (for example, a good-sized plate of chicken with cashew nuts will give you somewhere around 150-160% of the daily recommended salt intake...a humdinger for high blood pressure).

As the OP says, "Obesity has become a serious issue for Americans". No doubt about it. I include myself. But has he looked around at Thais lately?

And yes, as he says, ""the US is indeed becoming a very unhealthy nation. In short, a higher portion of the country's income will have to be spent on healthcare...." But then again, we have a health care system that, while seriously flawed, still gets adequate, if not superior, health care to a much larger percentage of Americans than Thailand's health care gets to its citizens.

When he says that "Fast food in the US is cheap, compared to nutritious fresh food. A burger can cost only one dollar while a decent meal in an average food court can cost up to ten times that amount," he's so way off it's ridiculous. After living in Thailand for a year-and-a-half, I'm back here in the States now. I truly miss my daily Thai food. But when I'm out and about at lunch time I stop at Burger King (or the like) and a SMALL combo meal runs about $5-6. I could buy a banana and a cup of yogurt for lots less.

My complaint with the article isn't that American-style fast food is good for you...it isn't, my complaint is that Thai food has its own issues. A newspaper ought to show a little balance.

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My complaint with the article isn't that American-style fast food is good for you...it isn't, my complaint is that Thai food has its own issues. A newspaper ought to show a little balance.

What, by not writing articles warning about the dangers of the fast food, processed food diet?

I'm sure thai papers, and the nation, must write stuff about thai food issues.

That article may have a few smaller facts skewed up, well it's a newspaper after all and that's what they do all the time, but the main thrust of the article is spot on and is written as a warning. It's a good warning and when you're talking about showing balance, then yes, we need balance against the fraudulent advertising that entices citizens to eat this nutritional nuclear bomb. Newspapers, particularly thai ones, need to write a lot about the dangers of the western diet of food. I hope they are doing so, because the general shape of the thai populace in my 20 years here has changed quite radically. Not surprising at all with the complete invasion of 7/11 stores. What a nightmare that has been unleashed by american corporations, all over the world too.

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I've tried roti a couple of times, I hoped the first one was a mistake but...... good heavens what a fat bomb.

Thai people eat so many meatballs, meat mixed with flour, The ultimate bulky food.

And the drinks here are disgusting sweet.

I have the impression, now the richer people get fatter, they give it attention?

But like more topics in this country, it is not to blame Thailand.

Soon there will appear an article about COPD, many Thai have lung disseases, but the polution will be caused by farang i'm afraid.


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Joop50 - you have a good point about COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease also known as COLD as lung disease. The burning probably won't be a major cause, though. Despite the way it clouds the skies this time of year, the particulates it produces are generally too large to get down to the alveoli of the lungs. So, people may get irritated throats and cough a little but probably not COPD.

On the other hand, every day it seems like more and more Thais are taking up smoking. And the vehicular smog gets worse and worse. Yet, the city (at least here in Chiang Mai) seem uninterested in song taaws spewing fumes and the government has (in my opinion) made only half-hearted attempts to slow the scourge of cigarettes. That tax income is soooo nice.

Some time ago, I bit the bullet and lost some poundage. My lady at the time seemed seriously upset at me. Is it true that some Thais still equate fat with wealthy?

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Joop50 - you have a good point about COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease also known as COLD as lung disease. The burning probably won't be a major cause, though. Despite the way it clouds the skies this time of year, the particulates it produces are generally too large to get down to the alveoli of the lungs. So, people may get irritated throats and cough a little but probably not COPD.

On the other hand, every day it seems like more and more Thais are taking up smoking. And the vehicular smog gets worse and worse. Yet, the city (at least here in Chiang Mai) seem uninterested in song taaws spewing fumes and the government has (in my opinion) made only half-hearted attempts to slow the scourge of cigarettes. That tax income is soooo nice.

Some time ago, I bit the bullet and lost some poundage. My lady at the time seemed seriously upset at me. Is it true that some Thais still equate fat with wealthy?

I lived in Chiang Mai three or so years ago. One of the city officials told me they had stopped the Korean restaurants from BBQing outside. He assured me that was the source of the smoke. I thought it would be cleared up by now.

I know it is funny but I did not make the story up.

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Many Thais believe that coffee is bad. Many times I've been criticised with shocked exclamations "No good no good".

Coffee actually is good for your brain and has other beneficial effects to the body.

But they will blissfully and ignorantly drink Coke in bulk without having any knowledge about it or it's ingredients at all.

Try to tell them about it and they cannot comprehend anything.

The fat receptionist at our apartment block has always got a can of Coke with a straw in it stuck to her face and when I buy a few cans of ice coffee from the fridge she always exclaims in shock "Coffee no good, no good".

Ask her if Coke's ok she says "Yes Colaaa ok, Fantaaa ok

Sugar is used excessively in Thai foods and drinks. They need more education.

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My complaint with the article isn't that American-style fast food is good for you...it isn't, my complaint is that Thai food has its own issues. A newspaper ought to show a little balance.

What, by not writing articles warning about the dangers of the fast food, processed food diet?

I'm sure thai papers, and the nation, must write stuff about thai food issues.

That article may have a few smaller facts skewed up, well it's a newspaper after all and that's what they do all the time, but the main thrust of the article is spot on and is written as a warning. It's a good warning and when you're talking about showing balance, then yes, we need balance against the fraudulent advertising that entices citizens to eat this nutritional nuclear bomb. Newspapers, particularly thai ones, need to write a lot about the dangers of the western diet of food. I hope they are doing so, because the general shape of the thai populace in my 20 years here has changed quite radically. Not surprising at all with the complete invasion of 7/11 stores. What a nightmare that has been unleashed by american corporations, all over the world too.

7/ 11 is a Japanese company. Do you have any idea what you are talking about??????????????? Is seems you are spot off.

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I wonder how many nationalities you've observed from living in their country?

Commercial works big time in the mother country of marketing and advertising, the US. Otherwise how can anyone explain the appalling obesity and health problems facing so many american citizens? Why are they eating food so dreadful for their health? The wealthiest people in the world somehow choosing to eat such a dreadful diet that is so poisonous to their health, how can this be if not for the power of advertising?

The trouble for thailand and just about all developing nations is that once the american corporate interests have ruined the health of their own citizens, they set about exporting all their poisonous 'food' to the rest of the world. Natty advertising will do the trick all over again. All so they can satiate their monstrous greed for money.

Then enter the pill industry to conveniently help 'cure' the citizens of all their ailments.

What on earth went wrong? I just hope the likes of thailand see through all this rubbish that is promoted as 'food' before they too have all the same health problems as americans, but without the money to pay for their treatment.

Come on...it's not just the American's. Pretty much every country is getting fat, producing fast food, producing processed food, and exporting it all over the world. Your's included. You can't blame America for all the world's woes, some for sure, but not this one. Accept your own responsibility...it's the first step to enlightenment! :)

Interesting quote:

“If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”

~Thomas Jefferson, 1778

A few posters have naively blamed thais' obesity increase on thai food.

20 years ago i'd see a fat person maybe once or twice a month, now they're all over the place, albeit at still significantly lower levels than the likes of US, european countries, and australia. So what's changed? Well, the thai food is pretty much the same as it's always been.

No, the cause is directly to be blamed on the western food and style that goes with it being pushed into this country in the same manner as gigantic heroin pushers. Macdonalds and all those other purveyors of fast 'foods', not to mention all those 7/11s which are stocked full of processed foods including the omnipresent frito lay chips and american soft drinks, are the root cause of all this increase in weight for many thai citizens.

A problem unlikely to have been faced before by a people anywhere is probably very close to us: it has been observed that diseases and illnesses can pretty much be classified as ones of wealth or poverty. Developing nations like thailand may soon be faced by both kinds.

Actually, Thai's drink a lot of soft drinks that are made here...they are cheaper! The shaved ice carts comes by every day with that very healthy syrup. For coffee, they use 3 in 1. I see them at McD's and KFC, but their problem runs much deeper than that. These outlets are too expensive for the average Thai...and there are just not that many of them.

For sure it is the western food and style that is getting them, which is brought on by increasing wealth. They can now afford it! Years ago, they couldn't. I asked my wife if she use to eat ice cream as a child. Said never. Too expensive and just not available. Now, even in her small village, there are several shops that sell this.

So, too much ice cream, snacks (many of which are made here, and 100% Thai), sodas, etc. Then add very unhealthy cooking styles...palm oil, deep fried, squid, shrimp, etc....and it seems to be catching up with them. Oh...of course....lack of exercise. Rare to see a Thai riding a bike or jogging. Too dang hot here!

edit: Thought you would get a kick out of this.

USDA sells cheese while warning against eating it. Agency helps Domino's, Taco Bell, others push fat-laden products but fights obesity.


Unreal... :blink:

Edited by craigt3365
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I've noticed a big difference between Issan and Bangkok, my brother-in-laws are all muscular and lean, I don't think they've ever seen the inside of a 7-11, but the Thais strolling around Tesco Lotus in Bangkok are starting to look like the tubbies who block the shopping aisles back in the UK.

Issan women often put on the weight after having a couple of kids however.

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I've noticed a big difference between Issan and Bangkok, my brother-in-laws are all muscular and lean, I don't think they've ever seen the inside of a 7-11, but the Thais strolling around Tesco Lotus in Bangkok are starting to look like the tubbies who block the shopping aisles back in the UK.

Issan women often put on the weight after having a couple of kids however.

Interesting point. I think the guys in the village are in great shape as they work in the fields every day. The only ones I see in my wife's village with a big belly are the ones visiting there from Bangkok. The older ladies get large for sure.

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According to International Diabetes Federation, in 2010 Thailand has estimated rates of diabetes mellitus at 7.7% of population, which is upper-half of S.E.Asian nations but in the bottom half of global league tables. The US by comparison has estimated rates of diabetes mellitus at 12.3% of population. Thai rates are lower than most European countries, too

The American Diabetes Association says the US rate is 7.8%, and the Thai Ministry of Public Health says their rate is 10% vs the US rate of 8%.

The American Diabetes Association says the US rate is 7.8% for the year 2007. The International Diabetes Federation has estimated rates of diabetes mellitus at 12.3% for 2010. Clearly a major upsurge in the US over the past few years.

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According to International Diabetes Federation, in 2010 Thailand has estimated rates of diabetes mellitus at 7.7% of population, which is upper-half of S.E.Asian nations but in the bottom half of global league tables. The US by comparison has estimated rates of diabetes mellitus at 12.3% of population. Thai rates are lower than most European countries, too

The American Diabetes Association says the US rate is 7.8%, and the Thai Ministry of Public Health says their rate is 10% vs the US rate of 8%.

The American Diabetes Association says the US rate is 7.8% for the year 2007. The International Diabetes Federation has estimated rates of diabetes mellitus at 12.3% for 2010. Clearly a major upsurge in the US over the past few years.

I'm no expert, but if I am not mistaken, diabetes...to a certain degree...is preventable. Diet and lifestyle contribute to this quite a bit.

I think the US needs to do more education...and make it more expensive for those with unhealthy lifestyles. I'm all for allowing people to live their own life, but I don't want to have to pay for it. If you want to eat Krispy Kreme, fine! If you don't want to exercise, fine! But your health insurance premiums will go up...only fair.

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Come on...it's not just the American's. Pretty much every country is getting fat, producing fast food, producing processed food, and exporting it all over the world. Your's included. You can't blame America for all the world's woes, some for sure, but not this one. Accept your own responsibility...it's the first step to enlightenment! :)

Interesting quote:

“If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”

~Thomas Jefferson, 1778

Okay, not so much americans, even though the trend for this unhealthy eating began there. No, it's the corporate companies to blame, but they're all mostly american, so yep, it's back to blaming the americans! It's them producing all this food that is unhealthy, yet they deliberately make the foods addictive. It's them who do the advertising and entice the citizens to eat all this stuff.

What jefferson said there of course was in a time when huge corporations were not the norm. Nowadays it's the corporations who are selling all this 'food' that is not fit for animal consumption.

I have accepted my own responsibility, did loads of research and was shocked at the practices that the food companies get up to. What is so disappointing is that this crap food is being 'sold' to so many countries who had a healthy diet.

I won't touch a processed food with a barge pole now. We need a new education in schools to let the kids know about the crap their parents are eating and giving to them as well.

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Many Thais believe that coffee is bad. Many times I've been criticised with shocked exclamations "No good no good".

Coffee actually is good for your brain and has other beneficial effects to the body.

But they will blissfully and ignorantly drink Coke in bulk without having any knowledge about it or it's ingredients at all.

Try to tell them about it and they cannot comprehend anything.

The fat receptionist at our apartment block has always got a can of Coke with a straw in it stuck to her face and when I buy a few cans of ice coffee from the fridge she always exclaims in shock "Coffee no good, no good".

Ask her if Coke's ok she says "Yes Colaaa ok, Fantaaa ok

Sugar is used excessively in Thai foods and drinks. They need more education.

Too much coffee is bad for your health, they're correct.

Blissfully and ignorantly drink coke with no knowledge of its ingredients. Even if you're correct, are they any different to people all around the world who are drinking the same stuff? It's an example of marketing in the consumer corporate age where people are persuaded to drink stuff that is bad for them, and in great quantities. It's nothing to do with thais per se, just PEOPLE.

Sugar is used excessively in thai diets? Here you go again, thai this or thai that, but only them is the message. Rubbish. White sugar consumption has gone up several fold in the last generation or so in all developed nations. I believe the frappacinon has several spoons worth of the white sugar stuff in it. Sugar is absolutely everywhere in developed countries, not just thailand.

EVERYBODY needs more education when it comes to food. The western corporations are poisoning us, then their brother and sisters in big pharma step in and give us more poisons with their pills.

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My opinion:

Everyone whether a Thai or not should try to avoid or restrict junk and fast food. Not only the awful burger and fries, and the unhealthy doughnuts but equally avoid a lot of these pre packed supermarket or 7-11 type ready made meals that are full of addictives and bad ingredients where the reheating of the food can cause bacterial infections.

One ot the main causes is the greed of these corporations where their only concern is making profits whilst in effect poisoning the population.

Asia is going the same way as the USA/UK where many of the obese people look like aliens from another planet. I remember being in China 20 odd years ago before that country was infected with the western diet and many of the people there looked lean and healthy and travelled around mostly on bicycles.

Those were the days.....

Edited by R123
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Come on...it's not just the American's. Pretty much every country is getting fat, producing fast food, producing processed food, and exporting it all over the world. Your's included. You can't blame America for all the world's woes, some for sure, but not this one. Accept your own responsibility...it's the first step to enlightenment! :)

Interesting quote:

“If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.”

~Thomas Jefferson, 1778

Okay, not so much americans, even though the trend for this unhealthy eating began there. No, it's the corporate companies to blame, but they're all mostly american, so yep, it's back to blaming the americans! It's them producing all this food that is unhealthy, yet they deliberately make the foods addictive. It's them who do the advertising and entice the citizens to eat all this stuff.

What jefferson said there of course was in a time when huge corporations were not the norm. Nowadays it's the corporations who are selling all this 'food' that is not fit for animal consumption.

I have accepted my own responsibility, did loads of research and was shocked at the practices that the food companies get up to. What is so disappointing is that this crap food is being 'sold' to so many countries who had a healthy diet.

I won't touch a processed food with a barge pole now. We need a new education in schools to let the kids know about the crap their parents are eating and giving to them as well.

You need to do some research. Of the top 20 corporations globally (according to revenue), only 5 are American. So what other country would you like to blame for this? I'd love to hear.


But you are correct, education is the key. For example, I quit drinking Coke years ago. After I watched a guy use it to clean the crud off his battery terminals in his car! Ate the crud right off.

We need to accept more responsibility for this ourselves. Don't blame others...or other countries. <_< Almost everybody knows a donut is not good for you. So why do they eat it? I'm sure the reasons are many. I know drinking is bad for your health...but I love beer! People are not always rational...

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Many Thais believe that coffee is bad. Many times I've been criticised with shocked exclamations "No good no good".

Coffee actually is good for your brain and has other beneficial effects to the body.

But they will blissfully and ignorantly drink Coke in bulk without having any knowledge about it or it's ingredients at all.

Try to tell them about it and they cannot comprehend anything.

The fat receptionist at our apartment block has always got a can of Coke with a straw in it stuck to her face and when I buy a few cans of ice coffee from the fridge she always exclaims in shock "Coffee no good, no good".

Ask her if Coke's ok she says "Yes Colaaa ok, Fantaaa ok

Sugar is used excessively in Thai foods and drinks. They need more education.

Too much coffee is bad for your health, they're correct.

Blissfully and ignorantly drink coke with no knowledge of its ingredients. Even if you're correct, are they any different to people all around the world who are drinking the same stuff? It's an example of marketing in the consumer corporate age where people are persuaded to drink stuff that is bad for them, and in great quantities. It's nothing to do with thais per se, just PEOPLE.

Sugar is used excessively in thai diets? Here you go again, thai this or thai that, but only them is the message. Rubbish. White sugar consumption has gone up several fold in the last generation or so in all developed nations. I believe the frappacinon has several spoons worth of the white sugar stuff in it. Sugar is absolutely everywhere in developed countries, not just thailand.

EVERYBODY needs more education when it comes to food. The western corporations are poisoning us, then their brother and sisters in big pharma step in and give us more poisons with their pills.

Get off my back. It's attitudes like yours that prevent people from being educated. I'm not living in other parts of the world, I'm living in Thailand - get it?

I can't speak for ther countries or the rest of the world.

I don't drink Coke, It's awful stuff and if you were half intelligent you would try to educate the Thai people. The people who's country I have been living in for so many years.

You're happy to attack me for making a point. You think I shouldn't make this point. You want me to shut up and turn a blind eye to mistakes that the people and country I love are making. You shut up.

I don't live in Europe, Africa or America, I live in Thailand. I can only talk about Thais and Thais eat too much sugar.

Next you'll be defending them for calling MSG "Thai salt".

If you want to be super hero, why don't you go open up an orphanage or go round giving money to the poor street beggars etc? Instead of jumping on my back when I'm making a valid and constructive point.

You want to talk about the world? Go freaking do it elsewhere. I'm on a Thai forum talking about Thailand.

Get off my back.

Thais eat too much sugar!!! They need educating about it!

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Every day I make the ten minute walk from my condo to Central Dept store (in Chiang Mai). The only other "walkers" I ever pass are farangs like me. NEVER see a Thai walking any distance.

Mind you, as I walk down Huay Kaew, any benefit I get from the exercise is nullified totally by the carcinogenic fumes I am breathing as I foolishly walk to save my life.

Actually, in special parks Thais do jog, don't they? Probably all middle class, though...with the time available to jog.

My GF takes a Tuk Tuk or bike if she did not bring the car from the beauty salon to home thats about 450 meter :annoyed: .

Edited by needforspeed
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Many Thais believe that coffee is bad. Many times I've been criticised with shocked exclamations "No good no good".

Coffee actually is good for your brain and has other beneficial effects to the body.

But they will blissfully and ignorantly drink Coke in bulk without having any knowledge about it or it's ingredients at all.

Try to tell them about it and they cannot comprehend anything.

The fat receptionist at our apartment block has always got a can of Coke with a straw in it stuck to her face and when I buy a few cans of ice coffee from the fridge she always exclaims in shock "Coffee no good, no good".

Ask her if Coke's ok she says "Yes Colaaa ok, Fantaaa ok

Sugar is used excessively in Thai foods and drinks. They need more education.

Too much coffee is bad for your health, they're correct.

Blissfully and ignorantly drink coke with no knowledge of its ingredients. Even if you're correct, are they any different to people all around the world who are drinking the same stuff? It's an example of marketing in the consumer corporate age where people are persuaded to drink stuff that is bad for them, and in great quantities. It's nothing to do with thais per se, just PEOPLE.

Sugar is used excessively in thai diets? Here you go again, thai this or thai that, but only them is the message. Rubbish. White sugar consumption has gone up several fold in the last generation or so in all developed nations. I believe the frappacinon has several spoons worth of the white sugar stuff in it. Sugar is absolutely everywhere in developed countries, not just thailand.

EVERYBODY needs more education when it comes to food. The western corporations are poisoning us, then their brother and sisters in big pharma step in and give us more poisons with their pills.

"Too much coffee is bad for your health, they're correct"

All food TOO MUCH is bad for your health

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Junk food is certainly popular world wide....but gotta admit that healthy Thai food :thumbsup: definitely *outweighs* the shit preserved stuff! :bah:

For sure. When I was single, I ate all sorts of processed foods. Now, wifey rarely opens a can or a box to make dinner. Everything is fresh cooked. Lucky me!

I heard about this guy who ate nothing buy junk food for 30 days for a university research project. To prove it's not what you eat, but how much you eat, that determines weight gain/loss. He kept well under his target daily caloric intake. I think he ate less than 1800 calories per day. But only junk and processed foods. Nothing light or healthy. In the end, he lost weight. But I bet he did some major damage to his body in the meantime! :blink:

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Many Thais believe that coffee is bad. Many times I've been criticised with shocked exclamations "No good no good".

Coffee actually is good for your brain and has other beneficial effects to the body.

But they will blissfully and ignorantly drink Coke in bulk without having any knowledge about it or it's ingredients at all.

Try to tell them about it and they cannot comprehend anything.

The fat receptionist at our apartment block has always got a can of Coke with a straw in it stuck to her face and when I buy a few cans of ice coffee from the fridge she always exclaims in shock "Coffee no good, no good".

Ask her if Coke's ok she says "Yes Colaaa ok, Fantaaa ok

Sugar is used excessively in Thai foods and drinks. They need more education.

Too much coffee is bad for your health, they're correct.

Blissfully and ignorantly drink coke with no knowledge of its ingredients. Even if you're correct, are they any different to people all around the world who are drinking the same stuff? It's an example of marketing in the consumer corporate age where people are persuaded to drink stuff that is bad for them, and in great quantities. It's nothing to do with thais per se, just PEOPLE.

Sugar is used excessively in thai diets? Here you go again, thai this or thai that, but only them is the message. Rubbish. White sugar consumption has gone up several fold in the last generation or so in all developed nations. I believe the frappacinon has several spoons worth of the white sugar stuff in it. Sugar is absolutely everywhere in developed countries, not just thailand.

EVERYBODY needs more education when it comes to food. The western corporations are poisoning us, then their brother and sisters in big pharma step in and give us more poisons with their pills.

"Too much coffee is bad for your health, they're correct"

All food TOO MUCH is bad for your health

Too much sun is bad for you but does that mean you can't go outside? No

What path are you trippin down. What's with all the "too much coffee"?

Both alchohol and coffee are good for you as long as you don't consume it like it's air.

Why have you got excessive quantities on the brains? I never mentioned excessive quantities of coffee.

Why you stating the obvious? and putting it in bold underlined like you've just made a statement of life changing revelation??

See my signature here ...

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