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Fake Police Or Real Government Offcial ?

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One of my friend living in Phuket has a strange visit this morning , a group of policemen asking her for money for the fight with Muslim in the south of Thailand. Pretending to be from the government. Does anyone had to face such demand from official ? Going door by door requesting for funds ? On my opinion I would think its a fraud and one way to ask money from foreigners.

If anyone had the same story please tell.

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I am pretty sure that it is a con.

I had a similar thing, but they were going from house to house collecting for His Majesty the King's birthday. I took their photo and also photographed the car number plate.

They drove off quite quickly and we never saw them again. B)

racist pigs. nuff said.

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Had similar in Hua Hin, and they were asking for money for some BS to do with the police.....but they were only going to falang houses.

They hit an older (60+) German ladies house; she said she only had 20 baht and asked if they wanted that, but they said no.

She called me as they were walking thru our front gate.

I told them to get their scam the hel_l out of my yard, and then went to the subdivison owners house (maybe getting a cut of the profits?) and asked to know why these scam artist were allowed into our "private" subdivison (complete with, ummm...security), and added alittle hint of a threat to move.

He told them to leave and we never seen again.

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They might be real policemen trying to improve their salary.

It wouldn't be a big surprise since Thai police is the biggest criminal organization in Thailand.

Smile and say today no have, yesterday big party today money finish :)

For sure the BIB's have a number of ways of earning their 'bonuses', but I have never heard of them doing a door to door.

Has anyone heard of genuine BIB's collecting door to door? (Genuine question)

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They might be real policemen trying to improve their salary.

It wouldn't be a big surprise since Thai police is the biggest criminal organization in Thailand.

Smile and say today no have, yesterday big party today money finish :)

For sure the BIB's have a number of ways of earning their 'bonuses', but I have never heard of them doing a door to door.

Has anyone heard of genuine BIB's collecting door to door? (Genuine question)

Only car door to car door - House to House seems a new one.:whistling:

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Reminds me of the police and fire fighters charity scams in the US. You get a call saying they are collecting for a charity to help these guys. If you donate, say, to the police, you get a sticker to put on your car. The implication being if you donate, and get the sticker, you will be less likely to be pulled over. Pure BS. Come to find out it is a marketing firm that only gives a small percentage to the police. The rest goes into their pockets.

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