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Thailand To Extradite Russian Arms Dealer Viktor Bout To US: PM Abhisit


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I guess America had more to offer - or more to take away from Thailand.

And the post regarding the fairness of the American justice system is laughable. Do a little research and you will see the the reality of the harshness of the sentences that are handed out at random in the 'land of the free and home of the brave'.

Please enlighten us all the countries that offer a more fair system of justice. Of course there are countries who's idea of issuing justice to those convicted consists of treatment and confinement more in line of a country club. I was once wrongfully accused of crimes in the US, and while it took some time, it all got sorted out and my record was wiped clean. Please inform us, Oh Enlightened One, if Russia, China, Thailand, etc. would afford such treatment.

I am interested to know where the enlightened one comes from that makes the US Justice system seem laughable??? I guess the 3 strikes an you're out law is pretty harsh when you compare it to Europe where you get a hand slap no matter how many times you break the law.


But I guess none of what they write about matters because The Economist is some kind of leftist, socialist, radical publication created by Obama back when he was living in Saudi and attending Friday prayers with his Islamic militant Socialist buddies.

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I m against Thailand's law,the crime was never committed,the plane had asked for refueling only and the place was in thailand the goods were going somewhere but not to the united states,no crime was committed on the soil of the united states then why americans are allowed to arrest him,just because he was their compititor in arms sale.wait and see the consiquence it will lead to.

You have your cases mixed up.

Although it was suggested that Bout may have something to do with the plane loaded with arms that landed in Bangkok, that is not why he was arrested.

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Wouldnt be surprised if Russian tourism takes a hit. Pattaya in the firing line.

That would be a big loss ........................................................

but overall, I would imagine that the average Russian couldn't care less about Bout. (sorry for the stutter).

Edited by whybother
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It was only a matter of time.

Have a safe trip to the plane, dude!

I am sure once airborne he can relax a bit with

the target removed from his forehead.

It was only a matter of time, glad to see the U.S. is adamant that this man will stand trial and be accountable. If he is innocent as he says, then no harm. I doubt though, that the U.S. govt would go to these great lengths unless it had an iron tight reason. As an American, I think our justice system (while not perfect) does its best to ferret out right and wrong.

What offence did he commot in the U.S? This is just the typical U.S bully boy thing the bloody yanks think they are the world police no wonder they are so disliked the world over.

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Not over till the fat lady sings. We have been here before. The Thais could change their minds at any point though it is sounding final.

Given that he's already left, it seems pretty final.

Although he could be on a Qantas plane ... they are being turned back pretty regularly these days.

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I guess America had more to offer - or more to take away from Thailand.

And the post regarding the fairness of the American justice system is laughable. Do a little research and you will see the the reality of the harshness of the sentences that are handed out at random in the 'land of the free and home of the brave'.

Everyone has the right to express their opinion about a system, judicial, political, etc, with which they disagree. Those who cite a better system or propose a better method will have my support. The laws of nature seemed to work very efficiently until mankind entered into the picture. I suppose that we will be burdened with a non perfect world until we eliminate that pesky joker (humans) in the deck.

Another case of the USA trying to be the worlds policeman. I think it is time the USA retired from trying to drive the world. They cannot even manage their own problems on drugs and arms, what are they doing overseas giving it a try?

100% with you. Bloody Americans

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<br />
<br />It was only a matter of time.<br /><br />Have a safe trip to the plane, dude!<br />I am sure once airborne he can relax a bit with<br />the target removed from his forehead.<br />
<br /><br /><br />It was only a matter of time, glad to see the U.S. is adamant that this man will stand trial and be accountable. If he is innocent as he says, then no harm. I doubt though, that the U.S. govt would go to these great lengths unless it had an iron tight reason. As an American, I think our justice system (while not perfect) does its best to ferret out right and wrong.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

It is a shame that this guy was setup by the Thai and US authoraties in a sting opperation. Ok so maybe he took the bait, but if some people offered you millions to do a deal could you resist. Its a load of BS. About time the US took care of the thugs in it's own country rather tan trying to set up foreign nationals, in foeriegn countries.

How many millions was the Thai government offered to allow the extradition? The whole thing stinks.

Geez, were you born naive, or is it an acquired attribute from the Book of Winnie the Pooh and Hot Chocolate??? How else would go about nabbing someone as crafty and shrewd as Bout???

If the US were so sure thay have a case against this guy then they should have gone through an international agency like interpol to get this guy. Though frankly it isn't about whether this guy is guilty or not! it's about the way the US conducts itself on the world stage, Frankly even Freinds of the US ar fed up with thier anticts.

Another classic case is the US's attempt to extradite a UK citizen for hacking into US defence computers while looking for information on UFO's. The guy is slightly mentaly disturbed, but even so Why doesn't the US have him trieds in the UK? which I think I'm right in saying was offered by the UK, but turned down by the US.

You Yanks &lt;deleted&gt; up your own country and think it's cool to do they same in other countries, using lies, deceit, and offers of dollars to get what you want.

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20 commandos & 4 US officials are going to Bang Kwang Prison preparing to take Viktor Bout to still unidentified airport. /via@nnanews /vi atukky_nt

20 Thai Commandos? That will scare a Russian Forces Guy to Death? Seriously America was hel_l Bent on getting this Guy and Used Diplomatic Pressure ( And Money to achieve it ) I have No Doubt Bout is No Angel but my guess is he was also supplying American backed allies when needed but obviously didn't patronise the correct Guys when needed! He was found Guilty long before this, Trial or No Trial American Justice just like Saddam Hussein, Now I bet the Iraqis Wish they could have Him Back?

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The extradition moves coalition dischord and Chavalits idiotic statement from the headlines in Thailand and it takes the questionable US QE2 move from US headlines. Everyone is a winner except of course for Russia. Guess they have to arrest an American spy or several to exchange

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It is a shame that this guy was setup by the Thai and US authoraties in a sting opperation. Ok so maybe he took the bait, but if some people offered you millions to do a deal could you resist. Its a load of BS. About time the US took care of the thugs in it's own country rather tan trying to set up foreign nationals, in foeriegn countries.

How many millions was the Thai government offered to allow the extradition? The whole thing stinks.


But the nature of a 'sting' is not a "set-up". A sting is by its nature an undercover operation to catch people who are already committing crimes. Illegal arms shipments supplying groups like FARC etc certainly fits the bill of what ALL governments should actively be working to end.

If you were talking entrapment then it would be a different matter entirely. That isn't the case here.

edit to add ---- please document any offer of "millions" offered to the Thai government by the US to make this happen.

I do beg your pardon, What Americans call a sting, we in the UK call a setup, It basically amounts to the same thing. I guess Mr Delaurien was a regular coke dealer when the DEA stung him!!!! or was he setup???

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America - The biggest arms dealer in the world.

Russia - The second biggest arms dealer in the world.

........Whatever is really going on here it has nothing at all to do with "Justice".

A hearing in the second so-called 'US extradition case' (when the first sham case looked like failing, the Americans concocted another ridiculous accusation against Bout) was due to be heard in the Appeals Court next Friday. It seems the legal system has been really 'circumvented'!! ... How could that happen in America's favourite SE Asian country, I wonder!

Even if the US case had ever been realistic, there are the following obvious yet critical factors one has to note;

1. Bout is not an American citizen.

2. Bout is not accused of committing any crime on US soil.

3. Bout is not a Thai citizen

4. Bout is not being extradited from his homeland, Russia.

Therefore, the fundamental requirements for any extradition case to be valid are not met.

Therefore, the claim that Bout be extradited from Thailand to the US on some vague accusation should have been kicked out of court ages ago.

BTW ... interesting how the Americans did not try to extradite Bout from Russia, where he spends most of his time!! Why instead set him up in a country wherein the US has immense "influence"! ... Man, I'll never work that one out!!

In any event, the far bigger reality is that this thing has all been a sham since the start with Bout simply being the designated 'fall guy' set up by BOTH the USA and Russia for the 'inexplicable' strike on the Pentagon on 9/11.

Some very interesting yet stark realities behind the Bout extradition debacle are set out here; http://wikispooks.co...ions_and_9.2F11

Of course, the sham case will never ultimately be heard in any vaguely public forum back in the States, the so-called land of 'Justice' and 'Freedom'.

Bout's fate is already absolutely sealed.

Edited by roykeanz
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Bout's nickname, "Sanctions Buster", is due to his having been implicated in facilitating the violation of UN arms embargoes in Angola, Liberia, Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of Congo

The sad thing is Bout is human filth. I would much prefer that the UN, or the UK, EU or Australia did something about him, but, shock, gasp, horror - they haven’t and won’t. All we get here is the mewling bleats from the pudding island, antipodean crowd. Great fun to have a group whinge about the worlds policeman blah blah blah, but that is getting old and rancid. The War in the Congo has hit the records book as the bloodiest war since World War II and Bouts right there .......................... Any suggestions or is it best to just ignore the ugly bloody reality and deal with something you can handle ... US hypocrisy

Come on suprise me


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I guess America had more to offer - or more to take away from Thailand.

And the post regarding the fairness of the American justice system is laughable. Do a little research and you will see the the reality of the harshness of the sentences that are handed out at random in the 'land of the free and home of the brave'.

Whilst making such statements, it is customary that you do the research and provide references in order to give your opinions any credibility, without which they bear very little weight or significance.

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America - The biggest arms dealer in the world.

Russia - The second biggest arms dealer in the world.

Both of them refuse to stop selling cluster bombs and land mines.


Victor Bout - A Russian freelance arms dealer who worked for anyone that paid, including both the American and Russian governments. Whatever is really going on here it has nothing at all to do with "Justice".

True words

Thailand should think twice about becoming a lap dog for the US

Take note of what has become of all the others that played that role.

Edited by flying
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This is truly a sad day for Soviet Russia...

Well it hasn't happened yet, (edit...yes it has I see) but I will be glad to see a Russian tried for any crimes he committed, and punished if found guilty.

It is disturbing that they think they are above thev laws of other countries, and can murder those who speak against them and then run to the safe haven of their homeland.

Edited by jacko45k
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If Bout is convicted, he won't get death. He will get a long prison term with no parole, much like Panama's Noriega.

Compared to most other countries, prisons in the US are ok. If he had a kick-ass attorney like O.J's Johnny Cochran, then he might get off - but the proceedings in a US federal court won't be at all like the circus which Cochran created at OJ's trial in the boobs & tubes, brain-on-vacation Sodomville called L.A.

He's otherwise occupied....well dead actually.
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Thailand should think twice about becoming a lap dog for the US

Take note of what has become of all the others that played that role.

Yeah, it'd be a shame if they ended up like the other Asian lapdogs, South Korea and Japan

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quote" you yanks f.ck your own country and think its cool to do the same in other countries, using lies, deceit, offers of dollars to get what you want"

Sounds like a sexpat visiting Thailand. Just to put this into perspective, those who receive these overtures mentioned are referred to as whores in the real world. Not sure what that could insinuate about those 'other countries'

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BTW ... interesting how the Americans did not try to extradite Bout from Russia, where he spends most of his time!! Why instead set him up in a country wherein the US has immense "influence"! ... Man, I'll never work that one out!!

Article 61 of Russian Constitution.

1. A citizen of the Russian Federation may not be deported from Russia or extradited to another State.

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Bout's nickname, "Sanctions Buster", is due to his having been implicated in facilitating the violation of UN arms embargoes in Angola, Liberia, Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of Congo

The sad thing is Bout is human filth. I would much prefer that the UN, or the UK, EU or Australia did something about him, but, shock, gasp, horror - they haven't and won't. All we get here is the mewling bleats from the pudding island, antipodean crowd. Great fun to have a group whinge about the worlds policeman blah blah blah, but that is getting old and rancid. The War in the Congo has hit the records book as the bloodiest war since World War II and Bouts right there .......................... Any suggestions or is it best to just ignore the ugly bloody reality and deal with something you can handle ... US hypocrisy

Come on suprise me


I am sure ther are bigger fish to catch, the Yanks still haven't found bin-laden, more than ten years after 9/11, WHY.

But that said I am sure the Yanks have killed more poeple than the taliban, in Iraq, Afganistan, Pakistan, etc. I would also suggest that it is odd how many western countries sell arms to suposed friends only to have them used against them a few years later when they fall out of favour with that western power, who also couldn't find WMD, which pissed Bush off because it showed the lie for his reasoning to invade Iraq!

Lets face it, most other wars the Yanks have been involved in since the WW11 have been surogate wars between the Yanks and either Russia or China, fought on other peoples territory. But I guess it's OK if governments kill millions of people, Just as long as the odd arms dealer pays the price.

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