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Russian Arms Dealer Viktor Bout Arrives In US From Thailand


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Suspected Russian arms trafficker Bout arrives in US

NEW YORK, November 17, 2010 (AFP) - Suspected Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout arrived in New York late Tuesday and was taken to a high-security prison in Manhattan after being extradited from Thailand, the US Justice Department said.

Bout, who arrived aboard a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) charter plane, is due to appear in a US federal court on Wednesday before US District Judge Shira Scheindlin.

"Viktor Bout has been indicted in the United States, but his alleged arms trafficking activity and support of armed conflicts in Africa has been a cause of concern around the world. His extradition is a victory for the rule of law worldwide," Attorney General Eric Holder said in a statement.

The former Soviet air force pilot's surprise extradition from Thailand followed a long legal battle and intense opposition from Moscow, which denounced the move as "extreme injustice" and said it would support him "by all means".

Escorted by dozens of armed police commandos and with snipers deployed along the route, Bout was whisked from a maximum security Bangkok prison to a waiting US government plane on Tuesday before his wife had a chance to say goodbye.

The inspiration for the Hollywood movie "Lord of War," Bout allegedly used a fleet of cargo planes to run guns to combatants in conflicts in Africa, South America and the Middle East.

He was arrested in March 2008 in Bangkok after a sting by US Drug Enforcement Agency operatives posing as buyers for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, a leftist guerrilla group.

US authorities allege he agreed to sell the undercover agents millions of dollars' worth of weapons, including surface-to-air missiles and armor piercing rocket launchers, for use against US helicopters in Colombia.

"Viktor Bout allegedly jumped at the chance to arm narco-terrorists bent on killing Americans with an arsenal of military grade weapons," US Attorney Preet Bharara said.

He said the extradition "underscores our commitment to protect Americans on our own soil and throughout the world."


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2010-11-17

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Shouldn't this effectively end all the Victor Bout threads? The guy was caught and arrested (arrested by Thai police). The guy's extradition was approved. A second set of charges that would have slowed extradition down from Thailand were dropped. The guy's lawyers tried to get charges reinstated to slow down extradition. They weren't reinstated and he was extradited in accordance with Thai law and the extradition treaty that Thailand has with the US.

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Shouldn't this effectively end all the Victor Bout threads? The guy was caught and arrested (arrested by Thai police). The guy's extradition was approved. A second set of charges that would have slowed extradition down from Thailand were dropped. The guy's lawyers tried to get charges reinstated to slow down extradition. They weren't reinstated and he was extradited in accordance with Thai law and the extradition treaty that Thailand has with the US.

Likely there will be USA bashing threads bringing this up for sometime.

Just as yet another excuse to bash USA.

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Shouldn't this effectively end all the Victor Bout threads? The guy was caught and arrested (arrested by Thai police). The guy's extradition was approved. A second set of charges that would have slowed extradition down from Thailand were dropped. The guy's lawyers tried to get charges reinstated to slow down extradition. They weren't reinstated and he was extradited in accordance with Thai law and the extradition treaty that Thailand has with the US.

Likely there will be USA bashing threads bringing this up for sometime.

Just as yet another excuse to bash USA.

Yeah and frankly so there should be, the blatant bias in this article "Viktor Bout allegedly jumped at the chance to arm narco-terrorists bent on killing Americans with an arsenal of military grade weapons,". "for use against US helicopters in Colombia" Thats like saying Gun store owners are responsible for any murder with a gun bought from their store. The US and the UK arm Israel who on recored bomb schools with white sulpherous. How about some other real horror crimes like the rape and sodamy of childen at Abū Ghurayb, the child prostitution run by blackwater, british sas setting car bombs in Basra's central square during a a major religious event.

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Shouldn't this effectively end all the Victor Bout threads? The guy was caught and arrested (arrested by Thai police). The guy's extradition was approved. A second set of charges that would have slowed extradition down from Thailand were dropped. The guy's lawyers tried to get charges reinstated to slow down extradition. They weren't reinstated and he was extradited in accordance with Thai law and the extradition treaty that Thailand has with the US.

Likely there will be USA bashing threads bringing this up for sometime.

Just as yet another excuse to bash USA.

why do u think the world needs an excuse to bash the US?

There are plenty of good reasons.....i just remember the weapons of mass destruction ...lol

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Well, this trip to the big apple won;t be much fun. The local of 500 Pearl St has had bigger fish to fry however he'll make only a brief appearance.

His Judge:


Will accept his not guilty please, deny bail and set pre trial conferance dates, maby hear a motion or two (up to her) And her goes back to the Fed Lock Up. they have a great spot for high profile thugs. It is tghe stop off for Mafai and big white collare crims.

I made a number of visitis to the Danny Moynahan (sp) bldg as an expert witness.... As I walked up the steps I woundered what was going thru the minds of many crims... Him, he'll never make it out alive, he'll be a high value targetg for sombody to make a rep on! Too Bad, the Colo Boys have already said they want charge him...

NO chance, just as the innmates at Attica said, Send the various bombers etc to gen pop they'll do their best to see that the visit is short.

Viktor Bout (boot) will have a sorry life, unless he talks alot that is!

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Shouldn't this effectively end all the Victor Bout threads? The guy was caught and arrested (arrested by Thai police). The guy's extradition was approved. A second set of charges that would have slowed extradition down from Thailand were dropped. The guy's lawyers tried to get charges reinstated to slow down extradition. They weren't reinstated and he was extradited in accordance with Thai law and the extradition treaty that Thailand has with the US.

Likely there will be USA bashing threads bringing this up for sometime.

Just as yet another excuse to bash USA.

Yeah and frankly so there should be, the blatant bias in this article "Viktor Bout allegedly jumped at the chance to arm narco-terrorists bent on killing Americans with an arsenal of military grade weapons,". "for use against US helicopters in Colombia" Thats like saying Gun store owners are responsible for any murder with a gun bought from their store. The US and the UK arm Israel who on recored bomb schools with white sulpherous. How about some other real horror crimes like the rape and sodamy of childen at Abū Ghurayb, the child prostitution run by blackwater, british sas setting car bombs in Basra's central square during a a major religious event.

What does your post have to do with Thailand? I can see your point about a US and UK bashing forum. Why don't you petition Thai Visa to start one. Frankly I would like to see your post moved to the appropriate forum but I fear there is none.

So to recap to disagree with your post I would have to go off topic. Which I will not do. If there ever is a topic that your information is relevant to be assured I will join you in discussion.

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Shouldn't this effectively end all the Victor Bout threads? The guy was caught and arrested (arrested by Thai police). The guy's extradition was approved. A second set of charges that would have slowed extradition down from Thailand were dropped. The guy's lawyers tried to get charges reinstated to slow down extradition. They weren't reinstated and he was extradited in accordance with Thai law and the extradition treaty that Thailand has with the US.

Likely there will be USA bashing threads bringing this up for sometime.

Just as yet another excuse to bash USA.

why do u think the world needs an excuse to bash the US?

There are plenty of good reasons.....i just remember the weapons of mass destruction ...lol

Off topic US bashing post.

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Shouldn't this effectively end all the Victor Bout threads? The guy was caught and arrested (arrested by Thai police). The guy's extradition was approved. A second set of charges that would have slowed extradition down from Thailand were dropped. The guy's lawyers tried to get charges reinstated to slow down extradition. They weren't reinstated and he was extradited in accordance with Thai law and the extradition treaty that Thailand has with the US.

Likely there will be USA bashing threads bringing this up for sometime.

Just as yet another excuse to bash USA.

why do u think the world needs an excuse to bash the US?

There are plenty of good reasons.....i just remember the weapons of mass destruction ...lol

In the USA he will probably be convicted on assumption as happened before like Viet Nam, Iraq

Guantanamo inmates and many more.

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Shouldn't this effectively end all the Victor Bout threads? The guy was caught and arrested (arrested by Thai police). The guy's extradition was approved. A second set of charges that would have slowed extradition down from Thailand were dropped. The guy's lawyers tried to get charges reinstated to slow down extradition. They weren't reinstated and he was extradited in accordance with Thai law and the extradition treaty that Thailand has with the US.

Likely there will be USA bashing threads bringing this up for sometime.

Just as yet another excuse to bash USA.

why do u think the world needs an excuse to bash the US?

There are plenty of good reasons.....i just remember the weapons of mass destruction ...lol

In the USA he will probably be convicted on assumption as happened before like Viet Nam, Iraq

Guantanamo inmates and many more.

Another off topic US bashing post. No examples given of anyone convicted on assumptions during Iraq or Vietnam war.

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Shouldn't this effectively end all the Victor Bout threads? The guy was caught and arrested (arrested by Thai police). The guy's extradition was approved. A second set of charges that would have slowed extradition down from Thailand were dropped. The guy's lawyers tried to get charges reinstated to slow down extradition. They weren't reinstated and he was extradited in accordance with Thai law and the extradition treaty that Thailand has with the US.

Likely there will be USA bashing threads bringing this up for sometime.

Just as yet another excuse to bash USA.

Do I detect a slight hint of paranoia that is normally absent from your comments? However, you can put money on it that Russian/US relations and Russian/Thai relations are going to go through a bad time. A weak US economy; a weak President, and a resurgent Russia. Who said the "Cold War" was over?

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Shouldn't this effectively end all the Victor Bout threads? The guy was caught and arrested (arrested by Thai police). The guy's extradition was approved. A second set of charges that would have slowed extradition down from Thailand were dropped. The guy's lawyers tried to get charges reinstated to slow down extradition. They weren't reinstated and he was extradited in accordance with Thai law and the extradition treaty that Thailand has with the US.

Likely there will be USA bashing threads bringing this up for sometime.

Just as yet another excuse to bash USA.

Do I detect a slight hint of paranoia that is normally absent from your comments? However, you can put money on it that Russian/US relations and Russian/Thai relations are going to go through a bad time. A weak US economy; a weak President, and a resurgent Russia. Who said the "Cold War" was over?

Russian US relationships are having a hard time because Russian spy networks are being blown. The cold war was over with the collapse of the USSR. It is still collapsed. Sorry for your loss. Victor "Bout is only one example of how far it has collapsed.

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Shouldn't this effectively end all the Victor Bout threads? The guy was caught and arrested (arrested by Thai police). The guy's extradition was approved. A second set of charges that would have slowed extradition down from Thailand were dropped. The guy's lawyers tried to get charges reinstated to slow down extradition. They weren't reinstated and he was extradited in accordance with Thai law and the extradition treaty that Thailand has with the US.

Likely there will be USA bashing threads bringing this up for sometime.

Just as yet another excuse to bash USA.

What do you, being an American, mean by "USA" ?

The Administration in DC, the CIA, the people, the army, the USA-being-the-policeman-of-the-world. the greedy Wall St Bankers...other ?

Are non-Americans not allowed anymore (by Americans on this forum) to say something about the "USA"?

Maybe you could give the non-Americans some guidance of what would be, and what would NOT be, allowed to say so that you would feel a little more comfortable ?

And, if you're busy writing the rules, maybe you could include the rules for all the other countries as well, like Russia, the UK, Australia, China, Japan, France, Denmark, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran.....well, you know what I mean since bashing upon other countries, rather than the USA, is almost a sport by some of the same American members here on this forum.

But criticizing upon some of the American systems or individuals in certain Administrations, the CIA, Wall St Bankers is not allowed?

Everybody in the world KNOWS America is an unbelievable and great, but also controversial country ; I also know since I built my own businesses there and visited many parts of the US and have quite a few dear friends, but....

....I have yet to encounter a more-sensitive group of nationals here on this forum who are so sensitive about their own country as the Americans....itchy they become, losing reality out of sight...

But, of course you know and realize WHY many people outside the USA feel so uncomfortable about America's role in the world ;)

No wonder many Americans are so sensitive, almost, as another member said, paranoid about WHAT other non-Americans write, say and think about the USA.

Be real and accept that other people DO write, think and say something about your great Nation, whether correct or incorrect.

The problem is a bit that the USA has problems accepting that it is losing ground and will be no longer the "ONLY" great country in the world.

The world is getting smaller and smaller with more-and-more people and the USA has a mere 4,5% of the world's population or some 310 million*; it's therefore obvious that the remaining 95,5% of people in the world do have an opinion about the same USA.

You better get used to it.

* The USA doubled in population from 76million in 1900** to 151million in 1950 and doubled again to 310million in 2010....or a growth of 407% in 110 years.

One could wonder WHY the USA wants to grow so big....afraid of losing control in the rest of the world ? :unsure:

As a comparison: China grew from 467million in 1900 to 1.330million (1.33billion) in 2010 or a growth of 284% in 110 years; a staggering difference with the US.

In 1900 the world had 1.65Billion people and grew 424% to some 7 Billion now. So, the USA grew with almost the same speed as the world's population.

** http://www.census.go.../hist/HS-01.pdf

Hmmm...sorry for going off topic but you "asked" for it :rolleyes:


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laopo. you make a lot of sense in your post until you get to the comparison of population growth and you comment about the US growth possibly being related to losing control of the world. Other than a couple world wars taking care of several 10's of millions out of the worlds gene pool, China is apparently not a world destination for immigrants. Of course you knew this and still made some good points.

I agree with those who say people may be too sensitive about the anti US feeling/post. It does seem at times that those who are the most adamant in their anti US tirades are are from those countries who have marched along side the US into the mentioned conflicts with troops/equipment of their own.

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Shouldn't this effectively end all the Victor Bout threads? The guy was caught and arrested (arrested by Thai police). The guy's extradition was approved. A second set of charges that would have slowed extradition down from Thailand were dropped. The guy's lawyers tried to get charges reinstated to slow down extradition. They weren't reinstated and he was extradited in accordance with Thai law and the extradition treaty that Thailand has with the US.

Likely there will be USA bashing threads bringing this up for sometime.

Just as yet another excuse to bash USA.

Of course it will but in a year or two when the dollar is better off than the Euro and euroids don't notice for a week or two will I can... Long live the Longest stading Democracy!

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Shouldn't this effectively end all the Victor Bout threads? The guy was caught and arrested (arrested by Thai police). The guy's extradition was approved. A second set of charges that would have slowed extradition down from Thailand were dropped. The guy's lawyers tried to get charges reinstated to slow down extradition. They weren't reinstated and he was extradited in accordance with Thai law and the extradition treaty that Thailand has with the US.

Likely there will be USA bashing threads bringing this up for sometime.

Just as yet another excuse to bash USA.

What do you, being an American, mean by "USA" ?

The Administration in DC, the CIA, the people, the army, the USA-being-the-policeman-of-the-world. the greedy Wall St Bankers...other ?

Are non-Americans not allowed anymore (by Americans on this forum) to say something about the "USA"?

Maybe you could give the non-Americans some guidance of what would be, and what would NOT be, allowed to say so that you would feel a little more comfortable ?

And, if you're busy writing the rules, maybe you could include the rules for all the other countries as well, like Russia, the UK, Australia, China, Japan, France, Denmark, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran.....well, you know what I mean since bashing upon other countries, rather than the USA, is almost a sport by some of the same American members here on this forum.

But criticizing upon some of the American systems or individuals in certain Administrations, the CIA, Wall St Bankers is not allowed?

Everybody in the world KNOWS America is an unbelievable and great, but also controversial country ; I also know since I built my own businesses there and visited many parts of the US and have quite a few dear friends, but....

....I have yet to encounter a more-sensitive group of nationals here on this forum who are so sensitive about their own country as the Americans....itchy they become, losing reality out of sight...

But, of course you know and realize WHY many people outside the USA feel so uncomfortable about America's role in the world ;)

No wonder many Americans are so sensitive, almost, as another member said, paranoid about WHAT other non-Americans write, say and think about the USA.

Be real and accept that other people DO write, think and say something about your great Nation, whether correct or incorrect.

The problem is a bit that the USA has problems accepting that it is losing ground and will be no longer the "ONLY" great country in the world.

The world is getting smaller and smaller with more-and-more people and the USA has a mere 4,5% of the world's population or some 310 million*; it's therefore obvious that the remaining 95,5% of people in the world do have an opinion about the same USA.

You better get used to it.

* The USA doubled in population from 76million in 1900** to 151million in 1950 and doubled again to 310million in 2010....or a growth of 407% in 110 years.

One could wonder WHY the USA wants to grow so big....afraid of losing control in the rest of the world ? :unsure:

As a comparison: China grew from 467million in 1900 to 1.330million (1.33billion) in 2010 or a growth of 284% in 110 years; a staggering difference with the US.

In 1900 the world had 1.65Billion people and grew 424% to some 7 Billion now. So, the USA grew with almost the same speed as the world's population.

** http://www.census.go.../hist/HS-01.pdf

Hmmm...sorry for going off topic but you "asked" for it :rolleyes:


I watched the movies of Saddam's guards tie people up and throw them off of the tops of buildings. I watched the movies of the beheading and stoning s and cutting off of appendages in public stadiums and such.

I didn't think it was any of our business to go in and clean up a botched situation that dates back to colonial control of oil in the middle east. But that has nothing to do with Victor Bout.

Having said that, I am also amazed at the anti American here on TV.

This was a discussion about the extradition of Victor from Thailand to the US. How did it come about? What kind of pressure did the US put on Thailand to make it happen. Why did Thailand choose to follow their treaty obligations and extradite him. All legitimate questions.

Vietnam, Iraq, the war on terror and a uniformed persons view of the US justice system hardly have anything to do with the thread. For example “The US and the UK arm Israel who on recored bomb schools with white sulpherous. How about some other real horror crimes like the rape and sodamy of childen at Abū Ghurayb, the child prostitution run by blackwater, british sas setting car bombs in Basra's central square during a a major religious event. why do u think the world needs an excuse to bash the US?

There are plenty of good reasons.....i just remember the weapons of mass destruction. In the USA he will probably be convicted on assumption as happened before like Viet Nam, Iraq Guantanamo inmates and many more.”

What does this have to do with Victor Bout's extradition?

Because the US killed people in Iraq does not make Victor Bouts extradition illegal nor is it relevant.

Guilt is not lessened by someone else's guilt. When stopped for a speeding ticket it does no good to point that other cars were also speeding.

I think most Americans are shocked by the fact that the people in the UK and Australia hate them so much. Our press does not cover that. We think until going outside of the US that the UK and Aussies our are friends.

I served with Aussie troops in Vietnam and my daughter served with Brit troops in the latest conflict. We all got along and were all on the same side.

Let me repeat it is a big shock to know that a lot Brits hate the US. France is no surprise. Germany and Japan are still not trusted after WW II. But the UK? Gosh that's almost like mom and apple pie. The American people have always loved the Brits and the Monarchy.

An English accent in America is always good for free drinks and consensual sex almost anywhere given all things being equal.

So forgive us. We didn't know you didn't like us. We thought we were on the same side. An argument between brothers is much different than what happens here on Thai Visa. And that's why we are a bit sensitive.

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laopo. you make a lot of sense in your post until you get to the comparison of population growth and you comment about the US growth possibly being related to losing control of the world. Other than a couple world wars taking care of several 10's of millions out of the worlds gene pool, China is apparently not a world destination for immigrants. Of course you knew this and still made some good points.

I agree with those who say people may be too sensitive about the anti US feeling/post. It does seem at times that those who are the most adamant in their anti US tirades are are from those countries who have marched along side the US into the mentioned conflicts with troops/equipment of their own.

It was meant as a (serious) teaser since we all could question ourselves how many people America would have had WITHOUT their immigration numbers since the 1900's but of course you're completely correct that China doesn't/didn't have the same immigration; far from that...thank Buddha, otherwise China would have had 1.9 Billion people :o...instead the now 1.33B, also due of course to the one-child policy!

Although all this is a bit off-topic, the fact that America is so powerfull has also to do with the present topic and the extradition of Bout to the US, simply because

I can't think of ANY OTHER COUNTRY in the world that could have accomplished the same on Thailand's soil other than the US.


If that isn't taking advantange of your own powers (read: US' powers) I don't know what is.

At the same time it says something about the weak behavior of Thailand itself....which acted as a puppet-on-a-string..


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I'm not sure about the UK but the feeling here in Oz from people I know is that we don't trust or like the US because they lied to us and we blindly followed.

Don't worry about it though, many also hate our own government of the time for blindly following.

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Shouldn't this effectively end all the Victor Bout threads? The guy was caught and arrested (arrested by Thai police). The guy's extradition was approved. A second set of charges that would have slowed extradition down from Thailand were dropped. The guy's lawyers tried to get charges reinstated to slow down extradition. They weren't reinstated and he was extradited in accordance with Thai law and the extradition treaty that Thailand has with the US.

Likely there will be USA bashing threads bringing this up for sometime.

Just as yet another excuse to bash USA.

Yeah and frankly so there should be, the blatant bias in this article "Viktor Bout allegedly jumped at the chance to arm narco-terrorists bent on killing Americans with an arsenal of military grade weapons,". "for use against US helicopters in Colombia" Thats like saying Gun store owners are responsible for any murder with a gun bought from their store. The US and the UK arm Israel who on recored bomb schools with white sulpherous. How about some other real horror crimes like the rape and sodamy of childen at Abū Ghurayb, the child prostitution run by blackwater, british sas setting car bombs in Basra's central square during a a major religious event.

If I were DEA working Columbia and someone was agreeing to sell

Surface to Air Missels to FARC I would assume without equivocation

it was with the aim to kill me or coworkers in a helicopter or spotter plane.

And since gun store owners legally do not sell SAMS to people,

that fact someone is doing it doesn't put him on the same

legal level or standing as a simple gun store owner.

This has nothing to do with the army or incidents of individuals going rogue in Abu Grahb or Isreal.

So don't imagine clouding the issue changes it a bit.

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I'm not sure about the UK but the feeling here in Oz from people I know is that we don't trust or like the US because they lied to us and we blindly followed.

Don't worry about it though, many also hate our own government of the time for blindly following.

Bush lied to all Americans too, we like it as little as you do.

Sadly some are still blindly following his lead. Most are not.

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I'm not sure about the UK but the feeling here in Oz from people I know is that we don't trust or like the US because they lied to us and we blindly followed.

Don't worry about it though, many also hate our own government of the time for blindly following.

None of the troops I served with thought they were lied to (not any more than American troops). I doubt if you are talking Viet Vets. If so that would be a first for me as I know a lot of Aussie Vets here in Thailand. You must mean the younger generation that did not have the pleasure of that war.

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Oh, and several of you made my last point so well.

Enjoy your bandwagon.

To be honest you were the first one to bring the subject of USA bashing up mate. Sort of like sticking a rather large " KICK ME " sign on your back.

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Although all this is a bit off-topic, the fact that America is so powerfull has also to do with the present topic and the extradition of Bout to the US, simply because

I can't think of ANY OTHER COUNTRY in the world that could have accomplished the same on Thailand's soil other than the US.


If that isn't taking advantange of your own powers (read: US' powers) I don't know what is.

At the same time it says something about the weak behavior of Thailand itself....which acted as a puppet-on-a-string..


'US puppet' sounds a bit offensive although not exaggerated. Actually you can think of countries who r willing to stand in the line with Thailand.

Talking about one superpower and a small tiny country here. Using the word 'close ally' would be more appropriate.

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Russian arms dealer Victor Bout arrives in NY after extradition

2010-11-17 20:04:14 GMT+7 (ICT)

NEW YORK (BNO NEWS) -- Russian alleged arms dealer Viktor Bout on Wednesday arrived in New York after being extradited from Thailand where he was imprisoned since March 2008, officials said.

On Tuesday, Bout, 44, boarded a 20-seat U.S. government plane at Don Mueang airport in Bangkok at 1:27 p.m. local time, as around 50 members of the police force, including snipers, made sure the extradition was carried out without any surprises.

Dubbed as the "Merchant of Death," Bout had been immersed in a long episode of controversy in which both the U.S. and Russia fought for his extradition since his arrest over 2 years ago during a joint U.S.-Thai operation in a Bangkok hotel.

The operation led to conspiracy charges of selling weapons to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). The U.S. then requested his extradition as he is accused of trafficking arms to warlords around the world since the 1990s.

However, the extradition, which was ruled in an appeals court on August 20, was delayed in October because of legal issues regarding a second set of charges that included money laundering and fraud.

Bout, who is also a former Soviet air force officer, has denied the charges, saying he was on a business trip selling planes.

"His extradition is a victory for the rule of law worldwide," U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said, adding that he has been considered as "one of the world's most prolific arms trafficker."

Bout's wife, Alla Bout has vowed to prove her husband's freedom as she is currently awaiting a U.S. Visa in order to travel to New York.

"Viktor is not guilty, and I will support him and continue doing my best to release him. Justice should be served in this case, and I will fight for it, either here in Thailand or in the United States," she said.

Bout had been requested to be extradited by Russia as media speculations say he could reveal military secrets and intelligence operations, and on Tuesday, the Russian embassy in Bangkok said it did not receive notice of his extradition to the U.S., prompting Lak Nitivat, Bout's Thai lawyer to call it "illegal."

"The things that are happening today are absolutely outrageous," Nitivat said Tuesday, adding that Bout's wife had not been notified either.

Bout is scheduled to appear in court on Wednesday.

He will be facing up to life in prison for four terrorism charges in the U.S., including conspiracy to kill U.S. nationals, conspiracy to kill U.S. officers or employees, conspiracy to acquire an anti-aircraft missile and conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist group.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2010-11-17

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Oh, and several of you made my last point so well.

Enjoy your bandwagon.

To be honest you were the first one to bring the subject of USA bashing up mate. Sort of like sticking a rather large " KICK ME " sign on your back.

No actually mine was a response to a comment on the bashing that was already in full swing in several threads.

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