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US Captors Of Alleged Arms Dealer Viktor Bout Detail Thailand Sting

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US captors of alleged arms dealer Bout detail Thailand sting

NEW YORK, November 19, 2010 (AFP) - The undercover US agents who captured alleged arms dealer Viktor Bout lured him to Thailand by posing as Colombian insurgents bent on shooting US pilots, their handlers said Thursday.

The two senior Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) agents give new details on the arrest of Bout, describing him as "one of the most dangerous men on the face of the earth," in an interview with CBS news to be broadcast on Sunday.

Bout, 43, a former Russian military officer whose story inspired the 2005 Nicolas Cage film "Lord of War," was extradited to New York earlier this week to face terrorism charges in a case that has strained US-Russian ties.

"He's arming not only designated terrorist groups, insurgent groups, but he's also arming very powerful drug trafficking cartels around the world," one of the agents, Michael Braun, told the CBS newsmagazine "60 Minutes," adding that Bout had also armed child soldiers in African civil wars.

"Viktor Bout, in my eyes, is one of the most dangerous men on the face of the earth," added Braun, the former chief of operations for the DEA, which pursued Bout because of his alleged links to drug traffickers.

Braun and Louis Milione describe how two operatives posing as members of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and going by the names "Eduardo" and "The Comandante" met a trusted Bout associate in Curacao.

On the Caribbean island off the coast of Venezuela, they convinced the associate, Andrew Smulian, that they wanted to buy 12 million dollars worth of arms to battle the US-backed Colombian army.

At their next meeting, in Copenhagen, Smulian used the real name of his employer and his nickname, "The Merchant of Death."

"We marveled that Smulian would do that, but it was just great evidence," says Milione.

At that point the undercover agents asked to see Bout in person in a risky bid to get him to leave Moscow.

"Comandante is not going to release these millions of dollars... until he at least shakes hands, talks, looks Bout in the eye, and then we can move on," Milione says. "And Bout went for it."

At the March 2008 meeting in Thailand the men discussed "five thousand AK-47s, anti-personnel mines, fragmentation grenades, armor-piercing rockets," according to Milione.

They spoke of "a shared ideology of communism and fighting against the Americans," Milione says, adding that Bout said a number of things that will be used as evidence against him.

At one point the undercover agents said they wanted sniper rifle scopes so they can "start blowing the heads off of American pilots," Milione says, adding that Bout responded "Yes."

The agents said after two hours they had heard enough. They gave the signal and Thai police and DEA agents swept into the room. As Bout put his hands up, according to Milione, he muttered: "The game is over."

Bout's sudden extradition from Thailand followed a long legal battle and intense opposition from Moscow, which initially denounced the move as "extreme injustice" and said it would support him "by all means."

However, Russia softened its tone on Thursday, saying it had no military secrets to hide in connection to the case and distancing itself from the highly controversial figure.

Bout has always maintained his innocence, insisting he runs a legitimate air cargo business, and pleaded not guilty in a New York court on Wednesday.

He faces between 25 years and life in prison if convicted.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2010-11-19

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The agents said after two hours they had heard enough. They gave the signal and Thai police and DEA agents swept into the room. As Bout put his hands up, according to Milione, he muttered: "The game is over."

Quote of the Day as, indeed, his game is over.

The agents said after two hours they had heard enough. They gave the signal and Thai police and DEA agents swept into the room. As Bout put his hands up, according to Milione, he muttered: "The game is over."

Quote of the Day as, indeed, his game is over.

The game has only just begun. How many people is Bout willing to rat out to save his own skin?


So the trial has already begun? In the US media?!

I guess they are "informing" and "educating" the to bee jury so that it will go smother the day that "justice" will happen.

Trust the yankees to do a stupid thing like this.



anti-personnel mines

Is that loud enough for some people? To date, all of the protests have railed about the evil Americans, the abrogation of Mr. Bout's personal liberties, the intrusions of the state into commercial enterprise, etc. and now the full story is coming out. And best of all it is transcribed and recorded for the whole world to see.

Columbia is a signatory of the landmine treaty. As such, any sale of landmines for use in Columbia would be a clear contravention of the applicable law. It would also be a violation of Columbian sovereignty. Where are all the bleaters now?

And just so the whiners don't have any reason to chime up with their usual , but the USA wah, wah, wah chant,, please note that according to the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, the U.S. has not used anti-personnel mines since 1991, has had an export ban in place since 1992 and has not produced them since 1997. It is also the world's largest individual contributor for mine action and victim assistance programmes. Seems to me, the USA acted to prevent a sales agent of landmines from continuing to distribute these items.

I'd like to see Mr. Bout explain to a room filled with limbless children why it was ok to sell landmines.

The agents said after two hours they had heard enough. They gave the signal and Thai police and DEA agents swept into the room. As Bout put his hands up, according to Milione, he muttered: "The game is over."

Quote of the Day as, indeed, his game is over.

The game has only just begun. How many people is Bout willing to rat out to save his own skin?

Too True.

The USA - land of the free and plea bargaining.

Who would bet against a deal being done here for some tasty information! :whistling:

The agents said after two hours they had heard enough. They gave the signal and Thai police and DEA agents swept into the room. As Bout put his hands up, according to Milione, he muttered: "The game is over."

Quote of the Day as, indeed, his game is over.

hopefully for the Russian tourists in LOS..

why did the Americans bring there shit(The sting) to Thailand,???

Thailand has had enough own of there problems to deal with at home,without having to upset America or Russia

could not they have done it in Africa,where he is supposedly accused of crimes,???


Well if that is the ”full story” why then waste time on a trial?

Whats wrong with you yankees? Read a interview in a biased newspaper, see the movie and all of a sudden you know everything!



The Brits almost got him first.

In the book “Dollars for Terror” published this year, investigative journalist Richard Labeviere claims that the Philippine drug trade is worth billions of dollars a year and that Muslim militants connected to al-Qaeda have a role in it.

1998 British intelligence is interested in the same thing, and at one point they approach United Arab Emirates (UAE) officials for permission to sneak a team of agents aboard one of Bout’s flights to search for Afghan heroin.

Perhaps not coincidentally, a Pakistani believed to be connected to the drug trade is suspected of helping to fund the Bojinka plot, which was planned in the Philippines with the help of the Abu Sayyaf (see December 1994-April 1995). Victor Bout, is said to use his network to ship weaponry to the Abu Sayyaf, though details have not been reported. Bout’s network also delivers weapons to the Taliban.

There are many reports on the Abu Sayyaf’s involvement with illegal drugs. For instance, in 2002 a Philippine newspaper will note that the region dominated by Abu Sayyaf has become such a notorious drug center that it is sometimes nicknamed “Little Colombia.”

In 2001, United Nations sanctions against Afghanistan take effect, adding to those from November 1999 (see November 14, 1999). The sanctions limit travel by senior Taliban authorities, freeze bin Laden’s and the Taliban’s assets, and order the closure of Ariana Airlines offices abroad. The sanctions also impose an arms embargo against the Taliban.

Two companies, Air Cess and Flying Dolphin, take over most of Ariana’s traffic. Air Cess is owned by the Russian arms dealer Victor Bout, and Flying Dolphin is owned by the United Arab Emirates’ former ambassador to the US, who is also an associate of Bout's.

In 2002 Bout is going to be on a flight from Moldova to Greece. An encrypted message is sent by British intelligence field agents once the plane takes off, alerting their superiors in London that they are preparing to arrest Bout in Athens.

British special forces raid the plane, but find it empty except for the pilot and a few passengers. One European intelligence official familiar with the operation will later say, “There were only two intelligence services that could have decrypted the British transmission in so short a time. The Russians and the Americans."

All of the above is on the internet, not my writing and is pretty easy to find if anyone is interested.


Why the do the sting op in Thailand? Because that is where Bout finally agreed to meet. Stupid Bout...he did not research that the DEA and CIA were always based in Thailand.

That many AKs? FARC should know not to make themselves a target by using a different weapon system vs the ones carried by the US-supported Colombian army - M16s. Bout should have noted this discrepancy before placing the order or flying to meet the customer.

Scopes to kill pilots... Really? The ones flying at 30K feet?

The order was too good to be true.

Lesson: Never agree to meet. Use the www. Still there always watching.


Why the do the sting op in Thailand? Because that is where Bout finally agreed to meet. Stupid Bout...he did not research that the DEA and CIA were always based in Thailand.

That many AKs? FARC should know not to make themselves a target by using a different weapon system vs the ones carried by the US-supported Colombian army - M16s. Bout should have noted this discrepancy before placing the order or flying to meet the customer.

Scopes to kill pilots... Really? The ones flying at 30K feet?

The order was too good to be true.

Lesson: Never agree to meet. Use the www. Still there always watching.

You must be a fiction book writer...either that or one of them cia dudes living in Pattaya that cannot tell you they are cia...but do....but shhhh


Former Translator Bout is the most dangerous man? hahaha. The USA spent a lot of money to catch him and he will guilty anyway even he would have been born only 3 years ago.

If he would have knew Russia's secrets he would be dead in Thai prison immediately. This is the rules in this game. I just think the terrorist usually buy cheap Chineses AK47 or even Nortn Korean.

Russian cannot sell hand-missiles because nobody guarantees that Chechen rebels will not get it tomorrow.


Why the do the sting op in Thailand? Because that is where Bout finally agreed to meet. Stupid Bout...he did not research that the DEA and CIA were always based in Thailand.

That many AKs? FARC should know not to make themselves a target by using a different weapon system vs the ones carried by the US-supported Colombian army - M16s. Bout should have noted this discrepancy before placing the order or flying to meet the customer.

Scopes to kill pilots... Really? The ones flying at 30K feet?

The order was too good to be true.

Lesson: Never agree to meet. Use the www. Still there always watching.

According to U.S. intelligence (such as CIA), the FARC-EP has purchased thousands of AK-47 rifles from Russia, through connections with the Russian mafia. Colombian and regional authorities believe that the FARC has bought possibly greater quantities of such weapons from black market dealers in Peru and Central America, as well as corrupt military officials.

Based on these facts and believing that the FARC is looking for additional AK-47 suppliers, the United States opposed the 2004 announcement of Venezuelan arms purchase of 100,000 AK-103 rifles from Russia, for the purposes of upgrading the military equipment in Venezuelan army. Despite US opposition the purchase went ahead as planned. The United States has not been able to show any link between the democratic socialist government of Venezuela and the Marxist-Leninist FARC.

Prices for black-market guns vary. A new AK-47 will cost you $250 in Russia. A Chinese built weapon will cost $100. Second hand AKs in Baghdad cost just $10!

A fully transferrable M16, that is one made before the 1986 machinegun ban and thus ownable by a civilian with the correct tax stamp, sells in the neighborhood of $10,000.

US military contract price for the M16 was $420 per unit in 1988 when Fabrique Nationale won the contract from Colt.

The agents said after two hours they had heard enough. They gave the signal and Thai police and DEA agents swept into the room. As Bout put his hands up, according to Milione, he muttered: "The game is over."

Quote of the Day as, indeed, his game is over.

The game has only just begun. How many people is Bout willing to rat out to save his own skin?

don't worry only corrupt people. that abuse their power.

also funny how he made a filme. lord of war. then he got arrested. maybe he grassed himself up lol

anyway no matter how many people he gives up there is no way he can escape long time in prison as all the media are watching. they might offer him death penalty or life


It's funny how no matter what the US does, no matter how many they kill, no matter whom they arm and years later end up making an enemy, they are always above persecution.

I can already hear the death to ChiangMaiThai chants from the USA patriots here, but if you calm down for a moment and think about it, the rhetotic coming from the DEA and CIA 'most dangerous man on earth' etc etc. it is beyond ironic and beyond hypocritical. Somehow that badge and that authority that comes with (US) government office makes everything you do okay.


It's funny how no matter what the US does, no matter how many they kill, no matter whom they arm and years later end up making an enemy, they are always above persecution.

I can already hear the death to ChiangMaiThai chants from the USA patriots here, but if you calm down for a moment and think about it, the rhetotic coming from the DEA and CIA 'most dangerous man on earth' etc etc. it is beyond ironic and beyond hypocritical. Somehow that badge and that authority that comes with (US) government office makes everything you do okay.

it doesn't matter he always knew what he was doing was illegal but like so many he thought he would never get caught. the saying if u can't do the time then dont do the crime.

as for the US. they do it because they can. if The russian arms dealer was bigger than the US then he would lock up all his enemies and so would everyone with power. just the way it is. if people think they are bigger than the US then up to them if they want to try there luck but the USis a big place. a simple life is easier.

by the way i am not from the US but when i wake up in the morning i don't think about taking on the US. i woudl rather go out have some brkkers then go off and play with some women in the bars.

i not really like the US gov but too be honest i don't care. as long as they stay off my door step.

basically to summerise my post.

if u do not want to go to prison thenn don't be an international illegal arms dealer. u can't blame people for hating him considerig he armed most of the US's enemies.

for me. i don't care if he gets away with it or not. they arrrest him there is probably already some other young gunner to take his place


Well if that is the ”full story” why then waste time on a trial?

Whats wrong with you yankees? Read a interview in a biased newspaper, see the movie and all of a sudden you know everything!


The US could come to your condo and take a huge dump in the form of solid gold ice cream cones and you'd and your US bashing brethren would take issue with it. Bout will have his day in court if he so chooses. And of course the US wants his secrets and there is nothing wrong in that. Sounds to me like they have his sorry behind on tape. Of course you may very well assert the US doctored those.

So long as you Holier Than Thou Sancrosanct of the Most High of Morality types want to take issue with the US with all her past and present misdeeds, pray tell us just what Country of Perfection YOU hail from??? Let's see some balanced bashing in the very least. I could, for example, bring up the nasty little episode of the Opium Wars Europe engaged with China...be advised China has a long memory of the time they were on the rise and instead of getting gold for their wares from the Moral Beyond Reproach Europeans, they were give dope instead and derailed a rising China. How impressive.


The 'Game' has most certainly just began......

Many puckered posteriors, methinks, Bouts amongst them.

Even money on the untimely disposal of the defendant.....and a US TV mini-series to boot in the near future.

Have a FeelGood Friday y'All.


The agents said after two hours they had heard enough. They gave the signal and Thai police and DEA agents swept into the room. As Bout put his hands up, according to Milione, he muttered: "The game is over."

Quote of the Day as, indeed, his game is over.

The game has only just begun. How many people is Bout willing to rat out to save his own skin?


It's funny how no matter what the US does, no matter how many they kill, no matter whom they arm and years later end up making an enemy, they are always above persecution.

I can already hear the death to ChiangMaiThai chants from the USA patriots here, but if you calm down for a moment and think about it, the rhetotic coming from the DEA and CIA 'most dangerous man on earth' etc etc. it is beyond ironic and beyond hypocritical. Somehow that badge and that authority that comes with (US) government office makes everything you do okay.

I agree.

Suggest a read through this (especially the second rankings chart): Who is the world's biggest arms dealer?


It's funny how no matter what the US does, no matter how many they kill, no matter whom they arm and years later end up making an enemy, they are always above persecution.

I can already hear the death to ChiangMaiThai chants from the USA patriots here, but if you calm down for a moment and think about it, the rhetotic coming from the DEA and CIA 'most dangerous man on earth' etc etc. it is beyond ironic and beyond hypocritical. Somehow that badge and that authority that comes with (US) government office makes everything you do okay.

Let's add some balance CMT. The US had OBL in their gunsights numerous times under the Clinton admin back in the 90's. Clinton wouldn't pull the trigger on him because OBL often travelled with his consort of multiple wives and resultant young offspring and Clinton wanted no "collateral" damage. OBL no doubt travelled in this manner as he banked on the fact the US wouldn't have the balls to take him and a bunch of women and children out, despite the fact it was highly likely these women knew exactly who they were consorting with. These are facts. Ask me the source and I will provide my source. The US holds back pulling the trigger as much as possible. But I'm sure you US bashers have the capability to act in perfection to subdue sworn enemies; probably with a bunch of Kumbaya Songbooks with Hot Chocolate and Winnie the Pooh thrown in.

At the March 2008 meeting in Thailand the men discussed

"five thousand AK-47s, anti-personnel mines, fragmentation grenades, armor-piercing rockets,"

according to Milione.

They spoke of "a shared ideology of communism and fighting against the Americans,"

Milione says, adding that Bout said a number of things that will be used as evidence against him.

At one point the undercover agents said they wanted

sniper rifle scopes so they can "start blowing the heads off of American pilots,"

Milione says, adding that Bout responded "Yes."

This is showing direct conspiracy to 'kill Americans working with the Columbian government'.

That is enough to prosecute his butt.


It's funny how no matter what the US does, no matter how many they kill, no matter whom they arm and years later end up making an enemy, they are always above persecution.

I can already hear the death to ChiangMaiThai chants from the USA patriots here, but if you calm down for a moment and think about it, the rhetotic coming from the DEA and CIA 'most dangerous man on earth' etc etc. it is beyond ironic and beyond hypocritical. Somehow that badge and that authority that comes with (US) government office makes everything you do okay.

I agree.

Suggest a read through this (especially the second rankings chart): Who is the world's biggest arms dealer?

And I suggest you take a peek under the skirts of say, France, Germany, etc. who are also in the business of manufacturing and selling some of the most lethal military gear on the planet. Oh, but they don't count I suppose.


he was just a business man. i don't think he had any politcal motivation behinde who he sold to. bascially i u paid u received.

there are many gun companies and dealers round the world. what seperates him from them is that he wa doing it illegally.

morally he is no different than the companies that make the guns in the first place but like i say u cannot do the time then don't do the crime.

the reason why he did it illegally is so he could make more money. it is that simple. running legit business is just too expensive.


It's funny how no matter what the US does, no matter how many they kill, no matter whom they arm and years later end up making an enemy, they are always above persecution.

I can already hear the death to ChiangMaiThai chants from the USA patriots here, but if you calm down for a moment and think about it, the rhetotic coming from the DEA and CIA 'most dangerous man on earth' etc etc. it is beyond ironic and beyond hypocritical. Somehow that badge and that authority that comes with (US) government office makes everything you do okay.

Let's add some balance CMT. The US had OBL in their gunsights numerous times under the Clinton admin back in the 90's. Clinton wouldn't pull the trigger on him because OBL often travelled with his consort of multiple wives and resultant young offspring and Clinton wanted no "collateral" damage. OBL no doubt travelled in this manner as he banked on the fact the US wouldn't have the balls to take him and a bunch of women and children out, despite the fact it was highly likely these women knew exactly who they were consorting with. These are facts. Ask me the source and I will provide my source. The US holds back pulling the trigger as much as possible. But I'm sure you US bashers have the capability to act in perfection to subdue sworn enemies; probably with a bunch of Kumbaya Songbooks with Hot Chocolate and Winnie the Pooh thrown in.


When the USA doesn't act it gets lambasted from one corner,

and when it does it gets castigated from another.

So it acts in it's global best interests as it sees it at the time,

as ALL other governments do in equal measure.

Maybe, if Clinton had been a little less worried about world opinion,

and just taken out OBL when he could have, the world would be safer now. Pure hypothesis , but somehow it doesn't seem like leaving him loose

and then with Bush in control worked out too well.


And Russia has softened its tone distancing itself. That means the termination order has been issued. They do not want this guy giving up what he knows. We will see.


They just want to kill the competition that's all.

FN weapons are now made in the USA.

They blocked the Airbus deal for new Air force tankers a couple years ago.

The USA did not sign anything about landmines and cluster bombs. Ask the people in Laos.

They just wrapped up the biggest arm sales deal in recent history with S. Arabia.

Hopefully they end not up like with Iran who had advanced American stuff when the Ayatolla took over. Oliver North never went to prison. It is good to sell weapons as long as they are made in the USA, right?

Do I hate the USA, no.

Do I have Americans I like, yes.

Do I buy American stuff if its good, yes.

Do I like them to be police of the world, no.

But they produce also a kind off very weird, narrow, simple minded, not so smart, fanatic christian bunch of people similar to the one they clame fight. These people don't know shit about the world out side their own country, but still want to be the police men of the world.

I feel sorry for these good Americans who have to take the flak everytime these idiots open their mouth or vote an idiot in office.

I would like to see Bush in Den Haag as well, it would be fair, No?

If you don't want the Russian and Chinese stuff well make some better and cheaper yourself and don't blame the sales person.

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