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I read in a piece regarding the 'Elite Card' in the Nation, which mentioned that Taksin had been a fierce critic of Chuan Leekpai's revising Thailand's land regulations by allowing foreigners to buy and own up to one rai. Dare I ask if this was, or actually is still possible? :o


Somehow I have doubts foreign ownership of land will ever be possible...For normal people anyway!

The Elite Card program was able to get modifications in immigration law for their members, but are being stalled on the land ownership issue. The best they can do at the moment is own the land on your behalf (up to 10 rai). To me it sounds a bit dodgy from a private company to which you have to pay your membership into a Singaporean bank account!


and with the land in the card company name, and a minimum cost of building your house of 20 million baht...that is kinda iffy. You are obviously unable to borrow on the land coz you are not the registered proprietor.


I don't think farangs should own land in Thailand.

It took me a while to realize this, but I think the Thai politicians had it right all along.

Foreigners owning land would be a disaster for Thailand. They would exploit every inch, build expensives property everywhere, lock the real estate market with their conditions, and at the end this would intensify tensions between farangs and locals. Not good.


One exception I would have, is to let farangs own land to build a house for their Thai family, but that would be limited to 1 or 2 piece of land (no limit on size) and that would have to be built with a house within 2 years of acquisition with no chance to resell the land for the first 2 years.


I could live with that Butterfly only want to share the house with wife and family with a feeling of security not to be a land baron in Thailand.



:o Why buy property when you can rent? It makes no sense to buy. If you really want to buy, whats wrong with a condo? This elite card thing is a swizz, anyone seen a fake one yet?

If I could get my hands on one I'd put on a suit, pretend to be a V.I.P. and get a five year multiple visa, thats the only good thing about it!

I could live with that Butterfly only want to share the house with wife and family with a feeling of security not to be a land baron in Thailand.

You're welcome to share the house bodily and spiritually for as long as Khun Wifey puts up with you Bronco; just don't ever expect to see your name on the title deeds. And yep, renting makes far more sense in the current over-priced land and housing market, just awating the next crash in a soi near you................



Firstly, I'm an outside of thailand now SHARING a future with my wife and our new born daughter. I have been married to a most beautiful, caring and understanding Thai woman. We share the ideas we express to each other, this situation allows my wife to own many rai, pickup truck, house and await further purchase of land. I'm fully aware of ownership rights within the system. Its our choice for the future of our family. Please explain why so much anger can be expressed towards those who wish to SHARE their future in the land of smiles. Secondly, would it not be more cultural and prudent to express Mai pen rai on issues like this- allow the appropriate govt departments to resolve such important matters butterfly. I'm sure they will do what is right for all concerned and to the benefit of your "Them and Us" attitude. Be kinder butterfly, Its nice to be kind. People will respect you more..


Butterfly, I think nobody would offer you a job in the diplomatic service.

Still I agree to the point.

Just look what happened on Hawaii where for a long period the people could not pay the prices dictated from Tokyo.


My Dear Translator....

You said the magic words ...."PICK UP TRUCK"

Preferably red in colour and Izuzu in brand.

There are no circumstances in which a pick-up truck is needed by a farang.

Have you ever been approached to purchase one by your caring better-half?


This is still like trying to compare buying a economy car and the price of fuel it will use compared to the luxury car. You can keep the money in the bank and pay the rent with the earnings and leave when troubles arrive or tie the money up on something that allows you no added benefit other than luxury. When you find out

that water is never availible or the neighborhood has changed to poor quality you are stuck until another sucker arrives. Do you need the luxury as much as you need the headaches. Unless you get a deal you cannot pass up I would say play it safe. Like having a dog you always have to worry about it, just make friends with

the nieghbors dog. Send it post cards when you are traviling around enjoying yourself.


Moog my Dear bus boy

Firstly. its silver to blend and allow a low profile when passing an empty pocket...know who i mean. Secondly, purchased it to allow collection and transportation of rubber produced from the lands, also shops/touring. An executive car or bus is not exactly workable, is it ?

Dont judge everyone moog, some people decide and make the correct directions in life without drink or problems to run from. what i give, I more than get back. Its sad for those that do not see a marriage scam or one sided need in front of them.

Freedom to move about moog - freedom - Life is a bitch if you dont have dosh.....

My Wife built and payed cash for the house we live in. Maybe i'm just lucky or thinking Indiginous style. Whats your further question Moog.


:o Why buy property when you can rent? It makes no sense to buy. If you really want to buy, whats wrong with a condo? This elite card thing is a swizz, anyone seen a fake one yet?

If I could get my hands on one I'd put on a suit, pretend to be a V.I.P. and get a five year multiple visa, thats the only good thing about it!


I suspect a suit would not be so effective as a golf bag and jacket bearing the logo of "TRT" in promient letters as a passport to that 5 year visa you crave. I'm sure the VIP status will also card the authorities you're also worth a bottle of Johnny Black or two down the club, which you're so graciously allowed to play "free" at. :D


Do you know, I've been just been through the whole of the responses to my enquiry regarding land having ever been granted to foreigners up to 1 rai, and I have seen not one reply even mentioning this particular point. It started off with yet more waffling about the 'Elite Card' and ended up talking about golf bags? Well, this is the forum to go to if you want some intelligent information.

Thanks everyone. Oh, by the way 'butterfly', was talking to a lawyer (Thai) recently, friend of a friend, who'd just been staying at the Thai PM's house in London. Bit double standard there I think. It would also save a lot of problems with dubious 'company ownerships', 30 year leases if the landlord dies, and being screwed over by some Thai woman who wants you to buy her an Isuzu pickup to park outside her nice new property also. :o


Chuan Leekpai's idea was to let foreigners own max 1 rai of land (1,600 Sqm) for private living purposes if they invested 40 million Baht. Full details:

How to buy land in Thailand

The Acquisition of Land for Residential Purpose by Aliens

An alien bringing money not less than Baht forty million as specified in the Ministerial Regulation into the Kingdom for investment may apply for acquisition of land for residential purpose not more than one rai in area, provided also that permission must be obtained from the Minister. Under section 96 bis of the Land Code, the application for such acquisition of land shall be in accordance with rules, procedures and conditions prescribed in the Ministerial Regulation as follows:

1. In the case of an alien, who brings money for investment and wishes to apply for permission to acquire land for residential purpose, shall lodge an application (Alien 4 Form) to the competent official under section 71 of the Land Code together with the following documents:

1.1. An alien identification card issued by the Police Station in whose jurisdiction the alien is domiciled or a certificate of residence issued by the Immigration Division, National Bureau of the Royal Thai Police Force or a passport indicating the nationality of the alien;

1.2. Evidences of an investment in the business or activity that falls under Ministerial Regulation prescribing rules, procedures and conditions concerning the acquisition of Land for residential purpose by aliens B.E. 2545:

1.2.1. Letter of investment confirmation from bond seller and bonds of Thai Government, bonds of Bangkok of Thailand, bonds of State Enterprise or bonds which the Ministry of Finance secures the capital or interest;

1.2.2. Letter from the Asset Management Company confirming that an alien has invested in property mutual fund, property mutual fund or mutual fund for resolving financial institution problems established under the law on Securities and Stock Exchange, and an evidence of investment in such fund;

1.2.3. Evidences concerning investment in share capital of a juristic person who is granted promotion of investment under the law on promotion of investment, certificate of registration as a juristic person, name list of the juristic person’s share holders, and a certificate indicating that such juristic person is granted promotion of investment from the Board of Investment;

1.2.4. Evidences of engagement in an activity that entitles for being granted promotion of investment under the law on promotion of investment according to the announcement made by the Board of Investment, certificate of registration as a juristic person, name list of the juristic person’s share holders, and the Board of Investment’s letter indicating that an activity being operated entitles for being granted promotion of investment.

The evidences mentioned in para. 1.2.1 to 1.2.4 either the evidence in one para. or one combines with the other(s) can be used but the total amount shall be not less than Baht forty million.

1.3. Evidences of bringing a foreign currency into the Kingdom or the withdrawal of themoney from a foreign currency account or from a non-resident Baht account for investment.

Either one or more of the above mentioned evidences can be used but the total amount shall be not less than Baht forty million.

1.4. In the case of the land to be acquired is not located in Bangkok Metropolis, Pattaya City or Tessaban (Municipality); the letter of confirmation from the Provincial Office of Town and Country Planning is required certifying that the land to be acquired is located within a residential zone under the law on Town Planning.

1.5. Letter of Ministry of Defense or of the agency concerned confirming that such land is not located in a military safety zone under the law on Military Safety Zone.

1.6. The sketchy map showing the location of land seeking for permission.

1.7. In the case where an applicant has already had right on land by the time the application is being lodged, an applicant shall produce such land right document;

2. A person who is granted permission shall maintain the investment period not less than five years. He/she is required to produce the evidence of possession in the investment in 1.2 as the case may be as current, which shall be not less than Baht forty million, to the competent official according to section 71 once a year, on five consecutive years and each year shall be no later than the date making the acquisition registration of the aforementioned land.

3. A person who is granted permission shall utilized such land for a residential purpose of his/herself and the family in a way that is not contrary to the local custom or good living of the local community.

4. A person who is granted permission shall inform such land utilization for a residential purpose to the competent official of land office according to section 71 within sixty days as from the date of utilization.

5. A person who is granted permission shall facilitate the competent official supervising the use of such land to ensure that the utilization is in accordance with rules and conditions prescribed in the law once he/she receives a written notifications from the competent official under section 71.

6. If a person granted permission withdraws an investment in the business or activity before the due date of investment in 2, he/she shall inform in writing to the competent official according to section 71 within sixty days as from the date of making the withdrawal.

7. A person granted permission shall utilize such land for residential purpose within two years as from the date of the land acquisition registration.

8. If a person granted permission does not comply with the rules and conditions in 2-6, the Director General shall have the power to order such person to dispose of the land in a portion of his possession within the period of not less than one hundred eighty days and not more than one year.

If the time limit elapses the Director General shall have the power to dispose of such land. Also, if the person does not comply with the condition in 7, the Director General shall have the power to dispose of such land.

9. Any foreign language document shall be translated into Thai language. The translation shall be certified according to the Ministerial Regulations (B.E. 2540) issued under the Purview of Administrative Procedure Act B.E. 2539. (Phraratchabunyat Vithipratibut Ratchakarn Thangpokkhrong B.E. 2539)

10. In the case of a person bringing money into the Kingdom to the amount of Baht forty million for investment and has bought the land less than 1 rai, if later and within the period of investment, that person wishes to buy additional land, in this instance, the documents attached to the current investment can be used along with the application for acquisition of the additional land.

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