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Loy Kratong


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This holiday really freaks dogs out, mine hasn't left my side for almost 2 days.

Try giving some favourite treat at the sound of a bang, sometimes the association helps, but you really needed more time to work on this.

Keep your dog near you, lots of holding, stroking and whatever reassuring words you use.

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This holiday really freaks dogs out, mine hasn't left my side for almost 2 days.

Try giving some favourite treat at the sound of a bang, sometimes the association helps, but you really needed more time to work on this.

Keep your dog near you, lots of holding, stroking and whatever reassuring words you use.

Thanks uptheos. We'll keep the stroking and soothing talk going but it doesn't calm her much. Food and treats don't interest her either. We only have H.M. the Kings birthday and the multiple New Years celebrations coming up next to go thru then it's down hill 'till next song krong.

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This holiday really freaks dogs out, mine hasn't left my side for almost 2 days.

Try giving some favourite treat at the sound of a bang, sometimes the association helps, but you really needed more time to work on this.

Keep your dog near you, lots of holding, stroking and whatever reassuring words you use.

Thanks uptheos. We'll keep the stroking and soothing talk going but it doesn't calm her much. Food and treats don't interest her either. We only have H.M. the Kings birthday and the multiple New Years celebrations coming up next to go thru then it's down hill 'till next song krong.

Go on Cesar Milan's website (Dog Whisperer), I think you'll find strategies on there, if not for now for the future....all the best mate. smile.gif

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Not everywhere in CM has firecrakerers. There are mostly near the river sides. I assume you will know well if you are local(since you have a dog).

Take your dog out to the Thapae Gate area to watch the parade tomorrow night, which is their grand final night. No one put on any firecrakers at Thapae Gate area.

I hope someone can report whether the parade is on tonight as well. Someone said the final night parade is grander, hope someone can witness the difference if any.

Can someone also report whether if there is any fireworks show in CM like the way they did it in Sukhotai ?

dam_n it, I missed loykrathong in Thailand this year.

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This holiday really freaks dogs out, mine hasn't left my side for almost 2 days.

Try giving some favourite treat at the sound of a bang, sometimes the association helps, but you really needed more time to work on this.

Keep your dog near you, lots of holding, stroking and whatever reassuring words you use.

Thanks uptheos. We'll keep the stroking and soothing talk going but it doesn't calm her much. Food and treats don't interest her either. We only have H.M. the Kings birthday and the multiple New Years celebrations coming up next to go thru then it's down hill 'till next song krong.

King's birthday celebratiion in CM ? When is it ?

There is the Flower Festival around the same days as Chinese New Year.

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Yup, Loi Kratong could be so much nicer, if it wasn't for the bl**** fireworks. Beside the unnecessary noise, it's all highly polluting heavy metals blown into the air. :annoyed:

Here all the dogs are in their kennels already since 6pm. Normally they go in at least 3 hours later.

The most fearful I have in the front, so I can keep a good eye on them.

Be careful with lots of stroking, holding and in other ways comforting. It may reinforce the fearful behavior. Much of the fear for fireworks and thunder has become worse overtime due to this kind of comforting behavior of the owners.

It's much better to talk to the dogs in the language they use amongst each other. That is, when dogs feel they become stressed or that their environment becomes stressed they will use calming signals in an attempt to calm themselves and others down.

Calmings signals that you can use is yawning, stretching, and lip licking with the tip of your tongue. Don't talk. Your dog doesn't talk.

Let the dog choose where it wants to be (within normal limits of course). Many choose to be in a small enclosure, as if in a den. This may be at your feet under your chair or pc, or under a table, in the toilet or in a bench aka cage. Once your dog is comfortable there, trying using these calming signals.

Don't think your dog doesn't see you or look at you. He does. If you are his leader, which is translated as 'his great protector', he will keep an eye on you, your emotions and behavior. If you remain calm and confident (including showing the calming signals), he will pick up on that.

I hope peace will return soon.

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I can only relate.

My own dog, now nearly 15 years suffers total trauma at the time of the fireworks. Back in the U.K., specifically at Bon Fire Night and Diwali and also Happy New Year. When she was younger we

use to give her sedatives. Now that she is older the Vet suggested other alternatives . Currently we use the Bach Stress Rescue Therapy. Have a look at the Google Search. Not sure if it on sale in Thailand but it must be available on-line. It;'s made from the essence of flowers. Who is to say? - Opium comes from the Poppy flower and the orginal aspirin from tree bark.

For Cassie it seems to help. Also we leave both the T.V and Radio on at full voume until the firework noise subsides.

Good Luck.


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I can only relate.

My own dog, now nearly 15 years suffers total trauma at the time of the fireworks. Back in the U.K., specifically at Bon Fire Night and Diwali and also Happy New Year. When she was younger we

use to give her sedatives. Now that she is older the Vet suggested other alternatives . Currently we use the Bach Stress Rescue Therapy. Have a look at the Google Search. Not sure if it on sale in Thailand but it must be available on-line. It;'s made from the essence of flowers. Who is to say? - Opium comes from the Poppy flower and the orginal aspirin from tree bark.

For Cassie it seems to help. Also we leave both the T.V and Radio on at full voume until the firework noise subsides.

Good Luck.


Bach Flower Remedies you can get via me, (the original in 10ml bottle) the friend back home who receives and forward my mail is specialized in BFR, homeopathy, reiki etc.

Very effective for stresses people and dogs indeed, have little bit left here. I don't intend to make any profit just can order and resell for the same price to selected people.


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Here too, I dislike ALL national festivities, annoying firecrackers, His Masters Voice-era music from temple speakers, drunk people on the street...

OK its their country not mine and its just 1 or 2 days. But my doggies scare the shit out of them... :angry:


That's a great picture and you can see the love in their eyes! Let's just hope the celebrations don't make it too hard on them.

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That's a great picture and you can see the love in their eyes! Let's just hope the celebrations don't make it too hard on them.

Yah their cute dogs, 2 brothers Bingo and Diesel, the puppy also a male I got from somebody 2 weeks ago, the guys are very nice with him and he's like a little brother for them :lol:

Still looking for a name for the little one, any suggestions ?

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Not everywhere in CM has firecrakerers. There are mostly near the river sides. I assume you will know well if you are local(since you have a dog).

Take your dog out to the Thapae Gate area to watch the parade tomorrow night, which is their grand final night. No one put on any firecrakers at Thapae Gate area.

I hope someone can report whether the parade is on tonight as well. Someone said the final night parade is grander, hope someone can witness the difference if any.

Can someone also report whether if there is any fireworks show in CM like the way they did it in Sukhotai ?

dam_n it, I missed loykrathong in Thailand this year.

:lol::cheesy: Is this post for real? Not everywhere in C.M. has firecrackers? Take the dog to Thapae???

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All the poor soi dogs are in hiding and quite nervous in my area. I wondered how Nienke would cope with a whole kennel full of dogs. Dog's ears are 10 times as sensitive as humans and they can hear sounds right off the charts from humans. Some dogs seem impervious to noise, while others panic. But, some of the explosions are really a bit much, While sitting in the Red Lion tonight something hit one of the transformers right above the restaurant and made a bloody great explosion that blew the wires right off the connection. There were sparks everywhere and I was hit by falling schrapnel. It turned the power off the whole grid for a minute. It was fortunate that nobody was sitting at the table where the explosion took place.

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This holiday really freaks dogs out, mine hasn't left my side for almost 2 days.

Try giving some favourite treat at the sound of a bang, sometimes the association helps, but you really needed more time to work on this.

Keep your dog near you, lots of holding, stroking and whatever reassuring words you use.

Thanks uptheos. We'll keep the stroking and soothing talk going but it doesn't calm her much. Food and treats don't interest her either. We only have H.M. the Kings birthday and the multiple New Years celebrations coming up next to go thru then it's down hill 'till next song krong.

King's birthday celebratiion in CM ? When is it ?

There is the Flower Festival around the same days as Chinese New Year.

5 December. I only mentioned this day along with the other upcoming celebrations meaning more fireworks and dog stressing days ahead. Although today ours seems to be handling the explosions a little better. Probably from being exhausted with all her jumping and shaking.;)

Edited by ThaiWx
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Not everywhere in CM has firecrakerers. There are mostly near the river sides. I assume you will know well if you are local(since you have a dog).

Take your dog out to the Thapae Gate area to watch the parade tomorrow night, which is their grand final night. No one put on any firecrakers at Thapae Gate area.

I hope someone can report whether the parade is on tonight as well. Someone said the final night parade is grander, hope someone can witness the difference if any.

Can someone also report whether if there is any fireworks show in CM like the way they did it in Sukhotai ?

dam_n it, I missed loykrathong in Thailand this year.

:lol::cheesy: Is this post for real? Not everywhere in C.M. has firecrackers? Take the dog to Thapae???

Especially the last sentence of that post makes the reliability of it highly doubtful :lol:

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I can only relate.

My own dog, now nearly 15 years suffers total trauma at the time of the fireworks. Back in the U.K., specifically at Bon Fire Night and Diwali and also Happy New Year. When she was younger we

use to give her sedatives. Now that she is older the Vet suggested other alternatives . Currently we use the Bach Stress Rescue Therapy. Have a look at the Google Search. Not sure if it on sale in Thailand but it must be available on-line. It;'s made from the essence of flowers. Who is to say? - Opium comes from the Poppy flower and the orginal aspirin from tree bark.

For Cassie it seems to help. Also we leave both the T.V and Radio on at full voume until the firework noise subsides.

Good Luck.


Bach Flower Remedies you can get via me, (the original in 10ml bottle) the friend back home who receives and forward my mail is specialized in BFR, homeopathy, reiki etc.

Very effective for stresses people and dogs indeed, have little bit left here. I don't intend to make any profit just can order and resell for the same price to selected people.



Thats a noble gesture. I have no commercial interest in Bach. I was introduced to the potion by the U.K. Vet, many years ago. In times of trouble I have myself also used it to great effect. A little goes a long way.

For sure it helps Cassie and I hope will help other dogs.

All the best.

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That's a great picture and you can see the love in their eyes! Let's just hope the celebrations don't make it too hard on them.

Yah their cute dogs, 2 brothers Bingo and Diesel, the puppy also a male I got from somebody 2 weeks ago, the guys are very nice with him and he's like a little brother for them :lol:

Still looking for a name for the little one, any suggestions ?

How about `Buddy ` ??

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