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Winners And Losers


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Having been married twice and lucky enough to escape with most of my assets, I will never, ever travel down that path again as I enjoy my freedom too much. Much as I will never own real estate again, marriage ties you to another person who most likely you will tire of within 2 - 4 years. So many women, so little time to enjoy them all.

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i'm going to marry an old friend i've known since childhood. i don't know when but we both figured it out recently. it is nice to know. meanwhile single life sounds much more boring than yours. a big night for me is getting a back massage with my shirt off!

I had forgotten today was Thanksgiving. I went to the 7/11 to get a coke zero. As I was walking down the street Dow yelled happy Thanksgiving. Oh, yes. I remembered. Dow has a BF and I had a GF but we used to see each other in the morning. Dow is 40, waist length long black. A talented woman I went in her small restaurant to get out of the sun. Warm day here. About an hour later, now knowing it was Thanksgiving, walked past the pub. They were serving a turkey dinner with all the trimmings for 250 Baht. I had worked up an apatite helping Dow with her ... whatever so I ate my Thanksgiving dinner early. Single for the holidays. Not so bad. It is only 2:00 PM and I have had a full day. I think I'll take a nap.

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As a single man, I certainly have a lot fewer worries. I'd probably have a coronary if I had a sick kid or wife to deal with. If something goes wrong, I can deal with it, but I'd have a hard time seeing a loved one suffer. As it is I get stressed out when my friends have problems. . I've never had to worry about making sure my kids were well fed and taken care of and that has added years to my life. Being single means that I can walk around in whatever I choose. It means that if the dog or cat wants to have a lick of the plate when I'm done, no one is there to scream at me. If the dog says, yo move over, I'm coming up to sit on the sofa, no worries. I do have a consistent circle of chaperones as I call them, but the downside of being single is that I know I'm on my own. Once I get old and hit my 60's its going to suck being single. Who's going to take care of me? Oh sure, I can hire a nurse like the young Mr. Grace had, but it's not the same as having a long term g/f or battleaxe being there to watch over things. The old guys that have the benefit of a good wife don't have to worry when they go in for surgery. The missus will be there to make sure things turn out ok. They always do. One can have a home and it can be well furnished and have staff, but it will never be complete unless one's wife (common law or regular or whatever it is they call a long term relationship these days.) is there to keep an eye on things. It's nice to have a trusted opinion on issues and who better to give one than the woman that has known you and your needs and mindset over the years? Wives or partners that have been around keep men from making stupid mistakes.

But then, some guys aren't made for marriage and they should just go with the natural flow. The woman that marries me is going to earn whatever money she gets from me and then some. smile.gif

Good post, but for the very reasons you stated are the same reasons why I DON'T want a wife to look after me when I get old. Some folks would say I'm ALREADY old, but I neither feel that way nor do I act it. But, nobody can deny Father Time forever. I wouldn't WANT a young woman to be saddled with having to look after me when I'm too old to act and perform like a man. I have the medicine to take care of myself if I ever get to a stage where I'm a burden on anyone. There's nothing wrong with suicide if it gets to that stage.

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Interesting to see the thoughts of those who have loosely followed the pattern of life as defined by society in general. Marriage at a relatively young age, experiencing the difficulties that go with taking on the financial challenge of a wife and children when you are young

The raw scars left by the experience, rather than good memories......the reluctance to become involved in a relationship again...and the reasoning to support that decision..........I am having fun

You may well be correct Mark, in part of your thinking, the man who has stayed single in his early life may well benefit by not having to look for the new found freedom the escapees from long term marriages are experiencing in their later years.

Indeed the single man may well be smarter, have your fun time when you are young enough to enjoy the experiences, when you can freely spend without recrimination, stay single until you become bored with your own company........could work well for many........I know a man who did just that....:) ......he appears happy enough in his married later years.......and certainly would never have considered himself a loser......:D

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i'm going to marry an old friend i've known since childhood. i don't know when but we both figured it out recently. it is nice to know. meanwhile single life sounds much more boring than yours. a big night for me is getting a back massage with my shirt off!

I had forgotten today was Thanksgiving. I went to the 7/11 to get a coke zero. As I was walking down the street Dow yelled happy Thanksgiving. Oh, yes. I remembered. Dow has a BF and I had a GF but we used to see each other in the morning. Dow is 40, waist length long black. A talented woman I went in her small restaurant to get out of the sun. Warm day here. About an hour later, now knowing it was Thanksgiving, walked past the pub. They were serving a turkey dinner with all the trimmings for 250 Baht. I had worked up an apatite helping Dow with her ... whatever so I ate my Thanksgiving dinner early. Single for the holidays. Not so bad. It is only 2:00 PM and I have had a full day. I think I'll take a nap.

Sounds like a good Day, M45y!

For me, realising that I met the most relatable people in my life long before coming to Thailand is no great shock. Relaising that life experience apart can be as valuable as experience shared is more of a revlation. I know now how precious my relationships from back home are. My best friend I have know propperly for ten years. Nearly half of that we've not been in the same country at the same time. He's a better friend now than when I left blighty. And he was bloody brilliant back then!

The lady I referenced is someone I taught tennis to in my parents garden (couldn't afford a tennis court in the garden back then had to improvise in the orchard) as an early teenager. She moved halfway round the world before I even thought about coming to thailand. But again, you can't fault the connection.

Of the married guys I've seen here. The only one I really come close to envying is a chap who came here with his wife of 30 some years from back home. When I see them together I am reminded of my folks and how they have been happily married for 47 years and still globe trot together. If my mum passed on before my dad, the idea of him coming to thailand for his kicks is about as plausible as ben bernanke telling the truth about quantitative easing!

Edited by Loz
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You paint a picture with negatives based on age, fraud, lack of education or sexual proclivities.

If I was you I would rethink your statement based on abuse of alcohol and/or drugs.

As I previously pointed out; the individuals with problems struggle to make a distinciotn between being on holiday and being resident. I get the impression a lot of people who decide to move to Thailand does under the assumption that their life will be a life long holiday - which usually includes the increase in alcohol consumption.

I do socialise quite a bit with embassy staff. A few of them deals with this kind of people on a daily basis, so through them I have a fairly good picture of the reality, which is that benefit fraud is not uncommon at all, neither is the percentage of people with a criminal record, long history of unemployment as well as drug abuse. Very small percentage comes here with some sort of academic background.

You're absolutely right - it doesn't get anymore negative. Unfortunaltely it's also reality.

Well Foreskin, I don't know how you did it but you have described me to a "T"! :o

In fact, I have a lengthy criminal record, a long history of unemployment, and I am abusing drugs as I type this response!

I actually can't wait to be old enough to claim benefits because it is my firm intention to somehow get more than I am entitled to receive.

Then perhaps I can afford to hire a tri-lingual..."gardener", to water my plants (wink wink) while i complete my high-school equivalency online. :)

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In a nutshell, I think people who come here for the women are seeking a different set of qualities.

I don't require a nail clipping service or someone to wipe my cutlery before I eat. I don't require a translator or a negotiator. I don't require my house maid to share my bed. I don't need to adopt an extended family, quite happy with my own. I don't need to have the same limited conversations daily never venturing into the abstract. I don't need telling why the tv should be on at meal times and extra loud when korean dramas are showing. I don't need to see someone who shares my bed chew their food with their mouth open and not cover their mouth when the cough.

So the single life is right for me here.

I need peace and quiet. I like to chose when to socialise and with who, and I like the freedom to choose everything for myself ("u mus' buy DMAK!!", "er no, piss off!") in the absence of someone who I respect and trust enough to choose for me.

yeah, that was a big nut shell.

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I bet a case of Singha beer that more than 99% of the suicide attempts (successful or not) can be found in these groups, and who can blame them?; they certainly qualify for the privilige of being called "Loser". "Big time Loser", even...

And you would lose that bet, most white male suicides in Thailand are in their 20s, fall in love with a bar girl, she leaves them for someone with money, etc.

That's excluding the helped suicides that jump off balconies to leave all their worldlys to a young woman.

It seems the older gentlemen, aren't too bothered by 'gf' turnover.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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Do you still have to use condoms regularly?..................now I personally see that as the major downside for the single player....that is where the single man could well be losing out....and where a more defined relationship can lead to more enjoyable sex

Condoms, small price to pay………………..It’s like this; I like biscuits, all types, mainly Rich-tea. But if I only get to dunk and eat Rich-tea for the rest of my life, let’s be honest, they’re going to lose its sparkle. It’s a man’s right, no his duty to dip a Bourbon, Nice or even push the boat out on a fancy Wagonwheel once and a while.

Dam! My wife has just read the above and suspended my biscuit dunking for the time being. By biscuits I do me Rich-tea!

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Do you still have to use condoms regularly?..................now I personally see that as the major downside for the single player....that is where the single man could well be losing out....and where a more defined relationship can lead to more enjoyable sex

Condoms, small price to pay………………..It's like this; I like biscuits, all types, mainly Rich-tea. But if I only get to dunk and eat Rich-tea for the rest of my life, let's be honest, they're going to lose its sparkle. It's a man's right, no his duty to dip a Bourbon, Nice or even push the boat out on a fancy Wagonwheel once and a while.

Dam! My wife has just read the above and suspended my biscuit dunking for the time being. By biscuits I do me Rich-tea!

But if you ate the biscuits without removing the wrapper?

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This is the kind of thread where everyone will try to paint their own situation as being the best.

I was single for 37 years, now very happily married for 5. I remember making the most of my singleness, but I also remember wishing I wasn't single.

I am blessed because my marriage is good, but that is because I am determined to fulfill my part of the relationship and because I married someone with the same vision as me.

I believe a good marriage is the best thing, and a bad marriage is probably the worst; being single falls somewhere in the middle.

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Do you still have to use condoms regularly?..................now I personally see that as the major downside for the single player....that is where the single man could well be losing out....and where a more defined relationship can lead to more enjoyable sex

Condoms, small price to pay………………..It's like this; I like biscuits, all types, mainly Rich-tea. But if I only get to dunk and eat Rich-tea for the rest of my life, let's be honest, they're going to lose its sparkle. It's a man's right, no his duty to dip a Bourbon, Nice or even push the boat out on a fancy Wagonwheel once and a while.

Dam! My wife has just read the above and suspended my biscuit dunking for the time being. By biscuits I do me Rich-tea!

But if you ate the biscuits without removing the wrapper?

:clap2: Good cum-back 473geo!

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I think the high availability of women in this country makes being single a much happier and more accepted way of life than it would be in the West. Absolutely zero pressure to get into (or stay in) a relationship.

Not having a relationship is like not having a TV.. You could easily get one if you wanted to, but quite a few people just can't be bothered, and when you feel like watching some sports or whatever then there are plenty welcoming public options.

(Thank you, I was very pleased with the above phrasing myself too. :) )

Also in terms of economic or social advancement it's not significantly beneficial to be in a relationship compared to being single, for the large majority of Farang men and the women they might date. Financial and economic status may even be impacted negatively. (With some exceptions, of course. Cue: some guys claiming to be married to a highly educated Chinese Thai, running her successful business. ;) )

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Interesting to see the thoughts of those who have loosely followed the pattern of life as defined by society in general. Marriage at a relatively young age, experiencing the difficulties that go with taking on the financial challenge of a wife and children when you are young

The raw scars left by the experience, rather than good memories......the reluctance to become involved in a relationship again...and the reasoning to support that decision..........I am having fun

You may well be correct Mark, in part of your thinking, the man who has stayed single in his early life may well benefit by not having to look for the new found freedom the escapees from long term marriages are experiencing in their later years.

Indeed the single man may well be smarter, have your fun time when you are young enough to enjoy the experiences, when you can freely spend without recrimination, stay single until you become bored with your own company........could work well for many........I know a man who did just that....:) ......he appears happy enough in his married later years.......and certainly would never have considered himself a loser......:D

Wel there are some of us who dont fit into any categories here mentioned , those of us who didnt marry until we were in our 40's and never thought we would get married, I certainly didnt.

Being married is hard its always a compromise sometimes I miss my carefree days where if I wanted to drop everything I could and just go but Ive change with age and what i want now is sooooooooooooooo different to what I wamted when i was younger. Life is a strange journey that's for sure.

I dont regret marrying my wife all I asked is she is honest and trustworthy and she sure as hel_l is that, which is refreshing in the land of mainly false smiles.

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People have come to Thailand for a myriad of different reasons. Of course there will be folks that frown on the certain reasons why they have. It is easy to judge and I am no different. I will say I am not fond of the bar girl choice but to each his own. It seems to have a following theme, Bars =drinking, drugs. As we all know that choice has a pretty high level of diminishing returns. Health issues, sickness, going broke and suicide etc. Of course they do achieve getting a basic need fulfilled but at a cost. I do find that entire bar girl environment disgusting and stay WAY away from it. It sheds a very seedy perception of Thailand as that is all I ever hear when I am not home. Sad indeed as there is so much more to Thailand. But again, Not my Liver, Not my money. biggrin.gif

As for me, I am a divorced guy. Was married 20 years and my X and I just grew apart. I then took on a new role in the company I worked for at the time and became an operations transfer manager and traveled on and off to Thailand for the job. One trip I met a wonderful gal at the company in staff meetings and we hit it off and started dating. I am in a monogamous relationship with her and have been. I enjoyed my single life but prefer sharing with 1 women. Whether I will remarry is unknown. I do not have anything on my radar.

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I think the high availability of women in this country makes being single a much happier and more accepted way of life than it would be in the West. Absolutely zero pressure to get into (or stay in) a relationship.

Not having a relationship is like not having a TV.. You could easily get one if you wanted to, but quite a few people just can't be bothered, and when you feel like watching some sports or whatever then there are plenty welcoming public options.

(Thank you, I was very pleased with the above phrasing myself too. :) )

Also in terms of economic or social advancement it's not significantly beneficial to be in a relationship compared to being single, for the large majority of Farang men and the women they might date. Financial and economic status may even be impacted negatively. (With some exceptions, of course. Cue: some guys claiming to be married to a highly educated Chinese Thai, running her successful business. ;) )

I agree with you. I realize Thai families push their offspring into marriage and they certainly want grandchildren and if they have a business more people to work in it.

In agricultural societies large families are necessary to work the farm and cultural social pressures arise out of basic economic needs.

In Thailand western men are removed from western peer pressure to conform to the married ideal and the biological need for a sex partner has been institutionalized here to allow many unmarried or extra married alternatives it has been this way for hundreds of years in Thailand.

I remember coming to my parents home while I was in college for the holidays. They were happy to see me because I didn't come home much while I was away at school. After a night on the town I showed up back at the homestead with a stripper I had picked up downtown. I was a bit drunk and had no idea my parents would know my companion was a professional lady of the night. Her makeup, spiked heels and micro mini skirt were apparently a dead give away and differed radically from the coeds I normally dated.

Yesterday, I had thanksgiving dinner at a pub. It is a nice restaurant and friendly family kind of atmosphere.

The major difference was all the men in the pub had prostitutes as dinner companions as opposed to wives. There were a couple of wives but it was obvious they were ex prostitutes and fit in well with the group.

In comparing my parents reaction to Thai peoples reaction to Falangs with bar girls the scenario becomes obvious to me.

My parents when I brought home the stripper thought very little of my morals. I imagine my Thai business associates think very little of my morals today.

I on the other hand congratulate myself on being consistent over all these years.

Cashier at one of my restaurants in the States.


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Single is the way forward in Thailand.

But as it is the majority of people tend to be lonely old dudes who are in a rush to get shacked up with a Thai wife and wonder why they get taken to the cleaners...

The old dudes are misinformed and form an impression about Thai women from the media before they get here. On another thread I was reading, Thai women are referred to by the western media as uneducated poor farm women who are exploited by big bad Falangs. The media constantly paints a picture of Thai women as ignorant country bumpkins that are easy prey for any white male or any male for that matter.

I think most school teachers of teenage Thais can attest that even young Thai women are not easy prey for anyone.

I can't tell you how many days I saw Thai girls beating up Thai boys in school. Thai females of any age are easy to provoke to violence and have a voice level that would stop a pack of Soi dogs dead in their tracks.

There may be kind, quiet submissive Thai women in Thailand. But I have never met one. Put one of these young sharks in a pool of older Thai lady sharks in a bar and the young shark learns quickly.

If the Western media began to realistically portray Thai women it may save Western men a lot of headaches but I don't see that happening.

Sure there are sex pat books that detail real Thai women but I think those are largely ignored especially as the female portrayal in person is that of the innocent little lady with the burdens of the world on her shoulders. My mother is sick, brother had a motorcycle accident, sister needs money for college and my ex husband was a butterfly.

Edited by mark45y
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The there's the group of people who are "retired". They usually get some sort of pension or benefit from their home country - in many cases they are not actually entitled to the benefits (again, pure speculation) - and came here to live cheap. These people are with very few exception men. Judging from the way most of these men bahave disqualifies them from the term "expats", they are sex tourists.

Then there is the group of men who make gross, incorrect assumptions and speculations based on their own very limited and distorted view of reality. jerk.gif

Then there is the group of men who serve their country, risk life to protect liberty and freedom of speech to help allow small-minded jerks voice an opinion, who then retire on a pension and settle down in a country where their small pension allows them to live in relative comfort. They may or may not engage in enthusiastic sexual activity.

Guess whose buttons you just managed to press? cool.gif

Edited by BoonToong
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Then there is the group of men who make gross, incorrect assumptions and speculations based on their own very limited and distorted view of reality.

Oh, yeah, I forgot about that one, but that group usually doesn't include people with higher education who are smart enough to verify statements with existing facts. You want some..? But then after all, we're talking about the losers here, but you're disputing that "retired" misfits who came here to shag Nana brass are winners after all just as long as they stay single!? I guess you're the living proof that we're all different - and you may just be more different!

Then there is the group of men who serve their country, risk life to protect liberty and freedom of speech to help allow small-minded jerks voice an opinion, who then retire on a pension and settle down in a country where their small pension allows them to live in relative comfort. They may or may not engage in enthusiastic sexual activity.

We're talking about winners and losers here. You follow...!? I described the losers. Not the winners. That doesn't mean everybody are losers, does it, but if your view on this is that a 60 year old single guy who hangs out in bars most of the time and pays to get a blow job from an 18-year old hooker is a winner simply because he served his country we are in disagreeement, simple as that. Exclude the bar and the hooker and there will be a difference in my rating.

Guess whose buttons you just managed to press?

The ones who are still pissed off because they dropped out of high school and grabbed the US Marines as the last resort to a decent life..!?

Even the ones who didn't graduate from high school should be able to figure out that there are plenty of single men who live in happily in LOS whether their income is from benefit, pension, savings or something else. Not all have a drinking problem or shag cheap hookers every night (or ever). I know people who live here as rice farmers in tiny villages in Isaan - some of them are fully accepted by the locals, married with children and couldn't be happier. Now there's a winner if you ask me, but please don't come here and accuse others of having a distorted and limited view of reality. In my case the view could hardly be more unlimited. :jap:

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BwahahahOP, you were married 3 times to Thai Women & you thought Single Men were Losers ?? :unsure:

Bwahahahaah you couldn't make it up..

Amazing, amazing Thailand..

No, no, no. Married three times to Western women. I have never been married to a Thai woman.

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Personally I wouldn't trust any of them. If the women is still remotely passable and not too far passed her sell by date she always use this to her advantage over the guy and maybe seek a better provider if the guy for some reason falls on hard times, no matter how long she has been with the man, even if they have children together.

If the guy works away for long periods at a time, she will eventually seek comfort during those long lonely nights in some other guys bed or worse still invite a guy to take occupation in the marital bed just to fill in while hubbies away working his guts out somewhere. But she won't tell hubby this while he continues sending the money.

Undoubtedly not all women are like this, but a good percentage are and men certainly stand to lose out big time if they should happen to get hooked up with the wrong sort.

If we go back a few thousand years Beetlejuice we will find that women have always done that. Men are the Hunter Gatherers and the women take care of the cave, cooking cleaning and looking after the kids. if her caveman stops bring food home for some reason of course she is going to find another caveman. how is she going to survive otherwise.

some cavemen are lucky because there cavegirl like to go hunting as well, but the problem with that is, the caveman is then expected to help clean the cave!

so we cant have it both ways can we? :lol:

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Personally I wouldn't trust any of them. If the women is still remotely passable and not too far passed her sell by date she always use this to her advantage over the guy and maybe seek a better provider if the guy for some reason falls on hard times, no matter how long she has been with the man, even if they have children together.

If the guy works away for long periods at a time, she will eventually seek comfort during those long lonely nights in some other guys bed or worse still invite a guy to take occupation in the marital bed just to fill in while hubbies away working his guts out somewhere. But she won't tell hubby this while he continues sending the money.

Undoubtedly not all women are like this, but a good percentage are and men certainly stand to lose out big time if they should happen to get hooked up with the wrong sort.

If we go back a few thousand years Beetlejuice we will find that women have always done that. Men are the Hunter Gatherers and the women take care of the cave, cooking cleaning and looking after the kids. if her caveman stops bring food home for some reason of course she is going to find another caveman. how is she going to survive otherwise.

some cavemen are lucky because there cavegirl like to go hunting as well, but the problem with that is, the caveman is then expected to help clean the cave!

so we cant have it both ways can we? :lol:

I have not met one yet but I have heard anecdotally that in Thailand the wife plants and harvests the rice and cleans the house. I have heard this from women complaining about the husband being drunken lazy butterflies and from Thai men who are drunken lazy butterflies.

I think this kind of woman really exists in Thailand. The men drink whiskey and mess around with younger women and don't bring in any money. I have heard this from too many Thai women to doubt it.

We could go out tonight and I will bet the expenses for the evening I could produce 10 Thai women would swear that they had a husband like I described.

Now that is what I am looking for. I have noticed that Thai women seem to stay married to this kind of male from between 5 and 10 years. That's OK with me.

Whenever I am asked by a Thai woman what I want in a wife I tell her I am just like a Thai man. No better, no worse. I have adapted to the Thai culture successfully. I tell her I want to chase young women and drink whiskey and not work for a living. Surprisingly this admission of almost total cultural assimilation does not seem to motivate Thai women into a long term relationship with me. Go figure!

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Just read markys post. it is funny how people see things so different. I always thought guys who got married and couldnot hold it together were losers. If they married more than once I thought they were chumps.I always felt any fool can get married it takes no special talent. But when I saw guys get married over and over again I kept thinking there must be something wrong with these guys. They seem to not be man enough to face the world alone. I actually began to think some had real problems with identity and self worth. It was like they were a bunch of gays trying to look straight, and couldnot pull it off. I have heard it said doing the same thing more than once and getting the same results is a sign of mental instability, for sane people learn from mistakes and donot repeat them.

I also think many married people arenot well adjusted as they try to show. Single people have the freedom to be who they are and have no one to answer too.

As far as guys who come to Thailand to get married why not its like a game here no reality to it.Pay the price get your ticket take a ride on the thai marriage ride. Affordable fun for old aged men.

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Just read markys post. it is funny how people see things so different. I always thought guys who got married and couldnot hold it together were losers. If they married more than once I thought they were chumps.I always felt any fool can get married it takes no special talent. But when I saw guys get married over and over again I kept thinking there must be something wrong with these guys. They seem to not be man enough to face the world alone. I actually began to think some had real problems with identity and self worth. It was like they were a bunch of gays trying to look straight, and couldnot pull it off. I have heard it said doing the same thing more than once and getting the same results is a sign of mental instability, for sane people learn from mistakes and donot repeat them.

I also think many married people arenot well adjusted as they try to show. Single people have the freedom to be who they are and have no one to answer too.

As far as guys who come to Thailand to get married why not its like a game here no reality to it.Pay the price get your ticket take a ride on the thai marriage ride. Affordable fun for old aged men.

You appear to think all women are exactly the same, or at least carry all the same traits?.......otherwise your insanity declaration does not hold up.

My experience has been that no two women are exactly the same, indeed varied in many aspects of human nature......

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