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Defensive Driving Course


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I am looking for Defensive Driving courses for my wife.

I want her to get as much help as she can get !!!!!! rolleyes.gif

I have found this one for 3500b under the 'Safety Drive' use your own car, looks car handling.

www . singharacingschool . com

Anyone have any experience with this mob? They appear to be in Bangkok.

I also 2 months ago tried to follow the signs of a Ford one about 5km south of Hua Hin, but the signs lead to nowhere.

I remember doing a weekend course like one of these many moons ago, and it was very humbling to say the least. In fact it was brilliant, but that was in another country.

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There are driving schools all over Bangkok (not sure about other areas) and all of them that I have seen have cars for the students to use. My wife took one of these courses before she got her license. The teacher will then also arrange for all the student to go to the DMV for the test and provide the car for the driving test.

If I remember correctly, the cost was 3,300 for15 hours of driving lessons. The school had a set up in a large open lot with traffic cones for practice in driving, backing up, parking (parallel and backing into spot).

She liked it and worked for her, she was able to pass the test on the first shot.

ps. The driving school was on Srinakarin Rd just passed Samitivet Hospital on the opposite side. If you go by that area, you will see the open lot with the cones set up, just stop by and ask for details. I believe they operate everyday but sat and sun are the busy days.

Edited by CWMcMurray
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Do you mean advance driving lessons ?.

Ordinary driving lessons will be enough for her to pass her test.

I read what you want but what does your wife want.:rolleyes:

I say just let her experience driving with someone in the car with her until she is confident to want to drive alone.

Edited by Kwasaki
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What is "Defensive Driving" ?

First I thought it was learning to drive James Bond style :).

But after a bit of research on the internet, they just talk about cheaper insurance premium ....:(

What is it exactly ?

To keep a long story short defensive driving skills can help you avoid the dangers caused by other people's bad driving.So could be quite useful here in Thailand!!

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Please excuse my ignorance but Thai driving defensive courses!!! Surely this involves; 1, getting a manageable hand gun or light assault weapon, 2, hopefully learning which end the lead comes out, 3, stow in an easily reachable location in the vehicle, 4, whip that puppy out when you get involved in a TRA. Job done!................................Singha racing school, there is so much to say! That’s rich, To me that’s like Marlboro running an Asthma clinic, and giving away money off cigarette coupon.

On a more serious note “haveaniceday” I think you wishing to protect the one you love in this way is very commendable, I do. You don’t say if your wife is a newly qualified driver, is she? If she is I would not push your luck, as a new driver her head will be so full of just the basic driving techniques we old sweats take for granted, just with; lane discipline, using the mirrors, indicating and general observing the high way code. (Tongue wedged firmly in cheek) She will have her hands full, (I resist the urge to elaborate on that last sentence) I would if you simple take the time to allow your wife to take in all she has learnt so far. One thing, would it kill you to teach her to reverse. Think of it as a poetical business opportunity, If she could learn reversing, you could go on tour around Thailand doing paid displays to the general public in Thailand……………………If she been driving a while………Then scrub round all I said and sign her up.

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  • 6 months later...

Defensive driving? I don't think that there are enough Thais who understand the concept to staff a Driving School here.

More opinionated drivel. There are perfectly adequate DDC schools around. Many major projects in Thailand use them to pass an HSE audit.

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Defensive driving? I don't think that there are enough Thais who understand the concept to staff a Driving School here.

May be not enough Thai's, but there sure are enough racist farang's about on TV these days.

Edited by samran
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What is "Defensive Driving" ?

First I thought it was learning to drive James Bond style :).

But after a bit of research on the internet, they just talk about cheaper insurance premium ....:(

What is it exactly ?

Weld an AK47 to your hood.

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Defensive driving? I don't think that there are enough Thais who understand the concept to staff a Driving School here.

Yes. Rather like a local 'driving school' who had my daughter take her test in a car with a busted gearbox. Try the 'hill start' in that,

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What a waste of time and Money defensive driving is, I have to have a course every year.because of my Job. Petroleum Delivery Driver(Tanker Driver)it teaches you to look further up the road and leave bigger spaces, and to brake early, all that happens is some dick head jumps in the space. Also breaking slower and more smoothly , again some dick head jumps out in front of you, A better idea instead of wasting time and money on courses, would be to build into vehicles cameras to record Drivers actions then blame could be apportioned to the guilty party , then hammer them with Fines and higher Insurances , but thats another bug bear many do not have insurance.

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<br />What a waste of time and Money defensive driving is, I have to have a course every year.because of my Job. Petroleum Delivery Driver(Tanker Driver)it teaches you to look further up the road and leave bigger spaces, and  to brake early, all that happens is some dick head jumps in the space. Also breaking slower and more smoothly , again some dick head jumps out in front of you, A better idea instead of wasting time and money on courses, would be to build into vehicles cameras to record Drivers actions then blame could be apportioned to the guilty party , then hammer them with Fines and higher Insurances , but thats another bug bear many do not have insurance.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

This is what I was talking about... Thais, in general, are fairly polite, reasonably skilled drivers. The one, almost universal flaw that they have is tailgating. If you tailgate, you throw away any possibility you have of driving defensively.

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A friend of mine (Thai) and I went to Manila a few years ago.

In a taxi, waiting for green light, almost rush hours.

As the green light is lit, I study my friend's face as litterally 1000 cars start using the horn.


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Two of my colleagues have got into a rather unseemly confrontation over a minor scratch while driving; it reminds me of my second rule of defensive driving... Courtesy should take precedence over right of way when dealing with idiots... an idiot in front of you will drive into someone else! You can do a little to control the space in front of you - you can do much less about the space behind you.


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Two of my colleagues have got into a rather unseemly confrontation over a minor scratch while driving; it reminds me of my second rule of defensive driving... Courtesy should take precedence over right of way when dealing with idiots... an idiot in front of you will drive into someone else! You can do a little to control the space in front of you - you can do much less about the space behind you.


A right of way is only what another person allows you to do.

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