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Thai Black Magic, Spells Etc


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I am willing to submit to a Thaivisa first.

In the interests of objectivity I invite any curse or wishing of good fortune on myself and shall post here any unexpected good or bad luck that should befall me.

Assuming of course I'm still alive to tell the tale :D

For my wife or I to harm you .... we would need personal contact (and a good reason to wish you harm).

Daring a stranger to do it just wouldn't work in our belief system (and I never wish harm on others anyway).

For good luck ...... you need to send me 5,000bht first.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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Magic is very strong, especially in the North, Chiang Mai is well known for its powerful magicians and magic tattoos.

Adding items to a mans food is fairly common, menstrual blood from a woman is believed to force a man to love the woman (a smear added to a drink or food while you are not looking)

Tattoos made by magicians to attract money from men.

Worship of Buddha and asking for wishes of power over people or bad luck and illness.

It pretty much all happens and is very common.

Does it work, the Thais believe it does.

Not quite sure why you have attracted so many weirdos to your post ......... time of night maybe!

Surin women are feared for this, so are the khmer.... I had a relationship with one, still got my money, my life, my pants on!

It DEPENDS very much on the PERSON and what he allows another person to do with him his life, his savings, house, car.... "black magic" or not, for some the "black magic woman" does already all the magic, no amulets, no spells, no nothing needed, only her looks and... ah' well no further details - get real, get a life!

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Normally I bow out of topics when the seemly self proclaimed experts start making personal attacks at others whose beliefs deffer from theirs.

A couple of the posted statements just made me wonder what thought process brought them to print. " there is no harm". Tell that to the victims and the suicide bombers who are roaming the countrysides. Tell that to those denied medical treatment due to some belief. Tell those whose standard of living is reduced due to monies spent on various objects.

"Its all bs and does not work crowd" would have a impossible task in convincing those women who become pregnant after doing the routine to the phallus images on display or those in secretive places. Not sure if Thai's have a rendition of the voodoo dolls accompanied with hexes and stick pins but those people affected (if they survived) would warn the naysayers to be most careful in their denial.

Whether we believe as these people do or not is a moot point. Various beliefs control the thinking, actions and the spending of millions of people. Those that spout intolerance eventually place themselves in a position as seen by others, similar to those they condemn.

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Does she have?

Raven hair and ruby lips, sparks that fly from her finger tips?

Do you hear echoed voices in the night?

Is she a restless spirit on an endless flight?

Does she have the moon in her eye?

Has she held you spellbound in the night?

Well , she's been sleeping in the Devil's bed.


She's a witchy woman

Run and take sanctuary at a Tescos in the cleaning supplies section. A witchy woman won't go near that section.

My source for that was Don Henley and Bernie Leadon and they know their witchy women.

Oh wait, maybe they said bitchy. Jeez I forget. Nevermind. Carry on. :whistling:

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let's face it, anyone can believe whatever they want.


If one magic in the world actually existed. It would NEVER be the thai's.. 3world country with most people suffering. Im guessing if magic is real, it has only worked in the western world.

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Do you believe in Aliens, telepathy, evolution, man-made climate change, time travel, space travel?

What do you think links those? I can't see anything they might have in common. You've got a possibility (aliens), a very philosophical complex idea (time travel), an historical event (space travel), a totally unproven idea (telepathy), and two extremely well established scientific theories (evolution and climate change). You'll notice - actually, you won't so I'll tell you - that belief doesn't really come into the picture.

Those are all popular beliefs with no actual supporting evidence of any kind. Currently supported by the modern establishment (that doesn't make them true or real)

The fact you can't see that, merely reflects on your personal belief system.

Your fantasy/reality/beliefs aren't any more valid than a person who believes in God or magic ............ merely different.

You have no idea whatsoever.

The possibility of aliens is supported by mathematical probability and the sheer size of the universe.

Telepathy? Just a theory, nobody believes in it!

Time Travel. A theoretical possibility

Evolution!!!!. No supporting evidence? HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TO A MUSEUM??

Climate change? Never heard of the ice age?

Telepathy doesn't belong in there. The others are just theories are known, proven fact.

Religion has absolutely no basis to it whatsoever, none, zilch, nada. Their is NO fact in religion. It is purely a blind faith with NO supporting facts whatsoever.

As with magic. Magic might just be at times illusions and science passed of as magic but there is no magic involved.

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I'm surprised at all the venom. Magic in some form or other is involved in most of the world's major religions. Is it harmful? Yes,it can be, even fatal. Watch an aboriginal 'clever fella' in action, its scary stuff. It all depends on your belief. Thailand's population is mostly rural, hard working, and superstitious. It works for them. In the West, astrology websites are big earners, Feng Shui is big business, crucifixes, St. Christopher medals, Thai armulets are everywhere. I talk to trees and animals - am I crazy?

Many farlang coming here and believe that magic has happened when they meet a bar girl and 'fall in love' in the first 2 weeks ! magic? - and what about the poor old octopus and the last football world cup - he got every game right !! now his cousins and friends are in on the act. I see fairies in Thailand - admittedly, in some places more than others - for sure. How boring for kids, if there was no magic in the world.

Oh, I forgot about that boring, low earning, meaningless phenomenon - Harry Potter !

Quite a magical post with some sly wit...when I talk to dogs they speak back to me in some weird languages but never had a tree respond.:D

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I've often wondered about this Magic myself. I do know a lot of guys here who are controlled by a very manipulative, Bullshit Lady for want of a better word.

Two rather more rational explanation that come instantly to mind are (a) sunk investments - if you've given up your home in France, or America or wherever, you've made a massive investment (financial, social, psychological, etc) in a new life. It's very difficult for people to abandon their investments, even at extremely high losses. Other people - in this case girlfriends/wives - are able to exploit this. And (B) getting laid. Men - especially many of those who end up in Thailand - are prepared to pay a high cost to get their end away.

Apart from the Paul Daniels variety, there's no such thing as magic. People may believe in it in huge numbers but people believe in all sorts of <deleted> and that's absolutely no reason to think it's true.

And I've been on the receiving end of some stupid old bag doing black magic on me - and my wife - and we survived to tell the tale.

Have to agree.

Most old men that come here are hypnotised and overcome by the way they are suddenly incredibly attractive to women (something they've not known before) - it has nothing to do with magic..... its to do with money.

Having said that, I've no doubt at all that anyone who believes the superstitions will be influenced by them.

For Westerners who have grown up in a more scientific society, magic is just an excuse - for the mistakes they've made and, more importantly will continue to make....:rolleyes:

Edited by F1fanatic
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Are magic and spells real? Sure they are, if you believe in them. How strong is this magic……As strong as your belief it to be?

Personally I wish all this <deleted> was true, and then I could go native and blame my mistakes on to someone putting cures on me, so it’s not my fault!

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Are magic and spells real? Sure they are, if you believe in them. How strong is this magic……As strong as your belief it to be?

Personally I wish all this <deleted> was true, and then I could go native and blame my mistakes on to someone putting cures on me, so it’s not my fault!

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Superstitious claptrap fed to the uneducated gullible by manipulating power hungry control freaks.

That's exactly what I said to my daughter when she asked what Father Christmas was going to bring her this year. She was quite distraught.

Maybe I should have waited a year until she's 7. :D

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There are many on here that don't believe and you are free to think that.

But to name call and make others look stupid for wondering what is out there, is wrong IMO.

Many on here that don't believe in God have very bitter and their comments seem very angry towards those that do have a belief in God.

Makes sense why so many are hanging around in LOS if they don't believe in god.

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Superstitious claptrap fed to the uneducated gullible by manipulating power hungry control freaks.

To some, you, perhaps will never experience something rather unusual, but for some who have experienced stuff even before coming to LOS, we have an open mind. Never dismiss something you have not personally experienced but others have. :huh:

Very well said. ..and without an open mind there are no new ideas. A few years ago my wife took me to see a forest monk in Isaan who is known as a healer. An old ankle injury was giving me a lot of pain, and medications only gave short term relief. He made me stand in the hot sun near his temple while he sprinkled water over me and chanted. This process was repeated over 3 days. He didn't expect any donations. Throughout the 3 days I had no expectations of a cure and I was carefully monitoring my own psychological reactions. However, I was aware from seeing healers work in other countries of what they could do.

Outcome ? whatever he did, there was no pain for several years later, and nothing else like diet, exercise, lifestyle had changed. I remain open minded, and grateful for the experience.

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Yes this all sounds very familiar, a mate of mine was found dead by his wife, she found him in the morning. During the previous night she had "visitations" from her then living husband explaining that when he passed on, rather than a normal funeral and letting the authorities know etc, he would prefer to be chopped up into 6 peices placed into plastic bags and then deposited all around the property where no-one could ever find him?

Sounds superstitious I know but we've been living together very well ever since and she's a lovely women, has a big house, toyota vigo hilux etc.,

Edited by enyaw
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Magic is very strong, especially in the North, Chiang Mai is well known for its powerful magicians and magic tattoos.

Adding items to a mans food is fairly common, menstrual blood from a woman is believed to force a man to love the woman (a smear added to a drink or food while you are not looking)

Tattoos made by magicians to attract money from men.

Worship of Buddha and asking for wishes of power over people or bad luck and illness.

It pretty much all happens and is very common.

Does it work, the Thais believe it does.

Not quite sure why you have attracted so many weirdos to your post ......... time of night maybe!

No more silly or daft as believeing in a God .

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There are many on here that don't believe and you are free to think that.

But to name call and make others look stupid for wondering what is out there, is wrong IMO.

Many on here that don't believe in God have very bitter and their comments seem very angry towards those that do have a belief in God.

Makes sense why so many are hanging around in LOS if they don't believe in god.

Wondering what is out there is NOT a problem but inventing a God for me is.

The problem is i can believe the moon is made of chocolate inside but there is no proof it isnt so therefore I can believe it. PS its a special chocolate not ordinary thats why it can be there and nothing you tell me wil change my mind even if I dig a holeto the centre of the moon and show you.

Its a belief there is nothing to back it up and that for me makes it ridiculous, yet people will kill me if I say its not true.

Should you respect my chocolate belief? and then at what point do you say to me it's rubbish??? This is how I see all religions.

Edited by travelmann
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I am willing to submit to a Thaivisa first.

In the interests of objectivity I invite any curse or wishing of good fortune on myself and shall post here any unexpected good or bad luck that should befall me.

Assuming of course I'm still alive to tell the tale :D

Blimey! Wasn't expecting to report back so quickly but to the person who may have wished me good luck thanks.

Out on my cycle ride this morning I saw a drop dead college girl slowly dismount her Honda Click revealing gorgeous long slim brown legs and a tantalising glimpse of white panties :)

To anyone who wished me bad luck please note that being distracted in such a way I clipped a raised catseye in the road and suffered a rear wheel puncture :angry:

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I am willing to submit to a Thaivisa first.

In the interests of objectivity I invite any curse or wishing of good fortune on myself and shall post here any unexpected good or bad luck that should befall me.

Assuming of course I'm still alive to tell the tale :D

Blimey! Wasn't expecting to report back so quickly but to the person who may have wished me good luck thanks.

Out on my cycle ride this morning I saw a drop dead college girl slowly dismount her Honda Click revealing gorgeous long slim brown legs and a tantalising glimpse of white panties :)

To anyone who wished me bad luck please note that being distracted in such a way I clipped a raised catseye in the road and suffered a rear wheel puncture :angry:

That would be 'drop dead Gorgeous college Girl' Hopefully :D

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I am willing to submit to a Thaivisa first.

In the interests of objectivity I invite any curse or wishing of good fortune on myself and shall post here any unexpected good or bad luck that should befall me.

Assuming of course I'm still alive to tell the tale :D

Blimey! Wasn't expecting to report back so quickly but to the person who may have wished me good luck thanks.

Out on my cycle ride this morning I saw a drop dead college girl slowly dismount her Honda Click revealing gorgeous long slim brown legs and a tantalising glimpse of white panties :)

To anyone who wished me bad luck please note that being distracted in such a way I clipped a raised catseye in the road and suffered a rear wheel puncture :angry:

That would be 'drop dead Gorgeous college Girl' Hopefully :D

LOL, yes, head still spinning from impure thoughts ;)

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beside aren' the citizens of this country most followers of the buddhist tenents and claim to be staunch believers in this faith?

And then believing, practicing, allowing, condoning "black magic"? :rolleyes:

Isn't there a conflict somewhere, if not something fundamentally wrong, at least some people are badly misguided, fooled?

Aren't specially monks of the buddhist faith involved in doing all this stuff, magic amulets, tattoos, spells?

I, on my behalf wouldn;t ever considerto gonear someonedoingthis and pretending to bea follower of the Buddhist teachings - it's morbid and tells a lot about this special part of the fabric of society!

"black magic" means to do something behind someones back to cause harm or force luck, love... nam it... if it is intended to cause harmthen it's the worst kind of deceit, "backstabbing", nasty stuff I wouldn't want to have a person supporting it onlhy by thought or believe around me - especially NOT as my wife or lover, cause I could never trust her or be sure of her intentions!

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beside aren' the citizens of this country most followers of the buddhist tenents and claim to be staunch believers in this faith?

And then believing, practicing, allowing, condoning "black magic"? :rolleyes:

Isn't there a conflict somewhere, if not something fundamentally wrong, at least some people are badly misguided, fooled?

Aren't specially monks of the buddhist faith involved in doing all this stuff, magic amulets, tattoos, spells?

I, on my behalf wouldn;t ever considerto gonear someonedoingthis and pretending to bea follower of the Buddhist teachings - it's morbid and tells a lot about this special part of the fabric of society!

"black magic" means to do something behind someones back to cause harm or force luck, love... nam it... if it is intended to cause harmthen it's the worst kind of deceit, "backstabbing", nasty stuff I wouldn't want to have a person supporting it onlhy by thought or believe around me - especially NOT as my wife or lover, cause I could never trust her or be sure of her intentions!

Well put

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There are many on here that don't believe and you are free to think that.

But to name call and make others look stupid for wondering what is out there, is wrong IMO.

Many on here that don't believe in God have very bitter and their comments seem very angry towards those that do have a belief in God.

Makes sense why so many are hanging around in LOS if they don't believe in god.

Where is the name calling? There is none is there?

People have just stated their opinion that it is all nonsense, an opinion that I personally share. If you don't like this opinion then tough. However, If people are going to have a blind faith in something that has absolutely no supporting evidence in it's favour and despite the enormous amount of hard physical evidence against it, then they are going to leave themselves open to ridicule.

Ask yourself this, if magic worked then why do we not all use it? If magic worked, why is there not a witch doctor down the road who can fix my bad back for me? If magic worked, why is there so much poverty in the world? The same can be said for gods and religion.

To say us atheists/agnostics are all close minded is simply not true. Many of us, myself included, are open to the possibility of there being something else only there is no evidence of it. Much more close minded are the creationists who discount science for their own dogmatic beliefs despite the evidence presented to them. Science does not discount religion yet religion absolutely discounts science.

Show me one shred if evidence of the existence of god, the underworld or magic. Just one tiny little iota of evidence and I'll <deleted>. Is there ANYTHING at all, we have had over 2,000 years so there must surely be SOMETHING right?


Edited by Moonrakers
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There are many on here that don't believe and you are free to think that.

But to name call and make others look stupid for wondering what is out there, is wrong IMO.

Many on here that don't believe in God have very bitter and their comments seem very angry towards those that do have a belief in God.

Makes sense why so many are hanging around in LOS if they don't believe in god.

Where is the name calling? There is none is there?

People have just stated their opinion that it is all nonsense, an opinion that I personally share. If you don't like this opinion then tough. However, If people are going to have a blind faith in something that has absolutely no supporting evidence in it's favour and despite the enormous amount of hard physical evidence against it, then they are going to leave themselves open to ridicule.

Ask yourself this, if magic worked then why do we not all use it? If magic worked, why is there not a witch doctor down the road who can fix my bad back for me? If magic worked, why is there so much poverty in the world? The same can be said for gods and religion.

To say us atheists/agnostics are all close minded is simply not true. Many of us, myself included, are open to the possibility of there being something else only there is no evidence of it. Much more close minded are the creationists who discount science for their own dogmatic beliefs despite the evidence presented to them. Science does not discount religion yet religion absolutely discounts science.

Show me one shred if evidence of the existence of god, the underworld or magic. Just one tiny little iota of evidence and I'll <deleted>. Is there ANYTHING at all, we have had over 2,000 years so there must surely be SOMETHING right?


I've always said that if there is a God, I'll spit in his eye come judgement day. How dare that God allow murder, torture, poverty etc. etc.!

Buddhism always seemed like a 'good' belief system to me - until I came to Thailand, where it has been twisted beyond belief - Buddah must be turning in his grave.

Black magic etc.? If you believe someone has cursed you - then it will probably work.

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