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Paypal To Thai Bank Account ?

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Anyone using Paypal in Thailand and withdrawing money down to Thai Bank ? Any problems with Paypal/Thailand ? and how long does it usually take for the funds to hit the Thai Bank ?

Any feedback or comments appreciated....Thanks

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I have had issues, i think you could do it ok if your in the UK and send to Thai Paypal account, if your in Thailand and do it you will have a problem, even if you try using a UK proxy, Paypal seems to be able to spot them. I spoke with paypal and was to open an account in Thailand with a Thai bank card if i wanted to use over here, thats what i did

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I have had issues, i think you could do it ok if your in the UK and send to Thai Paypal account, if your in Thailand and do it you will have a problem, even if you try using a UK proxy, Paypal seems to be able to spot them. I spoke with paypal and was to open an account in Thailand with a Thai bank card if i wanted to use over here, thats what i did

I have already opened a Paypal acount in Thailand using Thai Bank card/details etc with no problem, but i havnt actually drawn any money down yet. It appears as though the Paypal account is handled in the US. I just wondered if anyone had any problems actually receiving funds and how long it took from withdraw to receive into the Thai account.

Edited by CharlieH
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I have a paypal account that was set up in Thailand

Using a Thai address and a Thai bank account - Bank of Bangkok

and have had no issues

Money takes 4 business days on average to transfer to your account

if you withdraw on Monday morning, usually in your bank account

Friday of same week

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For further info: http://www.google.co.th/search?q=paypal+site%3Athaivisa.com

I've had no problems withdrawing my Paypal money to Kasikorn, Bangkok Bank, Ayudhya and USB? (the one that used to be Bank of Asia)

I'm also able to fund my Paypal account using a Kasikorn via their online banking facility's "virtual VISA card", but you must set this up with a separate Paypal account - you just request a payment from one email address to the other, make the payment like it's between two separate people.

Works a charm, pretty minor fees especially for relatively small amounts compared to any other way I've seen - definitely the way to go sending spending money to friends and relations overseas.

However I wouldnt' keep big balances in Paypal itself, seen too many horror stories of frozen accounts.

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I use PayPal to K-Bank. My average is 6 days to have the money. Worth noting that if your PayPal payments are on US$ or other currency you have to exchange into THB before you transfer, and can only transfer to a THB account.

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For further info: http://www.google.co...%3Athaivisa.com

I've had no problems withdrawing my Paypal money to Kasikorn, Bangkok Bank, Ayudhya and USB? (the one that used to be Bank of Asia)

I'm also able to fund my Paypal account using a Kasikorn via their online banking facility's "virtual VISA card", but you must set this up with a separate Paypal account - you just request a payment from one email address to the other, make the payment like it's between two separate people.

Works a charm, pretty minor fees especially for relatively small amounts compared to any other way I've seen - definitely the way to go sending spending money to friends and relations overseas.

However I wouldnt' keep big balances in Paypal itself, seen too many horror stories of frozen accounts.


I have now got the answer to my question, what a <deleted> NIGHTMARE ! I intorduced paypal onto my website, obviously quite busy given the time of year with christmas etc, opened the account using Kasikorn account/debit card no issues until I tried to withdraw some money...........account and assets frozen !!!!!............have spent all morning jumping through hoops and providing everything bar a urine sample and DNA.

Copy of Passport

Proof of Address

Proof on Suppliers

Copy of invoices from suppliers

Utility bill (2)

Company Registration

Business model

copy of bank book

copy of bank card

website address

website registration

and all this just so I can refund the money back to the purchasers and close the dam_n thing. Thats right REFUND not take out out, you cant do anything until they get exactly what they want.

WORST DECISION I EVER MADE.............as I have seen in other places "Paypal Sucks"

Ok, it's all sorted now, they have the info and there may be legitimate reasons but personally I find it totally unwarranted and the tactics employed leave alot to be desired. The stress, embarrassment with customers and multiple long distance phone calls needed to sort this out was unreal and something I never want to go through again, ACCOUNT CLOSED ! (rant over :))

Now I have all the emails to send to probably LOST customers explaining it all. Atleast they have the refund which is the most important to me.

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I am implying that the problem is you, not paypal. What were you selling.

Not that its any of your business, but it was a standard small household item, sold to in this instance Canada/US/Germany/Australia.The website and service has been running for 4 years without any issues from anyone. The payment gateway in place has never had any issues EVER. I just decided to add Paypal at the request of a few customers as an alternative method to help them.

What are you a Paypal Rep ?

You should go read http://www.paypalsucks.com/

perhaps all these people are at fault too couldnt possibly be Paypal could it ? :whistling:

Edited by CharlieH
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I have heard only horror stories about pay-pal as well. My own aren't too bad yet, but they will never have the chance to get there.

Pay pal f-up #1 - Paypal says " we need to verify your credit card. We will put a small charge on it, 70 baht, and after verification, will credit it back to your card." I said ok. Guess what. Now Paypal says I have a balance of 70 baht. I don't want a fkin balance of 70 baht!!!!!!! I want you to credit it BACK TO MY CREDIT CARD LIKE YOU SAID YOU WOULD!

I looked at withdrawing it. Guess what. IT'S BELOW THE MINIMUM AMOUNT YOU CAN MAKE A WITHDRAW FOR !!!!!!!!!!!!! HA HA HA HA GREAT!!!!!!!LOVIN IT

and then number 2#, just weird, I bid on an ebay item that accepted paypal only, and when I was finished with all the crap, it said : paypal accounts in Asia not accepted" <deleted>????

Account closed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope they enjoy my 70 baht

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I am implying that the problem is you, not paypal. What were you selling.

Not that its any of your business, but it was a standard small household item, sold to in this instance Canada/US/Germany/Australia.The website and service has been running for 4 years without any issues from anyone. The payment gateway in place has never had any issues EVER. I just decided to add Paypal at the request of a few customers as an alternative method to help them.

What are you a Paypal Rep ?

You should go read http://www.paypalsucks.com/

perhaps all these people are at fault too couldnt possibly be Paypal could it ? :whistling:

Why not just supply them everything that they have asked for?

I run multiple PP accounts and make sure everything is ready to send them during the time of the inevitable 'Account Restriction'

Send them everything they ask for (even if you have to change a few bits here and there in PS) and they will open your account.

If you can't provide them with all they ask, then I would have to say 1 of 2 things;

1) You are up to no good

2) You need to learn how to side step the rules when you are indeed up to no good!

Send me a nice PM and I'll let you in on a few secrets.

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I am implying that the problem is you, not paypal. What were you selling.

Not that its any of your business, but it was a standard small household item, sold to in this instance Canada/US/Germany/Australia.The website and service has been running for 4 years without any issues from anyone. The payment gateway in place has never had any issues EVER. I just decided to add Paypal at the request of a few customers as an alternative method to help them.

What are you a Paypal Rep ?

You should go read http://www.paypalsucks.com/

perhaps all these people are at fault too couldnt possibly be Paypal could it ? :whistling:

Why not just supply them everything that they have asked for?

I run multiple PP accounts and make sure everything is ready to send them during the time of the inevitable 'Account Restriction'

Send them everything they ask for (even if you have to change a few bits here and there in PS) and they will open your account.

If you can't provide them with all they ask, then I would have to say 1 of 2 things;

1) You are up to no good

2) You need to learn how to side step the rules when you are indeed up to no good!

Send me a nice PM and I'll let you in on a few secrets.

Thank you for your thoughts and the offer of a "side-bar" :)

but if you read my posting it actually says "all sorted now, they have the info" I did provide everything they asked for as i am running perfectly legitimately and have nothing to hide and have been for over 4 years but that doesnt detract from the hassle of having to sort it all out and jump through there hoops. make long distance phone calls emails etc. In my experience once this happens it will keep happening and its stress and inconvenience I can definately do without. Who needs the email "account limited/suspended " etc ....when there is a substantial amount of money in there and you are trying to run a business.

I did what they asked so that I could proceed and refund everyone and close the dam_n thing. you cant even close or refund until they have what they want you cant do a dam_n thing. I have read of others where they are told to re-apply for there own money after 6 months!!! no interest no discussion. The stories I have read about others today have been frightening to say the least. if you have time I would urge anyone to go read some of the items at the link I gave above to Paypalsucks.com

All I did was try to help some customers with an alternative method of payment but it was an intersting learning experience that I do not care to repeat for anyone.

Although they wouldnt explain why I suspect the whole thing was triggered because too much went in too quickly which was fine until I wanted to take it out........then the restriction came......and the rest as they say is history............well that describes them now...HISTORY and good riddens.

Edited by CharlieH
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I just setup a Paypal account for our project here, using our Bangkok Bank account. We entered our Visa Debit card info into Paypals Add bank, but they wanted the CVS code to verify it. Now, BB Visa Debit card doesn't really have a CVS code, only a 3 digit code on the back next to your signature.

We can only recieve now, but as far as sending, forget it.

What is some possible solutions to getting around this?

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I just setup a Paypal account for our project here, using our Bangkok Bank account. We entered our Visa Debit card info into Paypals Add bank, but they wanted the CVS code to verify it. Now, BB Visa Debit card doesn't really have a CVS code, only a 3 digit code on the back next to your signature.

We can only recieve now, but as far as sending, forget it.

What is some possible solutions to getting around this?

Call the bank, they should be able to give you a number.

Or...... Get a new card. The new cards do have the cvs code on the bank.

I've been using a personal paypal account for a while and not once had a problem. I also have a moneybookers account which is quicker, but paypal is cheaper.

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