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Alternative To Wdtv Live


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Been using the WDTV for a while and in general its been brilliant, terrific value for the money.

However after the last 2 firmware upgrades it seems to be getting worse and worse for freezing and buffering mid playback. I understand that there are other factors at play like network and kids messing around with my computer, but anyway I'd like to look at alternatives.....so, what are the alternatives?!...Boxee Box?....dont know.....anyone?

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I've been very happy with my AC Ryan PlayOnHD for the last 9 months. I had one of the original non live WD TV boxes but the HDMI handshaking with my Onyko receiver meant powering the receiver on and off sometimes to get a picture so I gave it away and got the PlayOnHD and fitted a 1TB hard disk.

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Hi Op,

I have the WD tv live and to date no freezing or buffering problems, however I have not upgraded the firmware, i figured if it aint broke don't fix it ( It did what i needed right out of the box). I did pick up an Asus oplay at pantip to put in another room, and It does pretty much everything the WD can do and a bit more. The Oplay has WIFI, 1080p however even though it says subtitles, I have not been able to get it to recognize thai fonts not sure if the language support has been added to date.

If you need Thai fonts, hold off on the Oplay as to date I have not been able to figure out the font issue. If anyone has any ideas let me know. I have zero issues with my WD TVLIVE


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Don't know that much about these things but I was in Fortune Town last week with a friend who bought the new Xstreamer Pro around 8,000 baht with a one terabite HD you can also install two hard drives (one for him one for the kids) while we were there they sold 5 in about twenty minutes. Further along they had the new WD Live Hub for 7,700 baht.

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I like my WD HD TV Live so far.. and the last two firmware upgrades haven't affected it in a negative way that I can tell.

Yet.. I've been thinking about getting the new WD TV Live Hub with its built in terabyte of storage. The price is right and it sure provides a lot of function.

Presently my WD HD TV Live feeds off my NAS.. where my torrents get dumped. But with the WD TV Live Hub, you get NAS function built in.

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I purchased an Apacer AL 460 digital media player at Tesco Lotus a couple of months ago for approximately Bt. 3300.

Full 1080P. Plays almost everything and no issues with DTS as some players have.

It has the capability to stream wireless from the computer but like many other manufacturers, they don't list compatible USB wireless units. They manufacture their own 100% compatible USB wireless dongle but it is not yet sold in Thailand. I solved this problem by having a friend bring one from Australia, where it sells for approximately Bt.1200. It will arrive mid-December.

This will save me from disconnecting my 1.5 Terabyte external drive from the computer and connecting it to the Apacer. I can also use a USB thumbdrive to move files to the player. There are 2 USB inputs, one of which will be taken up by the wireless USB dongle, leaving one free for use by a thumbdrive.

Tesco also had the Buffalo player for about Bt. 3600 and the WDTV mini for just under Bt. 2000.

Apacer also has the AL 760 which can download torrents itself, but i don't know if it is available in Thailand.

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Looks like I had the same problems with my WD Tv Life and was also close to through it out of the window. When I started it, it took forever to come up with the list of movies in my WD hard disk attached and during play back it froze often.

It just happened that I had to change my TV set and I bought a Samsung LED, which has several USB ports. So I attached my WD hard disk directly to the TV set and play back the movies with the software built in the TV set. No need for a WD TV Life anymore. Anyone interested in it?

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