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How To I Become A Real Estate Agent


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I WOULD love to become a Real Estate agent not necessarily in Pattaya but mostly Pattaya.

I met a few lovely real estate agents but never had the audacity to pry into their lives.

If I was to become one,do lease management etc,what courses/education should I train in ?

Do real estate agents farang have "real estate worker visa" ?

I am very honest so i think i could do this,however im not sure how to do a business start up,what training i would need etc.

Do you think its a full time business ?

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You would need undoubtedly a smack around the head with a shovel in the mornings to awaken you,then a sort of rain dance getting to fever pitch with your other selling partners that is to believe the unbelievable.

A title is good for a start, sort of Pattaya International Investment Solutions PIIS ( piss for short) we are the golden ones would do

A picture of yourself looking important in say the Pattaya Trader mouthing off some absurb junk too.

A new addition to the stock is conveying the word by steam radio,one local station is already attracting attention by just doing this,an audience of three is immediately down to one as soon as the broadcast starts and that is because the person has forgotten to switch his radio off as a matter of urgency as a knocking shop awaits.

Now this can be compensated for by the knocking shop being fitted out with steam radio and listening into the exclusive deals being revealed,2 for the price of 1, BOGOF,buy 3 get it for the price of two,now that would get audiences up into the thousands

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Why not go the whole hog and become a real estate developer? All you need is access to dodgy funds, so you aren't worried about making a genuine profit, just cleaning the money up a bit, then build like crazy, selling for what you can get, regardless of market conditions. I'm sure this has NEVER happened in Pattaya though. :blink:

Or as some other developers have done in the past couple of tough years (again I'm sure NOT here :ermm: )- pump and dump - pump your ridiculous real estate scheme, then when you hit adverse trading conditions, dump all your initial, gullible investors, and sell the land on to somebody else, leaving them all out of pocket.

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The estate agents I have encountered I would hardly describe as "lovely" Quite the opposite. I assume they do not have work permits, and they choose to try to sell/rent properties by attempting to give totally false and misleading information quite apart from quoting grossly inflated and ludicrous prices. I soon learnt to avoid these creatures rather like the plague. At least there may be a 'cure' for the latter.

Edited by homeseeker
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In UK you don't need any qualification to operate as an estate agent and as most that I've met here are Brits I assume they don't have any qualifications or training.

There is a 3 year university course in UK in Estate Managment that the likes of the big boys would presumably require you to have (CBRE, Savills, Frank Knight) but otherwise some patter, a wide tie and a trilby would be a good start.

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did you say your very honest------------your not suitable sorry

But then he could have already read the Pattaya Real Estate manual which means anything he say's or writes may not be true...whistling.gif

Edited by Basil B
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1, go to Big C and get some cards printed up with your mobile number as contact and have your title as 'property consultant'

2, go and pay key money for some big commercial unit that needs renovating, tie yourself in for at least 3 years!

3, pay more in renovations to that building than your studio apartment is worth that you live in/probably rent!

4, download some listings off another real estate agents website or as some of them have done just download the database of listings from their previous employer, stick them up in your windows for the tyre kickers and window shoppers, also put stuff in there thats too good to be true as that will increase traffic through your door and you can say 'sorry that ones has gone, but we have this one....'

5, Take out advertising in all major publications and on the local regurgitated T.V where some Mr Burns from the simpsons lookalike who has a great head for radio but thats about it is on there constantly babbling...he will also sign you up for a 1 year contract that you cannot break and when you do threaten you with his police connections!

6, by now you will be feeling some heat from your competitiors who have probably grassed you up for no work permit.....so go fork out for one of them (probably about 100k baht for the privilege)

7, sit in your shop fully legal and wait for the punters to roll in......:jap:

moral of that story is, 1, at least your cards were cheap 2&3 at least the nice man you paid all that money to gets his commercial property renovated and it looks suay suay, 4&5, you've made some enemies, 6, you done all that for zero return, 7, you can log onto TV at your leisure and have plenty of time for the internet :lol:

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I read on another thread that all the business brokers in Pattaya are closing down to become estate agents. It seems that those devious Russians only hang around semi-naked outside the 7-11's drinking large bottles of Leo to make us think they are poor. Secretly there is a HUGE property boom going on and these guys are all multi zillionaires buying up every condo, villa and shophouse they can find.

So to the OP, you're probably too late, I suggest that NOW is the time to get training as a business broker and replace all those grifters who are trying to muscle in on the astounding boom in Pattaya property! </sarcasm>

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Hey Action,

I saw in a recent version of one of the local papers (I think it was Pattaya People) there was an ad for the CTLS Language School saying that they had new classes planning to be rolled out soon and eligible for Student Visa Status - one of these was how to become a Real Estate Agent in Thailand. I don't see anything on their website yet but you might try giving them a call to see when the classes will actually start.

Website is www dot tlslanguageschool dot com.

Good luck!


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